The Doll That Talks

Rhituparna Chakraborty
6 min readDec 15, 2021


#Episode 5




Link to previous episodes: #thedollthattalksepisode1, #thedollthattalksepisode2, #thedollthattalksepisode3, #thedollthattalksepisode4

©All rights reserved

#Disclaimer: This is an original work of fiction with no relation to any person/organism living or dead. Every episode, every character is a work of imagination. Any resemblance to any person, organism, place, character or situation is purely coincidental. There is no intention to hurt or rebuke anyone or any profession through this work. This story/episode cannot be copied, published or reproduced without the permission of the author RhituparnaChakraborty.

With shivering hands, Neeti patted Mehek’s cheeks. Mehek did not respond. The person at the other end of the phone saw everything on the cctv camera. The person said, ‘Call the doctor right away. Don’t act smart. The calls in this phone are traced.’ Neeti said, ‘Damn!!! Tell me the address where we are! How will the doctor come here without an address?’. The Person replied, ‘Again, trying to act smart, aha? I will slash your neck.’ Neeti shouted, ‘ARE YOU MAD? YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO YOU IF THIS GIRL DIES. MUSHTAQUE SIR WILL BURN YOU ALIVE. TELL ME THE ADDRESS….’ Neeti then began sobbing and pleading, ‘Mehek is not responding…..I don’t even know if she is fine or not……please get the doctor here…. please…’ The person replied, ‘Tell the doctor to come to Cross Street. He/She should be alone. If there is one more person with him/her, all will be dead including you and Mehek. Mind that. From Cross Street, my boys will get him/her here.’ Neeti replied shivering, ‘I am calling the doctor now’. The person replied, ‘Give me the number first. I will check whether you are dialing the doctor’s number or …..’. Neeti yelled, ‘THERE IS NO TIME FOR ALL THIS RUBBISH. YOU DON’T TRUST ME. FINE! YOU SAID YOU ARE TRACING THE CALL. SO LISTEN TO MY CONVERSATION WITH THE DOCTOR. Please…..I beg you…..please save Mehek. Please let me call the doctor….’ The person hung up. Neeti then immediately dialed a number.


Sofia called Mushtaque:

Mushtaque: Yes Sofia

Sofia: Sir, there is a phone number which seemed to contact some people and the contacts are common.

Mushtaque: Details please……

Sofia: Sir, there is this number, which was in contact with Neeti’s number and few other numbers. There were occasional calls to Neeti’s number before the kidnapping. On the day of kidnapping there were no calls. Now the number is no longer working. On those specific days, from this number, few other numbers were also dialed and those numbers were dialed several times. However, none of those number are working now.

Mushtaque: So, now you know what to do.

Sofia: Yes Sir. I have already asked the team to find the details of those numbers.

Mushtaque: Good. We need it fast.

Sofia: It will be done Sir.


Raina Singhania loved embroidery art work. Her needles and coloured threads meant the world to her. All her blouses, sarees, dresses had unique art work of hers. Even her daughter Ishaani’s dresses had immaculate work of embroidery art. She had even made pretty cloth dolls for Ishaani. Ishaani loved dolls and she had dolls of all kinds with her. Be it those pretty Barbie dolls or those adorable fluffy dolls, Ishaani had those all. Ishaani was an only child and apart from school, she barely had anyone else to play with. After school, she would go to her room, surround herself with the dolls and her nanny and she would play with them. Today, her nanny had to leave early. Ishaani was in her room playing. Suddenly Ishaani felt a cold breeze touching her hair. She turned around playfully. No one was there. She thought it was her mom. She called out, ‘Mommy……’ Raina replied, ‘Right behind you baby.’ Ishaani looked behind and said surprised, ‘Mommy! When did you come here?’ Before Ishaani could say something, Ishaani heard a voice which came from the door of her room. Ishaani turned around. It was Raina at the door. Raina looked at Ishaani and said, ‘Yes baby, did you call me?’ Ishaani was stunned. She said, ‘Mommy, you are here. But you were there behind my study table!’ Raina looked at Ishaani, smiled and said, ‘You are tired baby. Come, lets have dinner and get some sleep.’ Ishaani wanted to say something, but Raina said, ‘Now, baby , no more talking. Lets get some rest.’


