
Rhituparna Chakraborty
7 min readFeb 26, 2021


Episode 5







Link to previous chapter/chapters: #poorvdishaepisode1, #PoorvDishaEpisode1, #poorvdisha, #poorvdishaepisode2, #PoorvDishaEpisode2, #poorvdishaepisode3, #PoorvDishaEpisode3, #poorvdishaepisode4, #PoorvDishaEpisode4

#Author: #RhituparnaChakraborty

#Disclaimer: This is an original work of fiction with no relation to any person/organism living or dead. Every episode, every character is a work of imagination. Any resemblance to any person, organism, place or character is purely coincidental. There is no intention to hurt or rebuke anyone through this work. This story/episode cannot be copied, published or reproduced without the permission of the author RhituparnaChakraborty.

Disha was puzzled. She kept on looking at Poorv. Poorv was so engrossed in talking with Raunak and Mushtaque that he did not bother looking at Disha. Disha was wearing a black chiffon saree with pink border and pink geometric prints. Her danglers with American diamonds shone brightly. The tiny little heart shaped American diamond pendent in her fair slender neck added more luster to her beauty. The black stilettos added more glamour to her look. Not to forget her matching pink lipstick, the tiny pink ‘bindi’ on her forehead and the delicate white gold bracelet and the pretty watch on her slender wrists. Disha was looking ravishing. Romit sat at one corner with a glass of wine and looked at Disha with love in his eyes. He realized Disha seemed lost. Amidst good food, music, ambrosial ambiance, what was it that made Disha sad?

Romit walked up to Disha and said, ‘Hey Beautiful!’. Disha was lost in her thoughts. So, when Romit called her, she was startled. She replied, ‘uh huh…. hey Romit.’ Romit said, ‘Are you okay?’ Disha smiled and said, ‘Yes….I am fine.’ Romit then said, ‘Shall I get something for you to drink?’ Disha said, ‘N…no, I will help myself. Thanks anyway.’ Sipping his wine, Romit still looked at Disha. Something was not right.

Romit went to Jahnvi. Jahnvi was busy munching on mutton kebabs. Romit sat beside her and said, ‘Hey Girl. Shall I get some cocktail for you?’ Jahnvi replied with drowsy eyes, I already had two glasses and I am feeling sleepy. If I drink one more glass, my husband will disown me.’ Romit and Jahnvi both laughed.

Poorv was in the food counter. Disha thought this was the right time to talk to him. She walked up to the food counter and grabbed a plate and stood near him. She then asked, ‘So, how is the food?’ Poorv turned around and seeing Disha, gave her a warm smile and said, ‘Delectable. Well, Raunak is always good with parties. You know….You are Disha? Right? I am so sorry, I am very bad with names.’ Disha stared at him shocked. Why is he behaving this way? She was almost in tears. Poorv then said, ‘You okay?’ Disha said, ‘Y….yes, I am fine.’ Just then Raunak came with Mushtaque. Raunak told Mushtaque and Poorv, ‘Guys please help yourself.’ He then looked at Disha and said, ‘Disha, please see if they need something. I will quickly go and meet some other guests.’ Faking a smile, Disha replied, ‘Sure!’ Mushtaque then told Disha, ‘So Disha, what do you do?’ Disha said, ‘I work in a college. I teach Botany.’ Mushtaque smiled and said, ‘Wow! This is such a magnificent profession. My wife is also in that profession. And she loves it.’ Just then Poorv joined with his plate of food and munching on some chicken, he said, ‘Indeed! You know, I too wanted to become a teacher. But then destiny had other plans. This field of finance is so stressful. Sometimes I forget to eat. And in sometime, I feel, I will end up forgetting myself. Phewww.’ Disha looked at Poorv. She could feel nothing in his eyes. Trying to fight back her tears Disha said, ‘Excuse me, I need to make a call. I will see you guys around.’ Saying that Disha left. After Disha left, eating a teaspoon of fried rice with some chicken curry, Poorv told Mushtaque nonchalantly, ‘ Raunak’s sister is sweet. Isn’t she?’. Mushtaque smiled and said, ‘She sure is.’

Disha rushed out of the party hall and without informing anyone, went home. She went to her room, sat on her bed and cried like a baby. She told herself, ‘Why is he doing this to me? Why?’. With tears rolling from her eyes, she looked for her phone and dialed Poorv’s number. Poorv did not receive it. Disha told herself, ‘I need an explanation.’ Just then Disha’s phone beeped. There was message from Poorv. The message said, ‘I am sorry. I will explain everything. Please give me some time.’ Disha texted back, ‘Receive my call.’ Poorv replied, ‘I can’t now. But, I promise, I will explain everything. Bye now.’ Disha looked at the phone and cried. She could not forget Poorv’s smile. How can he act so indifferent! Why was he doing this to her?’

