The Arranged Marriage
‘This profile looks good’, Renuka told Kumar. ‘Hmm’, nodded Kumar. ‘Shall we exchange pictures and then if things work out, we can go for a video meeting.What do you say?’. Kumar smiled and said, ‘ This is the umpteenth profile you are looking at Renuka. I still don’t understand what is it that you are looking at. Some of the proposals were good. I liked them, Rutvi was also okay with them, but you did not approve. Now, we have left everything to you. You decide and then let us know.’ Renuka sat on the chair right in front of the dining table, looked at Kumar and said softly, ‘ See Kumar. We had given full freedom to Rutvi to date some nice guy and then later on get married. But, what do we do when we have a daughter who can’t find a single guy on her own? Most of her friends are in relationships. They go for dates, they know the guys and so later on, they would know whether those guys are marriage material or not. But this simpleton daughter of mine, she does not have a boyfriend because she feels too hot and tired to go on a date after coming from work. What do I do with her?Pheww.’ Kumar laughed and said, ‘ Well, she has always been a comfort loving soul. She barely goes out except for unavoidable things, like school, college and work. She barely goes to parties as well.’ Renuka rubbed her forehead with the tips of her fingers and said, ‘ Yes, she does not go to parties because she wants to sleep by 10:00 p.m. Now, how on earth will she meet someone if she does not go to any social gatherings.’ ‘That’s fine Renuka. Let her be. Now, tell Rutvi to send a message to this guy over that matrimonial portal and after that we can go ahead.’
25 year old Rutvi was a girl full of mirth, love and life. With a height of 5 feet 7 inches, tall structure, straight shoulder length hair, fair complexion, short pointed nose and tiny eyes, Rutvi looked pleasant. She was a teacher in a school. Rutvi was lazy. Yes, you heard it right. She was never ambitious. She was happy go lucky and she used to find joy in little things of life. Romantic to the core, Rutvi did want to have someone special in her life. However, because she was too lazy to step out of the house and go on dates, she never said ‘yes’ to any boy who asked her out for a date.
As per the customs of their family, this is the right time for Rutvi to get married. Rutvi had told Renuka, ‘ Mom, find someone who stays close by. That way, I will come, visit you often’. Irritated, Renuka said, ‘ Oh really? Lazy here too? No way. I will ensure your husband stays somewhat far from our place, so that you don’t come here often.’
Renuka went to Rutvi’s room and said, ‘ The profile of this Ankush, is good. Do you like it?’. Rutvi yawned and said, ‘ Yes, the profile is good.’ Renuka asked, ‘ Did you see his pictures?’ Rutvi yawned again and said, ‘ Yes. He is okay.’ Renuka slapped Rutvi’s head gently and said, ‘ Come on now. You are the one who has to marry. At least tell me if you like him or not.’ ‘Mom, how can I know whether he is good or bad through his pics. Once I talk to him maybe I will know. All the same, marriage is destiny. You say so, don’t you? So, if you and dad like this guy and this guy likes me, I am okay with this alliance’, said Rutvi.
Next morning, while Renuka was making wheat breads (rotis) in the kitchen, Rutvi came near her and said, ‘ Ankush sent some pics. You want to see them?’. Renuka said, ‘ After breakfast. By the way, today evening we have to go to your Radhika Mausi’s home. Apparently there is a prospective alliance.’ Rutvi took the water jug near the gas stove, poured herself some water and said, ‘ Hmm. What does he do?’. While putting one of the cooked wheat breads in the casserole, Renuka said, ‘ He is a civil services officer. Doing well in life. That’s what Radhika said. Now once we meet him, we will know.’ Rutvi drank her glass of water and said nonchalantly, ‘ And did he tell Radhika Mausi what is he looking for in his prospective wife? I mean many of these guys want a girl with supreme qualification like, IITs, IIMs and the like.’, Rutvi giggled and said. Renuka took the casserole of Rotis to the dining table and said, ‘ Get that white bowl Rutvi.’ Rutvi screamed and said, ‘ Chicken curry mom!!! But, you said last night that chicken was over?.’ Renuka smiled and said, ‘ Your Dad got it in the evening. He knows what a big time foodie you are.’ Rutvi hugged her mom tight and said, ‘ And Mom, tea? Did that get the masala for masala tea?’ . Kumar came to the dining table and said, ‘ Your masala tea will be ready in minutes.’ Rutvi gave a tight peck on her dad’s cheek, brushed his bald head and said, ‘ I don’t want to get married and go away from this home. I love eating. What if my future husband does not like that?’ . Renuka said, ‘ That’s why I told you to find someone. But you could not fine one. Now, we will go for teamwork. Let me see Ankush’s pics and let us meet this guy at Radhika Mausi’s home today evening.’
