The Doll That Talks
The Doll That Talks
#Episode 13
Link to previous episodes: #thedollthattalksepisode1, #thedollthattalksepisode2, #thedollthattalksepisode3, #thedollthattalksepisode4, #thedollthattalksepisode5, #thedollthattalksepisode6, #thedollthattalksepisode7, #thedollthattalksepisode8, #thedollthattalksepisode9, #thedollthattalksepisode10, #thedollthattalksepisode11, #thedollthattalksepisode12
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#Disclaimer: This is an original work of fiction with no relation to any person/organism living or dead. Every episode, every character is a work of imagination. Any resemblance to any person, organism, place, character or situation is purely coincidental. There is no intention to hurt or rebuke anyone or any profession through this work. This story/episode cannot be copied, published or reproduced without the permission of the author RhituparnaChakraborty.
After Sarla left, one officer came and told Mushtaque that the Trivedis wanted to meet him. Mushtaque went to meet them.
In the room:
Amit Trivedi: Sir, Sarla Ma’am must have requested you something.
Mushtaque: I did not understand.
Amit: She must have requested you to allow her to take the doll with her.
Mushtaque: Yes she did.
Amit: Please let her take the doll.
Mushtaque(Sternly): Well, that’s at the discretion of the rules and protocol.
Ananya: But, Sarla ma’am should get the doll. This is necessary for everyone’s safety.
Mushtaque(curtly): I did not understand.
Ananya: It’s beyond our understanding. Only Sarla ma’am can help us.
Mushtaque did not say anything. He came out of that room and called Dr. Sen.
Dr. Sen: Yes Mushtaque.
Mushtaque: Will it be possible for you to come down to the police station now?
Dr. Sen: Yes. I will be there. Anyway, I have to meet the Trivedis and Ms. Sarla urgently.
Mushataque: Okay! See you!
Dr. Sen reached the police station in sometime. He had few books with him. Mushtaque greeted him and said, ‘You can meet the Trivedis.’ Dr. Sen kept the books on a desk and went ahead to meet the Trivedis.
Dr. Sen told the Trivedis, ‘I did not have any idea about paranormal stuff but this case made me read books on these.’ Dr. Sen paused for a while and said, ‘ Well, whatever you did, for whatever reason, you did not do the right thing. Now, according to all that I read in these days, I found out that, there is a solution to this mess and it would be in the same book which you guys must have used for this experiment. Ananya replied in a rueful tone, ‘Alas, that book is nowhere to be found now. Perhaps Sarla Ma’am kept it somewhere. During our experiments, we ensured, she never knew what we were doing. All the same, because we had taken the book out of the library several times, ma’am could have felt that someone must have touched that book. That might have made her hide the book.’ Dr. Sen listened, said nothing and went out of the room.
He told Mushtaque, ‘We have to meet Ms. Sarla right now. Also, can you please ask your officers to search the entire apartment of the Trivedis? This experiment cannot be done without the book. And the book would have a solution. And the Trivedis don’t look so innocent. They are not so naïve that they will risk their daughter’s life. If the book is with Ms. Sarla she would definitely use it to solve the problem. But if it is not with Ms. Sarla, we better check the Trivedi house thoroughly, so that we can save time.’ Mushtaque said, ‘Yes. You are right. Even I don’t trust these Trivedis at all.’ Mushtaque told Abhay and Sofia to search the the apartment of the Trivedis for the book. He then went with Dr. Sen to meet Ms. Sarla.
