Ruhaani Episode 5

Rhituparna Chakraborty
7 min readAug 17, 2021






#Rhituparna Chakraborty

Link for previous chapter/chapters: #Ruhaaniepisode1, #ruhaaniepisode1, #Ruhaaniepisode2, #ruhaaniepisode2, #Ruhaaniepisode3, #ruhaaniepisode3, #Ruhaaniepisode4,#ruhaaniepisode4

#Rhituparna Chakraborty

#Disclaimer: This is an original work of fiction with no relation to any person/organism living or dead. Every episode, every character is a work of imagination. Any resemblance to any person, organism, place or character is purely coincidental. There is no intention to hurt or rebuke anyone through this work. This story/episode cannot be copied, published or reproduced without the permission of the author RhituparnaChakraborty.

Latika was talking to one of the boys in the brothel who was in charge of guarding the brothel well so that none of the girls escaped or even tried to sneak out. He was a trusted associate of Latika. He and his team had guns too. Latika had arranged things well. But then neither Latika nor those boys had to use guns to manage the girls in the brothel. Slaps, kicks and even sometimes putting a burning piece of coal on some hidden part of the body of the girls worked. No girl dared to take any risk. These guards were well trained and they were loyal to Latika because they were paid very well.

Zafar woke up early today. Saloni was surprised. She asked, ‘Wow! Look at you. Woke up this early? Nice!’ Zafar replied, ‘Well, I am planning to work out in the morning hours rather than evening hours.’ Saloni was making parathas for breakfast. While flipping a paratha, she said, ‘That’s not a bad idea. Morning hours are very good for exercise. Moreover, you hit the gym so late. I mean you go at 9:30 p.m. and come back by 10:45 p.m. Is that even a good time? I am glad you decided to change your routine.’ Zafar smiled and said, ‘ Well, your brother is smart.’ Saloni gave a warm smile to Zafar and said, ‘Yes baby. You are smart. I am blessed to have a baby brother like you.’

Zafar donned his track pants, hooded sweatshirt and stepped out. He started jogging. Zafar was good looking. Many girls in the neighborhood had crush on him. Zafar loved that attention. But then, he had an attitude problem. He knew he was good looking and smart. So, he would never respond to the lovey-dovey messages of the girls who would die for his attention. Yes, he was a polite and kind gentleman. He was very helpful as well. But when it came to giving attention to girls, he was reticent. When he had caught Ruhaani looking at him, for a moment he felt she too was falling for him and wanted his attention. But when he observed her closely, he realized that, that was not the case. There was something she wanted to tell him. And Ruhaani was very young. At that age, girls tend to be chirpy, happy and smiling. However Ruhaani’s eyes were poignant. There was a hint of emptiness in her face. Zafar wanted to know Ruhaani more. More than that, he wanted to get her out of that place. Question is, how was he going to do that?

Zafar jogged to Latika’s brothel and stood right on the street below the window of Ruhaani’s room. If only he saw her today, maybe he could get a chance to talk to her. Well talking seemed difficult, but maybe he could wave at her and take her phone number. But she would not have a phone. Damn! Zafar took out a cigarette and put his hood perfectly well and on the pretext of smoking, he kept on looking at Ruhaani’s window. No one was there. What if she never came to the window? He would wait, even if it was for 2 hours. Just then he saw Ruhaani at the window. He could see her faded pink kurta. The colour of the Kurta reflected on her face. Her eyes were as sad as ever. She held the window rods with her hands and looked down. Zafar kept on looking at her till she saw him amidst so many people out there on that street. Ruhaani caught Zafar looking at her. Zafar smiled and waved at her. Ruhaani was perplexed for a moment. She looked behind her to check if anyone was there. When she saw that there was no one, she hesitatingly waved back at Zafar. She did not smile even once. Usually, girls would go gaga when Zafar smiled at them. But Ruhaani’s face said a different story of agony. Zafar gestured to ask, ‘How are you?’ Ruhaani nodded gently. After a few minutes Ruhaani went away. Zafar knew she would not come back to the window again. There would be a lot of restrictions for her. But he had to figure out a way to meet her.

Zafar then called Ravi’s girl friend Rima. Rima received the call. The conversation after that:

Rima: Hi Zafar

Zafar: Hey Rima. How are you?

Rima: All good. How are you?

Zafar: Good. Umm…. can we meet now?

Rima: Now? Everything okay?

Zafar: Yes. All okay. Need to talk to you about something.

Rima(smiling): I think I know what you want to talk about. But I shared all the information about Ruhaani. Is there anything else?

Zafar: Yes. Come downstairs. I am waiting. I will call Ravi and Nikhil as well.

Rima: Okay. Give me 15 minutes. I am doing the dishes. Let me finish that and come or else mom will have my head.

