#Rhituparna Chakraborty
#Disclaimer: This is an original work of fiction with no relation to any person/organism living or dead. Every episode, every character is a work of imagination. Any resemblance to any person, organism, place or character is purely coincidental. There is no intention to hurt or rebuke anyone through this work. This story/episode cannot be copied, published or reproduced without the permission of the author RhituparnaChakraborty.
The makeup kit had everything, Skin & Eye Primer, A Foundation & Concealer Palette, Contouring Palette, Eyeshadow, A Basic Lipstick Palette, An Excellent Brow Kit, Eyeliner and Lip Liner, Setting Powder , A Solid and Trustworthy Setting Spray, Brushes, Beauty Blender and what not. Not to forget the pretty bangles, the earrings, the beautiful ‘bindis’. Saloni was the make up artist today. Ruhaani had always been a pretty girl. Suvarna had always wanted a son. The day Ruhaani was born, Suvarna did not talk to anyone. She cried the whole day. She never wanted a daughter. Ruhaani had peach and cream complexion when she was born. Suvarna looked at Ruhaani and not even once was she thankful for being blessed with such a beautiful daughter. Latika ignored Suvarna’s reaction. She was very happy. She carried Ruhaani and put a black dot of Kohl behind Ruhaani’s ear. Latika raised Ruhaani with so much care that there was not a single blemish on Ruhaani’s skin. Since childhood Latika taught Ruhaani how to look more and more beautiful. Ruhaani would take utmost care of her skin as she grew up. Sometimes she would apply cream of milk, sometimes she would apply raw turmeric paste. With every passing day Ruhaani’s skin would glow. Suvarna detested that. She had longed for a son. One day Suvarna added chilli powder and a leaf which causes severe allergy on the turmeric face pack that Ruhaani was planning to apply . Ruhaani was about to apply that paste but Latika threw the bowl and made a new paste for Ruhaani. Latika had seen Suvarna mixing something in that paste. Suvarna would leave no stone unturned to ruin Ruhaani’s beauty regime. But Latika would never let that happen.
Time flew and Ruhaani grew up to be one pretty lady. Her beautiful eyes, her skin, her figure and to add to that Saloni’s make up stuff made Ruhaani look all the more beautiful. Today Ruhaani was shattered. She needed Suvarna but Suvarna was not there. A stream of tears fell from Ruhaani’s blood shot red eyes. She wished Suvarna was here. But Latika knew if Suvarna was around, she would ruin everything. Suvarna was locked away while Latika waited eagerly for Ruhaani’s customers. After all, Ruhaani was born in a brothel. Latika was the owner of that brothel and Suvarna was just a mere sex worker there. Ruhaani would bring in a lot more money and today was her Ruhaani’s first day as a sex worker.