
Rhituparna Chakraborty
2 min readMay 8, 2022


#Happy Mother’s Day

#Rhituparna Chakraborty

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction with no relation to any person/organism living or dead. Any relation to anyone is a case of sheer coincidence. This work is not intended to hurt or rebuke anyone or any profession. This story cannot be copied, published or reproduced elsewhere without the permission of the author Rhituparna Chakraborty

7 year old Meethu wrote a letter for Sanjana,

‘Maa you are best. You are butiful. You are nise. Thank you. I love you. Happy Mother’s day.’

When Sanjana came back from work, Meethu rushed to give the letter to Sanjana. Sanjana read the letter, kissed Meethu and said, ‘Thank you so much sweetheart. But there are some spelling mistakes and grammar mistakes here. But I am so proud that you wrote this so well. We will work on the errors and then you will become better and better in writing.’ Meethu smiled warmly and said , ‘Yes Maa.’ Sanjana then said, ‘Let me freshen up. I will make some snacks for both of us and then we will work on the spellings and your school work.’ Meethu beamed, ‘Okay Maa.’ Sanjana then asked, ‘When did Renu Didi leave?’ Meethu said, ‘Just two minutes before you came.’ Sanjana said, ‘Okay! Renu did inform me. And you know what to do when you are alone at home. Right?’ Meethu said, ‘Yes Maa. Do not open the door for anyone except you and Renu didi. Do not go touch the gas stove and do not go out to play without informing you over phone.’ Sanjana patted Meethu’s cheeks and said, ‘Good Girl. After all you are my daughter.’ Meethu hugged Sanjana and said, ‘I love you Maa.’ Sanjana kissed Meethu again and said, ‘Love you too baby.’

Sanjana then went for a quick shower. After shower, she wore her usual comfortable skirt and top. She applied some moisturizer, her favorite pink tinted lip gloss, tied her hair into a messy bun and went to the kitchen. Seeing her Meethu said, ‘You look so fresh and beautiful Maa.’ While putting the vessel of tea on the gas stove, Sanjana said, ‘Thank you my munchkin. We will celebrate Mother’s day today. I ordered your favorite red velvet cake.’ Meethu exclaimed, ‘Yayyyy!’

Sanjana was a single mother. She was a police officer in a reputed designation. Her journey had not been easy. She had struggled hard to reach here. Meethu was her life line. Sanjana had rescued Meethu from child trafficking. Sanjana then legally adopted Meethu. While many people judged Sanjana for the choices she made in life, two people never judged her. One was her own mother and the other was Meethu. The journey from a little boy ‘Sanjay’ to this confident and brave lady ‘Sanjana’ was loaded with hurdles. She fought many wars before she got the identity she wanted for herself. And it was all because of her mother and her little daughter Meethu.




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