Sukhi came to the hospital haggard and worn out. Well, being a doctor was not easy. With the pandemic soaring and patients everywhere, the condition of doctors was distressing. With dark circles underneath her eyes and her skin tanned to the core because of the heat, Sukhi looked super exhausted. She came and sat in the doctors’ room. Yawning, she took out a comb and went to the mirror adjacent to the table. She combed her hair. She looked at herself. Sukhi was 28 years old. For her height, she felt she was short. 5 feet 3 inches. She was skinny as well. She had dusky complexion. According to her, the only beautiful part of her entire body was her nose. She had a straight edged nose. She had unmanageable hair, which was always in a mess or tied into a bun. Because of her schedule she barely got time to take care of herself. Nonetheless, she would tell herself, ‘What is there to take care of myself? I will never look beautiful. As it is I am dark skinned, short with no curves, and to add to that I can’t see a thing without my glasses. So how am I supposed to look beautiful when I am not!’
She combed her hair and made an untidy bun. Her supervisor came and gave her the details of her duties today. COVID duty. Well, nothing new, but, like all the other front line workers, she was enervated to the core.
The heat was unbearable and the PPE was annoying. The weather was hot and humid and air conditioners were switched off in COVID wards. She told herself, ‘With this PPE and heat, after some days, my skin will resemble the color of coal.’ Just then her friend and colleague Aastha came. Sukhi greeted Aastha and said, ‘Hi Beautiful!’ Aastha smiled and said, ‘Hi my pretty friend.’ Sukhi laughed and said, ‘Oh come on Aastha, there is nothing “pretty” in me. As if it was not enough not to be beautiful, my parents did not even have time for a beautiful name for her child. Look at your name, “Aastha”….. such a delightful name. And look at my name, “Sukhi”. Is that even a name?’ Aastha laughed out loudly and said, ‘You are funny Sukhi, and, you are beautiful too.’ Sukhi said, ‘You say this because you are my friend. You know the truth too.’ Aastha laughed and said, ‘Yes, I know the truth and I am saying the truth. You are the sweetest creature I have ever come across.’ Sukhi smiled warmly at Aastha and said, ‘Yes, now this “sweetest creature” has the most difficult “COVID duty”’. Aastha laughed and said, ‘Thank God. I don’t have COVID Duty this week.’ Yawning, Sukhi said, ‘Yes and then for the next couple of weeks you will get back to back COVID duties. Pheww.’ Aastha sighed, ‘Yes….., what to do. After all we are doctors.’ Sukhi then waved at Aastha and said, ‘Okay then, see you. I have to attend to the patients. Need to don my PPE now.’
Aastha was also around 5 feet 3 inches tall. She was fair. She had long wavy strands of hair which she had colored burgundy. Aastha knew how to take care of herself. Be it duty or no duty, she would wear a light shade of lipstick, get her hair done in a trendy style and would wear eyeliner too. So, no matter how tired she was, she would look fresh. As a matter of fact, she was someone who could make heads turn.
Sukhi went to the COVID ward. There were a host of patients. She attended to them with patience. Sukhi was a very good doctor. She was gentle and kind. She never lost her cool no matter what.
After taking care of the patients in the COVID ward, she went to the private wards. There were very few patients in the private wards. After attending the patient in the first room, she went to the next room. The rooms were spacious and spotless. Sukhi saw the patient in the room. She went closer to him and read the file kept on the table beside his bed. The patient smiled weakly at Sukhi and sat up. Sukhi said, ‘It’s okay. Please lie down.’ The patient replied in a feeble voice, ‘I am tired of lying down. I need to straighten my back.’ Sukhi smiled back at him and said, ‘I understand. It’s not easy staying in an enclosed room all the time.’ The patient could not see her smile because of the PPE but he could hear and feel her smile. Sukhi read the details of the patient. Ahaan Khanna, 30 years old. Sukhi looked at Ahaan. Just like Sukhi, Ahaan also had a straight edged nose. His wavy hair was shoulder length long. It seemed he did not have a hair cut in ages. Could be the consequences of the pandemic. There were few strands of grey hair also. He had tiny eyes which twinkled when he smiled. His rectangular glasses were on the bedside table. As for his structure, he looked lean and tall. When he had smiled, Sukhi had observed his teeth. They were not aligned straight but he looked adorable when he smiled. Sukhi told herself, ‘Finally, something to cheer me up amidst COVID blues. This guy’s smile can surely make anyone’s day.’
