
Rhituparna Chakraborty
6 min readSep 15, 2020


#Nameofstory: #Shriramnagar




#Author: #RhituparnaChakraborty

Links for episode 1 to 5: #Shriramnagarepisode1, #Shriramnagarepisode2, #Shriramnagarepisode3 #Shriramnagarepisode4 #Shriramnagarepisode5 #Shriramnagarepisode6

#Disclaimer: This is an original work of fiction with no relation to any person/organism living or dead. Every episode, every character is a work of imagination. Any resemblance to any person, organism, place or character is purely coincidental. There is no intention to hurt or rebuke anyone through this work. This story/episode cannot be copied, published or reproduced without the permission of the author RhituparnaChakraborty.

Sofia told Priyanjali, ‘Can we talk at the police station?’ Could you come and meet me tomorrow? Because I think, it will not be possible for you to step out of the house now. Priyanjali said, ‘I will be there tomorrow.’

Jagdish Mohan’s body was taken away for the final rites. Nirmala’s tears would not stop. Satyawati tried to make Nirmala drink water. But nothing could stop Nirmala’s tears. Jayawati sat in the arm chair with her eyes closed. The men in the family had gone to the crematorium for the rituals. Jayawati rocked on the arm chair with closed eyes. She was in pain. One of her brothers was no more. Priyanjali sat in one of the stairs near the huge veranda with Raagini. Raagini was Jayawati’s younger daughter. Raagini held Priyanjali’s right arm gently and said, ‘Will Nandini ever feel better?’ Priyanjali looked at Raagini who was petrified with all that was happening in the mansion. Priyanjali brushed Raagini’s head gently and said, ‘Everything will be fine. We are all together, aren’t we?’

Just then Priyanjali’s phone rang. It was from Sofia. Priyanjali received the call. Sofia said, ‘Are you okay? Is everyone at home okay?’If you need me, I can come and stay with you.’ Priyanjali went out of the veranda to talk to Sofia. If Jayawati hears the conversation, there could be trouble. Priyanjali said, ‘N…N…no I am fine and so is everyone. I will come and see you tomorrow morning.’

Next morning Priyanjali went to the police station without informing anyone at home. Seeing Priyanjali,Sofia said, ‘Let’s go to my cabin.’ Inside the cabin, Sofia said, ‘I will start the recording device. Please tell me all you know.’ Priyanjali said, ‘I am worried about my family. If my brothers and father come to know that I have told you stuff, I am dead meat.’ Sofia said, ‘You have to trust me Priyanjali. I assure you, you are safe.’ Priyanjali nodded. Priyanjali then said, ‘Sadhana was our guest. She was Nandini’s childhood friend. Before moving to Shriramnagar, Jayawati Bua lived in Rampur with her family. Nandini and Sadhana had grown up together. Some months ago, Sadhana had come over to our place. She had planned to stay with us for couple of weeks. However, after a week, one fine night, we woke up to blood curdling screams. Apparently there was gas leak in the kitchen and Sadhana had gone to the kitchen for a glass of water. Suddenly there was a huge explosion. We were nearly saved because the kitchen is way far from the other rooms. Sadhana died then and there. After that strange things started happening in the house. Nandini started behaving weird and we realized she was possessed. We took her to a priest in the neighborhood who is apparently a paranormal expert. He told us that unless and until Sadhana gets what she wants, she will haunt this place.’ Saying all these, Priyanjali went quiet. She then said, ‘I don’t understand, what Sadhana wants.’ Sofia looked at Priyanjali and said, ‘ Do you believe in Paranormal stuff?’ Priyanjali said, ‘I have seen Nandini. After seeing her condition, I have started believing this.’ Sofia then said, ‘You can go home now. And don’t worry about your safety. I am there. Just a call away.’ Priyanjali left the police station.

After 15 minutes Mushtaque and Abhay arrived. They listened to the whole recording. Mushtaque then said, ‘Madhur Sharma never mentioned anything about any fire accident. I believe the case was never registered. More so, was it an accident?’. Abhay said, ‘Sir, we will have to investigate this incident as well. Somehow I feel everything is connected.’ Sofia said, ‘There is no doubt about that. However, I feel, we need to find out if any case was registered. If yes, if it has been closed, we will have to reopen the case.’ Just then Madhur Sharma came. Seeing Mushtaque, Sofia and Abhay there Madhur Sharma knew something was coming up. He was worried at the very thought. Mushtaque smiled at Madhur Sharma and said, ‘Well, we need to discuss something. Please have a seat.’ Madhur Sharma started sweating. Mushtaque said, ‘Was the fire incident at Jagat Nivaas registered?’ Madhur Sharma stammered, ‘Wh…what fire incident?’. Mushtaque took off his thick glasses. His brown eyes stared at Madhur Sharma’s eyes. Madhur Sharma shivered. Mushtaque said, ‘You know what I am talking about.’ Madhur Sharma knew there was no point asking how Mushtaque knew about it. Madhur Sharma said, ‘…. case was registered.’ Mushtaque looked at Madhur Sharma sternly and said, ‘ You will go to Jagat Nivaas now with Abhay and Sofia and find out all about the fire accident and register a case. I need all the details by evening. Madhur Sharma stammered ‘B..b..but Sir, how will I do that? I mean, how can I ask that?’ Mushtaque smiled and said, ‘Abhay and Sofia will do it. You just accompany them.’

