Ruhaani Episode 9
#Rhituparna Chakraborty
Link for previous chapter/chapters: #Ruhaaniepisode1, #ruhaaniepisode1, #Ruhaaniepisode2, #ruhaaniepisode2, #Ruhaaniepisode3, #ruhaaniepisode3, #Ruhaaniepisode4,#ruhaaniepisode4, #Ruhaaniepisode5, #ruhaaniepisode5, #Ruhaaniepisode6,#ruhaaniepisode6, #Ruhaaniepisode7,#ruhaaniepisode7, #Ruhaaniepisode8, #ruhaaniepisode8
#Rhituparna Chakraborty
#Disclaimer: This is an original work of fiction with no relation to any person/organism living or dead. Every episode, every character is a work of imagination. Any resemblance to any person, organism, place, character or situation is purely coincidental. There is no intention to hurt or rebuke anyone or any profession through this work. This story/episode cannot be copied, published or reproduced without the permission of the author RhituparnaChakraborty.
Ruhaani switched on the fan, covered herself with the blanket. She felt she was in heaven. The tiny cramped suffocating room in the brothel with the constant fear of someone coming and touching her never let her sleep. Here in this room, with the fresh breeze from the window touching her face, the fan breathing cool air on her and the cozy blanket bestowing warmth on her, Ruhaani fell asleep. If only she could spend her entire life like this away from fear. But alas, this was only for a night or two.
Zafar could not sleep. He did not want Ruhaani to go to that brothel ever again. But if he did not let Ruhaani go, Nikhil’s life would be in danger. If he lets Ruhaani go, there are chances of Latika sending Ruhaani with some customer. Zafar had no clue what to do. Zafar could fight with the world for Ruhaani. He knew Nikhil and Ravi would always stand by him. But only three of them cannot fight Latika. She had an army of guards and influential people supporting her. Well, now he will have to plan things properly. He will save Ruhaani no matter what. But the question still remined ‘How’.
Ravi told Nikhil, ‘We are in deep trouble now. I mean Latika’s guards are battered and bruised. They won’t spare us.’ Nikhil replied concerned, ‘ Yes, you are right. But then, we did not hurt them. It was that guy. What was his name?’ Ravi replied, ‘Mushtaque.’ Nikhil said, ‘Yes. Whoa! What a man! He managed all of those single handedly. But who is he? I mean we never saw him around before.’ Ravi nodded and said, ‘Right! We will get to know soon. I mean this is a small town. In a day or two we will know.’ Ravi and Nikhil were quiet for a while. They then looked at each other and both burst out laughing. Ravi said laughing, ‘But Mushtaque did beat the crap out of those goons. Just loved it.’ Nikhil laughed out loudly and said, ‘Hell yes. I enjoyed thoroughly.’
Latika rushed to the hospital. All the guards were in bad shape. All of them had black swollen eyes, broken bones, forget about broken teeth. Latika was aghast on seeing them. This had never happened before. No one had dared to touch her boys. Who had the audacity to do this? Latika went to one of the guards. He was lying on the bed with his hands and legs plastered. His upper lip was cut and swollen. Latika was seething. She asked the guard curtly, ‘Who did this?’ The guard tried to speak but the pain did not let him. Latika repeated, ‘WHO DID THIS?’ One of the other guards lying in the adjacent bed tried to answer. His shoulder was bandaged and the doctor had put some cotton and ointment on the guard’s left cheek. The guard tried to open his mouth to talk but the pain was excruciating. He still managed to say….. ‘Ma’am……..s..s..some guy…..called….M….Mushtaque…..’ Latika looked sternly at the guard and said, ‘Some guy? You mean there was just one person?’ The guard said nothing. And who the hell is this guy? Never heard his name before. The guards went quiet. Latika knew there was no point telling these guards anything now. She would have to find out about this Mushtaque. How dare he attack her boys! She won’t spare him. Just then her phone rang. It was from Nikhil.
Latika(with rage): Acting smart?
Nikhil(calmly): Me or you? You took my money and did not trust me and sent those ruffians to check.
Latika: Yes. My boys don’t lie. Where is Ruhaani?
Nikhil (laughing): Your boys are dumb and so are you. That girl Ruhaani is a newbie in this profession. It was hard to make her cooperate. I had to make her drunk. I and my friend were just done with her when your moron guys came and tried to attack us.
