Khushi Episode 3
Khushi episode 3
#Disclaimer: This is an original work of fiction. Any relation to any person or organism living or dead is purely coincidental. This story cannot be published, copied or reproduced elsewhere without the consent of the author Rhituparna Chakraborty. This is a work of imagination with no intention to hurt anyone.
Mushtaque rushed to Sneha’s home. Sneha’s parents were shattered. Mrs. Manju Sharma and Mr. Ramesh Sharma were in immense agony. Mushtaque asked all about the people Sneha was in contact with. He then went to Sneha’s room and checked her room, her books, her closets thoroughly hoping to find some clue. He launched a thorough search all around the town with his team hoping to find Khushi and Sneha. The team hunted all the places they could think of, but in vain. The girls were nowhere to be found.
Mushtaque then met Sohum. Sohum had bad bruises on his eyes and cheeks. He was shaken to the core. First, Khushi and Sneha were no where to be found and second he was beaten to pulp. Sohum was at home. His parents were initially reluctant to let Mushtaque meet him but when Mushtaque showed his identity card, they let Mushtaque in their house. Sohum was sitting on his bed with his back on the pillow leaning on the wall. Seeing Mushtaque, he was scared. Mushtaque observed Sohum carefully. He was a puny guy wearing glasses. He looked timid. He was trembling. Mushtaque pulled a chair and sat in front of Sohum’s bed and said, ‘Who did this to you?’ Sohum trembled and said, ‘I can’t tell you. If I tell you, he will beat me more.’ Mushtaque said, ‘No. He won’t. Tell me.’ Sohum shivered and said, ‘Tr….Trishaan.’ Mushtaque looked at Sohum grimly and said, ‘But, why would Trishaan beat you?’. Sohum felt a lump in his throat. He was scared. Mushtaque said, ‘ Answer me?’. Sohum said, ‘ B….b…b…. because, he feels I made a mistake my telling Hrehaan about Khushi’s feelings for him and Trishaan feels Hrehaan has something to do with Khushi’s abduction.’ Mushtaque looked sternly at Sohum and said, ‘Tell me all about Trishaan.’ Sohum quivered and said, ‘He is a bad guy. He is rambunctious and super unruly. Never comes for classes. He is way senior to us. Never takes his exams. His father is a senior politician and is also a member of the college’s trust. Trishaan could have graduated this year, but he fell in love with Khushi and he won’t leave this college till she was there.’ Mushtaque listened to every word that Sohum had said. He had recorded everything. He then went to meet Trishaan. Trishaan lived in a huge bungalow. Right from an ambrosial, fragrant, huge garden to expensive cars to lavish rooms, the house had everything. There were numerous house helps too. Mushtaque waited in the luxurious living room to meet Trishaan. Trishaan came. Trishaan was around 6 feet tall. He was a gym addict. He had perfect biceps, flat abdomen and not to mention 6 packs. He had dusky complexion. He had curly unruly hair which he had forgotten to chop for months. It seemed he hated shaving too. He had a slightly long face and a sharp nose. His eyes were red. Either it was because of alcohol, lack of sleep or worry. He was a wearing a pair of jeans and a faded black round neck t shirt. He looked at Mushtaque rudely and said with sarcasm, ‘So, you are handling Khushi’s case?’ Mushtaque replied without expression, ‘Yes. And I will not spare anyone who is involved in this.’ Sitting on the couch lazily, Trishaan let out a sarcastic laugh and said, ‘Oh really? You will find out?’. He then sat up, looked sternly at Mushtaque and said softly, but with an immensely angry tone, ‘Look officer, I need my Khushi safe and I will find out where she is. In that process, if I have to kill someone, I will. I don’t care.’ Mushtaque said with scorn, ‘And I won’t stop myself if I have to kill anyone breaking the law.’ Trishaan sneered and said, ‘ Go ahead and do what you want.’ Saying that, Trishaan came closer to Mushtaque and said, ‘I will find my Khushi.’ Mushtaque looked at Trishaan’s eyes and said, ‘Why did you beat Sohum?’. Trishaan laughed and said, ‘Because he kidnapped my Khushi. He did. I know that. That rascal.’ Mushtaque said grimly, ‘That feeble guy Sohum can abduct Khushi? You think so?’. Trishaan said bitterly, ‘I know. No one would believe. But he is a fucking manipulator.’ Mushtaque said, ‘I know who is who.’ Trishaan said, ‘ So go ahead and do your duty, officer! Stop bothering me.’ Mushtaque got up, smiled at Trishaan and said, ‘I know what I have to do and I will do it. Wait and watch.’ Saying that Mushtaque left for Khushi’s home.
