House of Tales Episode 12
House of Tales… Episode 12
Links of earlier episodes: #Houseoftalesepisode1
#houseoftalesepisode1, #Houseoftalesepisode2,
#houseoftalesepisode2, #Houseoftalesepisode3
#houseoftalesepisode3, #Houseoftalesepisode4
#houseoftalesepisode4, #Houseoftalesepisode5
#houseoftalesepisode5, #Houseoftalesepisode6
#houseoftalesepisode6, #Houseoftalesepisode7
#houseoftalesepisode7, #Houseoftalesepisode8
#houseoftalesepisode8, #Houseoftalesepisode9
#houseoftalesepisode9, #Houseoftalesepisode10
#houseoftalesepisode10, #Houseoftalesepisode11
©All rights reserved
Author: Rhituparna Chakraborty
#Disclaimer: This is an original work of fiction with no relation to any person/organism living or dead. Every episode, every character is a work of imagination. Any resemblance to any person, organism, place, character or situation is purely coincidental. There is no intention to hurt or rebuke anyone or any profession through this work. This story/episode cannot be copied, published or reproduced without the permission of the author RhituparnaChakraborty.
Probe began. Mushtaque was involved in this case. It was imperative for Mushtaque to get the right evidence or else the tables could turn. He had hit the attacker in an act of self defense. The attacker sustained injuries and had slipped into coma. As per doctors there were chances of the attacker reviving. Nonetheless, all of a sudden, the attacker was dead. What could have happened?
The post mortem reports would take time. Saahil had come to the hospital to complete the hospital formalities for Mushtaque’s discharge from the hospital. Mushtaque was at the lobby talking to some hospital staff members while Saahil worked on the formalities. Mushtaque called Abhay and Sofia, his most trusted officers. First he spoke with Abhay:
Abhay: Good morning Sir.
Mushtaque: Good morning. I need you and Sofia here in Ranjanpur as soon as possible.
Abhay: Okay Sir.
Mushtaque: I am sending you some names. Find out all you can about these people and send me all the information.
Abhay: Yes Sir.
Mushtaque: Great. See you.
Mushtaque then called up Sofia.
Sofia: Good Morning Sir.
Mushtaque: Good Morning. You and Abhay are coming to Ranjanpur. I need you guys soon here.
Sofia: Yes Sir.
Mushtaque: I have sent the details to Abhay. I need all the information fast.
Sofia: Yes Sir.
Mushtaque: Also, there are two girls, Sonal and Deepika. I need you to be with them through out, once you are here in Ranjanpur.
Sofia: Ok Sir.
Mushtaque: See you.
Rohan and Sohum met Mushtaque. Rohan gave Mushtaque all the details he had. The post mortem reports were still awaited.
Mushtaque: Do you feel there was anything suspicious.
Rohan: Honestly, I was hopeful of that guy reviving. But then with cases like these, things are unpredictable. Nonetheless, never thought he would be gone that soon.
Mushtaque: Do you think there could be some suspicious activity?
Rohan: The hospital staff would never do anything of this sort. And the ICU always has experienced staff and doctors. Somehow, I am unable to figure out what could have happened.
Mushtaque: See Rohan, I understand, the reputation of your hospital matters. But I want to know, is it possible for any intruder to come into the ICU and fiddle with things?
Rohan: Well, we have power back up through out. During night, we have at least 4 staff members in the ICU, so that if someone has to go for a break, atleast 2 of them would be there. I don’t think anyone can come in that easily and fiddle with anything.
Mushtaque: And there are no cctv cameras in ICU and patient wards?
Rohan: No. We have CCTV cameras only in the common areas and not in wards or ICU. That’s for privacy of the patients.
Mushtaque: Can you give me the list of the people on duty in ICU last night.
Rohan: Ofcourse I can. I will ask one of the admin guys to give you the list.
Mushtaque: I will also need to interrogate them.
Rohan: That’s fine. Go ahead.
In some time Mushtaque got the list of the people in ICU. He met all of them and spoke with them. Yes, these guys did go for breaks, but then, when they went for breaks, someone was always there in the ICU. Mushtaque asked for the CCTV footage of the entire hospital, wherever the cameras were enabled.