Sukhi checked Ahaan’s temperature. It was high. Ahaan said in a frail voice, ‘Doctor, when will I feel better?’ Sukhi smiled and said, ‘Very soon. You will be fit as a fiddle.’ Ahaan said, ‘I beg your pardon?’ Sukhi’s voice was muffled because of the mask. She said loudly this time, ‘ I said, “Real soon”. You will be fit as a fiddle.’ Ahaan replied, ‘ I hope so too. I had never felt this weak in my entire life. This virus is crazy.’ While checking Ahaan’s oxygen level, Sukhi said, ‘Yes, this virus is insane. All the same, medical world has gathered a lot of experience by now. So, we are all amped up to make this world shoo away the corona virus, provided, people also cooperate by wearing masks and following hygiene. Ahaan nodded, ‘Hmm.’ He then asked, ‘So, what’s your name doctor?’ Sukhi went quiet for sometime. She did not like her name. But then, she had to tell Ahaan her name. She was worried about being judged by Ahaan. As it is, she felt she was not at all attractive. And, what if Ahaan did not like her name? She said, ‘Well, you know how people decide names of babies based on numerology, sun sign and all? My parents also followed that and decided on a super long name for me. However my nick name is Aastha. You can call me Aastha. Everyone, here in the hospital calls me Aastha’. Ahaan replied, ‘Hmm.’ Sukhi then helped Ahaan take the medicines and then she said ‘I will be around till 8 pm. If there is anything, tell the nurse, she will inform me. I will visit you again in the evening’. Ahaan smiled and said, ‘Sure!’.
After her rounds, Sukhi went to her room near the Nurses’ station. She took her mask off to breathe for a while. She then thought of Ahaan. Amidst all the stress, Ahaan was a breath of fresh air. His voice, his eyes, his smile, oh, he was so charming. She smiled to herself and said, ‘Well, Sukhi, this guy will never be attracted to you. Although you have started your day with a lie that your nick name is Aastha, you better tell yourself that you are not Aastha.’
Through out the day Sukhi was busy attending patients. She wanted to go visit Ahaan again but then she was too caught up with all the patients. Also, Ahaan’s health was in stable condition. His condition was better than other patients. So, Sukhi did not need to visit him at frequent intervals. During her evening rounds, she went to see Ahaan. Ahaan was fast asleep. Sukhi went and checked his temperature and oxygen level. While she did that, Ahaan woke up. He smiled at Sukhi and said, ‘Hello Doctor’. Sukhi replied, ‘Hi, how are you feeling?’ Ahaan said, ‘Not very good. I mean, I am not used to such long bouts of fever. My sense of smell has vanished. Will I ever get it back?’. Sukhi said comfortingly, ‘Yes. You will be absolutely fit and fine soon. The fever will subside. And then we will have to get the tests done again. If reports say you are ‘COVID negative’, you can go home. Ahaan then said, ‘You know Doctor, in these couple of days, I felt much better today after talking to you.’ Sukhi laughed and said, ‘Oh, thank you!’ Ahaan then said, ‘The PPE, including the mask, makes it difficult to recognize people, but it does help in connecting through wavelength.’ Sukhi replied, ‘Really?’ Ahaan said, ‘Yes, really!’ Sukhi then asked, ‘So what do you do Ahaan?’ Ahaan said, ‘I am a writer. I write fiction.’ Sukhi said, ‘That’s so cool.’ Sukhi then asked, ‘So, writing is a passion of yours, or is it something that runs in the family?’ Ahaan smiled and said, ‘No, not family heirloom. My father is a businessman. My mom is a social worker. My brother is a business management guy who manages my father’s business. I am the only one who chose the writing field.’ Sukhi said, ‘So, in your family, it’s you, your brother and your parents?’ Ahaan said, ‘Yes, four of us.’ Sukhi smiled to herself and thought, ‘So, he is single. Pheww.’
After reaching home, Sukhi took a warm shower and went to her room. Her mom Surekha came to her room with piping hot ‘aaloo paranthas’(flat breads stuffed with spiced potatoes), mango pickle and curd. She kept the food on Sukhi’s table, brushed Sukhi’s head and said, ‘My baby must be tired and famished. Come on, have this quickly.’ Sukhi was seated on the chair of the study table. Surekha stood beside her. Sukhi looked at Surekha, hugged Surekha’s tummy and said, ‘Not that tired Maa. Thanks a lot! I will have this.’ Her mom then said, ‘I and your dad have something to discuss with you. After you are done eating, come to the living room, we will talk.’ Sukhi yawned and said, ‘Not today Maa. Maybe on a day when I have the day off.’ Surekha smiled and said, ‘ Alright dear. I understand. Have your food and get some sleep.’
