Ruhaani Episode 3
#Rhituparna Chakraborty
Link for previous chapter/chapters: #Ruhaaniepisode1, #ruhaaniepisode1, #Ruhaaniepisode2, #ruhaaniepisode2
#Rhituparna Chakraborty
#Disclaimer: This is an original work of fiction with no relation to any person/organism living or dead. Every episode, every character is a work of imagination. Any resemblance to any person, organism, place or character is purely coincidental. There is no intention to hurt or rebuke anyone through this work. This story/episode cannot be copied, published or reproduced without the permission of the author RhituparnaChakraborty.
That was the dark day in Suvarna’s life when she was introduced to that world of flesh trade. Latika instructed someone to train Suvarna. Suvarna kept on pleading, crying, but everyone turned a deaf air. Suvarna was too skinny. Latika instructed some girls in the house to ensure Suvarna ate well. Well, food sure was a luxury there but for skinny girls some basic food items like chapatis, rice and simple lentil soup was made available. Sometimes that was not enough to make the girls put on weight. Hence the girls were fed extra hormone pills to make them put on weight. Within couple of months, Suvarna had gained weight and her body became soft. Suvarna was kept on strict vigilance. Everyday she prayed to go back but Latika had warned her that if she went back, her parents would need to pay back the entire amount with 50 percent interest or else they will be killed. Suvarna knew her life was ruined. There was nothing she could do now. She made some friends here who deeply cared for her but their hands were tied too. They were also victims and were suffering in this hell hole.
Finally the day came when Suvarna was introduced to her first customer. By that time Suvarna knew if she did not cooperate she would be drugged. If she tried to resist, she will be hit and she will be starved. Her friends made her understand that there is no way to escape from this. Moreover with every customer she entertained, she would be given some money to buy things of her own. Something like a meagre salary. Suvarna accepted her fate. Suvarna was given birth control pills to make sure she did not conceive.
On her first day, she bled profusely because the customer was a tyrant. Suvarna was unable to satisfy him. Latika fumed with rage. After the customer went, Latika slapped Suvarna. Suvarna was in pain for entire three days. Just the day when she felt somewhat better, Latika brought in 3 customers. Suvarna preferred death. She wanted to kill herself. But even that was not possible amidst such strict vigilance. Every night for her was a curse. Sometimes even in afternoon hours there would be customers and one fine day Suvarna found out that she was pregnant. Suvarna always had irregular periods and hence by the time it was confirmed that she was pregnant, abortion was out of question. Deep in her heart Suvarna hoped for a miscarriage. She did not want her child to be born in this brothel. But her pregnancy was healthy. She prayed for a boy child so that atleast that child will not be forced to prostitution. But alas, she was blessed with an angelic daughter. Suvarna could not take her eyes off her daughter. But she knew, Latika would make her daughter also a prostitute. She had wished her daughter to be ugly so that no one would want her. But her daughter was flawlessly beautiful. Suvarna cried her heart out in front of her friends. Her friends consoled her, ‘We will pray that your daughter escapes from this hell. Let us name her Ruhaani. Ruhaani means sacred, pure. She will remain pure. Our prayers won’t go unanswered.’
As Ruhaani grew, she became the center of everyone’s attention. Suvarna’s friends showered love on her. Latika took immense care to make Ruhaani prettier with every passing day. Ruhaani was expensive and she would lure rich customers. Latika had big plans for Ruhaani.
Sitting in the locked room, crying, praying, recalling all the past memories, Suvarna joined her hands and prayed to Almighty, ‘Save my little girl, God. Save her.’
Saloni ensured Ruhaani looked alluring. Ruhaani was doe eyed. Her eye lashes and her eyes narrated a story of compassion. Her peach and cream complexion became red with her tears. Her soft pink lips let out a whimper which no one heard. Ruhaani wanted to be with Suvarna. Latika would introduce Ruhaani today to affluent customers, most of them in the age group of 50 to 60. Ruhaani wished some lightning would strike her and she would die. Well nothing of that sort happened. Ruhaani looked at Saloni and said, ‘Saloni…..’. While packing her stuff, Saloni replied nonchalantly, ‘Yes?’ Ruhaani stood up and walked to her. She then held Saloni’s hand and said earnestly, ‘Can you save me? Please!’ Saloni immediately removed her hand from Ruhaani’s gentle grasp and whispered, ‘Don’t ever say this to me again. I come here only to get you all ready. I don’t want to get involved in any of this mess.’ Ruhaani said with tears in her eyes, ‘You are the only one who has access to the world outside. You are the only one who is not involved in this flesh trade. Please…..please take me out of here. Please……’ Saloni hushed Ruhaani and said sternly, ‘No I can’t. I am out of here now. Bye.’ Ruhaani knelt on the floor, held Saloni’s feet and said, ‘Help me Saloni or kill me or show me a way so that I can die. I can’t let these brutes crush my body.’ Saloni pushed Ruhaani and said, ‘See Ruhaani, if Latika comes to know about this, I am dead meat. My brother is waiting outside to pick me up. Let me go.’ Saying that Saloni pushed Ruhaani and rushed out. Ruhaani cannot follow Saloni because Latika’s guards were all over the place. As Saloni went out, Ruhaani peeped out from the window of her room. She saw a boy waiting there on his bike. The boy had tied his hair into a pony tail. He kept on looking up and down while smoking a cigarette. He was around 5 feet 11 inches tall with wheatish complexion, sturdy structure, strong biceps and flat abs. He sported a beard, a long stubble. He was wearing a pair of glares. As he looked up, he saw Ruhaani looking at him through the window holding the iron rods in the window. He could see her spaghetti strapped blouse and a transparent chiffon saree. That’s what most of the girls in that brothel were made to dress like and they would usually whistle and call men inside. But Ruhaani stood there looking at him as if she was crying for help. Just then Saloni came and told him, ‘Let’s go Zafar. Hurry up.’ Saloni caught Zafar looking at Ruhaani. She told Zafar, ‘This is Latika’s new asset. Today is her first day at work. She was asking me to help her escape. You know what will happen if we do that. Let’s scoot from here before this girl puts us into trouble.’ Zafar looked at Ruhaani again. Ruhaani kept on looking at Saloni and Zafar. Zafar put on his helmet, while Saloni wore the other helmet and both of them left the place. Ruhaani stood there helpless. The customers were all set to rent her out for the night and Latika was busy negotiating rates.
To be continued……………….