House Number 24
House Number 24
Links for earlier episode: #housenumber24episode1, #Housenumber24episode1
©All rights reserved
Author: Rhituparna Chakraborty
#Disclaimer: This is an original work of fiction with no relation to any person/organism living or dead. Every episode, every character is a work of imagination. Any resemblance to any person, organism, place, character or situation is purely coincidental. There is no intention to hurt or rebuke anyone or any profession through this work. This story/episode cannot be copied, published or reproduced without the permission of the author RhituparnaChakraborty.
Preeti told Geeta, ‘Baby, where do you see old people in that room? You told me this same thing in the morning too. Do you see any pictures there?’ Geeta replied, ‘No Mom. See those old people talking to each other.’ Preeti looked at the room again and asked, ‘Where?’ Geeta said, ‘They now left from the window.’ Preeti told Geeta, ‘You are playing a prank on your mom, right?’ Geeta giggled and said, ‘No Mom. Why would I do that?’ Preeti laughed and said, ‘I know it is all a prank. Now finish your food quickly and take a nap. We will then see what all homework you have got.’
Geeta had her food and then went to the master bedroom to sleep. It was 3:00 p.m. and the weather was gloomy. Dark clouds hovering all over made the entire house dark and the atmosphere murky. Preeti switched on the lights and got her laptop to work. She began working on her resume, when her attention went to the guest bed room. Preeti walked up to the room and switched on all the lights there and looked around. Little Geeta was sometimes naughty. She might be pulling a prank on Preeti. Also, Geeta had read about grandparents in school. That could be one of the reasons too. Preeti could not find anything weird in the guest bedroom. She looked around for photos of old people as well. There was nothing. Preeti peeped out of the window to see if something could be there. No, nothing there as well.
Just then the door bell rang. Latika, the househelp usually came at this time to wash the utensils after lunch. Preeti answered the door. It was not Latika. It was some other lady. The lady said, ‘I am Latika’s friend Sarju. Latika is unwell. She asked me to do the dishes today.’ Preeti said, ‘Oh! Let me call Latika and ask her.’ Sarju nodded, ‘Yes didi. I will wait.’ Sarju was wearing an ordinary synthetic saree. She had worn a rough brown cardigan over it. Her hair was oiled and she had neatly tied her hair into a plait. Latika answered Preeti’s call. Latika was coughing. Her voice sounded clogged as if her mucuous membranes were heavily blocked. Preeti asked, ‘Did you send a lady named Sarju to my home as your proxy?’ Latika coughed and said, ‘Yes Didi. I am unwell. I will be able to come to work after 3 days. Till then Sarju will do my share of work.’ Preeti said, ‘Oh! Hope you feel better soon. Are you taking medicines? ‘ Latika replied, ‘Yes Didi.’ Preeti then said. ‘Okay! By the way, what about Sarju’s salary? Will I have to pay you both?’ Latika said, ‘No Didi. I will take care of Sarju’s payment. Please do not deduct any amount from my salary.’ Preeti replied, ‘Okay then. Fine. You get well soon.’
Sarju tucked the loose end of her saree in her waist and went to the kitchen. Preeti observed Sarju whether she washed the utensils properly or not. Sarju quickly did the dishes, dried her hands in the kitchen towel and stepped out of the kitchen with her anklets jingling. Preeti was still lost in thoughts of what Geeta had told about the old people. She wanted to believe that Geeta was fibbing and was pulling a prank. Nonetheless, she needed some assurance.
As Sarju was about to leave, Preeti told Sarju, ‘Sarju, could you please switch off the lights of the guest bedroom over there?’ Sarju replied, ‘Yes Didi’, and went to the guest bedroom. She switched off the lights and came out of the room and asked Preeti, ‘Tomorrow morning what time should I come?’ Preeti said, ‘Come by 11 a.m.’ Sarju nodded and left.
