House Number 24
Links for earlier episode: #housenumber24episode1, #Housenumber24episode1, #housenumber24episode2
#Housenumber24episode2, #housenumber24episode3
#Housenumber24episode3, #housenumber24episode4
©All rights reserved
Author: Rhituparna Chakraborty
#Disclaimer: This is an original work of fiction with no relation to any person/organism living or dead. Every episode, every character is a work of imagination. Any resemblance to any person, organism, place, character or situation is purely coincidental. There is no intention to hurt or rebuke anyone or any profession through this work. This story/episode cannot be copied, published or reproduced without the permission of the author RhituparnaChakraborty.
The door bell rang. Preeti went to answer the door. It was Latika. Seeing Latika, Preeti asked, ‘How are you? Are you resuming work from today? Where is Sarju?’ Latika said, ‘Sarju went to her village. She had called me last evening. Also, I was feeling fine. So I said I can resume work from tomorrow. She can go to her village.’ Preeti breathed a sigh of relief, and said, ‘Okay! Let me tell you again what all work you have to do.’ Preeti then said, ‘Your husband Hiru did update me about your health. He is pretty much regular in his duties, I must say.’ Latika smiled and said, ‘Yes, he is very diligent and regular.’
Preeti then casually continued the conversation, ‘So Hiru works in many houses as a gardener, right?’ Latika replied, ‘Yes Didi. In all the houses in this lane.’ Preeti smiled warmly and said, ‘You guys work really hard.’ Latika smiled and went to the kitchen to do the dishes. After doing the dishes, Latika brought the broom and began sweeping the living room. As she was done with the living room, she was about to go to the guest bedroom, when Preeti said, ‘Leave that room Latika.’ Latika nodded and went ahead to sweep the dining room. Seeing Preeti worried, Latika asked, ‘Are you okay didi?’ Preeti replied, ‘Hmm…….ummm….. Latika?’’Latika stopped sweeping and looked at Preeti and said, ‘Yes Didi….’ Preeti said, ‘Have you….I mean……do you believe in ghosts and evil spirits?’ Latika laughed and said, ‘No! Not at all. There can never be any ghosts and evil spirits. They don’t exist.’ Preeti did not say anything. Latika laughed again and said, ‘ Why did you ask me that question didi? Are you scared of ghosts?’ Preeti went quiet.
After Latika left, for the first time in life Preeti felt scared. She wanted to believe that there were no ghosts, no spirits. But hallucination phases her little daughter was going through were so worrisome. Preeti did not want to be alone in the house. She kept the front door of the house open and stepped out. Ravi, the Garbage pick up guy was separating wet garbage from dry garbage right on the side walk of the street in front of Preeti’s house. Preeti felt relieved that someone was there. Suman, who cleaned the public areas in the colony, like the club house, the children’s play area was also there busy cleaning the areas. Preeti did not want to come inside the empty house. What if the old people Geeta talked about were spirits? Preeti was so scared that she sat in the front verandah till Geeta came from school. Preeti kept the guestbedroom locked.
After Geeta came from school, Preeti served food to Geeta. After her meal, Geeta went to take a nap. Meanwhile, Preeti kept on contemplating about what Sunita had said. Mrs. Suhasini had been living in Revati for long. She did talk about weird vibes. Preeti wanted to meet Suhasini. Preeti called Rahul:
Rahul: Hey….
Preeti: Can you come home a little early today?
Rahul: Anything important?
Preeti: Umm….I wanted to meet Mrs. Suhasini, the lady living at the end of this lane. So if you come home early, you can be with Geeta, while I go to meet Mrs. Suhasini….
Rahul: Any specific reason………..
Preeti: Well….Sunita told me that Mrs. Suhasini has been living in Revati for long now and somehow I feel I should talk to her………maybe……Geeta’s hallucination………
Rahul: Preeti! Are you in your senses? You want the world to know that Geeta is going through phases of hallucination? Already, when Sarju was there, Geeta had asked her about the old people. You told me about that. Now if you ask more questions to people around, they will all know. And you know how people judge others. I don’t want my little girl to be judged.
Preeti: But Rahul……..please…….I won’t ask any questions that way…….
Rahul: You think people are stupid. No! Look Preeti………this is a small town. I don’t want anyone talking about our little girl. Bye…….
Preeti was perplexed. She had no clue what to do. She wanted to meet Mrs. Suhasini. If she went to meet Mrs. Suhasini without informing Rahul and Rahul came to know about it, there will be chaos at home. Preeti did not want that.
Preeti waited for Geeta to wake up. After Geeta woke up, she would take Geeta to the park. What if Mrs. Suhasini came to the park? Yes. That’s a good idea. Preeti immediately called Sunita.
Sunita: Hey Preeti……….
Preeti: I need a little help……….
Sunita: Yes please………….
Preeti: I want to meet Mrs. Suhasini….but…..I don’t want to go and trouble her at her home. Do you think she comes to park to walk sometimes?
Sunita: Ummm…..I have not seen her stepping out much. But yes, sometimes in the late evenings, she comes for a walk.
Preeti: Can you help me meet her?
Sunita: Well……….let me try…….
Preeti: Also, I have a request. Please do not discuss this with anyone.
Sunita: I won’t. And I will not ask why. Trust me.
Preeti: Thank you so much!
Sunita spoke with Mrs. Suhasini. And since Mrs. Suhasini anyway comes for evening walks sometimes, she did not mind coming to the park for a walk and meet Sunita.
At the park Sunita introduced Mrs. Suhasini to Preeti. Mrs. Suhasini was tall and fit. She was in her late 60s. She had short grey, wavy hair, she was wearing a pair of track pants and a loose tshirt. She had an oval face with bright eyes. She had wheatish complexion with flawless skin. She wore a warm smile on her pleasant face.
Preeti and Suhasini sat on a bench. Sunita excused herself and stepped out, and watched her kids play with Geeta. Preeti asked Suhasini, ‘You have been living in Revati for long. Do you like this place?’ Suhasini said, ‘Oh yes. I love this place.’ Preeti then asked, ‘Have you worked in some organization here?’ Suhasini said, ‘Work, as in, I have always worked for my own company here. We have this family business which we manage. I stay on rent in this lane in one of the bank quarters because my brother was allotted this quarter. But then his kid’s school is way far from here. So he moved to a place close to his kid’s school. I moved here because I and my husband need to look after one of my company’s offices, which is just 15 minutes drive from here.
Preeti then cleared her voice and asked, ‘Did you……..uhh…I mean… have you ever felt anything weird in this place?’ Suhasini looked at Preeti shocked and asked, ‘Have you?’…………… Seeing Preeti’s eyes, Suhasini understood. She patted Preeti’s shoulder with concern.
Preeti came home from the park with fear lurking in every part of her body. She can never tell Rahul about her meeting with Mrs. Suhasini. However, she was scared to the spine. She had to tell this to someone. Someone who will listen to her without judging, someone who will lend her a helping hand. Someone, who was her best friend. She looked at the time. Rahul will be arriving in another half an hour. She quickly dialed a number:
The voice at the other end: Heyaaaa Ms. Hilsa fish…..what’s up?
Preeti(almost sobbing): I need help………
The voice at the other end: Whoaaa whoaa……..shhhh…..I hate tears. Did someone eat your share of hilsa fish?
Preeti(sniffling): Can you come to Revati…. please? It’s serious.
The voice at the other end: Ofcourse I can…….
Preeti: Thank you Mushtaque……..
To be continued……………………….