House Number 24
Links for earlier episode: #housenumber24episode1, #Housenumber24episode1, #housenumber24episode2
#Housenumber24episode2, #housenumber24episode3
#Housenumber24episode3, #housenumber24episode4
#Housenumber24episode4, #housenumber24episode5
#Housenumber24episode5, #housenumber24episode6
©All rights reserved
Author: Rhituparna Chakraborty
#Disclaimer: This is an original work of fiction with no relation to any person/organism living or dead. Every episode, every character is a work of imagination. Any resemblance to any person, organism, place, character or situation is purely coincidental. There is no intention to hurt or rebuke anyone or any profession through this work. This story/episode cannot be copied, published or reproduced without the permission of the author RhituparnaChakraborty.
Mushtaque looked at his watch. It was around 8:00 p.m. The weather was somewhat chilly. He had a sweatshirt in his backpack. He took it out and wore it. He could now either go to Preeti’s home and know the entire story Preeti wanted to talk about, or he could go to the hotel he had booked. The hotel was close to Preeti’s current home.
Revati was unlike crowded cities. By 9p.m., the streets were almost barren. Except for one or two people stepping out for a post dinner walk, everything was deserted.
Mushtaque loved walking. Whenever he travelled, except for his backpack, he never carried any other luggage. That way, if he travelled by bus or train, he would walk to his destination from the bus station/train station. For flight travels, walking was somewhat difficult because the airports were primarily located in the outskirts of a specific place. Since he travelled to Revati by bus, he decided to walk to his hotel. There was one reason for walking. He could scan the places thoroughly. Whenever he travelled with Saanchi and Mehek, he would prefer taking cabs, but, even in cabs, he would look around and scan the places.
While walking Mushtaque called Preeti:
Preeti: Hey
Mushtaque: I am in Revati…
Preeti(elated): Wowww……Come home. Please…..
Mushtaque: Look, its already 9. I will go to my hotel now. Will meet tomorrow.
Preeti: No! Stay with us……please Mushtaque…..please……..
Mushtaque: Are you sure? Wouldn’t it be trouble for you?
Preeti: Not at all. Come right away.
Mushtaque: Okay!
Mushtaque reached House Number 24. The streets were empty, except for Ravi, the garbage collector, who always came once at night to keep the bigger Garbage bins which he takes away in the morning after collecting the garbage. Preeti was waiting in the verandah. The moment Preeti saw Mushtaque, she rushed to open the gate and welcome him. She hugged Mushtaque, smiled warmly and said, ‘Thank you!’ Mushtaque brushed Preeti’s head and said, ‘ Thank you? For what?’ Preeti did not say anything. Her eyes were moist. Preeti then took Mushtaque inside and introduced him to Rahul and Geeta. Rahul smiled warmly, shook hands with Mushtaque and said, ‘So nice to meet you. Preeti told me all about your school days. Such beautiful friendship.’ Mushtaque said, ‘Those were the days.’ Rahul said, ‘Well, school days are priceless. But I am so happy, that two childhood friends could meet. Look at me, I have been trying to arrange fun meet with my school friends, but nothing works.’ Mushtaque laughed. Rahul then continued, ‘When Preeti told me that her childhood friend is coming to Revati for some office work, you know, I was more happy than her. I mean, everybody should be blessed with this priceless joy of meeting childhood friends.’ Before Mushtaque could say anything, Rahul said, ‘I understand you have come for some office work, but I will be very happy if you stay with us.’ Mushtaque said, ‘Thank you, but…..’ Rahul said, ‘Please….you know, staying in a hotel, it’s difficult to meet and talk. When we are at home, right after office, we can chit chat. Otherwise stepping out after office hours will be hectic for you. Please stay with us. We will love it.’ Mushtaque smiled and said, ‘If you insist….’
Geeta stood there and looked at Mushtaque. Mushtaque smiled at her. She looked at Mushtaque and said in her tiny cute voice, ‘Nice to see you again….’ Preeti and Rahul looked at Geeta and asked surprised, ‘When did you see him before?’ Mushtaque looked at Geeta and asked, ‘You have seen me before?’ Geeta said, ‘Yes….’ Mushtaque was startled. He asked curiously, ‘And where did we meet before?’ Geeta said, ‘In the guest bedroom, with the old people.’ Preeti froze. Rahul stared at Geeta wide eyed. Mushtaque looked at Geeta clueless. Before Mushtaque could say something, Rahul went to Geeta, carried her and said, ‘Time to sleep now. You must be so tired. Come, I will put you to bed and read you a story.’ Rahul then told Mushtaque, ‘Please make yourself at home.’ Mushtaque said, ‘Please don’t worry. I am comfortable.’ Preeti said, ‘I will get dinner for you. You must be hungry.’ Mushtaque said, ‘No no! I had something on the way. I presume the guest bedroom is vacant, I will put my stuff there.’ Preeti said shivering, ‘This is what I wanted to tell you…….. Mushtaque….you heard Geeta……….’ Mushtaque asked, ‘What was she talking about?’ Preeti whispered, ‘Geeta sees old people in the guest bedroom. Rahul thinks she is hallucinating. And I know she is not. I spoke with a neighbor today in the park. If Rahul comes to know, he will be furious. That neighbour, Mrs. Suhasini told me something, I could not take off my head. She said that this place is haunted. No one knows why. Whosoever stays here for prolonged time, they…..they….are killed……..Mushtaque listened and said, ‘And you said Geeta sees the old people in the guest bedroom?’ Preeti replied, ‘Yes. Hence I keep the room closed.’ Mushtaque smiled and said, ‘Now, open the lock. I am going to stay there for the next few days I am here.’ Preeti said, ‘No, you cannot. I will fix a bed here in the living room.’ Mushtaque said, ‘Preeti, I am your guest. I need privacy. I won’t sleep in the living room when you have a guest bedroom. If there is no bed there, I will arrange a bed there. But I need privacy. Also, I am tired.’ Preeti was about to say something, but before that Mushtaque said, ‘You either give me the key or else I go back to the hotel.’ Preeti knew Mushtaque wouldn’t listen. She got the key and opened the guest bedroom. Mushtaque switched on the lights, kept his backpack in the guestbedroom. His gun was tucked in the holster underneath his shirt. Preeti stood outside. Just then Rahul came. He was shocked to see Mushtaque in the guest bedroom. He told Preeti, ‘How could you….’ Before Rahul could say something more to Preeti, Mushtaque said, ‘This room is very comfortable. All I need is a mattress, that’s all …..’ Rahul said, ‘But Mushtaque……’ Mushtaque said, ‘I need to talk to my wife at night….so…..’ Rahul smiled and said nothing…….
Mushtaque changed into a comfortable tshirt and a pair of comfortable home wear trousers. He walked around the room and looked at every nook and corner. Nothing suspicious. Mushtaque yawned and opened the window. The fresh breeze made him more sleepy. He switched off the lights, settled comfortably on the mattress. Preeti had spread a clean bedsheet over it. She also gave Mushtaque a cozy blanket and two comfortable pillows. Mushtaque drifted off to sleep. Eyes peeped from the open window.
And somewhere…..Sarju was no more……………………..