Link for episodes: #Maithiliepisode1 , #Maithiliepisode2
#Author: #RhituparnaChakraborty
#Disclaimer: This is an original work of fiction with no relation to any person/organism living or dead. Every episode, every character is a work of imagination. Any resemblance to any person, organism, place or character is purely coincidental. There is no intention to hurt or rebuke anyone through this work. This story/episode cannot be copied, published or reproduced without the permission of the author RhituparnaChakraborty.
Maithili looked at Anu and said, ‘This is so cryptic. Now, this is getting on my nerves. Who is this person?’. Anu said perturbed, ‘Now, even I am very curious to know who this person is.’ Maithili then suddenly realised that Saanchi had texted her phone number. Maithili immediately called Saanchi. When Saanchi received the call, Maithili said happily, ‘ Saanchi Di!!!! How are you? Maithili here.’ Saanchi beamed and said, ‘So nice to hear from you sweets. How are you? How is everyone back home? Where are you nowadays? What are you doing these days?’ Maithili said, ‘All good here Saanchi Di. Pursuing MBBS now in Global Medical College.’ Saanchi said, ‘Wow! That’s one of the finest medical colleges in our country. So proud of you dear.’ Maithili then said, ‘Can I videocall you?’ Saanchi said, ‘Of course darling. I will introduce you to my family as well.’ Maithili made a video call to Saanchi. Saanchi and Maithili excitedly waved to each other. Saanchi then told Maithili all about Mushtaque and Mehek. Maithili listened with awe. It was like watching a movie.’ Maithili then said, ‘I want to meet Mushtaque Jiju and Mehek.’ Saanchi smiled and said, ‘Of course Sweety.’ Saanchi then took her phone to the dining room where Mushtaque was helping Mehek with her homework. Saanchi introduced Mushtaque and Mehek to Maithili. Maithili waved her hand and said, ‘Hi Jiju. So nice to meet you.’ Mushtaque smiled warmly and said, ‘Same here.’ Anu was peeping at Maithili’s phone screen. Anu saw Mushtaque. After Maithili and Saanchi hung up, Anu said, ‘Gosh, your Saanchi di is adorable, but her husband, OMG, isn’t he a hunk?’ Maithili laughed out loudly and said, ‘I knew you would say this. But he is our brother in law aka “Jiju”, don’t forget that.’ Anu giggled and said, ‘Okay Okay. Got it.’
Next morning at class, there were some seniors in the class. They had come to inform the first year students about the upcoming Saraswati Puja celebration which was also known as Vasant Panchami. The discussion was about collecting funds and organizing it perfectly. The students were thrilled. Kartik was super excited. He told Sunit, ‘Wow, our first festival in this college.’ Sunit then said, ‘Good, I got my motorbike. It will be easy for me to get the stuff then.’ Maithili said, ‘Wow, this is going to be so cool. I am so excited.’ Just then Professor Sohum Awasthi came. All the students went and grabbed their seats. The class resumed. Dr. Awasthi then started asking questions to the students. Last night Maithili could not study anything, hence she was unable to answer most of the questions. This had never happened before. She was very upset and embarrassed. When Dr. Awasthi jokingly said, ‘Maithili, this way, I don’t think you will become a good doctor, rather, I don’t think you will become a “doctor” for that matter,’ Maithili was hurt.
Right after that, Dr. Mihir Sen arrived for the Physiology class. Maithili had lost her confidence. She was scared of sitting on the first bench. She looked behind to see if there were any empty seats where she could sit. Rafique saw her eyes. They were red. He did not say anything. Sunit too noticed that. He gestured Maithili to come and sit beside him. When Mihir Sen turned towards the black board to write some stuff, Maithili quickly grabbed the seat beside Sunit. Maithili was in agony. The agony of chagrin. She was unable to focus on anything. She just waited for the class to end. After this class, they had a break. Maithili tried to fight back her tears. But somehow her eyes were moist. She went to the cafeteria with Anu, Kartik, Rafique and Sunit. She told Anu to get something for her, while on the pretext of going to the washroom, she went out and sat on the stairs at the rear side of the cafeteria and cried her heart out. She had to cry or else she won’t be able to forget the humiliation which she had never faced in her academics before. When she was crying, she felt some one standing near her. She looked up. Her eyes were red, her nose was pink. It was Raghav. Maithili quickly wiped her tears and stood up. She did not know what to say. After all Raghav was a senior student. Raghav said, ‘Is everything okay Maithili?’ Maithili said in a muffled voice, ‘Y..yes..I am fine.’ Raghav looked at Maithili’s eyes. He said, ‘I don’t think so.’ Just then Anu came looking for Maithili. She was carrying a packet of Sandwich. Anu saw Raghav and said, ‘Hi Raghav Sir.’ Raghav looked at Anu. Anu knew Maithili would not like it if she told Raghav anything. Raghav then looked at Maithili and said, ‘If you don’t mind, can I have your phone number please?’ Maithili’s eyes were still drenched. She gave Raghav her number. Raghav saved her number and sent her a ‘Hi’ through text message and said, ‘Save my number.’ Maithili nodded.
