Rhituparna Chakraborty
4 min readAug 29, 2019

Name of the story:#Thetrashcollectorwhostruckgold



#Disclaimer: This is an original work of fiction. Any relation to any person or entity living or dead is purely coincidental. This story cannot be copied or published elsewhere without the permission of the author Rhituparna Chakraborty.

The Trash Collector who struck gold:

Nihar was a ‘trash collector’ or so people called him. With a decent job in the government sector and a perfect and beautiful family, Nihar, ideally, did not have to do much in life to be happy. He was blessed. He was blessed by humans, animals, environment, nature, and everyone and everything. Why? He is always there to help the environment, people and animals.

Ransacking the trash bins to find something useful and then recycling them to bring them to their glory was his hobby. The other day, he had found some pieces of a broken chair. He got all of them, fixed them and made a brand new chair

and gifted it to an old age home. Some months ago, he had come across a torn quilt and a broken watch. He repaired both the entities and gifted them to an orphanage. He has been doing this since he was a teenager. At 45, he is still happy doing it. His 15 year old daughter Naisha and 40 year old wife Diya always supported him. He wakes up early in the morning and goes trash hunting.

Today he woke up at his usual time, 5:30 am and then went out to search trash. He came to his favourite trash spot. He saw something there. His eyes beamed. ‘ “Gold!” my God, this is Gold. How come it is here?’ He looked here and there. There was no one. He told himself , ‘How can somebody keep this here. This is so beautiful.’ He touched it, looked at it and said, ‘Diya and Naisha will go crazy when they see it. Women will women after all.’ He smiled, carried the ‘gold’ and went home.

The door was ajar. Diya was arranging the plates on the dining table for breakfast, while Naisha just woke up and was rubbing her eyes while sitting lazily on the couch. Nihar came inside. He said, ‘Look at the shine, don’t you think it’s pure gold?’ Diya turned astonished. Naisha kept staring at Nihar. Diya said calmly, ‘This is not right. You should not have picked it up. This may belong to someone else. You should have informed the police.’ Nihar said, ‘Do you think I would ever pick a priceless stuff and then bring it home just like that. I looked around. Nobody was there. I went to the police station. They said I can keep it now. However, they have documented everything. They will try and find the owner or else they will follow the proceeding steps.’ Naisha came and stared at Nihar’s hand and said, ‘Dad, look at the glaze. It’s pure sheer gold. Phewww.’ Diya said, ‘Now now, let’s keep this safe and in perfect condition till we hear what the police have to say.’

Days passed. The police proceedings followed. Nihar, usually is not greedy about stuff. However, this time, he was not willing to give up the ‘gold’ he found and hand it over to anyone. Diya and Naisha too were stubborn. There were court proceedings as well. But, this family was greedy like anything. They needed this jewel and they won’t give up.

Time flew. Years passed. Naisha was married off and now, she was the mom of a toddler. Diya and Nihar aged gracefully. Naisha stayed at just an hour’s distance from her parents’ home. Her husband Anjan, was a software professional.

Today was special. Naisha came early to meet Nihar and Diya and said, ‘I am so excited Mom and Dad, aren’t you guys excited too?’ Nihar smiled and said, ‘Look at us, we are dressed up. By the way, where is our grandson Rishi? ‘ Naisha smiled and said, ‘I have adorned Rishi the gold we had struck 15 years ago.’ Diya smiled and said, ‘Let’s hurry now. Call all your family members. It’s the ‘D’ day. Our jewel is going to be exhibited with glory in this world. We can’t get late.’

They reached the venue. The event started. The speech by the chairperson was not long. After that, Nihar’s priceless jewel will be brought on the platform to be made visible to the world. The host came and announced, ‘Ladies and gentleman, and now for the most awaited moment. We all know that a gentleman, also known as “Trash Collector” had struck gold 15 years ago. He and his family were so greedy that they did not want to part with it. The law supported them in their fight. However, priceless things cannot be hidden. This jewel is out in the world now. Ladies and gentlemen, please put your hands together for Ms. Kanak Sharma, daughter of Mr. Nihar and Ms. Diya Sharma, who is the youngest person to be nominated for the highest award from the United Nations for saving our mother earth.’

‘Kanak’ was the abandoned baby girl, whom Nihar had found in the trash bin 15 years ago. Kanak was holding baby Rishi. She kissed Rishi, handed him over to Naisha and said , ‘Take care of my nephew Naisha di while I go on the platform.’ Naisha kissed Kanak’s forehead and said, ‘I love you my gold, my little baby sister.’ Kanak had been working with her dad Nihar to find out a way to save the earth from climate crisis and she was successful. She was going to Geneva to receive the award.

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