Ruhaani Episode 4

Rhituparna Chakraborty
6 min readAug 14, 2021






#Rhituparna Chakraborty

Link for previous chapter/chapters: #Ruhaaniepisode1, #ruhaaniepisode1, #Ruhaaniepisode2, #ruhaaniepisode2, #Ruhaaniepisode3, #ruhaaniepisode3

#Rhituparna Chakraborty

#Disclaimer: This is an original work of fiction with no relation to any person/organism living or dead. Every episode, every character is a work of imagination. Any resemblance to any person, organism, place or character is purely coincidental. There is no intention to hurt or rebuke anyone through this work. This story/episode cannot be copied, published or reproduced without the permission of the author RhituparnaChakraborty.

Zafar dropped Saloni at Saloni’s beauty parlor. Saloni was about to enter the parlor when Zafar said, ‘Saloni…..’ Saloni turned around and replied, ‘Yes?’ Zafar said, ‘Who was that girl?’ Saloni asked perplexed, ‘Which girl?’ Zafar replied, ‘That girl who was staring at us when I came to pick you up.’ Saloni looked sternly at Zafar and said, ‘Look Zafar, that girl is just another possession of Latika. And we all know Latika very well. Moreover girls there stare at every man for business. If she was looking at you, the only reason was business. So, stop thinking about her and don’t you dare interfere in Latika’s business. You know who Latika is and what she can do.’ Zafar looked at Saloni and said with a smile, ‘Well, I know I am your younger sibling, but that never means that I will be an obedient brother. If you do not tell me about that girl, I am going to find out about her.’ Saloni looked at Zafar shocked and said, ‘Zafar, you know how important you are to me.’ Saloni then patted Zafar’s cheek and said, ‘Please understand Zafar. That girl is just another entity at that brothel. She will be sold/used depending on customers. That’s Latika’s business. Let her do that. You mind your own business and I don’t want you to nose around trying to find out more about that girl. Promise me Zafar, you will listen to me. Promise…..’ Zafar smirked and said, ‘Well, I will think and let you know.’ Saloni fumed with rage but before she could say anything Zafar drove away in his motorbike.

Saloni stood there worried to hell. Latika was a cruel lady. If anyone interfered in her business that person would be killed. Zafar was Saloni’s little brother. She did not want him to invite trouble. But Zafar had been a stubborn kid since childhood. Zafar was 28 years old. He had a flourishing cloth shop in the busy market place. He earned enough to take care of Saloni and his parents. Saloni also earned decent money through her beauty parlor. Things have been smooth for Zafar Shaikh and his family. Saloni prayed things stay great and hoped Zafar would understand the repercussions of meddling in Latika’s work.

Zafar went back to his shop. He had two buddies to help him there. Nikhil and Ravi. These boys were his best friends. He could trust them blindly in any situation. They have been together since childhood and they would always stand strong together no matter what.

Zafar went back to his shop . Nikhil and Ravi were busy with customers. Zafar called the tea vendor right in front of his shop and said, ‘One cup of tea.’ The tea vendor came and poured a cup of tea and gave to Zafar. While sipping tea, Zafar thought, ‘What could be her name? Why was she looking at me that way? She was certainly not looking at me as a prospective customer. She looks so young. How old would she be? Nothing more than 18. For sure. Saloni knows all about it. But, she would not tell me. How do I find out?’

Ruhaani sat in her room waiting for the axe to fall. Her tears had dried. She knew this was her destiny and she had no way to escape. She got up and looked at herself in the mirror. The blouse she wore exposed a lot of her body. The Saree she wore was transparent. She asked herself, ‘Why? Why is the body of a woman so vulnerable. I wish I was never born. If only something happened and I died.’ Just then Latika came in. Seeing Ruhaani, Latika beamed. She came and patted Ruhaani’s right cheek gently ensuring the make up stayed intact. She then told Ruhaani, ‘You are one prized possession. Look at you. I have been negotiating deals with prospective customers. Can you believe how much they are paying! Well well, you don’t have to know that. But then I think I will wait for a day or two. If I rush I may end up getting less money. A customer has seen your video. He is dying to be with you. Fresh virgin maiden. Woooh! But, he does not want to pay the amount I want. He might agree by tomorrow. So today, you can rest. I will send some fresh fruits and milk. Have that. Tomorrow, I will send your contraceptive pills. Have one after breakfast. I am sure the customer will transfer the advance amount tomorrow.’