After the break, the first year students had back to back practical classes. While the professor was explaining the internal organs of the human body, Sunit stood near Maithili and whispered, ‘You know what?’. Confused, Maithili whispered, ‘What?’. Sunit said, ‘That you are beautiful.’ Maithili looked at Sunit and could not stop smiling. Sunit then smiled and whispered, ‘You look beautiful when you smile and when you wear this pink dress.’ Maithili giggled. Anu was happy to see Maithili smile.
After the practical classes, Maithili checked her phone. No, there were no text messages. She told Anu, ‘Pheww. Finally my stalker is not troubling me anymore.’ Anu said, ‘Hmm. This is good.’ After going back to their room in the hostel, the girls freshened up, changed into comfortable t shirts and shorts and curled up on their beds when some girl in the hostel yelled and said, ‘MAITHILI, FIRST YEAR, A CALL FOR YOU ON THE LANDLINE PHONE.’ Anu and Maithili were both surprised. Who would be calling anyone at the landline phone of the hostel? Anu told Maithili, ‘I am coming with you.’ Maithili answered the call. A muffled voice at the other end said, ‘Don’t wear that Pink dress anymore.’ Before Maithili could say anything, the call was disconnected. Maithili kept on saying, ‘Hello Hello….’ Maithili shivered with fear. She told Anu, ‘This guy told me not to wear the pink dress anymore.’ Anu was shocked. Anu said, ‘Maithili, we have to inform the police. This is scary.’ Maithili was still in shock. She said, ‘ can we tell the police? We don’t have any evidence. Who will believe us?’ Anu did not say anything, but she was petrified. The girls quietly went to their room. They were immensely scared. Anu said, ‘Maithili, inform your parents.’ Maithili said, ‘I can’t. If I do, they will take me away from here. No.’ Anu said, ‘Then? We can’t live with fear. He is keenly observing us. We need help Maithili.’ Maithili said, ‘But, who will help us Anu? Who can we go to?’
Sunit was riding his bike to the hostel from the tea shop when suddenly out of nowhere a stone came on his way. Before Sunit could do anything, again, right from somewhere, another stone came and hit him. The bike went skidding while Sunit was thrown from the bike. He yelled. People came running when they heard him shout. He was badly injured. Blood flew profusely from his hands and legs. His tummy was hurt by a sharp stone. He was rushed to the emergency room. Thankfully, because of the helmet, his head was saved.
Maithili’s phone rang. It was from Kartik. When she heard about Sunit’s accident, Maithili held Anu’s hand pulled her and rushed to the emergency room. Sunit was hurriedly taken to the operation theatre. Kartik was in tears. Rafique looked tense. Maithili and Anu were shocked. Maithili sat on one of the benches and said a silent prayer. She prayed for Sunit. Just then Raghav arrived with Mohit. Raghav was wearing a pair of shorts and a black t shirt. He had rushed here after hearing about this deadly accident. He went to Kartik, hugged him and said nothing. Raghav knew this was not the time to console anyone. He kept on looking at Maithili. She was worried, scared, perturbed. There was something about Maithili that made him happy. After he had seen her for the first time, he wanted to be with her. He wanted to hug her and tell her that everything will be fine. But, amidst so many people, he couldn’t do that. He knew he was feeling something for her. What was that? Infatuation, crush or….or was it love?’
Just then Maithili’s phone buzzed. It was from Saanchi. Maithili went out to receive the call. Maithili’s worried voice made Saanchi feel that something was wrong. She said, ‘Is something troubling you Maithili? If yes, you know you can tell me.’ Maithili knew she could pour her heart out to Saanchi. Saanchi’s voice was home for Maithili. Maithili started sobbing. Saanchi said, ‘Shhh baby. Tell me what is it?’. With shattered voice Maithili told her everything. Saanchi said, ‘Baby, listen, keep the faith. Everything will be fine. I am there with you sweetheart.’ Saanchi said, ‘I will hang up now. I will call you in sometime. I know you are strong.’ Maithili said, ‘I am fine di. I will manage.’
Mushtaque saw Saanchi worried. Saanchi sat on the dining table chair with her arms on the table, looking at a blank spot. Mushtaque came, massaged her shoulder gently and said, ‘Is something troubling my love?’ Saanchi said, ‘I am worried about Maithili.’ Mushtaque pulled a chair, sat beside Saanchi, held Saanchi’s hand and said, ‘What about Maithili?’ Saanchi told Mushtaque everything Maithili had said, right from those cryptic messages to the saga of pink dress to Sunit’s accident. Mushtaque listened to everything with undivided attention. Then he looked at Saanchi and said, ‘Will sitting here and worrying help?. Saanchi said softly, ‘No.’ Mushtaque then said, ‘Then? Don’t you think we should go and meet Maithil? After all, I don’t have to go to work now. Mehek has her holidays starting from tomorrow. We can go. Can’t we?’. Saanchi hugged Mushtaque tight and said, ‘Why are you so nice?’. Mushtaque patted Saanchi’s back softly, brushed her hair and said, ‘Because my wife is super nice. That’s why.’
To be continued……..