#Nameofstory: #Shriramnagar
#Author: #RhituparnaChakraborty
Links for episode 1 to 5: #Shriramnagarepisode1, #Shriramnagarepisode2, #Shriramnagarepisode3 #Shriramnagarepisode4 #Shriramnagarepisode5
#Disclaimer: This is an original work of fiction with no relation to any person/organism living or dead. Every episode, every character is a work of imagination. Any resemblance to any person, organism, place or character is purely coincidental. There is no intention to hurt or rebuke anyone through this work. This story/episode cannot be copied, published or reproduced without the permission of the author RhituparnaChakraborty.
Mushtaque said, ‘Call Madhur Sharma and ask him to get an ambulance along with police officials and medical staff. This body has to be sent for post mortem.’ Abhay called Madhur Sharma. Mushtaque then said, ‘We have to look around for more. There is something more hidden here.’ At the spur of the moment, there was a loud bang behind. It was pitch dark. Mushtaque ran to see what was that. Suddenly there was a shadow that moved swiftly. Mushtaque took out his gun and yelled, ‘STOP RIGHT THERE OR ELSE I WILL SHOOT.’ A laughter cackled behind Mushtaque. Abhay came running. Mushtaque and Abhay ran behind the shadow but it disappeared. Sofia stayed back with the body.
The ambulance arrived. Mushtaque, Sofia and Abhay had to carry the body out because none of the people waiting outside were willing to come inside the Haveli of Malhaar. With the body emanating and extremely foul odor, it was difficult to carry the body out. Nonetheless Mushtaque Sofia and Abhay did it. Madhur Sharma and the rest of the people waiting outside were shocked to see the body. It was in a distorted shape. Unrecognizable. It was half burnt. The hospital staff took the body to the hospital. From there it will be sent for postmortem.
Back at Mushtaque’s place, Mushtaque made tea for Sofia, Abhay and himself. Over tea, Mushtaque said, ‘We are right about the dead body. Postmortem report will identify that nonetheless, and the clue that we have is pivotal for our investigation.’ Sofia said, ‘Yes, the ring clutched in the body’s hand is similar to the ring we saw someone wearing in Jagat Nivaas’, Abhay said, ‘People disappearing, the dead body and paranormal stuff, everything is connected. Haveli of Malhaar is connected to Jagat Nivaas.’ ‘Precisely’, said Mushtaque. Mushtaque continued, ‘Everything seems to be related. Now we need to find out the “ghost” of Jagat Nivaas. Sipping tea, Sofia said, ‘But Sir, how are we going to find that? No one will let us stay there. And without staying there, we can never find out what’s happening there.’ Mushtaque said, ‘You are right. We have to figure out something.’ Just then Mushtaque’s phone rang. It was from Saanchi. Abhay and Sofia left soon after. Mushtaque received the video call. Mehek and Saanchi were beaming at the other end of the call. Seeing Mehek, Mushtaque became emotional. Staying away from his darling daughter was hard. Mehek said, ‘Papaaaaaa….I misss you.’ Saying that she sent flying kisses to Mushtaque. Saanchi laughed and said, ‘Now send some kisses from your mommy also.’ ‘Teehee mommy’, Mehek giggled. She then sent more flying kisses to Mushtaque. Mushtaque pretended to catch those kisses. Saanchi said, ‘Mehek and her mommy can’t stay for long without you. When are you coming back?’ Mehek added with her adorable baby voice, ‘Yes Papa, when are you coming back?’ Mushtaque smiled and said, ‘Now that my baby and her mommy want me to come back real soon, I will come back real soon. I will finish my work in no time and will be there.’ Saanchi then said, ‘Come soon please.’ Mushtaque could feel the pain in her voice. He missed them too. He then said, ‘I will. I love you.’ Saanchi said, ‘I love you too.’ Mushtaque could feel the affection behind those drenched eyes of Saanchi. He knew if he got carried away by feelings, he will not be able to do his duty. He then said, ‘Okay girls, got to go now. Will see you soon.’ Saying that he waved bye bye to them and hung up.
Mushtaque went to school. His primary reason for going to school now was to pull information from Priyanjali. However, it was not easy because she was too scared of her father and her brothers.
