House of Tales Episode 14

Rhituparna Chakraborty
7 min readMay 16, 2022


House of Tales… Episode 14



Links of earlier episodes: #Houseoftalesepisode1

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#houseoftalesepisode2, #Houseoftalesepisode3

#houseoftalesepisode3, #Houseoftalesepisode4

#houseoftalesepisode4, #Houseoftalesepisode5

#houseoftalesepisode5, #Houseoftalesepisode6

#houseoftalesepisode6, #Houseoftalesepisode7

#houseoftalesepisode7, #Houseoftalesepisode8

#houseoftalesepisode8, #Houseoftalesepisode9

#houseoftalesepisode9, #Houseoftalesepisode10

#houseoftalesepisode10, #Houseoftalesepisode11

#houseoftalesepisode11, #Houseoftalesepisode12

#houseoftalesepisode12, #Houseoftalesepisode13


©All rights reserved


Author: Rhituparna Chakraborty

#Disclaimer: This is an original work of fiction with no relation to any person/organism living or dead. Every episode, every character is a work of imagination. Any resemblance to any person, organism, place, character or situation is purely coincidental. There is no intention to hurt or rebuke anyone or any profession through this work. This story/episode cannot be copied, published or reproduced without the permission of the author RhituparnaChakraborty.

There was a hue and cry in Choudhary mansion. There was not one single day when Shama did not come to work without prior information. She barely fell sick and even if she was sick, someone from the mansion would go and give her medicines so that she felt better soon. Today when Reshma called up Bahadur crying that Shama was missing, Bahadur was shocked. He immediately informed Ranvijay. Mushtaque was already awake by then. Ranvijay, Samarth and Mushtaque rushed to Shama and Reshma’s tiny home. Reshma broke down to hysterics while crying. She was not in a position to talk. Mushtaque could not interrogate her now. Mushtaque called Sofia and asked her to reach Reshma and Shama’s home. Sofia would need to be with Reshma. Without a Female officer, Reshma would be uncomfortable.

Abhay was instructed to be around Deepika and Sonal. Water sample from Deepika’s bottle kept on the corner table was taken and was sent to the lab. Deepika’s counselling sessions were still on. Saahil offered to drop Deepika at the hospital. Abhay and Sonal also accompanied them. Devi Choudhary saw Abhay, Deepika, Saahil and Sonal together. When he saw them, he asked, ‘Where are you all going?’ There was no way Devi Choudhary could be informed about Deepika’s counselling sessions. Sonal said, ‘Grandpa, with so much stress around, we are unable to focus on our studies. So I thought, I and Deepika could go to the meadows, sit there peacefully and study. Since it is not safe for us girls to be there alone, I have asked Saahil Bhai to join us.’ Abhay added, ‘That’s right. I am on duty and hence I too have to go.’ Devi Choudhary nodded, ‘Okay! I understand. Go carefully.’

Saahil drove the car while Abhay sat on the passenger seat. Deepika and Sonal grabbed the back seats. Through the rear view mirror, Saahil stole glimpses of Deepika. Saahil never had a lovey dovey soft corner for any girl in his life before. He had always been a studious guy whose ambition was to become successful in his career. He was almost there. Now, he had a host of clients and his new office was almost ready. His family was contemplating on finding a match for him and he was okay with arrange marriage. His parents found a suitable match for him. He had met the girl once. She was polite, nice and educated. Saahil was okay with the alliance and hence he said yes. His parents confirmed the alliance and the girl, whose name was Shraddha was so happy that she began speaking with Saahil over phone often. Saahil would talk to her whenever she called, however, he somehow, never took the initiative of calling her or taking her out on some romantic date. Saahil had assumed this was what arranged marriages were like. You marry someone whom your family finds for you and then you go ahead and fulfill all the responsibilities, take care of your wife, your parents, your children and that’s how life goes on, happy and peaceful. He never knew what love was. After seeing Deepika, he realised, he wanted to be around her, he wanted to hear her voice, if she was happy, he would be happy, if she was sad, he would be sad. Is that what love was? Saahil thought. Every time he thought of spending some time with Deepika, he felt guilty of cheating on Shraddha. Was he cheating on Shraddha? He himself had decided his fate. He had said yes to Shraddha’s alliance. How could he now say no and hurt her. No! But, will he be happy without Deepika in his life?.


