House Number 24

Rhituparna Chakraborty
5 min readOct 8, 2022


House Number 24


Links for earlier episode: #housenumber24episode1, #Housenumber24episode1, #housenumber24episode2
#Housenumber24episode2, #housenumber24episode3
#Housenumber24episode3, #housenumber24episode4
#Housenumber24episode4, #housenumber24episode5
#Housenumber24episode5, #housenumber24episode6
#Housenumber24episode6, #housenumber24episode7
#Housenumber24episode7, #housenumber24episode8

©All rights reserved
Author: Rhituparna Chakraborty
#Disclaimer: This is an original work of fiction with no relation to any person/organism living or dead. Every episode, every character is a work of imagination. Any resemblance to any person, organism, place, character or situation is purely coincidental. There is no intention to hurt or rebuke anyone or any profession through this work. This story/episode cannot be copied, published or reproduced without the permission of the author RhituparnaChakraborty.


Mushtaque’s phone rang. It was from Abhay:

Mushtaque: Yes Abhay

Abhay: No trace of anyone named Sarju here.

Mushtaque: Hmm….

Abhay (continuing): Showed her picture all around….people do know her but somehow she can’t be found here. Apparently, her family does not live here. She comes here often and goes to work elsewhere.

Mushtaque: Yes and that ‘elsewhere’ is Revati.

Abhay: Also, she has some fellow friends visiting her here often. I have found out their details.

Mushtaque: Must be Latika, her husband and other co-workers……..

Abhay: Yes, those names are there but, there are more people too.

Mushtaque: You mean, other than co-workers.

Abhay: Yes Sir….there are some other people too. Not just co-workers.

Mushtaque: Aha! Send me the details.

Abhay: Sir, sending them right away.

Mushtaque checked his phone and saw all the details of people visiting Sarju. There were some names which the villagers said. But Mushtaque was not familiar with all those names except for Sarju’s coworkers like Latika, Hiru, Suman, Ravi…..

Mushtaque: Find Sarju…

Abhay: Yes Sir. Will do it. Anything else?

Mushtaque: Will tell you in sometime

Abhay: Okay Sir!


Mushtaque went to the police station in Revati. There was a commotion with officers in rush and busy answering queries. When Mushtaque enquired he came to know, about Latika’s accident. He asked one of the drivers in the police station to drive him to the hospital. Mushtaque reached the hospital in no time. Latika had to be rushed to the OT. Since Mushtaque had to wait for more information, he decided to go through the details that Abhay had sent. Well, the people who visited Sarju or were in touch with Sarju most of the time were Latika, Hiru, Suman and Ravi. These are the cleaning guys of the colony Preeti stayed. And that’s not surprising or suspicious. Because, as co-workers, the may meet and perhaps, since they knew each other, they got each other jobs here. But, the catch is, in the details that Abhay mentioned, there were some more people who would be with Sarju and her friends. And that’s what people in Sarju’s village said. Abhay and Sofia are yet to get hold of those people.

Mushtaque wanted to know about Sarju’s whereabouts as soon as possible and he also needed to know more about Latika’s accident. He still feels, these incidents could be connected. As he was waiting for Latika’s updates, Mushtaque called Preeti:

Preeti: Yes Mushtaque….

Mushtaque: I am going to tell you something and please don’t panic….

Preeti’s heart skipped a beat…..

Mushtaque: Preeti, are you there?

Preeti(shivering): What is it?

Mushtaque: Latika has met with an accident……….

Preeti: What? How? Where? How is she?

Mushtaque: Well, some truck rammed into her accidentally. I am yet to know more. Now she is in the OT. Will have to wait to get more updates.

Preeti(still in shock): But this is so strange. She is so well acquainted with the roads here and Revati is not a crowded place. How come this accident happened!

Mushtaque: The truck driver responsible for the accident has been absconding. We are trying to get hold of him. Also, Sarju…….

