House of Tales… Episode 2

Rhituparna Chakraborty
6 min readMar 28, 2022




Links of earlier episodes: #Houseoftalesepisode1


©All rights reserved

Author: Rhituparna Chakraborty

#Disclaimer: This is an original work of fiction with no relation to any person/organism living or dead. Every episode, every character is a work of imagination. Any resemblance to any person, organism, place, character or situation is purely coincidental. There is no intention to hurt or rebuke anyone or any profession through this work. This story/episode cannot be copied, published or reproduced without the permission of the author RhituparnaChakraborty.

Ranvijay kept on checking on Deepika and she indeed looked sick. Although there was no fever, she looked feeble. Moreover, Deepika had made up her mind to visit Ranjanpur. Ranvijay told himself, ‘Well, matter of two to three days. I won’t let her stay there for more days. I am sure Daddy Ji and Samarth will also make her understand.’

The drive from Vilasnagar to Ranjanpur was scenic. Vilasnagar was a hill station and was famous for mulberries. The lush green valleys, the rolling hills, jewel blue streams curving gently through the pretty hills and the aroma of chilly breeze, would make anyone fall in love with Vilasnagar. Ranvijay was sure Deepika would love Vilasnagar. He gave her all the luxury and comfort he could. He ensured her hostel room had all the facilities. Sonal, Deepika’s room mate was super happy when she first came to that room. The pretty curtains, room heater, coffee maker, necessary cutleries, geyser and to add to that, after talking to the authorities, Ranvijay had arranged a house help named Ratna to clean Deepika’s room and bathroom everyday. Since Deepika had dust allergy, Ratna was strictly instructed to ensure there was no speck of dust in her room. If that was not enough, Ranvijay gave a fat amount of pocket money to Deepika every month, so that she could buy whatever she wanted, right from clothes to food. She was also free to travel with her friends, provided Ranvijay checked the friend list thoroughly and was sure of all the safety measures.

Deepika was 5 feet 4 inches tall. She was fair with blush like pink tint on her cheeks. She had wavy shoulder length, dark golden brown hair. She had a straight edged sharp nose. She had hazel brown almond eyes. She was slightly plump and her skin was as soft as marshmallows. Sonal would call her a teddy bear. Sonal was around 5 feet 6 inches tall. She had a slender sturdy structure. She had jet-black straight hair, round, close set eyes, wheatish complexion and spotless skin texture. She wore a pair of round framed glasses as well.

Today, Deepika was wearing a pair of blue denim trousers and a brown jacket. Deepika loved colors. When, she had bought a pair of fluorescent sneakers, the other day, Sonal had yelled at her for selecting those vibrant colored shoes. However Deepika giggled and bought those, no matter what.

Ranvijay navigated his Range Rover through the winding roads. His mind full of fear. He wanted his little girl to be safe. He prayed for some miracle. Even now, if Deepika decided to go back to the hostel, he would take a u turn and drop her.

Just then Deepika’s phone rang. It was from Sonal.

Deepika: Hey

Sonal: Where are you? The warden said you left for Ranjanpur??? How could you do that without informing me!

Deepika looked at Ranvijay, whose eyes were on the road. If Ranvijay knew that Sonal was in Vilasnagar itself and Deepika had lied that she was not there, Ranvijay would drop Deepika back at the hostel.

Deepika pretended to cough,

Deepika: Uh…huh, I was unwell and….since you were not there, I told dad to take me home with him.

Sonal(Fuming): What the … liar… sent me to get books from library and…..

Deepika(trying to sound casual): Hello…. hello…..seems there is no network range here. I will call you once I reach Ranjanpur…..

Saying that Deepika hung up. Sonal yelled at the phone, ‘You donkey!!!’

Deepika then texted Sonal: Sonu, you know how it is. I had to lie to come to Ranjanpur. Now, you have to handle the lie. And yes, we have holidays from Monday anyway. Instead of going to your hometown, come and spend the holidays at Ranjanpur.

