Ruhaani Episode 12

Rhituparna Chakraborty
7 min readSep 3, 2021






#Rhituparna Chakraborty

Link for previous chapter/chapters: #Ruhaaniepisode1, #ruhaaniepisode1, #Ruhaaniepisode2, #ruhaaniepisode2, #Ruhaaniepisode3, #ruhaaniepisode3, #Ruhaaniepisode4,#ruhaaniepisode4, #Ruhaaniepisode5, #ruhaaniepisode5, #Ruhaaniepisode6,#ruhaaniepisode6, #Ruhaaniepisode7,#ruhaaniepisode7, #Ruhaaniepisode8, #ruhaaniepisode8, #Ruhaaniepisode9, #ruhaaniepisode9, #Ruhaaniepisode10, #ruhaaniepisode10, #Ruhaaniepisode11, #ruhaaniepisode11

#Rhituparna Chakraborty

#Disclaimer: This is an original work of fiction with no relation to any person/organism living or dead. Every episode, every character is a work of imagination. Any resemblance to any person, organism, place, character or situation is purely coincidental. There is no intention to hurt or rebuke anyone or any profession through this work. This story/episode cannot be copied, published or reproduced without the permission of the author RhituparnaChakraborty.

Mushtaque instructed Rohan and his team to go to the site of the incident while Mushtaque went to the hospital. Mushtaque saw Ravi at the hospital. He immediately recalled the meeting with Ravi and Nikhil. He had saved Ravi and Nikhil from those rogues. Ravi paced back and forth in the hospital corridor. His face was ashen. Mushtaque went near him and said, ‘Hi!’ Ravi was startled. He turned around. When he saw Mushtaque, Ravi vividly remembered the incident when Mushtaque had saved him and Nikhil from Latika’s guards. Mushtaque introduced himself and said, ‘I am ACP Mushtaque Khan.’ Ravi now knew why this guy was able to fight the goons alone. He sure was a dare devil. Ravi replied, ‘Hi! I am Ravi.’ Mushtaque then asked, ‘How are you related to the injured person?’ Ravi said with tears in his eyes, ‘He is my friend.’ Mushtaque then asked, ‘Could you tell me what had exactly happened?’ Ravi wiped his tears and said. I was waiting for him. We usually have dinner together. I tried reaching him on his mobile phone but he did not answer. And then I receive a call saying he is hurt and is in the hospital.’ Saying that Ravi broke down. Mushtaque made him sit on the bench. Mushtaque then asked a team member of his to get some water for Ravi. Just then Mushtaque’s phone rang. It was from Rohan.

Rohan: Sir, the car is in bad shape. There was a shower of bullets.

Mushtaque: Hmm. The driver was alone in the car or was there someone else too?

Rohan: We are looking at it. We have collected the blood samples.

Mushtaque: Ok. Look closely and find out if the driver of the car was alone or was there someone else in the car.

Rohan: Yes Sir!

Mushtaque then hung up the phone and went near Ravi. He then asked Ravi, ‘Is this friend of yours the same guy who was with you the other day when I had met you guys for the first time?’ Ravi nodded and said, ‘Yes.’ Mushtaque said, ‘Who were those boys? Why did they attack you?’ Ravi was at a loss of words now. He could not recall what he and Nikhil had told Mushtaque the other day. Now if he said something now which may not match with what he and Nikhil had said earlier, there would be problem. Before he could say something, Zafar came. He looked haggard and worn out with worry. Seeing Ravi he asked with immense concern, ‘How is Nikhil?’ Ravi stood up, hugged Zafar and said with a shattered voice, ‘I hope he lives.’ Zafar stood there frozen. He could not believe that his best friend was hanging between life and death. He had no clue what had happened. Mushtaque looked at Zafar and asked, ‘I believe Nikhil is your friend too.’ Zafar’s eyes were moist. He nodded. Ravi added solemnly, ‘I, Zafar and Nikhil are bestest buddies. We have always been together. We are incomplete without each other.’ Mushtaque nodded and said with compassion, ‘Friendship is a priceless relation.’ He then continued, ‘You would not want your friend’s wrong doer to go scot-free. Who were those boys who had attacked you and Nikhil the other day?’ From their previous experience of the police of this town, Zafar and Ravi were skeptical about sharing everything with Mushtaque. What if he too was hand in glove with Latika? It would pose risk to Ruhaani. Deep down Ravi felt they could trust Mushtaque. But then again, it was too early to know. Zafar’s blood boiled. He needed to know who did this to Nikhil. If he knew that he would manage singlehandedly. But first, Nikhil had to survive.