Preeti: Sarju?? What about her?

Mushtaque: Well….I had sent my team to Sumedhpur….but….

Preeti: But what?

Mushtaque: Can’t find her………..

Preeti: What do you mean?

Mushtaque: Umm….you know, as a cop, I feel…….

Preeti: Feel what ?????

Mushtaque: The worse……..

Preeti(went quiet)……..

Mushtaque: Preeti, listen, I need your help….listen to me……

Preeti: Sarju, dead…….

Mushtaque: There is a possibility, and the fact that Latika too met with an accident, makes it all the more suspicious……..

Preeti(loss of words): Mushtaque, these are all related to the old people, right?

Mushtaque: Looks like………..

Preeti: What are we going to do now?

Mushtaque: You don’t have to do anything, I will do it. You told me about speaking with someone in your neighborhood…..

Preeti: Yes, Sunita and Mrs Suhasini……..

Mushtaque: Please share their phone numbers. Need to talk to them……….

Preeti: I will also come with you…….

Mushtaque: No dear. You are not coming anywhere. You need to be with Geeta and Rahul……..

Preeti(worried to the spine): Are they safe? Are we safe?

Mushtaque: Yes. You all are safe.


Mushtaque first dialed Sunita’s number, spoke with her and then dialed Suhasini’s number and spoke with her. Mushtaque also scheduled an appointment with both Mrs. Suhasini and Sunita to come and meet them. Mushtaque first went to Sunita’s house and got all the information about Revati. He then went to Mrs. Suhasini’s house. Mrs. Suhasini welcomed Mushtaque. Mushtaque then began asking all the questions he had in his mind:

Mushtaque: So, you have been living in Revati for long?

Mrs. Suhasini(with a warm smile): Yes….very long. This place is so close to my heart.

Mushtaque: And, anything here, that troubles you………

Mrs. Suhasini: Many things……..many memories…….

Mushtaque: If you don’t mind, can we talk about it………

Mrs. Suhasini: Yes….I don’t mind.

Mushtaque: So, what’s the case with house number 24……..

Mrs. Suhasini: It’s haunted and whosoever stays in that house for a long time does not live….

Mushtaque: Any reasons?

Mrs. Suhasini: Everyone here wishes they knew about it but no one knows why?

Mushtaque: Any history there?

Mrs. Suhasini: Not that I know of. But the only history we all know of is people are forced to move out of the house because of strange events.

Mushtaque: What about people talking about seeing old people there?

Mrs. Suhasini: I was actually surprised when Preeti told me that. That has never happened before.

Mushtaque: Then how is it that people feel its haunted? What kind of vibes?

Mrs. Suhasisni: I know that feeling. I never stayed in that house. However, there were times when, while walking in front of that house, I felt as if I was being strangulated. And I don’t want anyone to go through this. Geeta is so young. I think, Preeti and her family should move out of this house. And let the house be.

Mushtaque: Thank you for your time Mrs. Suhasini. I appreciate that.


Mushtaque stepped out of Mrs. Suhasini’s house and was walking to house number 24, when Mushtaque’s phone rang. It was from Abhay.

Mushtaque: Yes Abhay

Abhay: Found Sarju….

Mushtaque: Alive?

Abhay: No!

Mushtaque: Where?

Abhay: It was a long search. Found her in an abandoned dilapidated house around 30 kms away from Sumedhpur. One of Sarju’s acquaintances had seen her going there. The house had nothing, except for some old truck tires, and some ash……..

Mushtaque: Collect every sample and bring Sarju’s body to Revati. Inform her family.

Abhay: Yes Sir.


Latika was out of danger. The surgeon called Mushtaque to inform him. Mushtaque had just reached House number 24, when he received the call from hospital. Mushtaque told the surgeon, ‘That’s a nice news. I will be there.’


Mushtaque was about to leave for hospital when he heard a loud shriek in house number 24……………


To be continued…………..



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