Mushtaque called Abhay

Abhay: Yes Sir

Mushtaque: Did Ruhi’s father Amit Trivedi get back to us? We will need to interrogate him.

Abhay: Sir, I had called him at the number his wife had given us. He did speak with me. He was cooperative. I also said that since we have been meeting everyone in person, we would need to meet him too. He readily agreed. He reached today. If you wish we can meet him now as well.

Mushtaque: Yes, we should meet him now. In fact, call both Ananya and Amit Trivedi I don’t want to miss anything. And Rhea’s parents, Sushant and Sunaina Rathod and Ishaani’s parents, Raina and Ranjit Singhania too. I want to meet all of them now.

Abhay: Yes Sir. I will ask them to come to the police station.

Mushtaque: Fine.

Abhay and Mushtaque then hung up the call.

Abhay then called up all of them. Ranjit Singhania did not answer the call. When Raina answered the call:

Abhay: Mrs. Raina Singhania!

Raina: Yes

Abhay: This is Abhay from ACP Mushtaque Khan’s team.

Raina: Yes, we have met.

Abhay: We have not found Mehek as yet and hence we would like to meet you and your husband at the police station. We have asked the Trivedis and Rathods to come as well.

Raina(hesitating): Uh, I would have come….but my husband is out of town and my daughter is not well. I don’t want to leave her alone.

Abhay: Oh!

Raina: Can I come tomorrow? My husband will be home by then.

Abhay: Ok!

Saying that Abhay hung up.

Abhay then called up Mushtaque

Mushtaque: Yes Abhay….

Abhay: Sir, everyone is ready to come to the police station now, except for Raina. Apparently, her husband is not in town and her daughter is unwell.

Mushtaque: Well, if she can’t come, then we have to go and meet her at her home. Till then, call the rest to the police station and don’t inform Raina about anything. We will go without informing.

Abhay: Okay Sir.


Once Neeti dialed the number, the call was answered: ‘Hello’

Neeti(hastily, without taking a moment to breathe or pause): Doctor Mathur, your patient Mehek Khan is not well. Her allergy attack has come up again and she needs you. Please don’t refuse. I know it is the middle of night. But, without asking me any questions, please come to Cross Street and come alone please.

The doctor: Allergy Attack! She would need medicines right away. I don’t understand why in Cross street and why alone?

Neeti(groping for words): Actually we….we… had come for a wedding and….. Mehek’s parents have just stepped out for some rituals and I am unable to reach them. I am Mehek’s nanny. And a request, please come alone. Otherwise the guards at the wedding might not allow too many people inside.

The doctor(concerned): I understand. At this point, please give Mehek a ‘Levoceterizine’ immediately. However she would need an injection too. That I will get with me. I will come alone. I wanted to know if at the wedding they had burst fire crackers and all because sometimes that flares up the allergy.

Neeti: So far no crackers or smoke. But as with weddings there could be crackers…..

The doctor: You need to ensure Mehek does not get any of that smoke and if there are a lot of people at the wedding, that could lead to stuffy environment. Are there a lot of people in the wedding? Also, do you remember, the number of tablets Mehek used to take everyday. I will refer to her file anyway, but if you could give me the number of medicines I had prescribed I might as well carry the basic medicines and check the file once I am there. Otherwise it will take time.

Neeti: Well, now in the room it’s just me and Mehek. I remember Mehek having only one medicine, however maybe more because I don’t get to see the medicine cabinet much. Her mom usually gets the medicines.

The doctor: I will be there at cross street right away……….

Neeti hung up.

The moment Neeti hung up, the person tracing and tapping Neeti’s phone called the same number which Neeti had dialed. The call was answered:

Hello, this is Dr. Mathur, allergy specialist, how can I help you?

The person tracing the call disconnected the call immediately and called Neeti.

Neeti: Yes…

The Person: You did not act smart. We will get the doctor. The specific medicine the doctor mentioned will be there right away. It will be given to you through the window grill.


Ofcourse Mehek had to live, otherwise how will the rest of the procedure happen. Although, in case Mehek dies either of this allergy or because of the procedure, the back up plan and person is there. This can’t go futile. It was a lot of work to reach here.


To be continued……………



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