Ruhaani Episode 14

Rhituparna Chakraborty
6 min readSep 9, 2021






#Rhituparna Chakraborty

Link for previous chapter/chapters: #Ruhaaniepisode1, #ruhaaniepisode1, #Ruhaaniepisode2, #ruhaaniepisode2, #Ruhaaniepisode3, #ruhaaniepisode3, #Ruhaaniepisode4,#ruhaaniepisode4, #Ruhaaniepisode5, #ruhaaniepisode5, #Ruhaaniepisode6,#ruhaaniepisode6, #Ruhaaniepisode7,#ruhaaniepisode7, #Ruhaaniepisode8, #ruhaaniepisode8, #Ruhaaniepisode9, #ruhaaniepisode9, #Ruhaaniepisode10, #ruhaaniepisode10, #Ruhaaniepisode11, #ruhaaniepisode11, #Ruhaaniepisode12, #ruhaaniepisode12, #Ruhaaniepisode13, #ruhaaniepisode13

#Rhituparna Chakraborty

#Disclaimer: This is an original work of fiction with no relation to any person/organism living or dead. Every episode, every character is a work of imagination. Any resemblance to any person, organism, place, character or situation is purely coincidental. There is no intention to hurt or rebuke anyone or any profession through this work. This story/episode cannot be copied, published or reproduced without the permission of the author RhituparnaChakraborty.

Zafar walked up to Ravi and said, ‘Ruhaani is not answering my calls.’ Ravi gasped and said, ‘Damn! Hope she is okay!’ Zafar brushed his hair with his hand and then rubbed his forehead in deep concern and said, ‘I have to go.’ Ravi said, ‘Yes. You should go. I am here for Nikhil.’ Zafar hugged Ravi and said, ‘I don’t know who is doing this but I will find out. I will never spare that person.’ Ravi said with his eyes blood shot red, ‘I hope our Nikhil survives.’ Zafar wiped his tears and said, ‘He will. He will have to. He cannot leave us like this.’ Ravi said with a shattered voice, ‘Yes. He must live…...’. Trying to control his tears, Ravi said, ‘Zafar, now, please go and check on Ruhaani. I hope she is fine.’ Zafar nodded and left.

Zafar ran to the parking space, took his bike and rushed to see Ruhaani. He said a silent prayer praying Ruhaani is fine. He stormed away. His mind was racing. Why was she not receiving the call. If everything was fine, she would have received the call or she would have called back. Something does not seem right.

It seemed ages for Zafar. He sped up his bike and rode as fast as he could. The road was pitch dark. The winding roads did not trouble him. All he was concerned was about Ruhaani and his friend Nikhil.

