#Disclaimer: This is an original work of fiction. Any relation to any person or organism living or dead is purely coincidental. This story cannot be published, copied or reproduced elsewhere without the consent of the author Rhituparna Chakraborty. This is a work of imagination with no intention to hurt anyone.
Mushtaque came back from his home town. Saanchi was super excited. She did not know how she would feel when she will meet Mushtaque. While she was heating up the milk in the kitchen, the milk boiled and spilled. Parvati came running worried about the burnt smell of the milk utensil. Saanchi hurriedly started cleaning the gas stove. Parvati looked at Saanchi and said, ‘Darling, are you okay?’ Saanchi fumbled and said, ‘I..I am fine mom.’ Parvati held Saanchi’s hands gently and said, ‘It has been time since we mom and daughter had a nice chat. Come. Let’s talk.’ Parvati made tea for both of them and sat with their tea cups in their verandah. The view from the front yard of their house was always ambrosial. Lush green trees, clean pavement and beautiful houses, made the place a treat for the eyes. Parvati asked Saanchi, ‘So tell me Saanchi, what is it?’ Saanchi knew it was the right time to tell her mother about Mushtaque. Saanchi said softly, ‘ Mom, there is this guy….’. Parvati sipped some tea and said, ‘Hmm…’. Saanchi said, ‘I…I…I like him.’ Parvati said, ‘Okay. So, what’s next?’. Saanchi looked at her mom surprised and said, ‘Wouldn’t you want to know more about him?’. Parvati said, ‘Ofcourse I would. But, since “you” like him, the boy couldn’t be a wrong choice. I know you and I trust you. By the way, who is he?’. Saanchi hesitatingly replied, ‘Mushtaque’. Parvati sipped some more tea and said, ‘He is a nice guy.’ Saanchi looked at her Mom with wide eyes and said, ‘ Really? You don’t have any problem with him?’ Parvati looked at Saanchi and said, ‘Why would I have any problem with a guy who saved my daughter, who took good care of her and most importantly, the guy whom my daughter selected.’ Saanchi looked at her mom still surprised and said, ‘There is more mom. He has adopted a little girl. He had rescued that girl from child trafficking.’ Parvati looked at Saanchi and said, ‘Now, there is no reason for me to not like Mushtaque.’ Saanchi said, ‘What about dad?’ Parvati looked at Saanchi and said, ‘Your dad never had any problem with religion, caste or creed. Yes, in arranged marriages, people do look at those because that’s what the families usually do. But, if it is a love marriage, the most important factor is love. If your dad is assured that Mushtaque loves you, why would he have any problem? Most importantly, he knows what Mushtaque has done for you. I am sure he will never have any problem with this alliance.’ Saanchi smiled and said, ‘But Maa, dad had rejected Priyanshu’s proposal for caste differences, isn’t it?’ Parvati smiled and said, ‘ You are so innocent Saanchi. That’s the reason I have always wished that you get a mature guy as your life partner. Mushtaque is perfect for you. Sweetheart, Priyanshu is your colleague and yet you don’t know what kind of guy he is? If he loved you, he would want you to be happy. He was the one who had spread rumours in school that you were his girl friend. Remember, you came crying to me telling that somebody had spread rumours?’ Saanchi was surprised. Her mom still remembered the old incident that happened in school. Parvati then continued, ‘Don’t ask me how, but I knew Priyanshu was behind these rumours.’ Not just that, when we had fixed your marriage with Kushal, Priyanshu spoke all garbage about you to Kushal’s sisters too.’ Saanchi said, ‘ How did you know all these?’ Parvati smiled and said, ‘That’s not important. What is important is, Mushtaque is a nice guy. I and your dad are absolutely fine with this alliance. Don’t worry.’
Mushtaque called up Neeraj aka Abhay, his colleague and buddy. Mushtaque said, ‘Need to fix someone. I am sending you the details. Bring him to Cozy Nook. I will see you there.’
Neeraj met Priyanshu at Priyanshu’s work place and said, ‘Hi, my name is Neeraj. I have to tell you something about Saanchi.’ Priyanshu was shocked. ‘How do you know Saanchi?’. Neeraj said, ‘Well, that’s not important. If you don’t want to come, I will leave.’ Priyanshu said, ‘No, wait. I am coming.’ Neeraj drove Priyanshu to ‘Cozy Nook’ and said, ‘Someone is waiting for you inside. Go meet him.’ Priyanshu said, ‘Who?’ Neeraj said, ‘Don’t worry, once you enter, he will welcome you.’ Priyanshu went inside. Mushtaque was sitting at the corner table. He waved at Priyanshu. Priyanshu was confused. He told himself, ‘What does Mushtaque want to tell me about Saanchi?’ Priyanshu waved back at Mushtaque and went ahead and joined Mushtaque. Mushtaque smiled at Priyanshu and said, ‘Coffee?’ Priyanshu said, ‘No thanks! Why did you call me here?’ Mushtaque leaned a little forward on the table, looked at Priyanshu and said, ‘Don’t you think there are too many coincidences happening?’ Priyanshu looked at Mushtaque perplexed and said, ‘I..I don’t understand..’. Mushtaque leaned back on his chair and said, ‘Let me explain. You were always there whenever I and Saanchi met. You told Saanchi about Mehek.’ Priyanshu fumbled, ‘I…I…’. Mushtaque said, ‘ See dude. You may like Saanchi, but I “love” her.’ Priyanshu almost shouted, ‘Saanchi is mine’. Mushtaque laughed and said sternly, ‘Don’t create a scene here. Had Saanchi loved you, I would have ensured you and Saanchi were together. You know why? Because I love Saanchi and her happiness is my happiness..’ Priyanshu said with anger, ‘You…’ Mushtaque said calmly, ‘Shhh.. listen to me. Saanchi is important for me and so is Mehek. Stay away from them and don’t interfere in my business. I am saying this for your safety.’ Priyanshu was about to stand up and abuse Mushtaque, when Mushtaque gently took out his gun and kept on the table. Priyanshu sat down immediately. Mushtaque said, ‘Don’t be scared. I don’t kill people without any reason. I am known as an encounter specialist, but I really don’t enjoy killing.’ Priyanshu started sweating. Mushtaque put the gun back on the holster and called the waiter and said, ‘Two cold coffee please.’ Mushtaque knew Priyanshu would not trouble Saanchi again.
