House of Tales… Episode 5

Rhituparna Chakraborty
6 min readApr 5, 2022




Links of earlier episodes: #Houseoftalesepisode1

#houseoftalesepisode1, #Houseoftalesepisode2,

#houseoftalesepisode2, #Houseoftalesepisode3

#houseoftalesepisode3, #Houseoftalesepisode4


©All rights reserved

Author: Rhituparna Chakraborty

#Disclaimer: This is an original work of fiction with no relation to any person/organism living or dead. Every episode, every character is a work of imagination. Any resemblance to any person, organism, place, character or situation is purely coincidental. There is no intention to hurt or rebuke anyone or any profession through this work. This story/episode cannot be copied, published or reproduced without the permission of the author RhituparnaChakraborty.

Deepika sobbed. Sonal touched Deepika’s shoulder and said, ‘Are you okay?’ Deepika pushed Sonal away and said, ‘Can you please leave me alone?’ Sonal was surprised. In all these years Sonal never saw Deepika like this. Sonal said, ‘But Deepika…..’. Deepika pleaded, ‘Leave me alone Sonal.’ Sonal had no idea why Deepika was behaving this way. But at this point, it was futile trying to reason with Deepika. Sonal left the room and went to the verandah and sat there.

Just then Samarth(Deepika’s uncle) came. He saw Sonal sitting alone. He asked, ‘Hey, you are sitting alone here? Where is Deepu?’ Sonal thought of telling Samarth the truth, but then, Deepika wanted to be alone for some time. Sonal said, ‘Uncle, Deepika is sleeping. I was done with my nap, so thought of sitting here for some time. The evening breeze is so soothing.’ Samarth smiled and said, ‘Yes, the evening breeze is indeed ambrosial. I used to sit here with Chandni….’ Deepika had told Sonal about Chandni. But then even Deepika did not know what exactly had happened to Chandni. Sonal did not have the heart to ask Samarth. However Samarth continued the conversation, ‘The day I saw Chandni, I fell in love with her. She was an epitome of innocence and kindness. After our Mother’s death, I and Ranvijay Bhai were shattered. Dad was torn apart. But somehow he pulled himself together and took care of us. It was hard…..’

Sonal said softly, ‘I am sorry….you and Ranvijay uncle must have been very young then….’ Samarth said, ‘Not very young….in fact we were all looking for a bride for Ranvijay Bhai. Mom had found Nandini Bhabhi for Bhai. We had met Nandini Bhabhi and we were so thrilled for the marriage. Dates were also fixed. But then…….’ Sonal saw Samarth’s voice shaking. She said, ‘It’s okay uncle……if you don’t want to say……it’s fine….’ Samarth said, ‘Well, whether I say or not, one day Deepika will have to know. Maybe you shouldn’t tell her. Ranvijay Bhai will tell her.’ Sonal did not say anything. Samarth continued, ‘One fine day……….we……we found our mother hanging in the guest room.’ Sonal was dumbstruck. She gasped. Sonal said, ‘But, Deepika said her grandma had died due to some sickness…..’ Samarth said, ‘This was what we had told her when she had asked about her grandma.’ Sonal froze.

Samarth continued, ‘Because of this, Bhai’s wedding was delayed for a year. After a year, Bhai’s wedding was solemnized. It was a simple wedding. And Nandini Bhabhi came and won our hearts. After a year, Deepika was born. And some years later, Chandni came to my life. In fact Nandini Bhabhi had found the alliance. The moment I saw Chandni, I knew I wanted her in my life. Her sea green eyes, her smile, her voice, stole my heart. The wedding dates were fixed. And just two days before the wedding…..’ Sonal looked at Samarth. His eyes welled up. Sonal was quiet. Samarth said, ‘If Deepika hears this, she will be torn apart…… Nandini Bhabhi…..Bhabhi…….’ Sonal listened……Samarth continued, ‘We found her hanging ….’ Sonal almost shrieked. Shivering, Sonal said, ‘But…..she….she had died in an accident………..Deepika had told me….’ Samarth wiped his tears and said, ‘No! Deepika was too young. We had told her that her mother had met with an accident.’ Sonal could not believe all that she heard. Two suicides in the house………’ . Sonal mustered up some courage and asked, ‘So…….your wedding was also postponed for a year.’ Samarth said, ‘We had proposed to postpone the wedding but Chandni’s parents did not agree. So we had a quiet court marriage after some months. Chandni was happy. The household had just begun to relive after those deaths……….and…..’ Sonal’s heart began beating fast. She looked at Samarth with questions in her eyes. Samarth replied, ‘Chandni….. also………hung herself.’ A chill went down Sonal’s spine. Samarth continued, ‘After that, people believed Choudhary house was cursed. We wanted Ranvijay Bhai to remarry, because Deepika was so young. She needed a mother’s love. But no one was willing to get their daughter married to anyone in our family. And suddenly one day, Deepika fell down the stairs and from that day Ranvijay Bhai’s fear became worse. He decided to keep Deepika out of this house.’ Sonal was trembling. Her hands and feet went numb. Samarth continued, ‘Not just Deepika, we decided to not allow any of our female house helps to stay in this house after dusk.’