Ms. Sarla did not have the doll with her. If she had the doll, she could have performed the rituals that had to be followed and could have then locked the doll safely after she offered her soul to the spirit living inside the doll. Now, because the doll was elsewhere, the spirit could use it to kill someone there to reach here. But Sarla had no choice. She would request the spirit not to harm anyone anymore now because she would be offering her soul to the devil. And before that, she would give all that she had to the Trivedis because, they were, after all, nice people and what they did was because they were students and curious. Nonetheless, it was now her duty to protect her students and the little children. Worse, she was unable to find the book which had a solution to this. There was a special mention of a method which could have locked the spirit away . But now, with the book unavailable, there was nothing that could be done. And there was no time as well. She silently said a prayer and was about to begin the procedure when the doorbell rang. She was not expecting anyone . She went to answer the door. She was surprised to see Mushtaque and a gentleman. She opened the door.
Mushtaque(Introducing Dr. Sen): Hi Ms. Sarla. This is Dr. Sen. He wanted to meet you urgently.
Sarla: Hello Dr. Sen.
Dr. Sen: Hi! Ms. Sarla, can we please talk inside?
Sarla thought about the arrangement she had made inside for the procedure and said, ‘Um… can we talk here please…. actually, I haven’t yet cleaned the rooms inside.’
Dr. Sen said, ‘Ms. Sarla, please….’
Sarla reluctantly allowed Dr. Sen and Mushtaque inside her house/insitute. Dr. Sen and Mushtaque were appalled when they saw candles and incense sticks and strange pictures all arranged on the huge table.
Dr. Sen looked at Mushtaque and then at Sarla and said, ‘Ms. Sarla, you are doing something which you should not be doing.’ Mushtaque looked at Dr. Sen concerned and said, ‘I don’t understand.’ Dr. Sen said, ‘Ms. Sarla is planning to surrender herself to the devil.’ Dr. Sen looked at Ms. Sarla and said, ‘Am I right?’ Ms. Sarla replied earnestly, ‘Dr. Sen, this is the only way to solve all the problems.’ Dr. Sen replied, ‘No! This is not the only way. I don’t know as much as you do when it comes to this science, but, I know that there should be some book which has a solution to this.’ Dr. Sarla replied dejected, ‘Yes, there was a book. But, it seems, I have misplaced it trying to keep it safe. Now, this is the only way. If only you guys get me the doll, things would be way more easier. Otherwise, the spirit in the doll may end up killing many people.’ Before Dr. Sen could say something, Mushtaque’s phone rang. It was from Abhay.
Mushtaque: Yes Abhay!
Abhay: We found a very thin, tiny and weird book at the apartment of the Trivedis. It is very small. I just sent you a picture. Please check that.
Mushtaque looked at the picture of the book and showed it to Sarla and Dr. Sen. Sarla gasped and said, ‘This is the book. Where is it?’. Mushtaque said, ‘My officers found it at the apartment of the Trivedis.’ Sarla froze.
Mushtaque (to Abhay): Get the book here. Fast!
Abhay: Yes Sir.
Mushtaque told Sarla, ‘The Trivedis are not at all innocent.’ Dr. Sen added, ‘Yes Ms. Sarla. You may consider them your students but they have played a game here and even I don’t know the motive behind all these.’ Sarla was heartbroken. She never thought Ananya and Amit could do this to her. She said, ‘I don’t know what motive they can have. All I have belongs to them. They know that. I am old, unmarried. I have no one in my life other than them. They are ones whom I trust to the core. But, why would they want me to die? I mean, if they need something, they can tell me. I would readily give it to them.’ Dr. Sen said, ‘There has to be something more. Think about it.’
After around 30 mins Abhay and Sofia arrived with the book. Sarla hurriedly flipped through the pages. She then quickly got a bottle of a strange colored oil, some bizarre powder, some twigs, incense sticks and a very tiny bronze pot with a lid. Sarla told everyone in the room, ‘Now, this procedure can be alarming. There could be thunderstorm and lightning and even rains inside the room and everything will be a mirage. Do not try to move. Be where you are. Because if you move, the spirit will try to harm you. And Dr. Sen, could you please call someone from your team and ensure that no one is inside the room where the doll is kept. There could be an explosion. Again, I repeat, it will all be a mirage. And for the next one hour, all of you please “do not” move. Be where you are.’ Dr. Sen informed his team immediately to ensure no one is in the room where the doll was kept.
