Shriramnagar episode 9

Rhituparna Chakraborty
6 min readSep 19, 2020


Shriramnagar Episode 9

#Nameofstory: #Shriramnagar



#Author: #RhituparnaChakraborty

Links for episode 1 to 8 : #Shriramnagarepisode1, #Shriramnagarepisode2, #Shriramnagarepisode3 #Shriramnagarepisode4 #Shriramnagarepisode5 #Shriramnagarepisode6 #Shriramnagarepisode7 #Shriramnagarepisode8

#Disclaimer: This is an original work of fiction with no relation to any person/organism living or dead. Every episode, every character is a work of imagination. Any resemblance to any person, organism, place or character is purely coincidental. There is no intention to hurt or rebuke anyone through this work. This story/episode cannot be copied, published or reproduced without the permission of the author RhituparnaChakraborty.

Mushtaque went to school the next day. His brain was still working on the intricate maze trying to find answers to all the questions. If only he could be there in Jagat Nivaas for some time. He might have got clue to all the answers. The piece of cloth in Haveli of Malhaar confirmed that Sitaara was brought there. But where is she now? Is she alive or dead? And Priyamvada? Pheww, this case was becoming complex with every passing day.

Priyanjali was already there in school. The exams were over, however the teachers were there to correct the answer sheets. Priyanjali was engrossed in correcting the answer sheets when Mushtaque came and said, ‘Good Morning!’. Priyanjali looked up, smiled warmly at Mushtaque and said, ‘Good Morning! How are you?’ Mushtaque said, ‘Absolutely fine! How are you?’. Priyanjali said palely, ‘Yes, fine.’ ‘There were two deaths in the family. Her sister was missing, her student was missing, the question, “How are you?” is indeed a difficult question for her to answer’, thought Mushtaque. Priyanjali then said, ‘Your wounds have almost healed.’ Mushtaque smiled and said, ‘Oh yes. Few more days and the marks would be gone too.’ Priyanjali smiled and said, ‘Yes.’ Just then her phone rang. Mushtaque saw that it was from Raagini. Priyanjali said, ‘Yes Raagini…..okay…..I will get the books. Sure. Don’t worry baby. I am with you’. Saying that Priyanjali hung up. Mushtaque realized, for Raagini, Priyanjali meant everything. With so much happening in the house Raagini stuck with Priyanjali through out. After correcting the answer sheets Priyanjali said, ‘I have to go.’ Mushtaque said, ‘I can drop you.’ Priyanjali said, ‘Thanks, but I have some chores to do.’ Mushtaque said, ‘That’s no problem. I don’t have much to do. I will drop you wherever you have to go, I will then go home.’ Priyanjali said, ‘Okay! Thank you. I will have to go to the bank first to take out some money and then to the book store.You can drop me at the bank. From there, I will go on my own.’ Mushtaque said, ‘Sure!’ Priyanjali enjoyed every moment she got to spend with Mushtaque. That little motorbike ride, the little chit chat sessions in school meant a lot for her. She loved those moments. When they reached the bank, Priyanjali disembarked from the bike and went ahead. After dropping Priyanjali at the bank, Mushtaque drove off to meet Abhay and Sofia. The moment he got off the bike, he realized Priyanjali forgot to take the lunch box bag from the tiny luggage box of the bike. Mushtaque thought this would be a good reason to visit Jagat Nivaas. On the pretext of returning the lunchbox, he would get a chance to go inside.

Abhay was at the police station going through the reports of Suryaveer and Jagdish Mohan. Their deaths were connected. Seeing Mushtaque, he stood up and said, ‘Jai Hind Sir!’. Mushtaque replied, ‘Jai Hind!’. ‘So, anything new?’, asked Mushtaque. Abhay said, ‘Sofia is in Jagat Nivaas. She went there to find out more about Nandini and the person with whom she was so comfortably giggling. All the same Sofia feels another disaster might be on its way at that place. We have to avoid that disaster no matter what. More so, we need to find out if Nandini is really sick or just pretending.’ Mushtaque said, ‘Let’s go.’ Abhay said, ‘Now? But how will we go there? Sofia has gone there in the pretext of meeting Priyanjali.’ Mushtaque said, ‘That way Sofia will not be allowed to go in because Priyanjali was with me in school and now she is in the bank and then she will go to pick up books. However, she forgot her lunch box in my bike and hence on the pretext of returning that, I can go inside Jagat Nivaas.’ Abhay smiled and said, ‘You have your ways Sir. Let’s go.’

