Rhituparna Chakraborty
6 min readSep 11, 2020


#Nameofstory: #Shriramnagar



#Author: #RhituparnaChakraborty

Links for episode 1 to 4: #Shriramnagarepisode1, #Shriramnagarepisode2, #Shriramnagarepisode3 #Shriramnagarepisode4

#Disclaimer: This is an original work of fiction with no relation to any person/organism living or dead. Every episode, every character is a work of imagination. Any resemblance to any person, organism, place or character is purely coincidental. There is no intention to hurt or rebuke anyone through this work. This story/episode cannot be copied, published or reproduced without the permission of the author RhituparnaChakraborty.

Mushtaque, Sofia and Abhay looked at each other. They were all stunned. Priyanjali kept on staring at Nandini. No one went near Nandini. Sofia said, ‘I think we need a doctor here.’ Jayawati looked sternly and Sofia and said, ‘Mind your own business. Nandini is none of your business. Get the hell out of here.’ Sofia looked at Abhay. Abhay nodded. Mustaque gestured them to get out of that area. Mushtaque looked at Priyanjali and said, ‘Who is back? What are you talking about?’ Priyanjali looked at Mushtaque and said, ‘I request you to go away from here. I cannot answer any question of yours. Please go away.’

Mushtaque knew, that, if he kept on asking questions he might end up inviting people to doubt him about his identity. He left that room and went ahead to meet Sofia and Abhay. Back in the room, Mushtaque said, ‘We have to find out what is happening here. Who is back? What is Priyanjali and Nirmala talking about?’ Abhay said, ‘ Do you think Madhur Sharma might have these answers?’ Mushtaque said, ‘He might have.’ Sofia said, ‘Question is, will he answer the questions?’ Abhay smiled and said, ‘Mushtaque Sir knows how to get answers out.’ All of them laughed.

Next morning, Mushtaque went to the police station. The police station was no longer in the shape Mushtaque had seen the other day. The place was spotless and all the officials were dressed perfectly in proper uniform. Seeing Mushtaque, Madhur Sharma stood up. Mushtaque gestured him to sit down. Madhur Sharma then asked the people in his vicinity to leave the place for some time. He understood that Mushtaque had come to talk something important. Mushtaque pulled a chair and sat facing Madhur Sharma. He then asked, ‘Tell me the story of Jagat Nivaas.’ Madhur Sharma started sweating. He stammered, ‘W..wh..what story sir?’ Mushtaque kept his hands on the table, leaned forward and looked at Madhur Sharma with stern eyes and said, ‘You know what I am asking. Don’t you?’ Madhur Sharma took out the handkerchief in his pocket, wiped his face and said, ‘Sir, I will be in deep trouble. Don’t ask me anything.’ Mushtaque said, ‘If you don’t answer my questions, I will ensure you won’t have a moment’s peace.’ Madhur Sharma said, ‘ S…Sir… Jagat Nivaas is haunted.’ Mushtaque looked at Madhur Sharma with rage and said, ‘And you think I will believe that?’ Madhur Sharma said earnestly, ‘Believe me or not Sir, but that place in haunted.’ Mushtaque asked curiously, ‘ And since when was it haunted?’ Madhur Sharma said, ‘ Since some months ago.’ Mushtaque looked at Madhur Sharma perplexed and said, ‘You mean to say it was not haunted before some months and all of a sudden out of the blue it became haunted?’ Madhur Sharma said, ‘Yes Sir.’ Mushtaque then said, ‘ So, how did you know it is haunted? Does everyone in the village know about it?’ Madhur Sharma said, ‘Y…yes, now everyone in the village knows. But, I was the first to know it.’ Mushtaque said, ‘And how did you know it first?’ Madhur Sharma said, ‘Nandini had to be taken to a saint in this village who knew about paranormal stuff. She was behaving weird, screaming, crying, breaking stuff, wailing and the saint said she was possessed by the spirit haunting that house. And the spirit will not budge from that house till she is at peace.’ Mushtaque said, ‘Anything else you know? Don’t hide anything.’ Madhur Sharma said, ‘No Sir. This is all I know.’ Mushtaque stood up and said, ‘I will be back soon.’ Saying that he stepped out of the police station and drove towards school in his motorbike.