Khushi’s dad Hemant sat there like a statue. Khushi’s mom Kavita was on medications. She was suffering from anxiety attacks. She has not been unable to sleep. Mohit looked drained and worn out. His eyes had dark circles. Traces of worry covered his face. He had been taking care of his brother and sister in law. The moment he saw Mushtaque, he asked with deep concern ‘Any information about Khushi?’ Mushtaque sighed and said, ‘No.’ Mohit said, ‘Hmm.’ Mushtaque then said, ‘Can I see Khushi’s room?’ Mohit replied, ‘Come with me.’ Khushi’s room was a room which could also be called a ‘Happy Room’. Right from the bed to the curtains to her closets, her study table, everything was beaming with life and happiness. Her books were stacked neatly. Her clothes were perfectly ironed and hung in hangers. The subtle beige curtains, the fresh pink walls, the spacious balcony, the pretty purple and pink flowers in the flowerpots, her charming pictures on the picture frames hung on the wall, the room was a beautiful haven. Mushtaque then came out of the room. He asked Mohit, ‘Any calls?’. Mohit said morosely, ‘No.’ Mohit then sat down on the couch nearby and started sobbing. ‘Who could do this? What do they want? If they need money, they can call us. What is it they want?’. Mushtaque looked at Mohit and without saying anything left the place.
Mushtaque reached home. Saanchi was helping Mehek with her homework. Mushtaque always carried a spare key with him. He opened the door. Mehek saw Mushtaque and ran to hug him. Mushtaque bent and carried Mehek and said, ‘So, what’s my little girl doing?’ Mehek said in her adorable voice, ‘Mehek was doing her homework daddy.’ Saanchi then said, ‘Now baby, let daddy freshen up. You come and finish your homework while I get tea and snacks for your daddy and hot chocolate for you.’ Mehek got down from her daddy’s arms and walked to the dining table with her chubby feet and started doing her homework. Saanchi went to the kitchen while Mushtaque went to freshen up. Saanchi was engrossed in making tea when Mushtaque came from behind, hugged her waist gently and planted a soft kiss on her neck. Saanchi smiled and said, ‘Officer, this is not the way. The tea might get ruined.’ Mushtaque turned Saanchi around, looked at her eyes and said teasingly, ‘Who wants tea now?’. Saanchi gently pushed him and said, ‘No my husband. I am sure you haven’t had lunch properly. So now you will have tea and healthy filling snacks and then I will make dinner. Moreover, if our daughter sees us kissing each other, she will find it weird, isn’t it?’ Mushtaque whispered, ‘That’s fine darling. Now let me taste you before I taste the tea.’ Saying that, he pulled Saanchi closer and kissed her on her soft lips passionately.
After relishing the hot chocolate, Mehek looked at Saanchi and then giggled covering her tiny little mouth with her chubby hands. Amused, Saanchi and Mushtaque asked, ‘Why are you laughing Mehek?’ Mehek said in her baby voice, ‘Because this is my second glass of hot chocolate. Sakina aunty had already given me one glass in the morning. Teeheee mommy.’ Sakina was Mehek’s nanny. Saanchi found it so adorable that she went near Mehek and planted kisses on her plump cheeks. Mushtaque loved that sight. After dinner, Mushtaque stepped out of his home. Saanchi knew there was no point asking him because he would never tell where he was going.
Mushtaque first waited in a secluded corner in the dark street right in front of Trishaan’s home trying to figure out more about Trishaan. Mushtaque could see the light of Trishaan’s room on and Trishaan punching a punching bag like crazy. Mushtaque felt Trishaan was anxious about Khushi’s sudden disappearance. He observed Trishaan for almost 45 minutes and then left for Sohum’s home. There too, Mushtaque parked his car in a dark corner and waited in front of Sohum’s home hoping to know more about this guy. For 15 minutes nothing happened. After 15 minutes, Sohum came out of his home to walk his dog. Mushtaque observed him closely. Sohum was a feeble, puny guy, fixing his glasses most of the time because they used to slip off his nose. He walked slowly with the leash of the dog in his hand. Suddenly Sohum stopped. He saw something. Mushtaque observed closely. There was a bird on the road unable to fly. Sohum picked up the bird gently, patted it softly and then wrung its neck and checked twice to see if it was dead and threw it aside.
A package was sent to Khushi’s home. Mohit opened the package with shivering hands. There was a letter along with the stuff. Mohit read the letter and called Mushtaque. Mushtaque rushed to the spot. The package had blood stained clothes of Khushi and the letter read, ‘She is dead.’