Mushtaque and Abhay reached Jagat Nivaas. They could neither see Sofia nor her car there. Mushtaque fixed his thick glasses and told Abhay, ‘Stay here. I will try and see if I can go in.’ Mushtaque took the lunch box and went towards the gate. The security guards said sternly, ‘We cannot let you go in.’ Mushtaque had to find a way. He saw Raagini swinging on the swing in the field right in front of the veranda. Raagini too saw him. He waved at her. She smiled and waved back at him. Mushtaque told the security guards, ‘See Raagini is waving at me. She is inviting me inside the mansion.’ The guards looked at Raagini. She nodded. The guards let Mushtaque in. Mushtaque went to Raagini, gave her the lunchbox and said, ‘Priyanjali forgot this.’ ‘Oh’, said Raagini. She took the lunchbox, but somehow the lunchbox slipped from her hands and fell and the food inside it fell out. ‘Oops’ said Raagini, ‘Let me call someone to clean it’, said Raagini. Mushtaque said, ‘Sure!’, saying that, he knelt and picked up the crumbs of food while looking around. The whole idea was to see what’s happening around. Jayawati was going to the kitchen. Jagat Mohan was nowhere to be seen nor was Jayawati’s husband Manohar Singh. Nandini’s door upstairs was wide open. She came out of the room and spread a towel in the cloth drying stand kept in front. She looked pretty normal. Raagini came just then with a house help. The house help picked up all the food crumbs. Mushtaque then asked Raagini, ‘How is everyone at home?’ Raagini said solemnly, ‘It’s hard for everyone. Satyawati aunty and Nirmala aunty are shattered. They have forgotten how to smile. Jagat Mohan uncle is just a living corpse.’ ‘Hmm.’ said Mushtaque. Jayawati saw Raagini talking to Mushtaque. Before Jayawati came, Mushataque ensured he pulled out all the information he could from Raagini.

Just then Mushtaque’s phone rang. It was from Sofia. Mushtaque rushed out. Sofia spoke very softly. She said, ‘Come soon. We can stop a major disaster.’ Mushtaque said, ‘I knew this was coming. Where are you?’ Sofia whispered, ‘Haveli of Malhaar.’ Mushtaque said, ‘Damn! Why did you go alone?’ Sofia said, ‘I did not have time in hand. Come soon.’

Mushtaque told Abhay, ‘We need to be there. Sofia is all my herself. I am afraid if these people know she is there alone, they won’t spare her.

Meanwhile at Haveli of Malhaar, the person took out a cigarette and started smoking comfortably while talking to someone on the phone. The person said, ‘Chandraveer is already there. I have confirmed. It’s good you have already drugged him. My boys will kidnap him and take him to the store house. You can go ahead and do what you feel in necessary.’

Sofia froze. She clumsily took out her phone and tried to record whatever she could. The person was so comfortable that Sofia could not imagine how someone can be so cool. Sofia was jittery. Her phone fell and it fell on a dump of dry leaves. The person heard the rustling of leaves. Sofia knew she was in trouble. The person threw the cigarette, picked up the gun kept beside and rushed to see who was outside. Seeing Sofia, the person smiled wickedly and said, ‘Oh my my, look who is here. If I shoot you here, nobody would even know where you disappeared. Sofia tried to pull her gun out but the person shot one bullet. The bullet hit Sofia’s right arm. Sofia writhed in pain. Sofia tried to get up and the person was about to shoot one bullet right on Sofia’s chest, when a bullet from nowhere came and hit the person right on the hand with which the person was holding the gun. The gun fell. Abhay rushed to Sofia. Mushtaque said, ‘Rush her to the doctor.’ Mushtaque then looked at the person and said, ‘So, Mrs. Nirmala Jagdish Mohan, your game is over…………..’

To be continued……………….



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