Late Life Love
Prompt given by a storyteller group, ‘Late Life Love’
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction with no relation to any person or organism living or dead. Any relation is a case of sheer coincidence. This work is not intended to hurt or rebuke anyone or any profession. This work cannot be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without the permission of the author Rhituparna Chakraborty
‘Did you read the book?’, Sunaina asked. Saahil replied, ‘You know I barely get time to read books.’ Sunaina nodded, ‘Hmm. I know. Whenever you get time, do read. Take care.’ Saying that Sunaina hung up the phone.
Saahil went to his book shelf, found the book, cleared the dust in the book, blew some air from his mouth to shoo away some tiny spiders stuck in the book. He turned the leaves of the book. On page number 4, he found a note.
‘Dear Saahil, taking the help of this note to say that I love you. If you have the same feelings for me, come to the terrace today evening. If you don’t come, I will know you don’t love me. I will go away from your life. ‘
Date: 14/Feb/2005
Saahil read the note dumbfounded. Sunaina had given him this book hoping he would read it. Ofcourse Saahil loved Sunaina. But he never read that note, neither did he come to the terrace. Sunaina had left the town with her parents with a broken heart. Never stayed in touch with Saahil. Saahil found her on social media recently.
Sunaina is settled abroad with her husband and children. Saahil never married because his heart was meant only for Sunaina. He keeps himself busy with his parents, his nursing home and his patients.