Sarla read the book, closed her eyes and chanted something. Suddenly the room shook. Tremors could be felt all over the house. The books, the artefacts, everything fell from the shelves, the lights went out. Sofia, Abhay, Mushtaque and Dr. Sen held each other’s hands tightly. There was an uproar of thunder and lightening right inside the closed room with strong gust of winds hurling all over the place, breaking the indoor flower pots, glasses, bottles and not to forget, the window panes. Then it started pouring heavily. The room started flooding. Sarla focused on what she was doing. She mixed the ingredients while chanting something and then suddenly there was fire on the table. The front door shook vigorously breaking it open and out of the blue, the doll appeared in the room. A chill went down everyone’s spine. The doll let out a bloodcurdling scream. Sofia began shivering. The doll then shouted hoarsely, ‘YOU CANNOT TRAP ME. I WILL KILL ALL OF YOU. I WILL KILL THAT GIRL ISHAANI.’ Without paying heed to whatever the doll said, Sarla continued doing what she was doing. The entire room and the people felt vigorous tremors. The doll screamed louder, ‘LET ME GO!’ Sarla continued chanting. The eyes of the doll became blood red and popped out. One arm of the doll stretched itself and moved closer to Sarla. The arm reached Sarla’s neck. Mushtaque saw that and was about to move and rescue Sarla when Dr. Sen said, ‘This is a mirage Mushtaque. Don’t move.’ The doll’s arm slowly wrapped itself around Sarla’s neck and began squeezing it. Sarla struggled for breath but she kept on chanting and suddenly, there was a deafening noise. A black shadow emanated from the doll and the arm of the doll loosened itself and left Sarla’s neck. Sarla quickly freed herself from the grasp, held the tiny bronze pot and opened its lid. The shadow went inside the bronze pot. Sarla immediately closed the lid. And at the wink of an eye, everything became normal. The room looked as it was earlier. The rains, the thunderstorm, the gushing winds, everything disappeared. There were no tremors. Mushtaque, Abhay, Sofia and Dr. Sen gazed at each other trying to figure out what just happened. Sarla smiled and said, ‘I trapped the devil in this bronze pot now and I will keep it somewhere where no one can reach. And as far as the Trivedis are concerned, I think I know why they wanted me to die? Well, that’s because I would never allow them to continue any experiment and they would need my institution for all the experiments. They know I trust them blindly. Yet, they did this to me. I am shattered.’ Mushtaque came and said, ‘The law will decide their fate now. You please take care. But yes, we may need you for the legal proceedings.’ Sarla nodded and said, ‘I will cooperate.’ Mushtaque told Dr. Sen, ‘I need to rush to the police station. Abhay and Sofia will drop you home. I need to talk to them regarding something. We will wait for you outside..’ Dr. Sen replied, ‘Sure! Thank you!’
Dr. Sen went to Sarla and said, ‘I must salute your exemplary courage. Hats off!’ Sarla smiled and said, ‘Well. I must do my duty.’ Dr. Sen smiled and said, ‘Umm…if you are free, can we meet for coffee tomorrow? I want to learn more of this science from you.’ Sarla smiled and said, ‘Ofcourse!’
In no time, Ishaani became fit as a fiddle. Raina and Ranjit Singhania were elated. Ishaani started playing and singing and dancing and was back to her merry self.
Ananya and Amit Trivedi were taken to judicial custody and legal proceedings awaited them.
Mushtaque went on a holiday with Saanchi and Mehek. Saanchi prayed and hoped, this time the holiday did not turn into a work assignment for Mushtaque.
Sarla hid the bronze pot in a place where no one could find it. She also hid the fact why Amit and Ananya wanted to kill her. Well, that’s a secret, she won’t tell anyone, till she could………………
End of this story. New story to begin soon……………