By the time Priyanjali reached school, Mushtaque was already there. Seeing Priyanjali, Mushtaque got up from his chair and greeted her with a warm ‘Good Morning’. Priyanjali looked at him and said, ‘Good Morning’. There was something about Mohan Awasthi aka Mushtaque that pulled Priyanjali. Priyanjali looked at Mushtaque and said, ‘Your wounds are healing.’ Mushtaque replied, ‘Yes…. and I am sure your wounds will heal too. The police will find Priyamvada and Sitaara.’ Priyanjali sighed and said, ‘I am praying that they are safe. It has been so long and I don’t even know if they are alive.’ Mushtaque said, ‘See, as per police, inside Haveli of Malhaar, apart from Jagdish Mohan’s dead body, they did not find anything else. So, somehow, there is hope that the girls might be elsewhere.’ Priyanjali nodded, ‘Hmm.’ Just then Mushtaque’s phone rang. It was from Saanchi. Mushtaque stepped out. Priyanjali felt that this call was from someone special. Deep down she did not like it. Pangs of jealousy engulfed her.

Back in Jagat Nivaas, Madhur Sharma told Jagat Mohan, ‘ W…we got information that there was a fire accident in this house.’ Before Madhur Sharma could continue, Abhay said, ‘We have search warrant to check your kitchen and the entire house for evidence.’ Jagat Mohan stood up in rage and said, ‘NO ACCIDENT EVER HAPPENED HERE.’ Abhay said, ‘Sir, hiding things would do no good to anyone. Please let us do our work.’ Suryaveer charged ahead and said, ‘Hey you police officer, mind your business, get out of here.’ Abhay looked at Suryaveer with cold eyes and said, ‘If you don’t let us go inside, we will have to call the entire police brigade. It will not be nice for the reputation of this mansion.’ Jagat Mohan looked at Suryaveer and said, ‘Let them do whatever they have to do. We will take care of them soon.’

Abhay and Madhur Sharma went to the kitchen while Sofia went to Nandini’s room. It was locked. Sofia went to Nirmala and said, ‘I have to meet Nandini.’ Jayawati looked at Nirmala with stern eyes as if she wanted to say that don’t give the keys. But Sofia said, ‘It’s a part of my duty. I need the keys.’ Sofia opened the door of Nandini’s room. Nandini sat on her bed quietly. Seeing Sofia, she said, ‘Who are you?’. Looking at Nandini Sofia said to herself, ‘She does not look weird. She looks pretty normal. Why did she behave so weird the other day?’ Sofia said, ‘My name is Sofia. I wanted to meet you. I am Sadhana’s friend.’ Nandini looked at Sofia surprised and said, ‘Sadhana never had any friend other than me. Who are you?’ Sofia said, ‘You don’t know me, but I am her friend. Can you tell me what happened to Sadhana?’ Suddenly Nandini looked down and stared at the floor for couple of seconds. Then she looked up with a ghastly look and cackled. Sofia stared at her. Nandini screeched, ‘No one will live. No one………Go away from here…..Go away….’ . Abhay and Madhur Sharma heard the screech along with the rest of the people in the house. They all ran to Nandini’s room. Nandini yelled, ‘Wait what happens tonight……wait………’. Everyone was shocked. Nirmala froze. She cried. She said, ‘No….no……’ Abhay went out and immediately called Mushtaque and told him all that happened. Mushtaque said, ‘Come what may. We have to be there at Jagat Nivaas. We cannot let any mishap happen.’

Mushtaque, Abhay and Sofia were there at Jagat Nivaas keeping a close eye on everything that happened around. There was pin drop silence all around the house. Morning dawned. Everything was peaceful. Just then a house help screamed. Suryaveer was lying in a pool of blood. His face was burnt. Everyone came running there. Nandini cackled from her room. Sofia, Mushtaque and Abhay were stunned. They looked at the person whose ring they had found in Jagdish Mohan’s hand. Yes, the ring was still not there in Jayawati’s hand……

To be continued……….



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