After Sarju left, Preeti breathed a sigh of relief. Since Sarju also did not notice anything or anyone in the guest bedroom, it was apparent that Geeta was fibbing.
The parents teachers meeting for Geeta’s class was scheduled this Saturday. Rahul and Preeti met with Geeta’s class teacher. The class teacher said, ‘Geeta is a very happy child. She mingles with everyone well, she participates in all the class activities and she is an excellent artist.’ Saying that, the class teacher took out Geeta’s art file with the art sheets and showed them to Rahul and Preeti. Rahul and Preeti knew that Geeta was adept in art, but this time, they were surprised by her impeccable color work and her attention to details. The teacher then said, ‘Turn the pages and look at the last sheet. Geeta has made such a beautiful painting of her grandparents.’ Rahul and Preeti turned the pages and looked at the last art sheet. Indeed an amazing picture of an elderly couple. Preeti told the teacher, ‘Indeed, beautiful art. Proud of my daughter. But then, these people don’t resemble our parents.’ The teacher said, ‘Oh ok! Perhaps she could not draw them the perfect way. Actually Geeta told me that these old people live with you guys. So, I presumed they are Geeta’s grandparents.’ Preeti’s heart skipped a beat. Rahul did not know much about it because Geeta never told Rahul anything. Rahul laughed and said, ‘Our parents don’t stay with us here. Geeta must have drawn this picture from her imagination.’ The teacher smiled and said, ‘Yes, kids have vivid imagination.’ Preeti tried to calm herself and told the teacher, ‘Can we take this art sheet with us?’ The teacher replied, ‘Ofcourse!’
At home, Preeti showed Geeta the drawing and asked brushing Geeta’s head, ‘Baby, you drew this so well.’ Rahul was seated beside Geeta. He was working on his laptop. Geeta said, ‘Thank you mom!’ Preeti then asked Geeta, ‘How did you draw these old people so perfectly baby? Have you seen them before?’ Munching a cookie Geeta said, ‘They live right here with us mom in our guest bedroom.’ Rahul was startled. He looked at Geeta and asked curiously, ‘What? Old people in guest bedroom?’ Chewing her cookie Geeta nodded, ‘Hmm.’ Rahul and Preeti looked at each other. Rahul then walked to the guest bedroom, switched on the lights and looked around. He then called Geeta and said, ‘There is no one here Geeta.’ Geeta replied nonchalantly, ‘They must have gone out from the window. They always come back when I am sitting at the dining table.’ Rahul and Preeti went quiet.
After dinner, Rahul asked Preeti, concerned, ‘Is our Geeta hallucinating?’ Preeti replied worried, ‘I don’t know Rahul. Since we came here, she has been talking about some old people in the guest bedroom. Do you think we should meet a good counsellor to help Geeta?’ Rahul nodded, ‘I think we should observe Geeta for a few more days. It could be because we have moved to a new place away from her grandparents. If she continues this behavior, we should meet a counsellor.’
Next morning was a Sunday. Preeti woke up late. Rahul and Geeta were still fast asleep. Preeti stepped out to get the milk bottle and the newspaper. While doing that, she also hoped to see Sunita, her front door neighbor for a quick chit chat. Sunita’s door was closed. It’s a Sunday, so they might be sleeping late. The newspaper was not delivered as yet. Preeti took the milk bottle and went inside. She heated some water first, drank a glass of warm water and then poured the milk from the bottle in a vessel to heat it up.
Geeta woke up and walked to the dining room. Seeing Geeta, Preeti came near Geeta, kissed her and said ‘Good Morning baby. Is daddy still sleeping?’ Geeta yawned and said, ‘No, he woke up with me. He is in the bathroom.’ Preeti went back to the kitchen and said, ‘Okay! By the way, Geeta, tell daddy that the newspaper guy has not delivered the newspaper as yet.’ Geeta said, ‘Mom, newspaper is there. Look, that old man is reading it.’ Preeti froze………
To be continued………………….