After Surekha left, Sukhi took her phone and searched Ahaan Khanna’s profile on social media. He was very popular. He had a host of followers. He had won quite a few prizes for his books. He was not only good looking, but also intelligent. Sukhi gazed at Ahaan’s picture and thought, ‘Why am I even stalking him? He is class apart. I don’t belong to that strata. God! Forget about everything else, just look at his name! “Ahaan!” and look at my name “Sukhi”. There is no match. I should forget him.’
However, forgetting Ahaan was the toughest part. It was difficult because Sukhi had back to back duties in COVID wards and she had to see Ahaan almost every day. Ahaan would talk to her about new topics whenever she would come to check on him. Sometimes about movies, sometimes about books, sometimes about food and sometimes about travel. One fine day, Ahaan said, ‘Well, Doctor, I always see you in your PPE. Can I ask you something? Of course, only if you don’t mind?’ Sukhi said, ‘Sure. Go ahead,’ Ahaan said, ‘So, how do you look like? I mean if I bump into you somewhere, I should know that this is Dr. Aastha.’ Sukhi thought, ‘If I tell him how I look like, he may not even talk to me ever.’ She then said, ‘Well, look for Dr. Aastha in social media. Type the name of this hospital as well. You will find me. That’s what I look like.’ Ahaan said, ‘Oh ok. Infact, I did find Dr. Aastha in social media. You have burgundy tinted hair, right?’ Sukhi hesitated and said softly, ‘Hmm.’ Ahaan then said beaming, ‘You have a beautiful smile Dr. Aastha.’ Sukhi felt a piercing pain of guilt in her soul. She replied softly, ‘Thank you!’ She then continued, ‘Since your fever has subsided and all the other reports are perfect, we will get your COVID test done tomorrow. If it is negative, you will be discharged.’ Ahaan said overjoyed, ‘Wow, that’s good news. By the way, can I send you a friend request in social media?’. Sukhi said fumbling, ‘Uh huh, well, you see, I do have a profile, but then I am not very active.’ Disappointed, Ahaan said, ‘I understand. No worries. By the way, there was a time when PPE kits used to scare me, because that reminded me of COVID struck environment. However, this one PPE and the doctor who adorns it nullified my fear. Thank you so much!’ Sukhi could cry out of happiness. These words came from the guy whom she adored. But this guy never knew that she was not that ‘Aastha’ with beautiful smile. She was someone who was not at all attractive and Ahaan liked Dr. Aastha, not Dr. Sukhi.
Ahaan was discharged from hospital the next day. Sukhi took the day off that day. She knew she will miss Ahaan and she also knew that Ahaan would look for Dr. Aastha and not Dr. Sukhi.
After a couple of days, in the hospital, Aastha told Sukhi, ‘Guess what? This super charming guy sent me friend request on social media. I checked his profile. He seemed genuine. Some Ahaan Khanna.’ Sukhi was startled. She tried to hide her expression and said calmly, ‘And what did you do?’ Aastha beamed and said, ‘What was there to do? I accepted his request and we chatted. He said he is thankful for all the care I had showered on him during his hospital stay here.’ Sukhi’s heart started pounding. Trying to control her emotions, Sukhi asked with a cool note, ‘Really?’ Aastha giggled and said, ‘Yes, really, and the funny part is, I don’t even know him. I am not going to tell him anything. I will enjoy all the attention I get. Who knows, I may end up liking him. God! Ahaan is so cool.’ Saying that Aastha chuckled. Sukhi tried to hide her disappointment and said, ‘ Well, congratulations girl! Enjoy!’ Aastha said, ‘Teehee, I never knew I will get such a genuine friend request on social media.’
Sukhi was heart broken. But, she knew, this was bound to happen. She had lied about her identity in the first place. Ahaan liked, “Aastha”. He never knew “Sukhi”. Over the days, Sukhi tried to avoid Aastha as much she could. Sukhi did not have the heart to listen to Aastha and Ahaan’s love story. Aastha was also occupied with work and her love life so much so that she barely got time to talk to Sukhi.
