Episode 6
Link to previous chapter/chapters: #poorvdishaepisode1, #PoorvDishaEpisode1, #poorvdisha, #poorvdishaepisode2, #PoorvDishaEpisode2, #poorvdishaepisode3, #PoorvDishaEpisode3, #poorvdishaepisode4, #PoorvDishaEpisode4, #poorvdishaepisode5, #PoorvDishaEpisode5
#Author: #RhituparnaChakraborty
#Disclaimer: This is an original work of fiction with no relation to any person/organism living or dead. Every episode, every character is a work of imagination. Any resemblance to any person, organism, place or character is purely coincidental. There is no intention to hurt or rebuke anyone through this work. This story/episode cannot be copied, published or reproduced without the permission of the author RhituparnaChakraborty.
Disha’s eyes were all puffy when she woke up. Jayati was shocked when she saw her. She asked concerned and worried, ‘What happened to your eyes Disha? Were you crying the whole night? Are you okay my little girl?’. Disha tried to hide her pain. If she told Jayati all that happened, there would be more questions from Jayati and, Disha will have no answers for that. Disha pretended to be super angry with the Principal of her college. She said, ‘I had such a bad day yesterday Maa. The principal scolded me for no reason and then when I tried to explain what had actually happened in the seminar session, he told that I was just trying to give him lame excuses. That ruined my whole day. And then in the party, I got this splitting headache. I was feeling nauseous. That’s why I came home. I cried out of pain.’ Jayati hugged Disha tight and said, ‘Oh dear! You should have told us baby. Why did you suffer alone?’ Faking a smile, Disha said, ‘I am fine now Maa. I am super hungry. Give me something to eat. Thank God there is no college today. I would have had to take the day off otherwise.’ Jayati said, ‘I will get you something nice to eat. After eating, get some sleep. Don’t work today at all. Okay?’. Disha smiled and nodded.
Poorv Mahajan was staying in a lavish 5 star hotel. He was to leave today in the evening. He just woke up when there was a knock at the door. Poorv looked through the peephole. Raunak was standing outside with Mushtaque. Poorv was delighted to see them. He opened the door quickly and said, ‘My my, you guys woke up so early. Look at me. I just woke up. Please come inside.’ Poorv’s room was a suite. It was spacious and luxurious. He was doing very well in life. Poorv told Mushtaque and Raunak, ‘Please have a seat. I will order tea and breakfast for all of us. I will also quickly go and freshen up. Give me 20 minutes.’ Raunak laughed and said, ‘Don’t be so formal. Take your time. We will wait.’ When Poorv went for shower, Mushtaque looked around. He then told Raunak, ‘Poorv will have to stay back for some days. Can you convince him?’ Raunak replied, ‘I can try. But, if he has work, I am not sure if I will be able to stop him.’ Mushtaque nodded and said, ‘Hmm. But, if he stays back, it will be helpful.’ Poorv joined them in some time. Poorv then said, ‘So, what plans for today?’. Raunak said, ‘Well, wouldn’t it be nice if we spent some more time together. Are you leaving tonight?’ Poorv said elated, ‘I would love to. I can extend my stay actually. It has been ages since I took a break. And where will I get these moments back?’ Raunak beamed and said, ‘That’s awesome.’ Just then breakfast arrived. Fluffy Pancakes, sausages, eggs with sunny side up, juice, bowls of fruits, not to forget cereals, milk, and coffee. All of them sat comfortably and started eating. While having breakfast, Raunak’s phone rang. It was from Jayati.
Jayati: Raunak, have lunch with us today. Disha is at home too. From tomorrow she will be back to work.
Raunak thought for a second and said: Would love to, but I have two friends with me.
Jayati: That’s wonderful. Bring them along.
Raunak(smiling): Sure Borma(Borma means Badi Maa). We will be there. See you.
Raunak then looked at Mushtaque and Poorv and said, ‘We are going to have lunch at Disha’s home today.’ Poorv said, ‘We?’ Raunak said, ‘Yes, “we”.’ Poorv said, ‘Oh come on Raunak. You guys please go ahead. I think I shouldn’t come. Why to trouble Disha and her family unnecessarily!’ Raunak smiled and said, ‘This is no trouble at all. In fact they will all love it.’ Mushtaque was happy with what was happening, because, this was one way, he could know what was brewing between Disha and Poorv.
