©All rights reserved
Author: Rhituparna Chakraborty
#Disclaimer: This is an original work of fiction with no relation to any person/organism living or dead. Any resemblance to any person, organism, place, character or situation is purely coincidental. There is no intention to hurt or rebuke anyone or any profession through this work. This story/episode cannot be copied, published or reproduced without the permission of the author RhituparnaChakraborty.
Raashi’s phone rang. It was from her childhood friend Seema. Raashi received the call.
Raashi: Hey! What’s up girl!
Seema(excited): Have to tell you a lot.
Raashi: I am all ears.
Seema: You know we went to this place, 7 hours drive from my home. Oooh it’s so beautiful.
Raashi(thrilled): Wow! Tell me more….
Seema: It’s so green, it’s so serene. What do I tell you!Also, Sumit gave me a pretty saree. He wanted me to wear that and click pics amidst the green green valleys. My sons Rohan and Som were also so happy. You know Raashi you should visit this place. I will send you the pictures.
Raashi(beaming): Yes please. I am sure the pictures must be so pretty. And as always, you must be looking like a doll in that pretty saree that Sumit Jiju gifted you.
Seema(blushing): He he. Yes. By the way, what are you doing?
Raashi: Nothing much. Regular stuff.
Seema: Household chores, I swear! Half of my time goes in this. Cleaning the house, doing the dishes, sending the kids to school, sending husband to work. But then, the holidays my husband takes me to and the outside food he treats me to is a solace.
Raashi: Yes. Touch wood. It’s a treat watching your social media posts.
Seema: Yes. I love it. You know, the other day, we had pav bhaji with butter in a stall, uffff, Raashi, you should have been here. It was delectable. I mean, the way they cooked it. Next time you come to my place, I will take you there.
Raashi(elated): Yessss. Last time when you had taken me to that place where they served fluffy pooris and sabzi, woww, I can’t still forget the taste.
Seema(laughing): Yes. I know. But Raashi, you too need to step out of the home sometimes. Only work work and work. No holidays, it gets mundane. I wish I can visit you sometime. But my husband’s work is such that taking a long break is difficult for him. Business suffers.
Raashi: Yes dear. I understand. But I will be so happy if you visit me someday. I will arrange everything, right from your tickets to stay. Please come some day.
Seema: No no! Why will you pay for my tickets! We will arrange. By the way, you don’t even post anything on social media. I understand, you barely go on holidays, but do go out sometimes to eat. It’s so mundane doing only household chores and no hobbies.
Raashi: Yes. You are right. Anyway, so, tell me more…….
Seema: Oh yes! So we had stayed in this hotel. And the charges were reasonable too. Not that expensive. You know Raashi, sometimes money is not everything. It’s okay to spend a little sometimes for happiness.
Raashi: Absolutely!
Seema: Okay then! Will call you again. Trust you and everyone in your family is doing great.
Raashi. Yes dear. Thank you so much for calling.
Seema: Oh please! Don’t say thank you! Talking to you is so much bliss. Our other school friends barely have time to talk. Actually they are all working professionals now and they are very busy in their work. Even if I call them sometimes, they are unable to receive my call or call me back. But I am happy for them. They are so well settled in their career. You know, nowadays I think twice before calling anyone who is doing very well in his/her job and career. I feel, he/she will treat me like nothing.
Raashi: Nothing like that. It’s just that some people have a lot of stuff to do during the day. Hence they don’t get much time to talk.
Seema: Hmm. Anyway you take care. I love you my friend.
Raashi: Love you too.
Seema then rushed through the days work, made the meals and waited for her kids to come home from school. Once her kids reached home, her husband also came for lunch. Seema spread a clean sheet on the sparkling clean floor and served lunch. All of them sat together and began eating. While eating, Seema said, ‘Today I spoke with Raashi. She is such a sweetheart.’ Sumit said, ‘So, how is she doing?’ Seema replied, ‘All good she said. But I feel bad for her. I mean, always stuck at home. No outing, no traveling. Not sure if she has any other way to keep herself busy. You know she feels so happy when she sees my travel pictures and when I talk about all that I do during the day and in holidays.’ Sumit nodded. Sumit loved it whenever Seema spoke with Raashi. The reason being, there was a time when Seema had not been this chirpy. After she found her school friend Raashi’s number, she began talking to Raashi. Raashi had even visited them once. Raashi was someone who made Seema happy. Infact, after meeting Raashi, Seema realised that Raashi too needed someone to talk to and Raashi also needed a shoulder to lean on. That’s why Seema stood strong for her friend. Sumit then told Raashi, ‘Let us go to Sompur next week. A friend found a place. The room charges are just 500 rupees per night. We can stay there and we can have good home made food if we take some grocery with us.’ Seema beamed and said ‘Yes yes. Let’s go. Nice place. Will send our pictures to Raashi. She will be so happy.’ Sumit smiled and said, ‘Ofcourse sweetheart.’
Raashi’s phone buzzed. Seema had sent pictures. Raashi smiled warmly. Raashi’s husband Nikhil saw Raashi smiling and asked, ‘That warm smile says must be Seema’s messages.’ Raashi said, ‘Yes. It’s so nice to see her happy. You know, she has been such a wonderful friend since childhood. After 10th board exams we lost touch. But, she was the one who found my number and called me. Isn’t that so sweet of her.’ Nikhil said, ‘Ofcourse.’ Raashi then said, ‘You know, only after talking to her, I learned that she could not clear her 10th boards and due to financial constraints, her father got her married then itself. Her husband has a Paan Shop. She conceived immediately after marriage and because of nutritional deficiencies and young age, she had still born babies twice. I cannot even imagine what trauma she had gone through. She then had two kids. Touch wood they are fine. But one of them has a problem with his hand mobility and doctors said it will take time to heal. When she spoke with me I realised, all she wanted was someone to listen to her. She had forgotten what the outside world was. Now she wants to travel, see places and touch wood, her husband is very supportive. I love to hear all her travel stories. They are so interesting.’ Nikhil said, ‘I am sure they are.’ Nikhil then said, ‘Okay, now, let’s get some sleep. We have an early morning flight tomorrow to Paris. And the after that it is going to be a hectic travel week. Amsterdam, Rome and Florence.’ Raashi replied, ‘Don’t worry about that. We and our kids are adept in travelling. Did you face any problem when we had travelled to Delhi, Agra, Hawaii, Mexico, Thailand, Egypt, Australia, Newzealand, and even for that matter Machu Pichu, Peru?’ Nikhil laughed and said, ‘Yes I know. By the way, I have sent you the reservation details of the hotels. The Hilton in Amsterdam seemed cool. So we are going to stay there in Amsterdam. And for Paris, I got good reviews of this hotel named Le Bristol. 7 star property.’ Raashi yawned and said, ‘Hmm. I have asked our cook , driver and rest of the househelps to report to work early tomorrow as we will have to leave pretty early for the airport. Good night now. Damn! After holidays, office again for both of us.’ Nikhil said, ‘So, you are the CTO of your company. You cannot set wrong examples. After holidays you must join work immediately. Okay!’ Raashi replied clenching her teeth, ‘That’s applicable for you also Mr. CEO.’ Nikhil laughed and said, ‘Got it. I have to go to work too after the holidays. Good night.’
Raashi browsed through the pictures of Seema again. Tapped a ‘heart’ in all the pictures and replied, ‘Stay blessed my friend. Love you and Take care. Will talk tomorrow. Talking to you is “Solace”’.