The doctor came out of the OT. Zafar and Ravi rushed to meet him. The doctor said, ‘We took out three bullets from his body. We are trying our best He is in a very critical condition. Please call his family members as soon as possible.’ Zafar and Ravi were shattered. Zafar clenched his fist. His eyes were blood shot red. He would find out who did this. Mushtaque will have to interrogate Zafar and Ravi thoroughly. But before that he would have to go the site of the mishap and find out more. Also, he had to meet Latika. After all she had come to the police station in the morning. The goons that attacked Ravi and Nikhil were her boys. But why did they attack them? There has to be a link. And she also could be behind the attack on Nikhil.

Ruhaani waited anxiously at the apartment. She was scared. What had happened? Is Nikhil okay? Was everything okay? If something were to happen to Nikhil it was all because of her. Nikhil risked his life for her. And what about Zafar! Will Zafar be fine? Zafar had asked her not to step out of the apartment. She does not want to go back to that hell hole. But if by morning Zafar is not back, Latika’s people might come looking for her and it won’t be difficult for them to find out where she was. And if they found out, they will not spare anyone. Neither Zafar nor her. She had tried calling Zafar but Zafar was not answering the phone.

Saloni looked at the clock. Zafar was not home as yet. Rubina, Zafar and Saloni’s mom asked, ‘Zafar is not home as yet?’ Saloni replied clenching her teeth, ‘This boy never understands. I have always told him to be home on time but I don’t know when will he grow up. I tried calling him but phone is not reachable. Neither Nikhil’s number is reachable nor Ravi’s. I have no clue what these boys are doing. Last night too Zafar did not come home and today also the same story.’ Rubina said, ‘You go to sleep Saloni. When Zafar comes I will answer the door and serve him dinner.’ Saloni said, ‘No Ammi. It’s fine. I will wait. Anyway I am not sleepy. I will watch a show now. You go and get some sleep.’

Mushtaque reached the site of the incident. Rohan was there. Mushtaque looked at every nook and corner of the car. Rohan handed him some papers and said that the car belonged to Zafar. Mushtaque looked at the papers. Yes, the car belonged to Zafar. There were some other things also in the car. There was a shawl, water bottle, cigarettes etc. However, the car had some mild fragrance. It did not seem like the fragrance of the car freshener. It seemed to come from the front passenger seat. So someone was there in the car before. The fragrance was more like a mild fragrance. Could be women’s perfume. So who was there with Nikhil? Zafar, Ravi or Nikhil could say that. However first things first. Mushtaque prayed Nikhil lived. Because he would be the one with all the answers.

Mushtaque told Rohan, ‘Bring Latika to the police station tomorrow morning. We will need to interrogate her.’ Rohan said, ‘That Latika is managing a brothel but without evidence we cannot arrest her.’ Mushtaque said, ‘ We will arrest her. But before that we need to know who was with Nikhil and why did Latika’s goons attack Nikhil and Ravi. These three boys are hiding something. We need to find that out. Also, find out all about Nikhil , Zafar and Ravi’s family members.

The calculation was perfect. Nikhil will not survive. Next victim is ready. All that was needed was to finish off the next victim and then couple more. However, one at a time. The person called the associate again.

Ravi stepped out to call his girl friend Rima. Rima was startled when her phone rang. It was Ravi. Ravi was crying. Rima was shocked. She asked, ‘Ravi! What happened?’ Ravi said, ‘Nikhil……’ Rima asked petrified, ‘What happened to Nikhil?’ Ravi said with his shattered voice, ‘He has been shot….’ Rima gasped. Ravi said with rage, ‘Latika is behind it.’ Rima said, ‘Are you sure?’ Ravi said, ‘It has to be her. All I need is proof. She did not do the right thing…..’ Rima said, ‘I will find out.’

Ruhaani looked out of the window. It was pitch dark. She was scared. Zafar was not answering the call. She curled up on her bed and was about to sleep when she heard a knock on the door. She was shocked. No one knew this place. Zafar had asked her not to open the door. She trembled when she heard the knock at the door again. Then the door bell started ringing. Ruhaani was shivering.

Mushtaque told Rohan, ‘I will go back to the hospital. We will have to take Nikhil’s statement.’ Rohan said, ‘Sir, you go home. It was a long day. I will go to the hospital.’ Mushtaque smiled and said, ‘It’s okay Rohan. You go home. I will go to the hospital.’

Zafar stepped out to call Ruhaani if she was fine. The person stood outside the door waiting for Ruhaani. Well no matter what, the job had to be done. The person was paid well by the boss. Since the lights of the house were all out, the person presumed that perhaps the information given was wrong. Maybe Ruhaani was not inside the house. The person was about to leave when the person heard the sound of someone’s phone ringing. So, Ruhaani was inside the house……….

To be continued………………….



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