After Samarth left, scared Sonal, went on to check Deepika. She was sleeping. Sonal touched Deepika’s forehead. No fever. Sonal thought, ‘Why on earth did Deepika cry? Sonal was already engulfed in so many thoughts and now Deepika’s behaviour worried her further.


Just then Sonal’s phone rang. It was from an unknown number. She disconnected the call. The phone rang again. Sonal presumed the call could be from some known person. She received the call:

Sonal: Hello

The person at the other end: Hi, this is Dr. Rohan from Swasthya hospital. I got your number from the patients’ list. Just wanted to know if you are feeling any better.

Sonal: Oh, Hi Dr. Rohan. I am feeling better. The swelling is still there but the pain has lessened a bit. Thanks for asking.

Rohan: Ice helps. Keep on putting ice. Use the pain relieving spray I had prescribed. And do take the medicines on time. They will help in reducing the inflammation.

Sonal: Yes. I am following all that you had asked me to do.

Rohan: Great. ummm, by the way, it will be good, if I check your injured feet again, maybe day after tomorrow? Follow ups are necessary in these types of injuries.

Sonal: Sure doctor! I will be there.

Rohan: Great! Take care! Bye!

Sonal: You too. Bye!

The moment Rohan hung up, Sohum, who was standing right behind Rohan asked, ‘Does that injury really need a follow up visit?’ Rohan gestured a punch towards Sohum and said, ‘ Mind your own business.’ Sohum laughed.


Deepika woke up from her sleep. She did not realise when she fell asleep. She sat up on her bed and sat there for sometime. She then got up and went to drink some water. She looked at the clock. It was almost dinner time. She walked up to the window behind her bed. She looked at the tree at the distance. The height was perfect. Perhaps, tonight after dinner, she could………..


Sonal’s phone rang. It was from her brother Saahil.

Sonal: Bhai!!!! Where are you?

Saahil: Are you okay?

Sonal(almost crying): I wish you were here.

Saahil: Send me the location. I will be there in no time.

Sonal: What? Are you at Ranjanpur?

Saahil: Yes sweety.

Sonal(beaming): I love you bhai…..


Ranvijay went to call Deepika for dinner. The moment Deepika saw Ranvijay, she got jittery. She prayed she was not thinking anything loud. Ranvijay said, ‘Come Deepu, dinner is ready. We have all your favourite dishes today.’ Deepika tried to smile. She said, ‘Wow! Let’s go and enjoy dinner.’

Just then one of the guards at the gate came and told Ranvijay, ‘Two gentlemen are waiting at the gate. One of them is saying his name is Saahil.’ Just then Sonal came limping and told Ranvijay, ‘Uncle, that’s my elder brother.’ Ranvijay smiled and said, ‘Your brother is here! That’s such a pleasant surprise. Let me go and welcome him.’ Saying that, Ranvijay went with the guard. He saw two gentlemen standing at the gate. One of them said, Hi, I am Saahil, Sonal’s brother.’ Saying that, Saahil looked at the other guy standing beside him and said, ‘This is my friend Mushtaque Khan. We had come for some work at Sompur, so thought to meeting Sonal before we leave.’ Ranvijay greeted them warmly and said, ‘So nice to meet you. Please come in…..’


To be continued………………………………



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