The Reminder Machine
Anuja was a forgetful soul. There was nothing under the sun that she could remember. Well, that seems like an exaggeration, and it is somewhat so, but the fact still remains that she tends to forget things. For example, the other day, she had almost forgotten her handkerchief in school. Two days ago, she had almost forgotten her lunchbox at home. Yesterday she had a class test and she had almost forgotten to refill her pen. However, the best part here is, the term ‘almost forgotten’. It simply means, she almost forgets stuff, however, somehow she gets those ‘almost forgotten’ things with her.
15 year old Anuja had moved to this new town a year ago. She became friends with her classmate Riya, who is now her best friend. During lunch Riya and Anuja shared each other’s lunch box. Riya loved the food Anuja used to get to school. Today Anuja had got Egg Sandwich. Riya asked, ‘You always get such delicious lunch. Your mom is a superb chef. Anuja smiled and said, ‘Yes she is.’ ‘By the way, you forgetful lady, how come you never forget your lunch box or water bottle, your pen, your books?’ Anuja laughed and said, ‘ My mom reminds me.’ ‘Hahaha,What would you do without your mom. Mommy’s pet’, laughed Riya. Anuja too laughed and said, ‘Yeah right. What would I do without my mom.’ ‘By the way, when are you going to invite me for lunch at your home to taste your mom’s delicious recipes?’, Riya asked while munching the sandwich. Anuja smiled warmly and said, ‘You are welcome anytime, but, if you are looking for an invitation, come over tomorrow. It’s a holiday.’
Riya rang the doorbell of Anuja’s home. Anuja’s dad opened the door. Riya could hear utensils clinging and could smell delectable fragrance emanating from the kitchen. Anuja’s dad welcomed Riya and offered her a seat in the living room. Anuja came out. She had a skimmer in her hand. She smiled warmly and said, ‘ I am cooking. You talk to papa for sometime. I will join you in a bit.’ Riya said, ‘ Let me come to the kitchen as well.’ Riya went to the kitchen. Anuja was busy cooking. She could not see Anuja’s mom in the kitchen. Riya exclaimed, ‘Don’t tell me you are cooking!!! I mean, I thought you don’t know how to cook.’ Anuja laughed and said, ‘I know how to cook because my mom guides me. The recipes are hers.’ With the vent fan sound on, Riya was unable to hear what Anuja is saying. She thought she might as well go and sit with Anuja’s dad and mom. Her mom must be in the bathroom. Once she joins, all of them can have a nice chat. Anuja’s dad was a wonderful person. Riya asked him, ‘ Where is Aunty? I want to meet her. Anuja gets such wonderful lunch. Anuja says they are all Aunty’s recipe.’ Anuja’s dad looked at Riya for straight two minutes. Riya did not realise what was happening. Anuja’s dad said in a sombre tone, ‘Anuja had lost her mother two years ago.’ Riya froze there. She was shocked. Shivering, she said, ‘But uncle, Anuja told me Aunty reminds her everything, she is the one who guides her in cooking.’ Anuja’s dad took off his glasses and said, ‘Yes, she says that to me too. And to some extent I am bound to believe that wherever Anuja is, her mom’s presence is there. The other day, it was scorching hot, Anuja had nearly forgotten her umbrella. However, there was a noisy “thud” in the bedroom just when Anuja was about to leave for school. Anuja rushed inside and saw that the umbrella had fallen off from the shelf above. She had said, “Thanks mom!” and had rushed to school. Not just that, she likes eating, but she never knew how to cook. It seems Anuja talks to some invisible entity. She became a perfect cook in a matter of a month.’ Riya was still shivering. Anuja came out of the kitchen smiling and said, ‘Lunch is served. Come, let’s eat.’ Riya had lost her appetite, but the food was of such ambrosial taste, that she devoured every morsel of it. When Riya was about to leave for home after lunch, Anuja hugged her tight and said, ‘Thanks for coming my buddy’. Riya too hugged her tight. Suddenly something fell in the dining room. Anuja told Riya, ‘Hey, wait a minute, that’s mom. I must have forgotten something. Let me get it.’ Riya looked at Anuja’s dad. He just nodded his head and asked her to be calm. Anuja went to the dining room like a storm and came back running, ‘There there, I told you I had forgotten something. Mom reminded me. I had got you this gift. I had packed it nicely. I knew I would forget, but then, mom, my reminder machine is there. It’s a bracelet. Wear it and send me a picture, okay?’ Riya took the gift with quivering hands and went home. Anuja looked at her dad and said, ‘There dad, have this medicine. This had also fallen off from the shelf. Mom reminded me to give it to you. Otherwise you will forget. I will get you a glass of water.’ Anuja’s dad touched Anuja’s head and said, ‘ I miss your mom.’ Anuja smiled and said, ‘She is here in this house dad. You just need to feel her presence. After all she is my mom and my reminder machine.’