
Rhituparna Chakraborty
9 min readFeb 23, 2021


Episode 3







Link to previous chapter/chapters: #poorvdishaepisode1, #PoorvDishaEpisode1, #poorvdisha, #poorvdishaepisode2, #PoorvDishaEpisode2

#Author: #RhituparnaChakraborty

#Disclaimer: This is an original work of fiction with no relation to any person/organism living or dead. Every episode, every character is a work of imagination. Any resemblance to any person, organism, place or character is purely coincidental. There is no intention to hurt or rebuke anyone through this work. This story/episode cannot be copied, published or reproduced without the permission of the author RhituparnaChakraborty.

Disha dialed Poorv’s number. Poorv received it. Disha was elated to hear his voice.

Poorv: Hello! What a pleasant surprise!

Disha (with a smile in her voice): Well, since I had your number, thought I should call.

Poorv (Smiling): You did the right thing. Sorry! I was engrossed in this new significant project. By the time I was free it was always around 11 p.m. or so, and then in the morning I had to reach office by 9 am, so, you know…. totally worked up.

Disha (poised as always): That’s absolutely fine. I understand. Sorry if I have disturbed your schedule.

Poorv: No, not at all.

Disha: Cool then. By the way, I am really glad to hear your voice.

Poorv (smiling): Same here.

Disha: Haha. Well, I will have to hang up now. Have to rush. Will talk to you some other time. Thanks for your time.

Poorv: Thanks a lot for calling Disha.

Disha (smiling): The pleasure is all mine. Bye!

Poorv(Smiling): Bye

Disha came beaming to the staffroom. Jahnvi was in a class. Disha could not wait for Jahnvi to come. She had to tell Jahnvi that finally she spoke with Poorv. Disha kept on smiling to herself. Just then Romit came. Seeing Disha glowing, he asked, ‘Whoa! Someone is looking even more beautiful today.’ Disha laughed and said, ‘Oh come on Romit Sir! I look the same.’ Romit chortled and said, ‘Well, yes. You look the same always. As beautiful as ever.’ Disha said smiling, ‘Now, lets change the topic. So, how was your class?’ Romit kept his books on his desk, leaned on the desk with his back and said, ‘Class was good. What is not good is, the students will have to take a surprise test tomorrow. They are going to hate me for this.’ Disha laughed and said, ‘Your students love you. They can never hate a teacher like you.’ Romit smiled and said, ‘Really? My students love me? Well, if only you were also like some of my students.’ Saying that Romit winked. Disha was about to say something when Jahnvi came. Disha said loudly, ‘My God Jahnvi, I felt I was waiting for you forever.’ Jahnvi looked at Disha surprised and said, ‘Really? But why?’ Romit said, ‘Uh huh, I better leave. Seems like lots of girl talk going to happen here. Bye girls. I will see you at tea break.’ Saying that Romit left.

Disha pulled Jahnvi’s hand and took her to the stairs adjacent to the staffroom. She then told Jahnvi, ‘Now, sit here. I have to tell you something.’ Jahnvi replied, ‘Oh alright. What is it?’ Disha said excitedly, ‘I called up Poorv today.’ Jahnvi rolled her eyes and said, ‘You did?’ Disha replied beaming, ‘Yes and he has a baritone voice and he speaks so well.’ Jahnvi smiled and said, ‘Aha! And then?’ Disha replied, ‘And then we spoke for sometime. He did apologize for not being in touch. Apparently a new project had come up and that was keeping him busy.’ ‘Hmm’, replied Jahnvi. Jahnvi then said, ‘Well, if you look at Romit, he is also very busy. But, he does take out time for you. Doesn’t he?’ Disha said irritated, ‘Jahnvi, do you have to bring in the topic of Romit everywhere? Yes, he does take out time for me no matter how busy he is. But then Jahnvi, I don’t connect with him. What do I do? I don’t hate him. Neither do I disrespect him, neither have I given him any false hopes. And he knows that.’ Jahnvi replied, ‘And still, he is waiting for you. He won’t get married till you get married. You know he has been receiving wonderful proposals. And why not? He is such a nice guy. But, he just wants to marry “you”.’ Disha looked at Jahnvi, held her hand and said earnestly ‘Sweetheart, I know you care for me. But then connection happens where it has to happen. If it does not happen, what can one do?’ Jahnvi nodded and said, ‘Yeah. You always have your reasons. Anyway, what’s next now?’ Disha replied happily, ‘Looking forward to talk and chat often with Poorv.’ Jahnvi replied, ‘Hmm. All the best.’ Disha then asked Jahnvi, ‘You are not happy with whatever is happening, right?’ Jahnvi smiled and said, ‘N….no, nothing like that. I am very happy for you. I hope you find your true love. Just the thought of you leaving me and going scares me. Had you been married to Romit, you would have lived in this town with me. Now, if things work with Poorv, you will move out.’ Disha hugged Jahnvi and said, ‘Come on Jahnvi. We will always be connected no matter where I live. You know that.’ Jahnvi nodded and smiled at Disha.

After reaching home, Disha checked for notifications from Poorv. Yes there were some messages. Disha was overjoyed. Poorv had texted. ‘It was really nice talking to you Disha. Will catch up tonight on chat if I am not overloaded with work.’ Disha was deliriously happy. She finished all her college work way early and had an early dinner. She then waited eagerly for Poorv to text her. The clock struck 9, Poorv did not text. The clock struck 10, Poorv did not text. The clock was about to strike 11 and Disha was sleepy. Disappointed, she was about to go to sleep when Poorv texted, ‘Hi!’. Disha was elated.

Disha: Hi Poorv.

Poorv: Hope it is not too late to chat.

Disha: No, it’s okay.