Meanwhile at the party Jahnvi, Romit and Raunak were looking for Disha. She was not around. She was not answering the phone as well. When Romit asked Mushtaque and Poorv, Mushtaque said, ‘She said she had to make a call. Saying that she left.’ Raunak called up Jayati. Jayati received the call and said, ‘Yes Disha is at home.’ Raunak was relieved. Mushtaque could feel that something was disturbing Raunak. He asked Raunak, ‘All okay?’ Taking Mushtaque aside, Raunak looked at Mushtaque with worried eyes and said, ‘No. Something is wrong.’ Mushtaque said, ‘Are you comfortable sharing that with me?’ Raunak said, ‘You can help me here. Even I don’t know what’s going on. I have a feeling something is brewing between Poorv and Disha. Disha said that she knew Poorv through social media and Poorv and she had been chatting occasionally. Rest, I don’t know.’ Mushtaque nodded and said, ‘Hmm.’ Raunak touched Mushtaque’s shoulder and said, ‘Help me buddy. I can’t see my sister upset. Something is wrong for sure. I don’t want her to be hurt. The way she left the party unannounced, it seems, she is in some pain. And I know she won’t tell me anything. And I can’t ask Poorv anything without knowing what’s happening.’ Mushtaque said calmly, ‘Give me Disha’s phone number, social media profile link and her list of friends. You chill!’ Raunak said, ‘I know. With you around, I can chill.’

Mushtaque then told himself, ‘Time to have a little chit chat session with Disha’s friends.’ He then went to meet Romit and Jahnvi. He introduced himself and said, ‘ Hi, I am Mushtaque Khan, Raunak’s friend.’ Jahnvi beamed and said, ‘I am Jahnvi. Disha’s friend. Disha, you know? Raunak’s cousin?’ Mushtaque smiled and said, ‘Yes I know.’ Shaking hands with Mushtaque, Romit said, ‘I am Romit. I, Disha and Jahnvi, work in the same college.’ Mushtaque smiled and said, ‘Nice meeting you guys.’ Mushtaque then pulled a chair and sat comfortably with them. He asked the waiter to get some drinks for all of them. While Jahnvi and Romit had some alcoholic beverages, Mushtaque had some juice. He talked to them on varied topics. Mushtaque carefully asked them all about Disha. Neither Romit nor Jahnvi spoke about Poorv. After sometime, Romit said that he had to use the bathroom. When Romit left, Mushtaque used his charm to find out all about Disha from Jahnvi. Jahnvi was so happy to talk to Mushtaque and because she had gulped down quite a few glasses of alcoholic beverages she blurted out all she knew about Poorv and Disha. Mushtaque then told himself, ‘Hmm. So Raunak was right. Something is happening. But what?’

Disha waited for Poorv to text her. He did not. She called him again and again. He never answered her call. Finally, at around 1:00 a.m., Poorv texted, ‘Well, I did not want Raunak to know about our relation so soon. Hence, I was behaving weird. Sorry about that. But trust me, I know what I am doing.’ Disha texted back with rage, ‘You are hurting me Poorv.’ Poorv did not reply.

Mushtaque got back home and made some quick calls. He called up Sofia and said, ‘Check Disha Barua’s entire profile, trace all her phone calls and share all the information.’ He then called up Abhay and said, ‘Find out all about Poorv Mahajan and track all his information and call details.’

Mushtaque then yawned and took out his phone. Saanchi would be fast asleep now. But he wanted to see her. He clicked on the video call tab on his phone. The phone rang. Saanchi received the call. Mushtaque could not see her. It was all dark. Saanchi said groggy with sleep, ‘Hi….haven’t slept as yet?’ Mushtaque sent a flying kiss and said, ‘How can I sleep? You are not beside me.’ Saanchi giggled and said, ‘So come back.’ Mushtaque said, ‘ I would have tomorrow but there is some work. I will complete that and come.’ Saanchi sat up, switched on the bed side light and looked at Mushtaque angrily and said, ‘What? You had said you will come tomorrow.’ Mushtaque looked at Saanchi and said, ‘Yes Baby. But someone is in trouble. I will have to help. You understand. Don’t you?’ Saanchi smiled and said, ‘Yes. I do. And that’s why I love you. Now, good night. I need to wake up early tomorrow. Mehek has her exams.’ Mushtaque smiled and said, ‘Yes love. Good night!’

While Disha cried till her tears dried, the person at the other end texting her smiled and thought, ‘Hmm. Tears and tears now……. but it’s all worth it. ’

To be continued……………..




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