Mushtaque heard some motorbikes and cars following him. Suddenly a car and some motorbikes overtook his bike and stopped right in front of him. It was Suryaveer, accompanied by Chandraveer and their sidekicks. Around 7 of them. The sidekicks had hockey sticks in their hands. Suryaveer and Chandraveer had guns. Suryaveer smirked and said, ‘So Masterji, are you done poking your nose everywhere?’ Mushtaque looked at Suryaveer and said nothing. Chandraveer pointed his gun to Mushtaque and said, ‘Get off your bike.’ Mushtaque quietly disembarked from his bike. Chandraveer then told his sidekicks, ‘Throw this bike somewhere. Break it.’ Mushtaque said softly, ‘This bike does not belong to me. Don’t break it.’ Suryaveer laughed out loudly. Chandraveer kicked the bike and then said, ‘Now it’s your turn’. Saying that, Chandraveer told one of his side kicks, ‘Break Master Ji’s bones. Break his nose too, so that he never dares to poke his nose anywhere ever again.’ Mushtaque took off his glasses and kept them aside. Suryaveer laughed and said, ‘Protecting your glasses huh? You should try protecting your eyes.’ One of the sidekicks came charging Mushtaque with a hockey stick. Mushtaque swiftly held the hockey stick and planted a flying kick on the sidekick’s face. Blood dripped mercilessly from the sidekick’s nose. Chandraveer’s eyes widened. Suryaveer stared at the sight. Another sidekick rushed from behind. Mushtaque stretched his left leg behind, hit the sidekick with utmost strength on the most painful part of the sidekick’s body, that is, the balls, and then swiftly turned around holding the sidekick’s right hand and twisting it till the side kick’s wrist broke. Chandraveer took his gun out to shoot Mushtaque. Mushtaque ran like the wind, jumped in the air and planted a flying kick on Chandraveer’s face. The gun fell off. Mushtaque picked it up. Suryaveer was appalled. With shivering hands Suryaveer tried to hold his gun. Mushtaque shot a bullet from Chandraveer’s gun. The bullet hit Suryaveer’s gun and the gun fell off. The bullet nearly hit Suryaveer’s hand. After all, Mushtaque was an adept sniper. He had no intention to shoot Suryaveer’s hand. He just wanted the gun to fall off. The sidekicks ran away in profound fear. Surayaveer and Chandraveer trembled. Mushtaque brushed the palms of his hands. He then cleaned Chandraveer’s gun. He went to Chandraveer, held Chandraveer’s hand, put the gun in his hand and said, ‘To use a gun, you need proper training. Come to me on weekends. I will train you.’ Chandraveer and Suryaveer gaped at Mushtaque. Mushtaque smiled at them and said, ‘ This masterji of yours is good. Don’t hesitate if you wish to learn something.’ Saying that Mushtaque wore his glasses, picked up his bike and drove off leaving Chandraveer and Suryaveer is utter shock.

When Mushtaque reached school, Priyanjali was surprised to see the wounds on his face. Priyanjali asked, ‘What happened? You are hurt.’ Mushtaque smiled and said, ‘I met with a tiny accident.’ Priyanjali said, ‘Please wait in the staff room while I get the first aid box.’ Mushtaque said, ‘No No. I am absolutely fine.’ Priyanjali said stringently, ‘Go and sit in the staff room. I am not asking you. I am telling you.’ Mushtaque laughed and said, ‘Whoa….Okay…okay… I am going.’ Back in the staff room, Priyanjali applied antiseptic liquid on Mushtaque’s wounds and then applied ointment. While doing that, she could not look stop looking at Mushtaque’s eyes. His eyes were covered with glasses, yet she could not stop admiring those brown eyes hidden behind those thick lenses.

Mushtaque’s mind was rushing through the information Madhur Sharma had shared with him. He quickly got up from his chair and told Priyanjali, ‘Thank you so much. But, I have to leave now.’ Before Priyanjali could say anything, Mushtaque left.

Mushtaque called up Abhay and Sofia and asked them to join him at Haveli of Malhaar. Mushtaque was curious about the saga of haunting. Sofia, Abhay and Mushtaque reached the Haveli. Eerie noises screeched around. None of them were scared. It was pitch dark. This time Mushtaque had come prepared with flash lights and other safety devices. It was pitch dark inside. Amidst those noises they went inside the ransacked ruins. There was a dreadful smell emanating inside. Suddenly Abhay tumbled on something. The smell was gruesome. Abhay focused his flash light on the thing that he tumbled upon. He shouted, ‘Look at this.’ Mushtaque and Sofia came running. It was a dead body. There was a tiny something clutched in the hands of the body. Sofia, Mushtaque and Abhay looked at each other. They had seen that ‘something’ before………….

To be continued…….

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