House Number 24
House Number 24
Links for earlier episode: #housenumber24episode1, #Housenumber24episode1, #housenumber24episode2
#Housenumber24episode2, #housenumber24episode3
#Housenumber24episode3, #housenumber24episode4
#Housenumber24episode4, #housenumber24episode5
#Housenumber24episode5, #housenumber24episode6
#Housenumber24episode6, #housenumber24episode7
#Housenumber24episode7, #housenumber24episode8
#Housenumber24episode8, #housenumber24episode9
©All rights reserved
Author: Rhituparna Chakraborty
#Disclaimer: This is an original work of fiction with no relation to any person/organism living or dead. Every episode, every character is a work of imagination. Any resemblance to any person, organism, place, character or situation is purely coincidental. There is no intention to hurt or rebuke anyone or any profession through this work. This story/episode cannot be copied, published or reproduced without the permission of the author RhituparnaChakraborty.
Mushtaque rushed inside. The door of house number 24 was ajar. He shouted Preeti……….. Preeti……….. Preeti came rushing from the kitchen. Mushtaque looked at Preeti and asked concerned, ‘Are you alright?’ Preeti said, ‘I am fine, but, I saw a snake suddenly jump in the window of my kitchen and hence screamed. But I realised, it was a plastic snake…..’ Mushtaque asked confused, ‘What? How on earth will a plastic snake come in the kitchen window?’ Preeti said, ‘That’s what I was wondering….’ Mushtaque then asked, ‘Where is Geeta?’ Preeti said, ‘Geeta and Rahul have gone out for a walk.’ Mushtaque said, ‘Call Rahul and find out if they are fine.’ Preeti called Rahul.
Rahul: Yes Preeti…
Preeti: Are you guys okay?
Rahul: Yes, we are fine… Why do you ask?
Preeti: N…no, nothing. Just like that. Anyway, see you…
Saying that Preeti hung up.
Mushtaque went to the kitchen window and saw the plastic snake. He thought ‘Plastic snake? Why?’ As he was trying to process what might have happened, his phone rang. It was from the hospital. Latika just passed away……..
Mushtaque’s facial expressions made Preeti understand that something was wrong. She stared at Mushtaque. Mushtaque did not say anything. He took out his handkerchief, picked up the plastic snake, asked Preeti for a bag, put the snake in the bag and rushed to the hospital.
On the way, Mushtaque called Abhay……
Abhay: I was about to call you Sir…..
Mushtaque: Go ahead……….
Abhay: I had mentioned about some other people who used to come to meet Sarju……I could not find any photographs but, with the help of a sketch artist, I was able to get some sketches made.
Mushtaque: Good job.
Abhay: The internet is down right now. Will send the pics as soon as the network resumes.
Mushtaque: Internet connectivity is poor in those areas.
Latika was out of danger and her sudden death was shocking. Mushtaque reached the hospital and rushed to the doctor to know what had happened. The doctor said, ‘Everything was perfect, she was fine. And suddenly one of the nurses came to me and said, Latika was not breathing. I rushed but it was too late.’
Mushtaque asked, ‘ Could it be because of complications?’ The doctor said, ‘This is surprising. When we doctors declare a patient is out of danger, we do so after a thorough check. We never say anything randomly. You know how serious our profession is. But again, in medical world, complications do happen. In Latika’s case, we will need to investigate and find out. Mushtaque said, ‘Thank you for the insight. Investigation will be necessary here and thank you so much for all the cooperation.’ The doctor replied, ‘It’s my duty. Will need to send the body for post mortem. However, we will have to inform Latika’s family members.’ Mushtaque asked, ‘Did any of her family members come to visit her?’ The doctor replied, ‘Yes, her husband was here.’ Mushtaque then asked, ‘Was he here in the hospital through out?’ The doctor replied, ‘I think the staff here can answer that better. They would know. Mushtaque shook hands with the doctor and said, ‘That’s great. Thank you for your time!’
Mushtaque then went ahead to meet the hospital staff who was taking care of Latika. He asked one of the nurses, ‘Was Latika’s husband here when she regained consciousness?’ The nurse replied, ‘No, we had informed him that he could come and meet her now, but he did not come. Another relative had come instead.’ Mushtaque asked, ‘Name?’ The nurse said, ‘The name would be there in the register.’ Mushtaque went to the reception to check the name. The name was registered as Sunita.’ Mushtaque read again. Indeed, the name was registered as Sunita. Why would Sunita come to meet Latika?’
Mushtaque’s mind began racing. He thought about Sunita’s house, her nature, her way of talking, and all that Preeti had told about Sunita. Sunita is an amiable person. So, did she come to see Latika because she cared about her? But, who informed her about Latika’s accident? Preeti?
Mushtaque called Preeti :
Preeti(trembling) : All okay Mushtaque?
Mushtaque: Did you inform Sunita about Latika’s accident?
Preeti: No.
Mushtaque: Okay!
Preeti: How is Latika?
Mushtaque: She is no more……..
Preeti gasped……….
Mushtaque: Rahul and Geeta reached?
Preeti: Yes……
Mushtaque: Stay at home. Do not step out.
Preeti: Mushtaque……….are we safe?
Mushtaque: Yes. You all are safe. By the way, do you have any photo of Sunita with you?
Preeti: I can get one from her social media account. She is in my friends list.
Mushtaque: Great! Please send it right now.
Preeti sent Sunita’s photo to Mushtaque. Mushtaque took the photo and went to the reception. He showed the photo to the receptionist and asked, ‘Is this the relative who had come to meet Latika?’
Just then Mushtaque’s phone buzzed. The sketches arrived. Mushtaque looked closely. Seeing the sketch, he knew his hunch was right. He was absolutely right. Every movement at House number 24 was traced. Whatever happened in house number 24, every information was recorded and conveyed. Geeta’s old people, what about them? Mushtaque could now put all the puzzle pieces together. The plastic snake was a ploy to make Mushtaque reach the hospital late. But no matter how smart a criminal is, they do leave behind some evidence. Visit to Rahul’s bank, meeting all the bank officials, scrutinizing certain records, checking every nook and corner of house number 24, Abhay and Sofia’s information had it all. Just a little more digging and here the case is solved. But, Geeta saying that she had seen Mushtaque before………hmmmm……….that too certainly has an answer ……….
To be continued………………………………