Sonal read the text and replied: ‘Okie…. Will visit mom dad for a couple of days and then will come to Ranjanpur.’

Deepika immediately deleted the messages.

Ranvijay asked, ‘Is Sonal back?’

Deepika replied, ‘N..No Dad….

Ranvijay did not say anything and drove ahead.

It was around 9:30 pm, by the time Ranvijay and Deepika reached Ranjanpur. The village was pitch dark by then. Everything was closed. The car reached the gates of their huge mansion. Two sturdy guards opened the gate. One of them came and then opened the doors of the car. Deepika got off the car and soaked in some fresh air. The air was fragrant. She was not worried about dust allergy any more. She looked at the colossal banyan tree at the corner of the sprawling field in front of their mansion. She had vague memories of playing underneath the shade of that tree. She, Payal, Reema and then there were Sohum and Rohan. Where were these guys now. Ranvijay had told them that these guys had also moved out of the village for their higher studies. She did try to find them on social media, but could not find them.

Two more house helps came out to carry the luggage inside. The old head cook, Bahadur came out. Seeing Deepika he jumped with joy and said, ‘My darling… nice to see you. It has been so long….how are you?’ Deepika smiled with tears of joy, and said, ‘Bahadur Kaka, indeed it has been a long time. I miss the food cooked by you, Shama Kaki and Reshma Mausi. How are all of you?’ Bahadur replied, ‘We are all fine dear.’ Deepika then asked, ‘Where are they? Shama Kaki and Reshma Mausi?’ Bahadur looked at Ranvijay and then looked at Deepika and said, ‘Uh…., they went home. They leave for home a little early. I and my assistants, Raju and Suresh, take care of the kitchen after dusk. You must be famished. Go, meet your grandfather and uncle. We will go and get the dinner table ready.’

Deepika went inside. Devi Choudhary was reading a book while relaxing on the arm chair. Deepika tiptoed towards him and said softly, ‘Grandpa!’ Devi Choudhary looked away from the book and saw Deepika. He could not believe his eyes. ‘Deepu! How come you are here!’, he exclaimed. Deepika touched Devi Choudhary’s feet and said, ‘Yes Grandpa! I am here. Now, I am going to stay here…..’ Before Devi Choudhary could say anything, Samarth came and said, ‘Deepika! My child! So nice to see you!’ Deepika ran towards Samarth, hugged him and said, ‘So nice to see you too Chachu. I missed you all so much. Why don’t you all let me come home?’ Samarth brushed Deepika’s head and said, ‘ Sweetheart, the weather here does not suit you and you have to study well too. Where do we have these facilities here?’ Deepika said, ‘I don’t know. I am not going back soon.’ Saying that Deepika went to her room. The moment she opened the door of her room, tears welled up in her eyes. The pretty purple walls, the gorgeous beige curtains, her dolls, everything was maintained neatly. She then looked at the picture of her mom Nandini. She has faint memories of her mom. She recalled bits and pieces of the little things her mom used to do for her, like combing her hair, tying her shoe laces. And one fine day, when she came back from school, she could not find her mom. She was told Nandini had gone to meet her parents . Next day she was told, Nandini had met with an accident and she was no more. Deepika was unable to understand anything then. She was too young. Right after that she was sent to boarding school. She had come back for just a day or so for Samarth’s wedding. She remembered how pretty Samarth’s wife was. She used to call her Chandni Chachi. Well, after the wedding when she went back to the boarding school, she was not allowed to come back to the mansion because of school and exams. After a year when she came, she could not find her Chachi anymore. Reshma Mausi had told her that Chandni Chachi was sick and had succumbed to her sickness.

As she recalled all those moments, Deepika wiped her tears and looked at her Mom’s photo and said, ‘Miss you so much…..’

Deepika was so engrossed that she did not see two eyes peeping at her through one of the windows of her room.


To be continued…………………….



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