After breakfast, Renuka looked at Ankush’s pictures at Rutvi’s laptop. He was a good looking chap. He must be around 5 feet 10 inches tall, dark complexion, wavy hair and sharp features. Renuka carefully looked at all the pictures. She then said, ‘Does he have a social media profile?’. Rutvi said, ‘Yes. I added him in my friend’s list last night. After that, he immediately sent me more pics. He seemed to like my profile.’ Renuka said, ‘ Show me his profile and all his pics.’ Renuka scanned through the entire profile and said, ‘ Umm, I am not very happy with this guy.’ Rutvi looked at Renuka with the knuckles of her right hand pressing the lower part of her chin and said, ‘ Why so?’. ‘I will tell you later. Do you like this guy?’. Rutvi giggled and said, ‘ What is there to like or dislike in an arranged marriage. Had it been love marriage, I would have known what I like. Here, I can just comment on the looks. The boy is good looking. He has a good job. Now, you and dad decide and tell me. Only then I will talk to this guy.’ Renuka said, ‘ I know. That’s the reason you never found a boy friend for yourself so that if we find someone and your marriage, God Forbid, doesn’t work, you will come back to have Rotis and chicken.’ Rutvi laughed out loudly and said , ‘Absolutely Right. I am going for a shower now, then I will have lunch. What’s for lunch Mom? Today is Sunday. Good food day.’ Renuka looked at Rutvi and said, ‘ Phewww, what do I do with you. Go take a shower. I made ‘Catla Fish kalia’ today.’ ‘Yayyyy’, yelled Rutvi and rushed to take a shower.
Come evening, Kumar, Renuka and Rutvi went to Radhika’s home. Radhika was Renuka’s second cousin. A lovely lady with kind eyes, grey hair and plump structure, Radhika was an epitome of kindness. Radhika was making tea and snacks in the kitchen. Renuka helped in frying the pooris, while Radhika worked on the crispy potato fries and peas and cauliflower curry. Rutvi said, ‘ The food smells yummm Maasi.’ Radhika gave a gentle pat on Rutvi’s shoulder and said, ‘I know you love Pooris and crispy potato fries.’ Renuka said, ‘ Oh come on Radhika, let her focus on the prospective alliance first. All she thinks about is food.’ Radhika laughed and said, ‘See, she loves to eat. People who love eating are beautiful, you know. Moreover, this meeting is a pretext to have you guys over. Otherwise it has been ages since I cooked Rutvi’s favourite food.’ Just then the doorbell rang. Radhika’s husband Suresh opened the door and said, ‘ Hey, welcome Rohan. Come in please.’ Kumar stood up, shook hands with Rohan and all of them sat comfortably in the super comfy sofas of Radhika’s spacious living room. Just then Rutvi came to the living room from the kitchen. Clad in a light pink chiffon salwar suit, with a pink dupatta, pink lipcolour, pearl ear drops, and her burgundy tinted hair let down, Rutvi looked bewitching. Rohan looked at her straight for two minutes. Suresh introduced Rutvi to Rohan and said, ‘ Rutvi, this is Rohan. His dad and I are good friends. Rohan works in the district head office here.’ Rutvi extended her hand to shake hands with Rohan and said, ‘ Hi, nice meeting you. I am Rutvi. I work as a teacher.’ Rohan shook hands with Rutvi. Renuka and Radhika came from the kitchen and seeing Rohan, Radhika said, ‘ How are you son?’. Rohan stood up, hugged Radhika and said, ‘ I am fine Aunty. How are you?’. Radhika brushed his hair and said, ‘ I am as fit as a fiddle.’ All of them smiled. Radhika introduced Renuka to Rohan. While all of them talked, Renuka looked at Rohan thoroughly, while Rohan kept on stealing glances at Rutvi. During tea time, Radhika watched Rohan and Rutvi. Rohan still stole glances at Rutvi while Rutvi focussed on the fluffy pooris and masala tea. Rohan did not have tea. Radhika gave him a glass of ‘Kesar Milk’.