Poorv: Cool then. So, how was your day?

Disha: Day was as usual. Classes, college work and some household chores. That’s about it. How was your day?

Poorv: Day was as usual. Office tasks, meetings and some household responsibilities.

Disha: Ha ha. You are copying my lines.

Poorv: I sure did. Your lines are beautiful. As beautiful as you.

Disha (blushing): Well, you never met me. How do you know I am beautiful?

Poorv: Well, in today’s era, you don’t have to meet anyone in person to know how good-looking he/she is. You can gauge looks, nature and all about the person through social media. I saw your posts. They are splendid.

Disha (smiling and blushing): Thank you! Umm, I have gone through your posts too. You look cute. :)

Poorv: Aha! Thank You ! I am flattered.

Disha: Hahaha.

Poorv: So, can I ask you a personal question?

Disha: Sure.

Poorv: You are single, right?

Disha: Yes. Umm… I guess you are single too. Aren’t you?

Poorv: Ha ha, Yes. Very much.

Disha (with relief): So, if I may ask, why are you still single? I mean is it career that’s holding you back?

Poorv: Umm kind of. But then now I feel it’s high time, I should go the family way.

Disha: Hmm. :) . Umm….Poorv, I need to sleep now. I have a class early in the morning tomorrow. It was nice talking to you.

Poorv: Would have loved to chat more. But, I understand. Hope to talk to you soon. Bye.

Disha: Bye.

Disha could not sleep the whole night. She kept on tossing and turning. Somehow she could not get Poorv out of her mind.

Next day in college Disha told Jahnvi all about the chat with Poorv. Jahnvi realised Disha was falling in love with Poorv and this was not the news Jahnvi wanted to hear. Although for Disha it was attraction and some connection, but somehow, Disha was not realizing that this was heading towards the direction of ‘love’ and love is beautiful only if it is blooms at both sides. One sided love will end in pain.

Poorv and Disha chatted and talked over phone often. Weeks passed by. Their connection seemed to grow stronger.

Today Poorv was supposed to call Disha in the morning but he had not called as yet. Just then Jayati came and told Disha, ‘Disha, the water tap in our kitchen is not working. Your dad has been trying to reach the plumber by phone but the plumber’s phone is switched off. Seems his number changed. Can you please go to his home and call him?’. Disha said, ‘Sure Maa. I will drop by his home and ask him to come here.’

Disha had just stepped out to her verandah when Romit opened the gate of her home. Disha smiled and said, ‘Romit Sir! Nice to see you early in the morning today. Please come in.’ Romit smiled and replied, ‘Well, yesterday my friend had got some fresh organic blueberries. I know how much you love them. Thought of giving you some.’ Disha said, ‘Oh thank you so much! But, why did you take trouble?’ Romit gave the blueberries box to Disha and said, ‘Oh come on, there is no trouble here. By the way, where are you off to so early in the morning? There is still time for classes to start.’ Disha said, ‘I need to go get the plumber. You please come inside and have a seat. Mom has made yummy breakfast. She will be happy to have you over for breakfast. Please come.’ Romit said, ‘Thank you so much Disha Ji, but I am in a rush now. I will go get the plumber. Anyway, I am going that way. On my way, I will inform him. You please get ready for college with leisure. And trust me its not trouble for me.’ Before Disha could say anything Romit left. Jayati had heard the entire conversation.

Disha was waiting for Poorv to call. Just then Disha’s phone rang. That was not Poorv’s number. That was her cousin cum best friend Raunak’s number. Disha received the call happily and said, ‘Heya buddy! How are you? Long time. Why haven’t you called me for so long?’. Raunak said apologetically, ‘I am sorry my little sister, the time difference, and my silly work made it so hard to call you or any of my friends. I called Maa and Dad just now. All these days I have just been texting them about my well being. Can you believe that? But I always texted you, didn’t I? I sent you the chocolates you had asked for too. Didn’t I? And yesterday you told me you had to tell me some happy news. See, I called you today. I know you have to go to work, yet I called. Now tell me.’ Disha giggled and said, ‘I know bro. I was just pulling your legs. So, yes, I wanted to tell you something about Poorv Mahajan.’ Raunak asked surprised, ‘Poorv Mahajan? As in, my college classmate Poorv Mahajan?’ Disha blushed and said, ‘Yes.’ Raunak asked curiously, ‘What about him?’ Disha said, ‘N….nothing much. Just that we have been talking lately.’ Raunak was confused. He did not know what to say next. He replied, ‘Oh ok. He knows you are my sister. That’s why he might have got in touch with you.’ Disha said, ‘Yes. That’s why. Umm…. he seems like a nice guy.’ Raunak was still confused. Why was Disha talking about Poorv?’ Before Raunak could say something, Disha said, ‘Raunak, I have to leave now. I am in a little rush. Will talk later.’ Raunak replied, ‘Ok ok. But listen, I am coming to India in some weeks. See you then.’ Disha screamed in joy, ‘YAYYYY. When?’ Raunak replied, ‘I will let you know the dates.’ Disha then said, ‘Cool then. See you bro.’

After talking with Disha, Raunak was still perplexed. He told himself, ‘Why was Poorv talking to Disha? Well, there is no harm there, but Disha seemed to like him. But then, how can this happen? It should not happen. Poorv never told me anything. Why? He should have told me. After all he has been talking to my sister and he is in touch with me too. Yet he never told me. Why?’ Raunak decided to meet Poorv. Once in India, Raunak thought of throwing a party for his friends and family. That way he will get a chance to meet all his good old buddies right from Poorv to Rohit to Mihir to his best pal Mushtaque. Yes Mushtaque Khan. It has been ages since he met his closest pal Mushtaque……

To be continued……………………..



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