
Rhituparna Chakraborty
3 min readSep 12, 2024





It was an ‘annaprashan’ invitation of her mother’s friend’s grandson. Riya was 21 years old then. She and her mother went to the event as Riya’s dad had to go to office and Riya’s brother was out of town anyway for the past couple of years for his higher studies and then job.

Riya took the day off because it had been ages since she had stepped out for social functions and she loved these social gatherings. Reason being, she is a chatter box, she loved making friends and she loved laughing and making others laugh.

Now, in the event, while her mom got busy talking to her friend, Riya felt someone looking at her. She threw a glance over her shoulder and found that there was this immensely good looking guy throwing glances at her. Riya was floored. Well, Riya had been single all her school life, college life and now at this stage, at her postgraduation life, she hoped someone would perhaps admire her, perhaps propose her to be his girlfriend and perhaps she would go on dates and eventually tell her parents and there would be chaos and drama at home ‘WHAT!!! LOVE MARRIAGE! NO!!!!!FORGET THAT GUY! YOU WILL MARRY THE GUY WE CHOOSE FOR YOU!’

Her heart and brain ruminated on those dreams and thoughts as she saw the handsome guy looking at her again and again. ‘Ooohh what a beautiful day! Grateful that I. accompanied Maa to this event’, she told herself.’

Just then, Riya’s mom called her to introduce her to someone. Riya’s mom told Riya, ‘He is Namit Sharma Uncle, he is Smita Aunty’s elder brother.’ Riya greeted the Uncle with a ‘Namaste.’ As Riya was talking to the uncle, she still felt those glances from the handsome young guy touching her heart. And true that, the guy kept on looking at Riya even when she was talking to the uncle. And then suddenly, something even more magical happened, the uncle looked at that handsome guy and gestured him to come. When he came, he gave a warm smile to my mom and me. The uncle patted the guy’s back and said ‘Meet Krish. He is an ophthalmologist.’ Riya’s heart melted. ‘Handsome, intelligent and what not!! ‘The uncle then continued ‘He is the one managing abc eye clinic. Very good doctor.’ Riya was melting more and more. The uncle then said and ‘He is my youngest …..’, Riya’s. heart was ready, she knew what the uncle was going to say . This guy is his youngest son. Oooohhh. And then the uncle continued ‘This guy is my youngest ‘ Son in law.’

‘SON IN LAW’!!!!!!!!! Riya looked at uncle dumbfounded. She looked at the guy stunned. He stole his eyes away from her, while Riya looked at him with fire in her eyes, her teeth chattering and her entire body quivering in anger. Her entire dream of the drama of love marriage, fighting with parents for this handsome guy, and then having her way, ground into dust. The uncle then looked at Riya and. said ‘You have glasses, you can get laser surgery done at Krish’s hospital. Riya found herself saying loudly in her mind ‘I would rather go blind than get laser surgery done by him. If he knew he was a “son in law” why the hell did he behave as a “Son” without the “in law” tagged to his identity. He is not D for Doctor, he is D for Dragon, who mercilessly burns hearts.’

Well that was the end of Love at first sight. And after that episode whenever a handsome guy looked at Riya, she would tell herself, ‘Must be someone’s eldest or youngest son in law.’ Riya had an arrange marriage. No Drama, no chaos, no dates, only gyaan. Riya only listened to the gyaan and did nothing and continues to do nothing about the gyaans received.



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