Radhika realised, Rohan is going to say ‘yes’ to this alliance. However, she was not sure about Rutvi. Back home, Renuka asked Rutvi, ‘ So? What’s next?’. Rutvi nonchalantly replied, ‘ You mean Rohan?’. Renuka said, ‘ Yes. Do you like him?’ Kumar was reading a newspaper. Kumar kept the newspaper aside and said, ‘ Be honest Rutvi.’ Rutvi said, ‘ Umm well, Rohan does not drink tea, dad.’ Kumar smiled and said, ‘ I knew this was coming. Anything else?’. Rutvi chuckled and said, ‘ Umm, with formal wear, he was wearing a pair of black sandal shoes and ..’. Kumar said, ‘ Go on Rutvi.’ Rutvi giggled again and said, ‘ And he has moustache.’ Kumar then said gently, ‘ See Rutvi, that’s how he is. He is a nice guy. I understand you may not like his dressing style or his moustache or the fact that he does not drink tea, but if you ask me, I would say this is a nice alliance. Moreover he is a teetotaler. He does not drink and smoke either. It’s hard to find a guy like him in today’s era.’ Rutvi then said, ‘ I understand that dad, but isn’t he too nice? I will be lethal for him. Moreover, I just can’t take the thought out of my head that he drinks milk. I mean he is so nice. It’s not nice for him to marry me.’ Kumar smiled and said, ‘Okay, I got your answer.’ Renuka smiled and Kumar and said, ‘ I knew it. Rutvi wouldn’t like him. He is a very nice guy but Rutvi did not enjoy his company.’
Rutvi came from school, threw her bag in the couch and went to the kitchen and said, ‘Mom, guess what?’ Renuka kept the dried dishes on the shelf, wiped her hands and said, ‘ What?’. You know my friend cum colleague Sunaina?’ Renuka said, ‘ Yes, what about her?’ Rutvi said, ‘ Her cousin is apparently looking for a match and she told him about me.’ Renuka excitedly said, ‘ What does he do? Where does he live? What all did Sunaina tell you about him?’. Rutvi sat down on the chair beside the kitchen table , took an apple, nibbled at it and said, ‘ He is in the IT sector. Stays in San Francisco. He has two siblings. His Mom is a homemaker and Dad is retired teacher.’ Renuka said, ‘ Let’s check his social network profile?’ Rutvi said, ‘ After snacks mom. I am hungry. His profile can wait. I will make some nice masala tea. I got some ‘samosas’ as well. yayy.’ Renuka said, ‘ Pheww, tea and snacks and good food, that’s all about you.’ Rutvi laughed and said, ‘ What about Music, dresses, and trendy clothes, Maa?’ Renuka said, ‘ Oh yes! Where on earth will I find an alliance for you?’ Kumar was watching TV. He heard Renuka and said, ‘ Someone, somewhere is made for our Rutvi. Chill!’.
After tea, Rutvi showed Renuka the profile of Sunaina’s cousin, Umang. Renuka checked the pictures. There were few pictures, but they were recent. All the same, there were couple of old pictures as well. Renuka looked closely at the pictures and said, ‘ If Sunaina says that this guy is interested, go ahead and share your pics and if he wants to talk with us, tell Sunaina we are absolutely fine with it.’ Rutvi said, ‘ Haww mom, you seem to like his profile.’ Renuka smiled and said, ‘ Yes. Talk to Sunaina tomorrow.’