Rohan went to Latika’s brothel. The guards at the gate did not allow him to go inside. Rohan flashed his identity card and said, ‘This is urgent and if Latika does not cooperate, this could lead to major consequences.’ The guards let Rohan in. Latika was unable to sleep anyway. She was pacing around in her room. Just then one of the guards came and told her, ‘A police officer wants to meet you.’ Latika was alarmed. She told the guard, ‘Make him wait downstairs. I will come and talk to him there. None of the girls should come and tell him anything.’ Latika went downstairs. Rohan flashed his identity card again and said, ‘Well I know, rather everyone knows what goes in here but then I would need evidence to rescue innocent girls. But at this point, I am here for some important information. I hope you will cooperate.’ Latika smirked, ‘Well, you can’t force anyone to do anything.’ Rohan smiled and said, ‘I can. If you do not answer my questions right now, I can register new cases against you. You must be aware Tyagi is no longer in charge of this police station.’ Latika knew Rohan was right. She replied, ‘Well, what is it that you want to know?’ Rohan said, ‘Your boys had attacked Nikhil and Ravi before.’ Latika tried to evade the question, ‘I don’t think so.’ Rohan said, ‘Well, I have eye witness for that. Now listen, one of the the boys whom your guards had hit is in ICU. He might not survive. Then, being the major suspects, I will have to arrest all your guards, which means you too will be arrested. And if that happens, this time there would be no one to save them. So, you might as well tell me the truth. We all know this is a brothel and if your guards had attacked those guys Nikhil and Ravi, it has to do something with your business. What is it?’ Latika knew she was trapped. She said, ‘Yes, my guards did hit Nikhil and Ravi.’ Rohan said, ‘And they shot him too, right?’ Latika replied, ‘No! Not at all. They had no orders to shoot him. All I wanted was to teach them a lesson of not messing with me.’ Rohan asked curiously, ‘What did they mess with?’ Latika was quiet. Rohan asked sternly, ‘What did they mess with?’ Latika replied, ‘With….’ Rohan asked again, ‘With what?’ Latika said, ‘Ruhaani….’ Rohan asked, ‘Who is Ruhaani? Tell me all about it….’ Latika hesitated and said, ‘She….she…..’ Rohan said, ‘I told you we all know about this illegal trade of yours. Now tell me what is it about Ruhaani….’ Latika said, ‘Well Nikhil wanted Ruhaani. He had paid a fat amount for her.’ Rohan was surprised. He thought, ‘So these boys are into this as well. They don’t look like though……..’ Rohan then asked, ‘So, if he paid a fat amount then why did you send your boys to beat him ?’ Latika said, ‘Well… guards found him without Ruhaani….’ Rohan asked confused, ‘So?’. Latika added, ‘So….when a customer takes a girl with him, it never happens that you spot the customer somewhere without the girl. After paying such a huge amount, you wouldn’t see any customer away from the girl. My boys wanted to check if Ruhaani was with them. And they did not find her with them and the ruckus started….’ Rohan then asked, ‘So if Ruhaani was not with Nikhil, did you find out where she was?’ Latika replied, ‘Well, I did not try to find out because next day Nikhil dropped Ruhaani here.’


Saloni was worried. She had to go to the hospital to see Nikhil. Yes, Zafar is right. Their old parents should not know about it. Otherwise they will be worried. She had to step out quietly. Ensuring pin drop silence, she stepped out of the house and rushed to the hospital. She knew Zafar will not be happy on seeing her at the hospital. But how could she not go and see her brother and his friends in such dire circumstances.

Saloni reached the hospital. She inquired at the reception about Nikhil. Nikhil was still in ICU. Ravi was waiting at the reception area hoping for some good news. Seeing Ravi, Saloni went near him and sat beside him. She touched his shoulder and asked, ‘Did you eat anything?’ Ravi said weakly, ‘I am not hungry.’ Saloni took out a lunchbox from her bag and said, ‘There are “parathas” and veggies here. Have this. I had made this for dinner. Never knew about Nikhil. Just some time ago, Zafar had called. That’s when I came to know.’ Ravi said nothing. Saloni continued, ‘Where is Zafar? He must be hungry too?’ Ravi did not want to tell Saloni about Ruhaani. He replied, ‘Must have stepped out for some fresh air. He is not coping well.’ Saloni sighed and said, ‘I understand.’ Saying that she handed Ravi the lunchbox and said, ‘You have this. I will go out and call Zafar.’ Saloni went outside and tried calling. The number was unreachable.

Zafar reached the apartment. His heart was pounding. He rushed upstairs. The door was ajar. He saw blood on the door step and living room. His heart skipped a beat. He called out, ‘Ruhaani……’ No, he heard nothing. He called out again, ‘Ruhaani…….’. She was not there in the living room. He went to the kitchen and bedroom as well. No, she was not there. The balcony door was ajar. Zafar clutched his head, knelt down and screamed….. ‘RUHAANI……….’


Rohan called Mushtaque.

Mushtaque: Yes Rohan

Rohan: Sir, seems we are barking up the wrong tree.

Mushtaque: Well, not exactly wrong.

Rohan: I did not understand.

Mushtaque: Get all the call details of Latika. Recent call logs. And send them to me immediately.

Rohan: Right Sir.

Mushtaque: Go to the hospital and check on Nikhil’s well being and no matter what the doctor says, you please inform Ravi and Zafar whatever I tell you. I will text you what to tell Ravi and Zafar.


The phone rang. The person at the other end received the call and said, ‘Your job is done.’ The caller smiled and said, ‘Good job. Sending you details of the next target. Finish him off as well.’ The person at the other end replied, ‘Before that we must meet to settle the money. Come and meet me at Hill road. I am waiting.’


To be continued…………………………..



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