
Rhituparna Chakraborty
8 min readFeb 21, 2021


Episode 2







Link to previous chapter/chapters: #poorvdishaepisode1, #PoorvDishaEpisode1, #poorvdisha

#Author: #RhituparnaChakraborty

#Disclaimer: This is an original work of fiction with no relation to any person/organism living or dead. Every episode, every character is a work of imagination. Any resemblance to any person, organism, place or character is purely coincidental. There is no intention to hurt or rebuke anyone through this work. This story/episode cannot be copied, published or reproduced without the permission of the author RhituparnaChakraborty.

Disha woke up early the next day. She had to finish some pending tasks before heading off to college. She quickly finished her daily tasks and sat on her study table to finish off last night’s pending work. Jayati called out from the kitchen, ‘Disha, your breakfast is ready.’ Disha replied, ‘Maa, cover it and keep it inside the microwave. I will need another half an hour. I will heat it up and eat before I leave for college.’ Disha then switched on her laptop and opened the requisite word documents. Just then she saw a notification on her profile. It was a ‘Good Morning’ text from Poorv. Disha smiled to herself and replied, ‘Good Morning’. She then went ahead with her work, finished her breakfast and drove to her college.

Today Disha wore a plain orange chiffon kurti with long sleeves with matching orange leggings. She wore an orange dupatta with black floral prints to go with her dress. Not to forget her matching orange bangles, black danglers and black block heels. Today she wore a light pink shade of lipstick which left a pink glow on her plump cheeks. Jahnvi saw her and whistled and said ‘My my, look at you!’. Disha laughed and said, ‘Stop it Jahnvi. Now now, I don’t look as beautiful as you tell me, okay!’. Jahnvi replied with a dramatic note, ‘Now, how do I tell you! Had I not been married and blessed with two kids, I would have loved to date you.’ Disha giggled and said, ‘Stop it you crazy girl.’ Disha then said, ‘I have something to tell you.’ Jahnvi replied curiously, ‘I am all ears. Tell me, tell me, tell me.’ Disha sat close to Jahnvi and said, ‘ Well, you know, yesterday something strange happened.’ Jahnvi asked perplexed, ‘Strange as in? What happened?’. Disha said, ‘Well, I received a friend request from a friend of Raunak.’ Jahnvi knew Raunak. She replied, ‘ So, what is strange about it?’ Disha said contemplating, ‘Strange because he chatted with me.’ Jahnvi said, ‘So, what’s strange about someone chatting with you.’ Disha replied, ‘Because he again wished me good morning today.’ Jahnvi then said, ‘So?’ Disha said, ‘So, he was continuing the chat in a way.’ Jahnvi then rolled her eyes and said, ‘Now, that’s interesting.’ Disha said, ‘Yes that sure is interesting because chats are usually continued when people want to be in touch.’ Jahnvi replied, ‘Right! So this guy wants to be in touch with you. By the way what is his name? What does he do?’ Disha said, ‘His name is Poorv Mahajan. He is a financial consultant in a bank.’ Jahnvi said, ‘Hmm. By the way, you seem somewhat excited. You are usually never excited about any boy taking interest in you.’ Disha said, ‘Who said I don’t get excited by any boy interested in me. I do get excited by boys whom I am attracted to. Unfortunately till date whoseover I got attracted to, did not get attracted to me and whosoever got attracted to me, I never got attracted to them. I don’t want to raise my hopes on Poorv though. It might have been just a friendly gesture. Nonetheless, somehow that guy is alluring.’ Just then Romit came. He came beaming and said, ‘So, what’s up beautiful ladies!’ Disha smiled and said, ‘Nothing much. Just some girl talks. So, how are you Sir?’ Romit replied, ‘Well as long as I can see you, I am always fine.’ Jahnvi chuckled. Disha just smiled. Jahnvi said, ‘Don’t you think you are getting addicted to Disha, Romit Sir?’. Romit laughed and said, ‘Getting addicted? I am already addicted to Disha Ji.’ Jahnvi then replied with somewhat disappointment, ‘ You know, Romit Sir, addiction is not a good thing.’ Romit replied with a warm smile, ‘Yes, addiction is not good but some addictions just happen. By the way I got some fresh crunchy cookies for you and Disha ji from Naresh Bakery. Disha Ji was telling the other day how much she loved those.’ Jahnvi looked at Disha. Disha could read Jahnvi’s eyes. Disha did not want to hurt Romit. But, the only thing she had in her mind for Romit was respect. She did not love him.

