House Number 24

Rhituparna Chakraborty
6 min readAug 27, 2022




Links for earlier episode: #housenumber24episode1, #Housenumber24episode1, #housenumber24episode2

#Housenumber24episode2, #housenumber24episode3

#Housenumber24episode3, #housenumber24episode4

#Housenumber24episode4, #housenumber24episode5


©All rights reserved


Author: Rhituparna Chakraborty

#Disclaimer: This is an original work of fiction with no relation to any person/organism living or dead. Every episode, every character is a work of imagination. Any resemblance to any person, organism, place, character or situation is purely coincidental. There is no intention to hurt or rebuke anyone or any profession through this work. This story/episode cannot be copied, published or reproduced without the permission of the author RhituparnaChakraborty.


Mushtaque: Do you want to talk more about it ?

Preeti: No…..I can’t…….Once you come here you can help me…….

Mushtaque: Will be there. Keep your phone switched on all the time. Unless and until it is a network issue, there should not be any other reason for me not being able to reach you. Okay?

Preeti: Okay!

Mushtaque: See you then.


Mushtaque was still at work. He was wearing a black, collared t shirt, with the sleeves hugging his biceps tight. The T shirt was tight enough to show his strong, perfect abs, yet loose enough to keep him comfortable. He was wearing a beige formal pair of trousers. His brown brogues added to the charm of his attire. He had an official meeting. His crew cut hair, chiseled jawline, and dashing looks, made him look exceptionally good even if he was exhausted. After the meeting he had come to his work place to check on the updates regarding some cases. He was going through a file regarding a crucial case. He was studying this case for sometime and he had reached no where till date. He had thought of going home and talking to Saanchi and going for a drive with Mehek and Saanchi. That way, he could unwind. After Preeti’s call, he knew he had to reach Revati as soon as possible. Informing Saanchi and Mehek about this sudden trip will not be hard. Saanchi never asked any questions about Mushtaque’s official trips. All she wanted was Mushtaque to be safe. As far as Mehek was concerned, she was a very independent kid. Mushtaque and Saanchi took good care of her, gave her quality time, but at the same time Mehek also understood that her parents had jobs. And they worked so that they could all have a comfortable life and they had jobs that made them happy. These things were taught to Mehek by Saanchi’s parents, specifically Saanchi’s mom Parvati. Parvati had told Mehek, ‘Your mommy daddy love you a lot. And they will be there for you. But, it is always nice for every individual to be independent. Your mom helps you with your homework. That’s wonderful. But, you should also understand that homework is your duty. And everyone should do his/her duties. When you need help, please ask. But, doing homework regularly, submitting them on time, saying your prayers, eating neatly, keeping your books properly, toys properly, these are your duties. And duties should be done diligently.’ And Mehek listened to everything her grandmom said, wholeheartedly. She knew her grandma loved her a lot and she too loved her grandma a lot. Mehek would do her homework on time. If she needed help, she would ask Saanchi. Mehek would pack her school bag on her own. Before having her meals, she would say a silent prayer, thanking God for the food, for her beautiful family, for her friends. Mehek got some much love and guidance from her parents, grandparents and teachers, that she was on her way of becoming a kind human with immense courage to fight for what is right. Mehek was Mushtaque and Saanchi’s world. Everytime, Mushtaque would go for official trips, Mehek knew, there would be risks. But she never worried. She would pray to her Almighty to protect her dad and make her dad successful in his mission.


