The man who said “I love you” to her and he meant it:
With tears welled up in her eyes, Ruhi said, ‘I am going out for a while.’ He rushed up to her and said, ‘Please don’t leave me. I will come with you.’ She wiped her tears and said, ‘I will be fine. I won’t do anything wrong. Trust me. I just need a little break. I will be back in an hour.’ He could not stop his tears from flowing. He said, ‘I will wait for you. You know I love you.’ She looked at him and said, ‘Yes I know. I will be back.’ When she left, he kept on calling her. She was so upset that she did not want to talk to anyone. However, seeing his number, she answered the phone. He said, ‘When are you coming back? I am waiting for you. You know, I love you, don’t you?’ She wiped her tears and said, ‘I will be there in a while sweetheart. Can I please be alone for sometime? I promise I won’t do anything wrong.’ He replied, ‘I know you are brave. Stay strong and come back please.’ She hung up. She knew she had to go back to him.
She sat there on a bench in the footpath staring at people who were busy laughing, smiling, giggling. With every smile she saw, she missed her own smile. Her eyes were heavy and thick drops of water fell from them. She wiped them. People stared at her seeing her tiny red nose. She knew she could not sit here anymore. Reluctantly she walked back. She rang the doorbell. He walked fast and opened the door. He hugged her tight and saw her tears, ‘Oh, I knew that. You have been crying. Hang on. I will quickly get a tissue for you.’ He rushed, got a tissue and said, ‘There there, now stop being upset. Everything will be fine.’ She knelt down, cried loudly, sighing and struggling to breathe. He sat beside her, tears came gushing through his eyes and said, ‘Can you please stop crying. I can’t see you like this.’ She hugged him and cried again. He sat there with her. Just then the door bell rang. He said, ‘I will go check.’ His friends had come over. He told them, ‘I am sorry. I can’t come out with you guys now. She needs me.’ His friends coaxed him, ‘Oh come one buddy. You didn’t come yesterday as well.’ He said, ‘Please. Today, she needs me. Please.’ His friends left.
He ran to her and said, ‘ I will never leave you hurt. I asked my friends to go. Till you are fine, I will not leave you alone. I love you mom and I mean it.’ She kissed her 10 year old son and said, ‘I am glad I have a little man in my life, who says “I love you” and means it. I love you my baby. I love you…….’
Both mom and son hugged each other and forgot all about the woes and worries that made them sad.