Link of previous episode: #Rajpurepisode1, rajpurepisode1, #Rajpurepisode2, #rajpurepisode2, #Rajpurepisode3, #rajpurepisode3, #Rajpurepisode4, #rajpurepisode4, #Rajpurepisode5, #rajpurepisode5, #Rajpurepisode6, #rajpurepisode6, #Rajpurepisode7, #rajpurepisode7
#Author: #RhituparnaChakraborty
#Disclaimer: This is an original work of fiction with no relation to any person/organism living or dead. Every episode, every character is a work of imagination. Any resemblance to any person, organism, place or character is purely coincidental. There is no intention to hurt or rebuke anyone through this work. This story/episode cannot be copied, published or reproduced without the permission of the author RhituparnaChakraborty.
Mala rang the doorbell. Shubhangi answered it. Mala said, ‘Namaste. I have been sent by Rano. She said you needed a house help.’ Shubhangi said, ‘Yes. Come in.’ Shubhangi then pulled a chair and asked Mala to sit. She then asked, ‘What all chores can you do?’ Mala said, ‘Everything, right from cooking to cleaning to baby sitting….everything.’ Shubhangi then said, ‘Okay, I need help with cooking and cleaning. What are your salary expectations?’ . Mala thought of her life in the village. She barely got food to eat. She had eight siblings. Life was hell. She wanted to live a comfortable life. Salary did not matter much as long as she got a place to stay and food to eat. Mala said, ‘ Whatever you give me. But, I need a place to live and food to eat.’ Shubhangi and Naresh had an outhouse. Shubhangi said, ‘Fine, you can live in the outhouse. You can have your meals with us. All the same, I will monitor your work for a month. After that I will decide whether you will continue working here or not.’ Mala did not want to go back to the hell hole in her village. She said meekly, ‘ I will work well. Trust me.’
Shubhangi showed Mala all the rooms, kitchen, verandahs and also the outhouse. Mala gaped at the house. It was huge and comfortable. Mala had not got any spare clothes with her. Shubhangi gave Mala some old clothes to wear. Mala was thrilled with the non stop water supply in the bathroom, soap and shampoo. She took shower. Shubhangi gave her a moisturizer, talcum powder and comb. Mala used those and then she looked fresh as a daisy.
After shower, Shubhangi gave tea and snacks to Mala and said, ‘From today, you will spend some time with me in the kitchen and see how I cook and then you will take over. Also, wake up early and sweep and mop the floor, then take shower and then come to the kitchen. Okay?’ Mala nodded, ‘Yes Maám’.
In the evening Naresh Sharma returned from work. Mala answered the door. Naresh Sharma was surprised to see a new face. Shubhangi came just then and said, ‘I have hired her as our house help.’ Naresh Sharma nodded and said, ‘Hmm.’ After freshening up, Naresh Sharma told Shubhangi, ‘Do you think she is reliable?’ Shubhangi said, ‘Well, initially we will have to keep an eye on her. Also, I have told her that her probation period is for a month. Let me see how she works.’ Naresh Sharma said, ‘Okay. As you wish.’
Mala was lean with dusky complexion. She had jet black long hair which she always tied into a neat plait. She wore cotton sarees and used to tuck one end of her saree into her waist while working. Naresh Sharma’s co worker Suhaas used to come to the house often. He had seen Mala. Mala was gorgeous. Suhaas used to steal glimpses of Mala and Mala used to feel that. As it is, Mala wanted to settle down in this city. Suhaas was doing well in life.
It was Naresh Sharma’s birthday that day. He decided to a throw a party to his friends that night at his other home. Shubhangi and Mala had prepared all the delicacies and they had to go to the other house to deliver the food. Suhaas, Naresh, Sanjeev, Sohan were there. After delivering the food when Shubhangi and Mala were about to leave, Suhaas told Shubhangi, ‘Why don’t you guys join us Bhabi ji?’ Naresh said, ‘ Suhaas, this is a boys party. They will be bored.’ Suhaas said, ‘Oh come on Naresh. They toiled away to cook all the delicacies. Don’t you think they too should enjoy the food. They can go after eating.’ Naresh said, ‘Fine then!’
After dinner, Sanjeev and Sohan left. Naresh told Suhaas, ‘Let’s stay back here. We can go tomorrow.’ It was late. Shubhangi said, ‘I and Mala will also stay back. It won’t be safe to go now.’ Suhaas said, ‘Yes. You guys should stay back.’ Suhaas looked at Mala. Mala blushed. Mala was given the corner room to stay. Suhaas made himself comfortable in the other room while Naresh and Shubangi stayed in the master bedroom.
That night, Suhaas came to Mala’s room and they were lost in the world of intimacy. Naresh and Shubhangi knew nothing about it. Mala was thrilled because she was hoping to marry Suhaas. Little did she know that Suhaas was already married and he had three kids. Mala never told Naresh and Shubhangi all that had happened and one fine day, Suhaas left the town. By then it was too late. Mala was 5 months pregnant. Shubhangi did notice that Mala was putting on weight, but’, she never knew that Mala was pregnant. Alas, Mala had no choice but to confide in Shubhangi all that had happened. Shubhangi was shocked. There was no way Shubhangi could leave Mala alone in this condition. When Naresh came to know about it he was aghast. Shubhangi said, ‘She cannot live in this home because people will know about it. Let us make her stay comfortably in the other house.’ There was no other way out. Mala lived in the corner room in the other house. Shubhangi and Naresh took good care of her but Mala was torn apart. She did not want her child to be illegal and she considered Naresh and Shubhangi responsible for this mess in her life. That fateful night if Shubhangi had not taken her to that house, all of this would not have happened. She knew Shubhangi and Naresh had a kind soul and it will be easy to manipulate them. All the same, she wanted her child to have a beautiful life.
During the day of delivery, Shubhangi managed everything on her own. It was a painful affair. However, the baby was born healthy. Shubhangi took good care of Mala. Mala told Shubhangi, ‘If something were to happen to me, please take care of my child.’ Naresh Sharma overheard that and said, ‘See Mala, you got into this mess on your own. After some time, when you heal, please take your baby and leave.’ Mala looked at Naresh Sharma shocked. Shubhangi said nothing. Mala knew there was no other way out. She hung herself in the corner room. She knew, if they informed the police, they will be in trouble and if they tried put the child in orphanage there will be multifarious questions. Hence they will have to adopt the child.
Seeing Mala hanging on the fan was a sight Naresh Sharma and Shubhangi could never forget. They had to dump the body in a wall and seal it. The stench of rotten meat still comes to that house and Suresh knows all about it. After all Suresh is Mala’s youngest brother, who had come once or twice to meet her without Naresh and Shubhangi knowing about it. Suresh was just 10 years old then. Later, when he grew up, he approached Naresh and Shubhangi for job and hence landed up as a caretaker/cook at their house. As Mala’s child grew, Suresh had told the child everything and the child started hating Naresh and Shubhangi.
Naresh Sharma woke up when the doorbell rang. It was the middle of the night. Who would come now? It was Mushtaque clutching Suresh’s collar tightly. Naresh Sharma was shocked. Shubhangi came running. Mushtaque said, ‘You have been hiding a lot of things Mrs. and Mr. Sharma. That’s not right. Everything is wrong in that service apartment. Everything has to be fixed. You and your family will have to come with us to the police station and Saanchi’s wrong doer will never be spared………..
Meanwhile Saanchi’s wrong doer was in the world of love thinking about Saanchi, her soft body, her lips, the touch, Saanchi was a slice of heaven…………….