Priyanjali was in the staff room correcting answer sheets. Because of the exam season, the students had left after taking their exams. The teachers stayed back to check the answer sheets. Seeing Mushtaque Priyanjali’s eyes shone. She greeted him and said, ‘ You should have taken the day off. Your wounds must be hurting.’ Mushtaque smiled and said, ‘No, I am fine now.’ Priyanjali said, ‘ Did you eat anything?’ Mushtaque said, ‘I had tea.’ Priyanjali said, ‘Tea is a beverage. I am asking if you had anything substantial?’ Mushtaque said, ‘Not really. I am not hungry.’ Priyanjali took out her lunch box and said, ‘I make good chappatis and curry. Please try once.’ Mushtaque said, ‘Thanks a lot! But, honestly, I am fine.’ Priyanjali said, ‘I insist.’ Mushtaque was famished. He ate the first bite and he realized he was starving. Priyanjali said, ‘I will be happy if you finish this.’ Mushtaque smiled and said, ‘Well, such delectable food… I will be happy to finish it off.’ Just then his phone rang. It was from Madhur Sharma. He looked at Priyanjali and said, ‘Excuse me’ and stepped out. Madhur Sharma told Mushtaque that the body had been identified. Mushtaque told Madhur Sharma to inform the family members of the deceased person. Mushtaque went back to the staff room and behaved as if the call was from someone in his family. Priyanjali should not have the slightest doubt that Mushtaque was a cop. After couple of minutes Priyanjali’s phone rang. She received the call. She froze. Mushtaque knew this was coming. But he had to pretend as if he knew nothing. Mushtaque asked, ‘All okay?’ Priyanjali replied shocked, ‘Jagdish Chachu’s body has been found. His body is all burnt.’ Mushtaque pretended as if he was in utter shock. He said, ‘Shall I drop you home?’ Priyanjali said, ‘N…n…no, I will go on my own. My father and brothers will hurt you.’ Mushtaque said , ‘Don’t worry about that. At this point in time, the priority is for you to reach home.’ Priyanjali nodded.
Mushtaque and Priyanjali reached Jagat Nivaas. Abhay, Sofia and Madhur Sharma were already there. Nirmala was inconsolable. Rajveer and Ranveer knelt near the body and cried. Jagat Mohan sat in one corner like a statue. Jayawati cried out loud. Jagat Mohan had lost his baby brother. Satyawati tried to console Nirmala but in vain. Priyanjali stood there not knowing what to do. Priyanjali was scared. Her eyes were engulfed in fear and tears. She whispered, ‘She killed Jagdish Chachu. Will she kill Priyamvada too?’ Mushtaque said, ‘Who?’ Priyanjali realised she was about to disclose something. She quickly said, ‘Nnn..nothing’ and was about to leave when Mushtaque held her hand and said, ‘Priyanjali, if you want to save Priyamvada, you must tell the police all you know.’ Priyanjali looked at Mushtaque’s eyes. When he held her hand, his touch caressed her soul. Mushtaque realised he was still holding her hand while talking. He quickly let her hand go and said earnestly, ‘See Priyanjali, the police will help you find Priyamvada and Sitara only if you tell them whatever you know.’ Priyanjali then said, ‘I think I will go and talk to Sofia.’ Mushtaque said, ‘Sure.’
Priyanjali went to Sofia and said, ‘There is something I have to tell you.’ Sofia said, ‘Yes please.’ Priyanjali then said, ‘Please find my sister.’ Sofia said, ‘We are trying. But you need to help us.’Priyanjali said, ‘All I can tell you is, the spirit here is doing all this.’ Sofia asked curiously, ‘Which spirit?’ Priyanjali looked around to see if anyone is observing her talking to Sofia. Priyanjali then said softly, ‘Sadhana….’. Sofia said, ‘Sadhana? What had happened to her?’ Priyanjali said shivering, with tears in her eyes, ‘She died in a fire accident.’ Sofia stood there shocked. There was a spirit in this mansion. Jagdish Mohan had a ring clutched in his hand. The person in whose finger Sofia had seen that ring earlier was there. But that person was no longer wearing that ring. …..
To be continued………………