Mushtaque reached home. Mehek had just finished her homework and was about to take out scrabble to play with Saanchi, when she saw Mushtaque. Seeing Mushtaque she ran to him as always. Mushtaque hugged her, kissed her head and said, ‘So, how was my lil girl’s day?’ Mehek replied, ‘Good but the day was super boring. My bestie Megha was absent today.’ Mushtaque said, ‘Oh….so did you ask Megha after coming from school, if she was okay? The flu season is on. She might have caught a cold.’ Mehek said, ‘Yes daddy. I called her mommy’s phone from my mommy’s phone. I spoke with Megha. She was coughing. She won’t be coming to school for few more days. I hope she feels better soon.’ Mushtaque brushed Mehek’s hair and said, ‘She will, sweetheart.’ Just then Saanchi came out of the kitchen and asked Mushtaque, ‘Dinner is almost ready. You want to have tea now, or would you like to have early dinner?’ Mushtaque said, ‘Early dinner will be better. I will have to leave for Revati tomorrow early morning.’ Without any questions, Saanchi said, ‘Sure. Will serve dinner in a jiffy.’ Mushtaque asked, ‘You won’t ask me why?’ Saanchi smiled and said, ‘Must be some important work. Moreover, you are not that kind of a hubby/daddy who forgets to take his family for vacations. So chill! But yes, please answer our calls when we call you.’ Mushtaque went closer to Saanchi, hugged her and said, ‘I love you.’ Saanchi smiled and said, ‘Love you too.’


After talking to Mushtaque, Preeti was relieved. But then, till he comes, it was still going to be difficult for her. After sometime, Rahul came from work. Preeti knew Rahul will be furious if he came to know that she had discussed about Geeta’s hallucination with Mrs. Suhasini. Preeti decided not to bring this topic at all. Rahul was exhausted with the day’s work at office. Preeti asked Rahul with a warm smile, ‘Shall I serve dinner or you will need some time to freshen up?’ Rahul said, ‘I will freshen up quickly. I am famished actually. Please serve dinner.’ Saying that Rahul went to freshen up. After freshening up, he hugged Geeta, kissed her and asked, ‘So, wassup my baby?’ Geeta said rubbing her eyes, ‘Nothing much.’ Saying that she yawned. Rahul said, ‘Aww, you are sleepy. Come, I will feed you dinner.’ Saying that, he carried little Geeta, kissed her on her head and took her to the dining room. Preeti served dinner. Preeti’s thoughts were still there in the park. She could not forget what Mrs. Suhasini told her. Preeti looked at the guest bedroom. She did not have the guts to open the door of that room. Rahul saw her gazing at the guestbedroom. While helping Geeta eat her dinner, Rahul asked Preeti, ‘Why are you not eating?’ Preeti did not say anything. She quietly began eating her dinner. Rahul knew something was going on in Preeti’s mind. However, he was too tired. He did not want to talk about it. After finishing dinner, Rahul put Geeta to sleep, while Preeti kept the left over food in the refrigerator. After putting Geeta to sleep, Rahul too went to sleep. Preeti brought her laptop to the dining table. She knew she could not sleep tonight. Whatever Mrs. Suhasini told Preeti, after that, till she and her family moved out of this house, Preeti will not be able to sleep. Mrs. Suhasini’s words floated in Preeti’s mind, ‘House number 24 is haunted. People who talk about seeing old people there, are right. They do see. But, till date no one knows why. Not everyone can see the old people. If someone sees, the sooner they leave the house, the better, or else…….’

As Preeti thought about Mrs. Suhasini’s words, a chill went down Preeti’s spine. Rahul had told Preeti that the quarter they have been assigned, will be ready in a day. Preeti wanted to move there as soon as possible.

Just then Preeti’s phone rang. It was from Mushtaque. Preeti answered the call.

Mushtaque: You okay?

Preeti: Hmm.

Mushtaque: Will be reaching Revati tomorrow.

Preeti: Need to get out of this home.

Mushtaque: Not till I come and know what’s going on.

Preeti: Hmm…

Mushtaque: I know you will sail through.

Preeti: Hmm….

Mushtaque: Good night…….

Preeti: Hmm……..


Preeti did not talk much to Mushtaque because she did not want Rahul to know that she told Mushtaque all about what was happening…….


Well, the house has a story. Mushtaque will find out. He will have to find out…..


Sarju screamed………..No……………….please……….don’t do this to me………..


To be continued………………………..



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