Saahil asked Mushtaque, ‘Don’t you think, it could be a case of normal death while in coma? Mushtaque said, ‘If everything happening here in Ranjanpur was this simple, I would have left Ranjanpur the day we came here. Here the question is about Deepika’s life. Someone wants her dead. Saahil said concerned, ‘With the intruder and the incident, yes, someone seems to be after Deepika’s life. All the same, whatever we have known so far, Deepika also looks like a patient of depression.’ Mushtaque said, ‘Looks like. We can get a proper diagnosis only if Deepika agrees to see a doctor. That’s why I want her to cooperate. I want to get some tests done on her. However, that can be done only with Deepika’s consent.’ Mushtaque then told Saahil, ‘When we go back to the Choudhary mansion today, let us give everyone an impression that the death of the attacker seemed like a case of normal death while in coma.’ Saahil nodded.
Mushtaque and Saahil went back to the Choudhary mansion. Deepika was sitting with Sonal in the verandah. None of them spoke. Both of them seemed to be in shock. However, the environment there was vibrant with colors. Devi Choudhary had asked everyone in the house to decorate the house. The celebrations would begin soon. Seeing Saahil coming with Mushtaque, Sonal got up and asked Mushtaque, ‘How are you feeling?’ Mushtaque said, ‘I am absolutely fine. I need to know how are you girls?’ Deepika did not say anything. Sonal said, ‘We are good.’ Mushtaque sat beside Deepika and said, ‘Deepika, I need to talk to you.’ Deepika looked at Mushtaque with tired eyes and said, ‘Yes….’ Mushtaque said, ‘Well, I don’t want to talk about anything that would make you sad. But Deepika, sometimes, we don’t know what’s happening with us. That’s when we need someone with whom we can talk and speak our heart out. We may not be comfortable talking to everyone, hence we have professionals who know how to make us comfortable while we share our thoughts with them.’ Deepika listened. Mushtaque said, ‘Deepika, with all that is happening around, I need your cooperation here.’ Deepika asked with her tired voice, ‘What do you want me to do?’ Mushtaque said, ‘We want you to meet Rohan. He will guide you. Somehow we feel, you are unwell.’ This time Deepika did not hide her tears. She broke down. She cried. She sobbed and then she said, ‘I need help. I can’t live like this.’ Saying that Deepika hugged Mushtaque like a little girl who wanted to be saved and rescued from all the torment she is going through. Mushtaque patted Deepika’s head and said, ‘We are with you Deepika. Just do as I say. We will all help you.’
……………………………………………………………………………………….Devi Choudhary ordered Bahadur, Raju, Suresh, Shama and Reshma to ensure every arrangement was perfect. In between the hustle bustle, Mushtaque took Deepika to the hospital to meet Rohan. Mushtaque had told Rohan all the questions he had in mind regarding Deepika. Rohan assured he will take care. Deepika too agreed to get all the tests done.
The blood reports would be ready by evening. Meanwhile Rohan spoke with a psychologist to work on Deepika’s counselling.
Abhay and Sofia began their probe. Devi Choudhary, Ranvijay and Samarth were surprised when they did not find Deepika at home. Sonal told them that Deepika needed a pair of dress for Holi and Mushtaque was going to the market and hence she accompanied him.
Mushtaque had requested Rohan to try and see if there could be one more counselling session in the evening because, now, due to time constraints the psychologist won’t be able to talk much with Deepika. And if Deepika was not there for Holi celebration, on time, people in the house may suspect something. Moreover treatment would become easier once the reports arrived. Rohan agreed and that was feasible too.
The counselling session took some time. The tests were done before that. Mushtaque had told Sonal and Saahil to handle the situation at the Choudharys’ mansion if someone asked something about Deepika.
After the preliminary counselling session, Mushtaque asked Deepika, ‘How are you?’ Deepika said, ‘I felt good. I was able to shed some weight off my heavy heart. Thank you!’ Mushtaque then said, ‘Deepika, I need a favour from you.’ Deepika replied, ‘You have helped me so much. Please tell me.’ Mushtaque said, ‘I just want you to keep these counselling sessions secret for a few more days. That’s it. Please do not disclose this to anyone. When I say anyone, I mean anyone from your family and the house helps. Of course Sonal and Saahil know about it.’ Deepika nodded, ‘Okay!’
The Holi celebrations began. People started pouring in. In the hubbub no one asked Deepika where she had been. Music , good food, dancers, colors, everything was arranged. The celebration went on in full swing till late afternoon. After lunch, the guests left and everyone at Choudhary mansion retired to their respective rooms to freshen up. Although Mushtaque actively participated in the fun and games, his mind was working on something else. He waited for the reports anxiously.
At around 7:30 p.m., Rohan called Mushtaque and told Mushtaque all about Deepika’s blood reports. Mushtaque’s guess was right. Tests also prove that. Now he needs to find out who was doing this to Deepika. The person who did this to Deepika, must have done the same to the other women of the Choudhary family.