Nikhil came near Zafar and asked, ‘What’s up bro? Tea at this time? Care for a cigarette?’ Zafar said, ‘Yes.’ Nikhil and Zafar went out to smoke. Nikhil then asked, ‘What’s the matter?’ Zafar hesitated and said, ‘ Something strange happened today.’ Taking a drag from the cigarette, Nikhil asked, ‘As in?’ Zafar said, ‘I had gone to pick up Saloni. She was there getting someone ready at Latika’s brothel. While waiting, I caught a girl looking at me from the window of a room upstairs.’ Nikhil joked, ‘Aha…..and then?’ Zafar looked at Nikhil and said, ‘Will you let me complete?’ Nikhil laughed and said, ‘Sorry bro. Tell me.’ Zafar continued, ‘I don’t know…..the way she looked at me was not the way other girls in the brothel do. I mean…..I could feel agony in her eyes. It was as if….. she was screaming for help.’ Nikhil replied pensively, ‘Hmmm. What’s her name?’ Zafar answered, ‘I know nothing about her. Saloni told me she is a prized asset for Latika and probably tonight would be her first night as a sex worker if Latika got the right customer for that girl.’ Nikhil threw the last bit of his cigarette on the ground, crushed it with his foot and told Zafar, ‘So, what is it that you want?’ Zafar looked at Nikhil earnestly and said, ‘I want to know more about her. I don’t even know her name. If she is willingly involved in that profession that’s fine but if she is forced, I want to get her out of that mess.’ Nikhil looked at Zafar and said, ‘And you know that she belongs to Latika’s brothel and yet you want to save her? Are you mad? We all know Latika. Don’t we?’ Zafar went ahead and leaned on his bike and said, ‘Yes and Saloni warned me too. But…..’ Nikhil looked at Zafar’s eyes and said, ‘But what?’ Zafar said nothing. Nikhil went to Ravi and said, ‘Your girlfriend knows some girls working with Latika right?’ Ravi looked curiously at Nikhil and said, ‘Yes she does. But why?’ Nikhil replied, ‘Need to do some sleuthing for Zafar.’ Ravi said, ‘Anything for Zafar. Tell me what is it?’ Nikhil said, ‘And will your girlfriend agree?’ Ravi smiled and said, ‘ You don’t know Rima. She would have been in CID had she got proper guidance. She loves to work on interesting things. She will get all the information.’

Vanita and Suman were Rima’s friends in Latika’s brothel. Rima grew up in that neighborhood. Whenever Vanita and Suman would come to have tea and smoke cigarettes in the tiny tea shop downstairs, Rima would see them and talk to them and that’s how she became friends with these two girls. Rima’s parents detested their friendship but Rima was a carefree and headstrong girl. Latika did not find this friendship objectionable because Rima was never nosy. She would just talk to these girls, gossip and laugh. That’s all. Rima was never a threat. Hence the friendship continued and became strong. Vanita and Suman would usually come downstairs to smoke at around 8 p.m. Rima was waiting for them today. The moment they came, Rima went near them hugged them and started talking about general things. Vanita said that she deliberately slapped a customer today on the pretext of killing a mosquito. Suman giggled. Suman added that her customer had got chocolates for her today. Amidst all these conversation Rima tactfully asked about all the girls in the brothel and how were things. Vanita blurted out about all the girls and then finally she talked about Ruhaani. Rima got all the information she needed to know about Ruhaani. Ruhaani was 18 and was Suvarna’s daughter. She was forced in this profession and she preferred death than living like this.

After she went home, Rima called Ravi and shared all the information she got about Ruhaani. Ravi told Zafar all about Ruhaani. Zafar smiled and said, ‘Ruhaani……’ Just then Nikhil came. Ravi looked at Nikhil and said, ‘Something is wrong with Zafar.’ Nikhil laughed and said, ‘Oh yes.’ He then asked Zafar, ‘What’s next Zafar?’ Zafar blushed, smiled and said, ‘Ruhaani……’ The three boys laughed out loudly. Nikhil then said, ‘Mission Ruhaani….get set go…..’

To be continued…………..



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