Zafar(Laughing): Okay! See you!

Zafar, Nikhil , Ravi and Rima met at a tea shop nearby. Rima looked at Zafar and said, ‘Yes Zafar. Now tell us, what is it?’ Zafar replied, ‘What do you think Latika is going to do with Ruhaani?’ Rima said on a serious note, ‘Well, Latika has been negotiating rates with prospective customers. Apparently young, pretty, virgin girls are very expensive in that market. Hence Latika is taking time. Because, once a girl is used, the rates become somewhat less. Latika wants to hit the jackpot with Ruhaani. She is expecting some wealthy client tonight. However if that does not happen tonight, she would not mind waiting.’ Zafar then asked, ‘Is there any way we can get Ruhaani out of that brothel for sometime?’ Rima said, ‘No. That’s impossible. At this point Ruhaani will be allowed to go out only with a client and no one else. It has to be a customer who would pay well.’ Zafar asked, ‘Do you know what is the rate that Latika is negotiating?’ Rima said, ‘I have no clue.’ Ravi added, ‘Wait, what if “we” send a customer to Latika for Ruhaani?’ Nikhil asked perplexed, ‘What does that mean?’ Ravi explained, ‘What if someone we know, pays the desired amount to Latika and brings Ruhaani out for the night?’ Rima looked at Ravi and asked, ‘But who will go? Latika knows you, Zafar and Nikhil very well.’ Zafar thought for a while and said, ‘All Latika cares about is money. As long as she gets it, she would not care who takes Ruhaani out.’ Zafar then looked at Rima and said, ‘If you can get me an approximate amount of the money Latika would ask for Ruhaani, I can manage something.’ Nikhil looked at Zafar wide eyed and said, ‘Zafar, if you are planning to get into this mess, trust me Latika is trouble and Saloni will skin you alive. What if Latika tells Saloni! What will you do?’ Zafar smiled and said, ‘Well, sometimes you need to take risk. And I have to take this risk.’ Nikhil said, ‘Wait. I think, instead of you going there, let me go there. My parents don’t live here. So they would not know.’ Zafar looked at Nikhil and said, ‘Why would you want take the risk bro?’ Nikhil patted Zafar’s shoulder and said, ‘You took me out of drug abuse and gave me a job. You made my life worthwhile. I can do anything for you bro. This is nothing. You gave me a new life. Can’t I do this for you?’ Zafar hugged Nikhil and said, ‘Thank you!’

At around 7 p.m. Nikhil dressed up well. He looked dapper. He was all set to go to the brothel. Ravi sprayed a nice perfume on Nikhil’s shirt and said, ‘You should behave and look like a customer. Latika is smart. And keep in mind, you have to pay only the advance. Tell her you will pay the rest after only if you are satisfied.’ Nikhil laughed and said, ‘Yes bro. Trust me. I will handle things well.’ Zafar hugged Nikhil and said, ‘This is a very risky job.’ Nikhil smiled and said, ‘Life is meant about risks, isn’t it?’

Nikhil went to meet Latika. Latika was eating a plateful of snacks while listening to music when Nikhil knocked at the door of Latika’s room after a thorough security check at the gate. Latika was surprised to see Nikhil. She gestured him to come inside. She then asked Nikhil curiously, ‘You have never been here before. What brings you here today?’ Nikhil smirked and said, ‘Needs… lady….needs. A lonely soul I am. I have my physical needs. Anyway, I have money. You show me your best collections.’ Latika asked, ‘What’s your budget?’ Nikhil said, ‘No constraint on budget. I need a fresh piece. I don’t need your used items. This is my first time. I want to enjoy.’ Latika looked at Nikhil suspiciously and said, ‘Well, items here are always used. We don’t have any fresh piece.’ Nikhil got up and said, ‘Fine then. I will leave.’ Latika said immediately, ‘Wait wait……how much money do you have?’ Nikhil took out a bundle of notes and showed it to Latika and said sternly, ‘I will pay half the amount now and half after I deposit your item back here. Moreover, I am going to pay a hefty amount. Hence, I need her for 2 nights.’ Latika replied curtly, ‘I never send my girls for more than one night.’ Nikhil smiled and said, ‘Fine then. I am leaving. I don’t need any of your girls. I will go somewhere else.’ Latika had noticed the amount of money. It was huge. She immediately said, ‘I have the right item for you. It’s okay. You can take her for two nights.’ Nikhil said, ‘One condition however, no one should know about it. I don’t want my reputation to be ruined.’ Latika laughed out loudly, ‘Every customer says that. Don’t worry, this is business.’ Nikhil said, ‘Okay! Now get a nice fresh girl. I am waiting.’ Latika called someone and said, ‘Go get Ruhaani. Get her dressed properly……’

To be continued…………….



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