Days passed into months and one fine day Aastha came rushing to Sukhi in the doctors’ room and said excitedly, ‘Guess what!’ Sukhi looked at Aastha confused and said, ‘What?’ Aastha gave Sukhi a card and said, ‘I am getting married!’ Sukhi’s heart skipped a beat. She knew Aastha was getting married to Ahaan. She tried to fight back her tears and smiled and said, ‘I am so happy for you. You got the love of your life.’ Aastha beamed and said, ‘Oh yes. I never knew social media will be the medium through which I would find my love. You must come to my wedding.’ Sukhi tried to sound happy and said, ‘I will for sure.’ Deep down Sukhi knew she would never attend Aastha’s wedding. She cannot bear to see Ahaan with some other woman. She would make some excuse on the wedding day.
Sukhi wept every day. Yes, every day. She did not look at Aastha’s wedding card even once. When the D day arrived, Aastha forced Sukhi to come. Sukhi tried to make all the excuses under the sun to avoid this wedding, but she could not. Aastha ensured Sukhi was beside her throughout. When the Groom and his family were about to arrive, Sukhi told Aastha, ‘I really have to go now.’ Aastha held Sukhi’s hand tight and said, ‘No! You will have to be with me till all the wedding rituals are done. You don’t want to meet my husband-to-be?’ Sukhi said nonchalantly, ‘ N..No. I mean…..I can always meet you guys after the wedding. What’s the rush?’ Aastha said, ‘I don’t know anything. You will have to stay till all the rituals are done. Okay, if you don’t want to go downstairs to see the groom now, sit with me here in this room. Once I am asked to come downstairs for the rituals, you come with me.’ Sukhi replied wide eyed, ‘What? No! Aastha, I have duty tomorrow. I need to leave early.’ Aastha whispered sternly to Sukhi, ‘You can’t go now! Period!’
Just then Aastha’s cousins came to call Aastha downstairs for the rituals. Aastha coaxed Sukhi to come with her. Reluctantly Sukhi followed Aastha. Aastha looked at her fiance and whispered to Sukhi, ‘Hrehaan is looking so handsome!’ Sukhi looked at Aastha surprised and said, ‘ What? Who is Hrehaan?’ Aastha smiled and said, ‘You did not read my wedding card? Hrehaan is my husband- to-be, silly.’ Sukhi looked at Aastha bewildered and said, ‘But….’ Before Sukhi could say something, Aastha’s cousins came and made Aastha sit beside Hrehaan for all the wedding rituals. Sukhi looked closely. Yes, the groom was not Ahaan. Aastha saw Sukhi looking at Hrehaan. When Sukhi looked at Aastha confused, Aastha winked at Sukhi and giggled. Just then someone whispered from behind, ‘I “liked” the doctor in PPE who took such good care of me in the hospital, not anyone else.’ Amazed, Sukhi turned around. Ahaan stood there smiling. Sukhi stared at him and said, ‘Wha…’. Ahaan smiled and said, ‘Aastha was not the doctor in PPE. You were that doctor. Right?’. Sukhi stammered, ‘I…I….’ Ahaan said, ‘ Well, it barely mattered to me whether the name was “Aastha” or “Sukhi”. What mattered was the beautiful person inside the PPE who stole my heart. Couple of days after I was discharged from the hospital, I figured out that Dr. Aastha was not the one I had interacted with in the hospital. On enquiring further at the hospital, I and Aastha knew it was you. Aastha and I could not connect on any level. Our views never matched. However, my brother Hrehaan had met Aastha once when she had come over to our house for my birthday. That’s when they fell in love with each other.’ Sukhi listened to Ahaan. Everything seemed like a dream. Ahaan then asked Sukhi, ‘Aren’t you going to say something?’ Sukhi groped for words and said, ‘ I…. I am sorry Ahaan. I could never think that someone like you could like someone like me…..I mean, look at you…….’ Ahaan looked into Sukhi’s eyes and said, ‘You mean to say, I don’t match your intellectual ability? Or, do I not match your kindness? Or, am I not allowed to have an affinity towards someone so brilliant and kind like you?’ Sukhi laughed and cried at the same time and said, ‘N…no…I didn’t mean that.’ Ahaan then said, ‘So I am writing my next book. The title is, “The PPE KIT”. Will you become the heroine of my novel? However, for that, first, you will also have to become my wife. Think about it and let me know.’ Sukhi sobbed like a little baby and hugged Ahaan and said, ‘ I never knew, I will find love in “PPE kit”.’ Ahaan replied laughing, ‘Well, PPE KITs do have love stories hidden in them….’