Sofia helped Reshma drink water. Ranvijay and Samarth said, ‘Reshma, don’t be scared. Everything will be fine. We will find Shama.’ Reshma looked at Ranvijay and Samarth petrified. Reshma’s eyes had fear lurking in them. Sofia could read that. Sofia looked at Mushtaque. Mushtaque gestured something to Sofia. Sofia nodded. Sofia then went near Reshma and said, ‘Reshma, you don’t have to be scared of anyone. Come with me to the police station.’ Reshma asked shocked, ‘P..p..police station? Wh…why? I did not do anything?’ Sofia patted Reshma’s shoulder and said, ‘No, you did not do anything. Police station is the only place where you will be safe now.’ Ranvijay and Samarth looked at Sofia and then Ranvijay said, ‘Is there any need to take Reshma to the police station? Look how terrified she is?’ Ranvijay then asked Mushtaque, ‘What is Sofia talking about?’ Mushtaque said, ‘Please don’t worry about that. You guys please go home. I will manage things here.’ Samarth said, ‘But….’ Mushtaque said, ‘Please….go home…..’

After Samarth and Ranvijay left, Mushtaque called an officer,

Officer: Hello….

Mushtaque: This in Mushtaque Khan, I need two officers here. Send one female officer too. I am sending the address.

Officer: Okay Sir.


In 15 minutes two officers, Ratna and Suranjan arrived at Reshma and Shama’s home. Mushtaque told Ratna and Suranjan to search the house thoroughly for any clues. Reshma was not in a state to talk as yet. Till Sofia could calm her and make her speak, Mushtaque had to find out where Shama was. How did she disappear? Did someone abduct her?

The officers checked for finger prints and collected stuffs which could help in finding Shama and what happened to her.


Mushtaque reached the police station. Reshma was seated in a bench. She was given food and tea. She did not touch a morsel of anything. Reshma sat quietly tears rolling down her cheeks. Mushtaque pulled a chair and sat near her and asked softly, ‘Reshma, you don’t have to be afraid of anything. Tell me all that happened.’ Reshma still did not say anything. Mushtaque said, ‘See Reshma, if you don’t cooperate, we will not be able to save Shama.’ Sofia added, ‘Reshma, if you don’t help us, we will not be able to help you.’ Reshma broke down, she cried for a while and then said, ‘These Choudharys have done this. I was fast asleep. I did not know what had happened. I don’t know. When I woke up in the morning, I saw Shama was not there.’ Mushtaque asked calmly, ‘Why do you doubt the Choudharys?’ Reshma was quiet. Sofia said, ‘Reshma, you will have to speak….’ Reshma wiped her tears and said with a choked voice, ‘The men in that house have some problem with women. Their wives committed suicide because of them. They….they do something to the women…..’ Mushtaque asked, ‘What do they do?’ Reshma said, ‘I don’t know what they do, but they do something and hence these women never seemed to enjoy anything and one fine day we find them dead.’ Sofia looked at Mushtaque. Mushtaque did not say anything.


Mushtaque then went outside the police station and made a few calls. He then made a team of officers to find Shama. Of course, the moment Shama disappeared, thorough checking was done at all the borders. Buses and trains were checked. Now, the checking was made even stricter with super strong vigilance. Officers were sent to Shama and Reshma’s village to check if she was there. Shama would be found soon and all that mattered now was, she should be found alive…..’


Deepika, Sonal, Saahil and Abhay were back at the mansion. The counselling sessions helped Deepika. She was reverting to her normal self. No one spoke about Shama’s disappearance. The talks could make Deepika anxious. Even if Deepika wanted to speak about it, Sonal and Saahil would change the topic. Saahil was happy to see Deepika recovering. Whenever he spoke with Deepika, he would blush. Sonal noticed that. But she did not say anything to Saahil. Meanwhile Rohan would always text Sonal, good morning and good night. Rohan was a busy doctor. He barely got time. But the moment he woke up, he would send a good morning text to Sonal. And before going to bed, he would wish her good night. Sonal thought it was courteous. Although, she did not feel anything for Rohan, Rohan did get butterflies in his stomach whenever he saw Sonal.


Mushtaque waited for the lab reports. Sofia got the reports.

Sofia: I was right sir. The water in the bottle had some chemicals, drugs rather.

Mushtaque: Hmm

Sofia: Aren’t you surprised?

Mushtaque: No! There were no drugs in the food. Because food was common for everyone. The water bottles in the room were separate for everyone. So, it was obvious, the water was contaminated with chemicals.

Sofia: Hmm. And what about Shama? We don’t have any news about her. Where could she be?

Mushtaque smiled.

Sofia(confused): I did not understand Sir. The Choudharys seem to be dangerous.

Mushtaque(smiling): Hmm.

Sofia(perplexed): What’s going on in your mind Sir?

Mushtaque: You will know soon.

Sofia: Sir, you never tell us what’s going on in your mind. And, we need to change Deepika’s room too tonight.

Mushtaque: Deepika is safe.

Sofia: Sir?

Mushtaque: Come with me. It’s going to be an interesting story.

Sofia: What about Reshma?

Mushtaque: It’s our duty to protect Shama and Reshma. Bring Reshma with us.

Sofia: And Shama?

Mushtaque: We will find her. The team is there. Don’t worry.


To be continued……………………



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