Link of previous episode: #Rajpurepisode1, rajpurepisode1, #Rajpurepisode2, #rajpurepisode2
#Author: #RhituparnaChakraborty
#Disclaimer: This is an original work of fiction with no relation to any person/organism living or dead. Every episode, every character is a work of imagination. Any resemblance to any person, organism, place or character is purely coincidental. There is no intention to hurt or rebuke anyone through this work. This story/episode cannot be copied, published or reproduced without the permission of the author RhituparnaChakraborty.
Mushtaque woke up. He looked beside him. Saanchi was fast asleep. He looked at her face. Innocent, adorable, charming….. he rolled towards her, embraced her, bent and kissed her gently. That’s when he realized that her body was burning with fever. He said to himself, ‘Damn!’. He jumped out of the bed, went to the cupboard where he had kept the first aid box. He took the first aid box and rushed to Saanchi. He checked Saanchi’s temperature. It was 103 F. He patted Saanchi’s cheek and said ‘Sweetu, have this medicine’. Saanchi mumbled something. Mushtaque made Saanchi sit and then he gently made Saanchi gulp down a paracetamol tablet with some water. He then put her back to sleep again. Mushtaque was worried but he was someone who never panicked. He quickly called up his family doctor and told him about Saanchi’s fever. The doctor asked Mushtaque to observe if the fever subsides in a day or two. If not, Saanchi will have to undergo some medical tests.
After around an hour or so, Saanchi started sweating profusely. She opened her eyes. Mushtaque was right beside her. Seeing Saanchi wake up, Mushtaque smiled warmly and said, ‘Good morning Love. How are you feeling?’ Saanchi stared at Mushtaque for sometime and said weakly, ‘Let’s go from here.’ Mushtaque looked at Saanchi perplexed and said, ‘Why baby? You liked this place, didn’t you?’ Saanchi tried to get up. Mushtaque helped her. He put a pillow on the headboard slat of the bed, so that Saanchi can lean there comfortably while sitting. Saanchi said petrified, ‘There is something wrong with this place Mushtaque. I am not lying. I saw that lady again last night.’ Mushtaque looked at Saanchi curiously. He asked, ‘Which Lady?’ Saanchi said with tears in her eyes, ‘The lady I talked about yesterday. She wears a red saree, red bindi. She has scary kohl clad eyes. I am not lying Mushtaque. I am not lying. Trust me. There is something wrong with this place. Let’s go from here’. Saying that, Saanchi hid herself in Mushtaque’s chest and sobbed like a little girl. Mushtaque said, ‘Shhhhh. Now now, listen to me. If you don’t like this place, we will go. I will talk to Nihaar and we will leave tomorrow.’ Saanchi pulled herself away from Mushtaque and said, ‘No. Today. Now. We will leave now.’ Mushtaque said, ‘But Saanchi, we can’t leave now. I have to arrange the tickets baby.’ Saanchi said shivering, ‘F….f….fine, but we will not stay here. We will go to the airport now, we will book tickets there and wait there. We will not stay here. Or else, let us go and stay in your official accommodation. Not here.’ Mushtaque tried to read Saanchi’s eyes. She was not lying. She had never behaved this way. There is some truth in what she is saying. Who is this lady she is talking about?
Mushtaque called up an officer and asked him to arrange accommodation for him and Saanchi in the guesthouse. Just then the door bell rang. Suresh was at the door with a lady. Suresh introduced the lady to Mushtaque and said, ‘She is Sarita. She is the housekeeper. Yesterday she was unwell so she could not come.’ Sarita was a plump, short lady with dusky complexion. She was wearing a cotton saree. Her hair was tied into a neat plait. She had a radiant, bubbly smile on her face. Mushtaque smiled and said, ‘Suresh, could you please make our breakfast quickly. We need to leave.’ Suresh looked at Mushtaque puzzled and said, ‘But, you guys have booked this apartment for a week, right? Nihaar Sir had told me and Sarita about your week long stay here.’ Mushtaque said, ‘Yes, right. But, due to some urgent work, we will have to leave. I will inform Nihaar.’
Suresh went to make breakfast, while Mushtaque dialed Nihaar’s number. Nihaar answered the call.
