The Karwachauth

Rhituparna Chakraborty
4 min readOct 23, 2019


Preparations were on full swing. ‘Daadi’ aka Sanghamitra Malhotra was very happy. Her grand daughter in law is here finally. She always wanted to see her grandson’s wife before the pangs of old age nabbed her. Well, she was old but very active. He daughter in law Sumitra was also her favourite. Why? Well Sanghamitra believed in rituals a lot and so did Sumitra. Right from all the ‘Poojas’ and celebrations, like ‘Diwali’, ‘Dussehra’, every ritual was celebrated in this household with great pomp, show and important rituals.

Today was a special day. The pretty new daughter in law, Rhea was here. Today was her first ‘Karwa Chauth.’ Sanghamitra and Sumitra were very orthodox when it came to completing the steps perfectly of every procedure.

Rhea was equally excited. It was her first Karwa Chauth. Her marriage with Ronit was an arranged one and Sanghamitra and Sumitra said yes to the proposal at first sight of Rhea. A girl, who would keep the family knitted was what both the women wanted. Rhea was perfect. Ronit did not have any say in the marriage. Once his ‘Daadi’ and ‘Mom’ said yes, there was no way of saying no. Well, not that he did not like Rhea. It’s just that, he had wished, there should have been some courtship period to know Rhea better. Nevertheless, it has been 10 months of marriage and they are going good.

Ronit had to go on an official trip two days ago. He is supposed to return today evening, a little early, so that Rhea can break her fast. There was hustle bustle in the entire household. It was just 8:00 am and there was the entire day before the women could eat something. Rhea had to go to the temple in the morning, as per the rituals. The driver was waiting. Rhea boarded the car and in sometime, she was there in the temple. The driver waited outside.

It was almost half an hour and Rhea did not come down. The prayers were supposed to be done in 10 minutes. The driver called up Rhea. The phone was switched off. He rushed to the temple. Rhea was nowhere to be found. He panicked. He called up the Malhotra household and informed everyone about the incident. Everyone was worried. Rhea’s phone was switched off. Ronit was out of town. Ronit’s dad ‘Yashodhan’ called up Ronit and told him about the incident. Ronit said that he was on his way and will be reaching shortly.

By 6 pm, Ronit reached. He was gasping. He told his daadi, ‘Daadi, I had received a phone call. I told dad not to inform the police. Rhea has been kidnapped. They are asking for ransom’. ‘What???’, gasped Daadi and Sumitra. ‘Yes’, said Ronit. ‘Apparently, they have taken Rhea out of Delhi. I will have to go and get her.’, continued Ronit. Daadi yelled, ‘NO! YOU CAN’T GO ALONE.’ Sumitra screamed too, ‘What an ill luck this girl has got. It’s Karwachauth today and she was kidnapped and now they want my son to go and get her.’ Yashodhan said, ‘ Stop being so immature Sumitra. We need Rhea to be safe. She is fasting for Ronit. Don’t forget that. If she is safe, Ronit is safe.’ Yashodhan then told Ronit, ‘Give the kidnappers whatever they want. Get Rhea home safe.’ Ronit just nodded and went away.

The kidnappers gave Ronit the location. Ronit reached there. Apparently Rhea was kept in a room. Ronit had to give the kidnappers the desired amount of money, before he could see Rhea. Ronit handed over the money to the kidnappers and the kidnappers gave Ronit the key to Rhea’s room and left. Ronit rushed to the room. Rhea was there. The moment she saw Ronit, she ran and hugged him tight. Ronit brushed her head and said, ‘ Couple of days more and we will be home’, saying that Ronit smirked. Rhea looked astonished. Ronit said, ‘ Yes baby. I had planned the kidnapping.’ Rhea kept on looking at Ronit. Ronit hugged Rhea and said, ‘ Did the kidnappers make you eat?’ Rhea replied without blinking, ‘ Yes, they forced me to eat despite my refusal. I had to break my karwachauth fast.’ Ronit giggled and said, ‘That’s what I wanted. You are suffering from Anemia and you are a migraine patient. You can’t stay hungry for long. My family will go to any extent to make anyone follow rituals so much so that they did not let me and you go for our honeymoon because some priest told them that it was not auspicious.’ Rhea kept on listening unbelievably and then said, ‘That’s what I was wondering. They kept me in this five star hotel room and provided me all the delectable food under the sun and said that I was abducted. It was so strange.’ Saying that Rhea laughed hysterically and said, ‘But what will you tell Daadi and Mom?’ Ronit kissed Rhea’s forehead and said, ‘Dad will manage. He knows all about this episode. By the way, the kidnappers are my buddies. They wanted a fat treat from me for my wedding because they had missed my wedding. I told them to kidnap you if they wanted the treat. Hope they did not trouble you.’ Rhea laughed and said, ‘ They are the kindest kidnappers anybody would ever come across.’ Rhea could not keep her Karwachauth fast but she realised she was blessed with a kind and loving husband and her prayers and love for him would always bless him with a long and healthy life.



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