Shriramnagar Episode 8
#Nameofstory: #Shriramnagar
#Author: #RhituparnaChakraborty
Links for episode 1 to 7 : #Shriramnagarepisode1, #Shriramnagarepisode2, #Shriramnagarepisode3 #Shriramnagarepisode4 #Shriramnagarepisode5 #Shriramnagarepisode6 #Shriramnagarepisode7
#Disclaimer: This is an original work of fiction with no relation to any person/organism living or dead. Every episode, every character is a work of imagination. Any resemblance to any person, organism, place or character is purely coincidental. There is no intention to hurt or rebuke anyone through this work. This story/episode cannot be copied, published or reproduced without the permission of the author RhituparnaChakraborty.
Suryaveer’s body was sent for postmortem. Satyawati was inconsolable. Jagat Mohan became a statue. First his brother and now his son. What was going on! Nirmala sat beside Satyawati. She knew no consolation would help her. She sat beside Satyawati and stared at a blank spot. Chandraveer wailed. He lost his best friend, his brother. Rajveer and Ranveer shed silent tears. Jayawati and her husband sat in one corner. Jayawati sobbed like a little girl. Priyanjali and Raagini hugged each other and sat at one of the stairs near the verandah.
Sofia and Abhay were at Mushtaque’s home. Abhay said, ‘I badly need a drink. This case is crazy.’ Mushtaque said, ‘Here, you don’t get the kind of drinks you like.’ Abhay said with disappointment, ‘But Sir, at least on a weekend, there should be something to cheer us up.’ Sofia added, ‘I agree with Abhay. It seems like ages since we had something cool.’ Mushtaque smiled and said, ‘Treat is on me once we solve this case and go home. Nonetheless, I make good chicken biryani. It will be ready in some time if you guys help me.’ Abhay and Sofia said, ‘ At your service Sir.’ While cooking, Mushtaque said, ‘Do you guys think Nandini is really possessed? I mean, I find it hard to believe in paranormal stuff. Not that I don’t empathize with her or the family. It’s just that we need more evidence to know the real story.’ Sofia said, ‘I observed Nandini closely. She was altogether a different person in one moment and then a different person the other moment. Now, I don’t know whether it is some psychological disorder or some paranormal force.’ Abhay said, ‘Well, as we already told you Sir, there was definitely a fire incident in the kitchen. I observed the kitchen closely. It was organized. Somehow I feel, the burn incident could not be mere accident. It could be a planned murder.’ Mushtaque nodded, ‘Even I thought that. But, why would someone murder a girl who was a guest? What Motive could that person have?’ Sofia said, ‘Only Nandini can tell us that. However, if she has psychological disorder, her words will never be accepted in court.’ Mushtaque said, ‘Maybe not in court, but atleast we will be a step closer to solving the case. Priyamvada and Sitaara are missing and who killed Jagdish Mohan and Suryaveer? Jayawati’s ring is missing. We can arrest her based on circumstantial evidence’. Abhay nodded. Mushtaque then said, ‘After dinner, we will go to Haveli of Malhaar.’ Abhay said, ‘What?’. Sofia replied, ‘You heard it right. We are going there.’ Mushtaque said, ‘Not we, it’s just Abhay and I. You will go to Jagat Nivaas and keep and eye on Jayawati.’ Sofia rolled her eyes and said, ‘But, I want to go to Haveli of Malhaar.’ Abhay laughed, ‘Listen to orders girl. Keep an eye on Jayawati.’ Sofia said, ‘But how am I supposed to keep an eye from outside. I can’t go in at this odd hour.’ Mushtaque said, ‘You don’t have to go in. Take two officers with you, keep your gun handy and just see if anyone comes out of the mansion and if you come across any weird stuff.’ ‘Ok Sir’, said Sofia.
After dinner, Sofia left for Jagat Nivaas while Mushtaque and Abhay went to Haveli of Malhaar.
Haveli of Malhaar was creepy. There were owls and bats making eerie noises. Mushtaque was wearing a pair of denim trousers and a white round necked tshirt. He was not in his ‘Mohan Awasthi’ demeanour. He was in his ‘Mushtaque’ form. His sturdy shoes ensured one kick on the enemy and the enemy’s bones would break. Abhay was wearing a pair of cargo trousers with a grey round necked t shirt. His shoes were equally sturdy. Mushtaque and Abhay had guns with them. The place was pitch dark. Today, there was no cackling noise. Abhay told Mushtaque, ‘The last couple of days when we came, we could hear cackles. How come today there is no such noise?’ Mushtaque looked around and said, ‘You have a point. Maybe in the middle of the night no one lives here, however, through out the day someone lives here.’ Abhay said, ‘Hmm. Sir, let’s check the entire ruins tonight.’ Mushtaque said, ‘Yes.’
With deep caution they moved forward. The fluttering of owls and bats continued. There were insects screeching around. Abhay told Mushtaque, ‘Sir, be careful, there could be snakes.’ Mushtaque said, ‘Yes.’ Walking through the dried leaves, they entered one of the ransacked rooms. They could not enter this room earlier because there was some shadow stopping them. They switched on their flashlights. The place looked clean. There were no cobwebs. They found a music player. Mushtaque and Abhay looked at each other. They quickly put their gloves on and checked the music player. There was a cd in there. They played it. Yes, the CD made those cackling noises. There were sound boxes too. Mushtaque laughed and said, ‘Neat aha?’ Abhay said, ‘The “someone” who is doing this is smart.’ They then looked around for more clues. Mushtaque saw something behind the music player. There was a piece of cloth. Mushtaque had seen that piece of cloth at Sitaara’s home. Mushtaque picked up that piece of cloth and told Abhay, ‘Sitaara was kept here.’ Abhay looked at Mushtaque with curious eyes and said, ‘And where would she be now?’ Mushtaque said, ‘The person who uses this place or the people who are using this place can tell us and I think he/she/they belong to Jagat Nivaas.’
Sofia’s phone rang. It was from Mushtaque. Mushtaque said, ‘Did you find out something?’ Sofia said, ‘Yes. I saw some weird things. Good I had carried my pair of binoculars.’
Back home, Mushtaque said, ‘So, Sitaara was kept in Haveli of Malhaar. I am sure Priyamvada’s disappearance also has something to do with it. Now, all we need to know is about Sadhana.’ Sofia said, ‘I observed something strange. There was no noise, nothing came from Nandini’s room. I saw someone going to her room with food and all. The window of her room was open and I saw Nandini smiling and giggling through out.’
Postmortem reports of Suryaveer arrived. He was hit by a rod on his head which caused his death and his face was badly bruised. Someone who killed him wanted him to suffer bad before he died. They had found some sleep inducing drugs in his body.
Smoking a cigarette and sitting comfortably on the bed in Haveli of Malhaar, the person said, ‘What do you want to do with Chandraveer?’ The other person standing in front said, ‘ Bruise his face, burn his face and kill him.’ The person smoking cigarette laughed and said, ‘But why? Wasn’t Suryaveer enough?’. The other person said, ‘Both were involved.’ The person smoking cigarette said, ‘Do it, but make sure you mix those sleeping pills in his food before that. Also, remember, the police found the ring and they probably know all about the stuff here in Haveli of Malhaar. We may be caught sooner than later.’ The other person laughed and said, ‘Who cares……first they will doubt Jayawati…..’
To be continued…………………………………………..