Nihaar: Hi
Mushtaque: Hi Nihaar. I wanted to inform you that due to some urgent work, we will have to leave today itself. However, I am okay, if refund is not possible. I understand that we are leaving without notice, so, as per your policies, I am willing to pay whatever the bills are.
Nihaar(trying to hide his disappointment): Oh. I hope you are not unhappy with our services.
Mushtaque: No, not at all. It’s because of my work. Or else, we would have loved to stay back.
Nihaar: I understand. I will come and meet you in a while. We can talk about the bills then.
After he hung up the phone, Nihaar went to his room. He wanted Mushtaque and Saanchi to stay. He had tried his best to give them all the comfort. Yet, they are leaving. He tried to control his disappointment. He went to the living room and called Nirali. Nirali came out of her room. Nihaar said, ‘We will have to go and meet the guests now. They are leaving.’ Nirali looked at Nihar surprised and said, ‘ What? Why?’. Nihaar replied trying to sound normal, ‘He said he had some urgent work and hence they will have to leave.’ Nirali said nonchalantly, ‘Oh ok. Fine then. I will come with you.’ Nirali went to her room. She took out her pair of denim trousers and a comfortable jacket, and brushed her hair quickly. Naina was reading a book. Naina looked at Nirali and said, ‘ What happened?’. Nirali replied nonchalantly, ‘The guests in the service apartment are leaving. We need to go and complete the checkout formalities.’ Nirali then came to the living room and told Nihar, ‘Let’s go.’ Shubhangi had come with tea for Nihaar, Nirali and Naina. When she heard that the guests are leaving, she was aghast.
Nihaar and Nirali reached the service apartment. Mushtaque and Saanchi were ready. Saanchi was wearing a pink chiffon kurti with pink leggings. The little diamond studs sparkled on her earlobes. She wore a nude lipstick. Her pretty eyes still had fear lurking in them. Nihaar could not take his eyes off Saanchi. Nirali went ahead, shook hands with Mushtaque and Saanchi and said, ‘It would have been nice if you guys would have stayed back for some more days.’ Trying to hide her fear, Saanchi tried to smile, but in vain. Saanchi said, ‘Thanks for everything. We need to rush now.’ Mushtaque looked at Nihaar and said, ‘If you could let me know how much I have to pay, I can transfer the amount to your bank account.’ Nihaar was so lost in Saanchi’s beauty, that he suddenly jolted back to reality when he heard Mushtaque’s voice. Before Nihaar could say something Nirali said, ‘I will share the details and give you a receipt too.’ Nirali then looked at Nihar and said, ‘Ask Suresh to help take the luggage out. Nihar said, ‘That’s okay, I will take the luggage out.’ Mushtaque was wearing a pair of navy blue denim trousers and white v necked t-shirt and black leather jacket. His strong boots added to his dashing looks and smart attire. Standing tall with his broad shoulders, he looked dashing. While Mushtaque walked away with Nirali, he did sense something in Nihaar’s eyes.
Nihaar held the trolley suitcase and pulled it out. While he did that, he did steal a glance at Saanchi. Suresh was nowhere to be seen. Sarita came downstairs with the other suitcase. Trembling, Saanchi walked with Nihaar. She did not want to turn around and look back. Suddenly Saanchi felt the stench of rotten meat again in the air. The lady in red saree and red bindi stood right in front of her. She smiled with her teeth smeared in blood. Saanchi let out a blood curdling scream. She held Nihaar’s jacket, and screamed, ‘SHE IS HERE. SHE IS HERE.’ Nihaar was shocked. There was no one around. Nihaar held Saanchi’s hand and said, ‘What are you talking about?’. Saanchi pointed at the lady and screamed, ‘CAN’T YOU SEE HER? THERE SHE IS?’ Nihaar looked around. No one was there. The lady in red bindi and red saree, smiled at Saanchi and said, ‘You are not going anywhere.’ Suddenly Saanchi let out a painful scream because her left leg twisted on its own, made a cracking sound. She was about to fall on the floor when Nihaar held her. Mushtaque came running. He saw Saanchi in Nihaar’s arms.
To be continued……………………….