Disha reached home at around 5 pm. She took a warm shower, changed into comfortable pajamas and t-shirt and sat on the chair of her study table and switched on the laptop. She was about to resume her work when her phone rang. It was from Romit. Romit said, ‘Disha ji, you were talking about a ceiling fan not working in one of your classrooms. Which was it?’ Disha replied, ‘ Classroom number 7. But, why are you asking? Aren’t you home as yet?’ Romit replied, ‘I had an extra class today. Had overheard you telling the admin guy about fan issue. He did not fix it. So, since I was staying back anyway, I called up the electrician.’ Disha replied, ‘You did not have to take so much trouble Romit Sir.’ Romit smiled and said, ‘It was no trouble Disha Ji. I was in college and hence got it done. Anyway, see you tomorrow. Bye!’. After Disha hung up, Jayati came. She said, ‘Disha, there is an alliance for you. Would you like to talk about it now, or shall we talk later?’ Disha replied nonchalantly, ‘I am bored of these alliances. If it is worth spending time on, I am willing to listen. Or else, Maa, just leave it.’ Jayati said, ‘Well Disha, the alliance is nice. The guy is a civil services officer.’ Disha said, ‘That means a transferrable job Maa. I don’t want to leave my job.’ Jayati said, ‘Well, that’s what I told his aunty. She is the one who is coordinating. She said that the boy is absolutely fine with your job. He can settle down here in our town because his hometown is just two hours away from our town.’ Disha then said, ‘I don’t know Maa, but I don’t think I want to go ahead.’ Jayati said softly brushing Disha’s head, ‘Sweetheart, think again. This guy is a never married guy. After you turned 35, we have been getting proposals of separated guys or widowers. You know how it is. Think again!’ Disha did not say anything. The thought of alliances no longer excited her. But then this time somehow there is a slightly different reason. Well, maybe Poorv?

After dinner, Disha was back on her study table arranging all the notes for the next day. Just then she saw a message notification. It was from Poorv. Disha was elated. The Conversation after that:

Poorv: Hello

Disha: Hey

Poorv: So, how was your day?

Disha: As usual. Classes and then back home.

Poorv: What classes?

Disha: I am an Assistant Professor of Botany.

Poorv: Wow! That’s cool.

Disha: So, how was your day.

Poorv: As always. Just that a new project came up. Hence back to back meetings.

Disha: Hmm.

Poorv: Can I have your number please. Only if you don’t mind! Sorry for asking it upfront. But I am very bad at texting.

Disha: No, I won’t mind. You are Raunak’s friend and I know you.:) 7210954431.

Poorv: Thanks. This is my number, 9824512332.

Disha : Cool. I will save it.

Poorv : Sure! Good night.

Disha: Good night.

Next morning Disha woke up without an alarm. She actually felt butterflies in her stomach. Why did Poorv ask for her number? He might call her. She looked at the notifications on her profile. No ‘Good Morning’ text from Poorv. She told herself, ‘Come on Disha. He chatted with you last night itself. It’s okay! He may call you. After all he took your number.’

At the staffroom next day, Disha told Jahnvi about the chat session with Poorv. Jahnvi replied, ‘And Jayati Aunty had called me today to talk to you about the new alliance that she spoke with you yesterday. She said you did not show any interest. Why Disha?’ Disha kept quiet. Jahnvi looked at Disha and said thoughtfully, ‘Is it because of Poorv?’ Disha looked at Jahnvi and said, ‘I don’t know but somehow I have started looking forward to his text messages. I told you, he even took my phone number. Maybe he will call me.’ Jahnvi then said, ‘And what do you know about Poorv?’ Disha said, ‘Well, he seems like a nice guy.’ Jahnvi said, ‘Disha, he “seems” like a nice guy. You don’t know him. You haven’t met him. How can you just get fascinated by him?’. Disha then said, ‘But then Jahnvi, in arranged marriage also I wouldn’t know that guy. Would I? The alliance that Maa is talking about, will we know everything about that guy?’ Jahnvi said, ‘But Disha, at least there is clarity in that alliance. They are looking forward to a wedding. Is Poorv looking at that? Do you know that?’ Disha replied, ‘Well, that I don’t know. But somehow, I have started liking him.’

Romit got the fan fixed in classroom 7. He came to the staffroom and told Disha, ‘Disha Ji, my niece has an exam tomorrow. I won’t be coming to college tomorrow, but, I have got the fan fixed. If there is any problem do give me a call.’ Disha replied, ‘Don’t worry Romit Sir. It’s okay. Enjoy your day off.’

After Disha reached home, she looked for notifications from Poorv. No, there was none. She finished her college work, had dinner and checked for messages again. No, there was no text from Poorv.

Next morning too, there were no text messages. The whole day went by. Poorv neither texted nor called. Jahnvi found Disha lost in thoughts. She asked Disha, ‘What’s wrong?’ Disha replied trying to hide her feelings, ‘N…nothing.’ Jahnvi said, ‘Well if you don’t want to say, it’s fine, but I do feel something is not right.’ Disha smiled and said, ‘Nothing Jahnvi. I am fine. I will tell you if there was something wrong.’

After dinner, Disha’s phone rang. Her heart skipped a beat presuming it was from Poorv. Well, no. It was from Romit. Romit said, ‘Disha Ji, trust there was no problem today with the fan.’ Disha smiled and said, ‘No, not at all.’ Romit then said, ‘Sorry, whole day I was tied up with my niece’s exam venue and all. Hence called you now.’ Disha replied, ‘It’s fine Sir. Absolutely okay!’ Romit then said, ‘Thank Disha Ji. See you tomorrow.’

Disha looked at her profile and her phone again. No messages, texts or phone call from Poorv.

This went for a week. Poorv neither called nor texted. Disha decided to call him………

To be continued………….



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