Next day, when Rutvi came from school, Renuka asked, ‘ Did you talk to Sunaina?’ Rutvi switched on the fan of the living room, sat on the couch and said, ‘ Yes Mom. Apparently, he had already seen me because I am always there with Sunaina in most of the pics. He is okay with my profile. He wants to have couple of video calls with me so that we can decide whether to go ahead with the alliance or not.’
So, in the next couple of weeks, Rutvi and Umang got on video calls to know each other more. For Umang, it was love at first sight. After the first video call, he requested Rutvi for couple of more video calls and then eventually, it became a regular affair. After a month, Umang officially proposed Rutvi. Rutvi liked Umang. However, since it was an arranged alliance for her, she felt, more than her, her family should like Umang. Renuka and Kumar liked Umang. So Rutvi told Umang that she was okay with this alliance. Now if he wished, he could go ahead and inform him family and then the formalities would proceed. Umang’s family liked Rutvi. However, there was one catch. Umang could meet Rutvi in person only a week before the wedding because he had already come to India once this year. He could not possibly get more leaves. Renuka was somewhat concerned. What if after meeting Umang in person, Rutvi did not like Umang? Renuka knew that Rutvi was very finicky about one specific attribute in a boy. It’s his gait. If the boy did not have panache while walking Rutvi hated it. Renuka was worried. She liked Umang and her intuition told her that he would be apt for Rutvi, however, what if Rutvi did not like him after meeting him in person?
The wedding preparation started. Rutvi and Umang talked almost every day. Just a week before the wedding Umang arrived. Renuka, Rutvi, Kumar and Umang’s family, all of them had gone to receive Umang. Renuka could not stop worrying. Rutvi was excited. Renuka then gently told Rutvi, ‘ See Rutvi, if you don’t like him, this marriage will not happen.’ Rutvi smiled at her mom and said, ‘ I know mom. You guys will never force me to get married to someone I don’t approve of. ’
Umang got his baggage from one of the baggage belts and walked to the reception. Renuka and Rutvi looked at him. Umang was handsome with a super stylish gait. Rutvi was floored. Renuka’s worries vanished. The moment Umang saw Rutvi, he took out a chocolate from his backpack and said, ‘ You like chocolates, don’t you.’ Rutvi blushed. Umang then went ahead and hugged Renuka and Kumar. Umang’s family loved the warmth between Umang and Rutvi’s family.
The marriage was solemnised with all the rituals. Rutvi and Umang went to San Francisco and after two years they were blessed with a baby girl. Rutvi talked to her parents over video call every day and Renuka and Kumar were happy parents. Well, Renuka knew Rutvi will be happy.
Today over tea, Kumar said, ‘ So, Umang was the apt choice for our Rutvi. But, how did you know that Renuka?’. Renuka sipped her tea and said, ‘ Well, when I checked his profile, I understood that he was a big time foodie. Most of his pictures were about food. Also, while he and Rutvi talked on video call, there were times when he was there in the kitchen making stuff like pan seared sea bass, baked salmon steaks, guacamole, tortillas and the like. And I knew it was not pretence because he ate stuff like those almost everyday. Even if it was plain lentil soup and rice, he would have steamed broccolis and stir fried mushrooms along with a bowl of salad. He loved food. Above all, I realised he was an immensely responsible guy. Remember, he had asked Rutvi to deliver some medicines to his mom. He could have easily given the delivery address of his home, but he wanted Rutvi to get along well with his family. Not just that, he asks about our well being every time he spoke with Rutvi. The best part is, despite being engrossed in rituals, he ensured he got his parents’ health check up done when he was here for his wedding. A boy who cared so much about his family, would also care for his wife. He bought a car immediately after the wedding was fixed, because he wanted Rutvi to commute comfortably. The other guy, Ankush, was good but he was more of an adventure loving fellow. His pictures were more about solo trips, adventure. I was skeptical because our Rutvi is more about home, family, food and family trips. She is not an adventure lover.’ Renuka was right. Umang was the apt choice for Rutvi. The arranged marriage turned out to be right both for Umang and Rutvi.