Maya, Episode 3
Maya, Episode 3
Sunita looked at a blank spot. The only thing she was doing was breathing. She had lost sense of time, emotions, feelings and most importantly, life. She forgot that she was alive. Kasturi was shattered. The fashion icon herself, lost her desire to look stunning. Amrit was the only one in the family who was able to talk. If he too broke down, who will take care of his family. Sunil’s last rites were performed. The thought of Sunil not in home was excruciating. Amrit got the post mortem reports. No one had the heart to ask Amrit about the reports. Amrit did not want anyone to know as well. It was about his son. How can he let the world know?
Jagmohan sat beside Amrit. No one talked. Jagmohan then said, ‘ Amrit, you guys should move to a different house. This house will constantly remind you of Sunil.’ Amrit, while gazing at a blind spot, with bloodshot red eyes, welled with tears, said, ‘ Yes. You are right buddy. But, it’s difficult to find a comfortable house in a short span of time.’ Jagmohan held Amrit’s hand and said, ‘Amrit, you are my friend, my family. Your children are my children. Your family is my family. My home is your home. Come and stay with us. Kasturi will be happy with Anita. Anita is also a lone child. She will get company. Even she is upset with all that happened. Come home.’ Amrit hugged Jagmohan and sobbed like a baby and said, ‘ Why did this happen Jaggu, why did this happen?’. Jagmohan let his friend cry while Jagmohan himself could not stop his own tears.
Back in office, Sukumar was unable to concentrate. He was shocked at the sudden demise of Sunil. He remembered how he was talking to Sunil and how next moment Sunil was not there. Jagmohan came to office and called Sukumar to his room. Sukumar came. Jagmohan said, ‘ Whatever happened was something which I can never ever think even in my wildest nightmare.’ Sukumar said solemnly, ‘Sir, I can’t believe Sunil is no more.’ Jagmohan took off his glasses and said, ‘ We need to get out of this soon. Because if we don’t, Amrit, Kasturi and Sunita will never be able to get out of it. We have to be their strength.’ Sukumar nodded and said, ‘ You are right Sir. I am with you.’ Jagmohan then said, ‘ Thank you. I know you are one person I can always rely on.’ Sukumar then said, ‘ Sir, I needed a little help from you.’ Jagmohan patted on Sukumar’s shoulder and said, ‘Sure son. What is it?’ . Sukumar hesitated and then said, ‘ Can I get my salary in advance, Sir? My landlord has asked us to immediately leave the room we are staying. I have found a new room for me and my brothers, however, I need to deposit the rent today.’ Jagmohan said, ‘ Where is the new room?’. Sukumar said, ‘New Colony’. Jagmohan replied, ‘But, that is far from office.’ Sukumar said, ‘Yes Sir. But, that is all I can afford. My brothers have not landed up with jobs as yet. Hence, we will have to manage till they get something.’ Jagmohan thought for a while and said, ‘ I have an apartment adjacent to my home. It is empty. You and your brothers can live there.’ Sukumar said, ‘Thank you Sir. I am afraid, the rent of the apartment will be expensive. I may sound rude but I feel I will not be able to afford the rent and if you give me a discount here on the rent, my conscience will always prick me. I will always feel that I am taking a favour from you. Sorry, if I have said anything wrong.’ Jagmohan took off his glasses, rubbed his eyes and said, ‘ The rent is definitely more than you can give. I won’t give you any discount. However, I need the rent in kind and not cash. After office, I will need you or your brothers to run some errands for me. There are some chores for which I have to hire other people. For example, taking care of the accounts, filing tax returns, managing client stays and all. Your brothers can help me in those and you will be given additional work in office. That will make up for the rent. Trust me, you will not live in my apartment for free.’ Sukumar smiled warmly and said, ‘Thank you Sir. Can’t ask for more.’
Couple of weeks went by. Sukumar and his brothers moved to the adjacent apartment. Kasturi and Sukumar would throw glances at each other, while Sujay would try to get a glimpse of Kasturi. Life became heaven for Sujay. Kasturi was his first love.
Jagmohan arranged a prayer ceremony for Sunil at his mansion. His family’s Guruji was invited to perform the entire ceremony. All the generations of Guruji’s family had been performing rituals at the Viranis. With his father ageing, Vatsalya Guruji has now taken up his father’s responsibilities. This is the 4th generation. The young Guruji came. He had sparkling eyes. The moment he entered the house, he said, ‘Things will never remain the same here.’ Everyone stared at Guruji dumbfounded. Jagmohan joined his hands and asked, ‘I don’t understand Guruji.’ The Guruji said gravely, ‘ Be alert everyone. When I say everyone, I mean everyone in this house’. Everyone there stood stunned. Right from Amrit’s family, to Anita, Jagmohan, Sukumar and his brothers, all of them stood there awed. Jagmohan said, ‘ If you know that some ill is to befall on us, give us some solution.’ The Guruji smiled and said, ‘ I am not God. It’s all Karma. I can only warn you.’ The Guruji performed the rituals and went.
The Guruji was right. Next day, Jagmohan was unable to get up from the bed. He could talk but he became so weak that he could not get up from his bed. The shadow near the window of Jagmohan’s room smoked a cigarette and said, ‘ Jagmohan, Guruji was so right. No one can save you now.’