Latika: And you beat my boys! You know the consequences of that right?
Nikhil(calm and collected): I know that. I have been in this town for long. So, do you think I will do foolhardy stuff? I did nothing. Your boys started an unnecessary mess. That’s when some stranger came and hit them. I and my friend neither initiated the fight, nor did we hit anyone. Anyway, I did not call you to explain things. I will bring that girl back tomorrow itself. I don’t need any trouble. But, I need my money back. I used her for one night only. I need the rest of my money.
Latika was worried. Nikhil had paid a huge amount. Returning half the amount meant enormous loss. She said, ‘See, keep her with you for one more night. That’s fine.’ Nikhil knew Latika well. He had to ensure that Latika never doubted him. If he agreed to keep Ruhaani for one more night despite all the chaos that happened, Latika might become suspicious. So, it was better if Ruhaani went back to the brothel. Nonetheless, he can manage to keep her safe for one more night.
Nikhil (to Latika): No. I will send that girl back. You are highly unprofessional. I don’t trust you.
Latika(in a servile tone): N…no, listen…..
Nikhil (sternly): You listen now. I know you don’t want to return the money. Fine. I will drop the girl tomorrow morning. But, since you are not giving my money back, I will use her again tomorrow night. No other customer should touch her. Or else, you must refund the rest of the amount. Moreover, that girl is fresh. I am planning to pay for her more, for the next couple of days as well. If she is used by someone else, I won’t come back to your brothel.
Latika did not want to lose the money. She replied politely in a submissive tone, ‘No, no. Don’t worry about that. You will be her sole customer for the next couple of days. After all you have paid for her. Use her to the full. No problem.
Nikhil hung up. Latika was a greedy lady. When it came to money, she would never compromise. Nikhil paid well. Latika could not lose this customer. Latika was not dumb either. She still suspected Nikhil but she would not lose her money, no matter what.
At around 7:30 a.m., Ruhaani came out of her room. She went to the living room. Zafar was not there. Ruhaani looked at the kitchen. Zafar was not there either. Where did Zafar go? Did he flee leaving her alone? Oh so Zafar also turned out to be one of those men who was adept in hurting and cheating. Ruhaani panicked. What if some other men came to this house? No no, she should run away. But why did Zafar give her the phone then? What if the phone was to track her movement? As she was contemplating on these, the front door opened. It was Zafar with some packets in his hand. Zafar looked at Ruhaani and said beaming, ‘Good morning! Did you sleep well?’ Ruhaani replied, ‘Uh…yes…..but….where are you coming from?’ Zafar smiled and said, ‘I had stepped out to get breakfast. You freshen up. I will quickly serve breakfast.’ Ruhaani felt ashamed. She told herself, ‘How stupid I am. This man has been so nice to me and I am still unable to trust him! Damn! Shame on me.’
Latika went back to her abode. There were few things she had to take care of. First was the guy who hit her boys. She would talk to inspector Tyagi for that. Inspector Tyagi will throw this guy in the lockup and beat him to pulp. That would make that stranger leave the town. Worse case scenario, that stranger will have to be killed. Tyagi will manage. No problem with that. And second was Nikhil. She already took the first step. The second step will be taken soon. But she had to get her money first.
Mushtaque’s phone rang. It was from Saanchi.
Mushtaque: Yes love.
Saanchi: Missing me?
Mushtaque: No.
Saanchi(sad): No?
Mushtaque: You are in my heart all the time. How can I miss you?
Saanchi(giggling): Well I knew that. But it’s so hard staying without you.
Mushtaque: So I am right there with you. Close your eyes and you will find me right near you.
Saanchi(blushing): I can feel your presence all the time. But when are you coming back.
Mushtaque: Very soon darling. Need to wrap up some things here.
Saanchi: And are you okay?
Mushtaque(putting antiseptic liquid on his bruise): I am absolutely fine.
Saanchi: I love you. Now get some sleep.
Mushtaque(blowing a kiss on the phone): Love you too.
‘Things are not as it seems. Ruhaani is not here with Nikhil. So, playing games, right? Well, matter of one more night Nikhil. You will depart soon….’, the plan is on……………
To be continued……………