Although it was a holiday, Romit went to college. Some of his students had requested for extra class. Amit, Rupesh, Reema and Sudha sat on the first bench. Romit looked happy today. With a teasing note Amit asked, ‘Sir, what’s the matter? You look so happy today.’ Reema then said, ‘Sir is blushing.’ Indeed Romit was blushing. Romit laughed and said, ‘Focus on your books okay?’ Rupesh then said, ‘We will Sir. But, that smile of yours is special. What’s the matter?’ Romit laughed and said, ‘No more talking now.’ Well, how could Romit tell them that after such a long time, Disha had called him today and asked him if she could meet him somewhere for coffee. Sudha said, ‘Sir, it’s so beautiful to see your happy.’
Disha was heart broken. She was in pain. She needed to forget this pain, even if it was for sometime. She wanted to go for coffee with Jahnvi, but Jahnvi was way too busy with her kids and husband. Disha then had to ask Romit. Romit was her good friend. Talking to him for some time will cheer her up. Romit was elated and had agreed.
The door bell rang. Jayati told Disha, ‘Disha, could you please answer the door?’. Disha opened the door. She froze there seeing Poorv with Raunak and Mushtaque. Poorv was wearing a blue collared t shirt with a pair of black denim trousers and derby shoes. He had a tall and fit structure and his smile was killing. Mushtaque wore a black v necked plain tshirt with a pair of blue denim trousers. His sturdy boots enhanced his looks further. He looked dashing as always. Raunak said happily, ‘Heya Disha, wassup!’. Disha was at loss of words. She tried to look normal and said, ‘H….Hi….. please come in.’ Poorv and Mushtaque smiled at Disha. Disha tried hard to smile but could not. Jayati came out of the kitchen and said , ‘So nice to see you all.’ Jayant came and said, ‘Please have a seat. It’s indeed wonderful to see you all.’ Disha went inside without saying anything. Mushtaque knew something was seriously troubling Disha. During lunch, Disha had to pretend to be happy or else her parents and Raunak would get suspicious. She wanted to have lunch later, but Raunak insisted her to have lunch with them. She sat on the chair right in front of Poorv. Poorv relished the lunch. While eating, he showered compliments on Jayati’s cooking. Disha’s mind was in a whirlpool of anger, hatred and questions for Poorv. Meanwhile, while eating, Poorv stole glances of Disha. Disha was beautiful….
After lunch, Raunak told Jayati, ‘We are going for a movie now. Can we take Disha with us?’ Before Disha could say something, Jayati said, ‘Please take her. She needs to step out.’ Disha said, ‘But…..’, Raunak interrupted, ‘I am not hearing anything, you are coming with us. Go get ready.’ Poorv kept on looking at Disha. Somehow he felt happy that she was coming with them.
At the movie theatre, Disha sat on the aisle seat, Raunak sat beside her, Poorv sat beside Raunak while Mushtaque sat beside Poorv. Before the movie was about to start, Mushtaque told Poorv, ‘I need to show something to Raunak on my phone. Would you mind exchanging seats with him?’ Poorv smiled and said, ‘ No problem at all.’ Poorv and Raunak exchanged seats. Disha lost her cool. She wanted to get out of the movie theatre but she did not want to create a scene. Poorv sat beside Disha and passed the popcorn bucket to her. Disha whispered with tears in her eyes, ‘Why are you doing this to me?’ Poorv looked at her confused and said, ‘What? Are you talking to me Disha?’. Disha looked at him with tears and rage and said, ‘You are so mean Poorv. How long are you going to play this charade?’
Romit found the most cozy table in the restaurant. He sat there comfortably. He could not stop smiling. A date with Disha was something he was waiting for since long. He knew what he was going to order. Well, Disha’s favourite burger and capuccino. Yes……….
Mushtaque received a message. It was from Sofia. Mushtaque stepped out of the movie hall to call Sofia.
Mushtaque: Yes Sofia
Sofia: Sir, Disha Barua’s chat history has records of long chat sessions with Poorv Mahajan. They had even exchanged numbers. Disha and Poorv had spoken often too. I will text you both the numbers. Also, Abhay had shared some information. There are two profiles of the same name ‘Poorv Mahajan’. Although, one profile is in the friend list of Disha Barua, the other is not. Also, the other profile is not as active as the one in Disha’s friend list.
Mushtaque (smiling): Good Job. Now, wait for my orders. I will call you back. Text me both the numbers.
Sofia sent the phone numbers to Mushtaque
Well, the phone number of ‘Poorv Mahajan’ with whom Disha was talking through out was not the same as the phone number of this Poorv Mahajan with whom Disha is watching a movie now. So, who is involved in this cyber fraud? No wonder there is a huge confusion brewing up.
Romit waited and waited for Disha to come, Disha never came……..