Right in front of Priyanshu, Mushtaque called Saanchi and said, ‘Saanchi, be ready. I will pick you up in 15 minutes.’ Priyanshu was still sweating. Mushtaque said, ‘Have this cold coffee. You will feel better.’ Saying that Mushtaque got up, wore his glares and walked out of the cafe.
Saanchi was waiting for Mushtaque at the pavement right in front of her home. Seeing Mushtaque, Saanchi could not stop blushing. Mushtaque bent and opened the door of the passenger seat for Saanchi. Saanchi boarded the car. Mushtaque started the car and they set off. While focusing on the road, Mushtaque said, ‘So, my lady, how are you?’. Saanchi smiled and said softly, ‘I am fine. How are you?’. Mushtaque said, ‘How can someone not be fine with such a wonderful lady in his life.’ Saanchi blushed. She then said, ‘Umm, where are we going?’ Mushtaque said, ‘To my home.’ Saanchi looked at him and said, ‘Mehek…I so want to meet her.’ Mushtaque smiled and said, ‘I know that.’ He then said, ‘Just wondering if…’ Saanchi looked at Mushtaque with concern and said, ‘Wondering if?’. Mushtaque said with a teasing note, ‘Wondering if, someone missed me?’ Saanchi blushed. Mushtaque said, ‘That was not the answer to my question.’ Saanchi said coyly, ‘Do you think it is possible not to miss someone as wonderful as you?’. Mushtaque said, ‘Again, that was not the answer to my question? Anyway, let me make it simple for you. I never asked you this directly, so, let me ask you directly, do you love me Saanchi?’. Saanchi went pink. She was shy, she was blushing. Mushtaque drove focusing on the road, but Saanchi’s heart kept on beating faster, her happiness knew no bounds. Mushtaque said, ‘Did you say something?’ Saanchi said softly, ‘No.’. Mushtaque said with concern, ‘What? You don’t love me?’ Saanchi said worriedly, ‘No no , I did not mean that. I meant I did not say anything.’ Mushtaque smiled again and on a flirting note, said, ‘So, what’s the answer to my question then?’ Saanchi was so shy that she blushed and kept quiet. Mushtaque then gently took his hands from the gear and touched Saanchi’s hand and said, ‘I am waiting.’ Saanchi said coyly, ‘I love you Mushtaque.’ Mushtaque looked at Saanchi, smiled and said, ‘I love you too baby.’
They reached Mushtaque’s home. Mushtaque rang the door bell. Sakina opened the door. Mehek came running to the door. Mehek had curly hair, black twinkling eyes and chubby cheeks. She was wearing a white cotton frock. She was plump and super adorable. She screamed, ‘Daddy Daddy.’ Mushtaque picked her up on his arms and planted kisses on her cheeks and said, ‘How is my darling?’ Sakina complained, ‘Bhaiyya, she did not drink milk at all today. She insisted to having alfredo pasta. I don’t know how to make it. She then said she will wait for you. She troubled me a lot today.’ Mushtaque looked at Mehek and said, ‘Is it true Mehek? Don’t you know if you don’t drink milk your bones will be weak?’ Mehek said in her sweet baby voice, ‘But daddy, I like milk with chocolate.’ Mushtaque laughed and said, ‘Okay, now daddy will make chocolate milk and pasta for Mehek.’ Saanchi saw the daddy daughter bonding. Tears welled up in her eyes. Mushtaque sure took good care of Mehek. She was, touch wood, healthy and very happy. Mushtaque then looked at Saanchi and then Mehek and said, ‘Mehek, meet Saanchi. Saanchi meet my daughter Mehek.’ Mehek went to Saanchi and said, ‘Hello Saanchi’. Saanchi bent, extended her hand to shake hands with Mehek and said, ‘Hi Mehek. Nice meeting you baby.’ Sakina looked at Saanchi with a wide smile and then looked back at Mushtaque and said, ‘Bhaiiyaa, is this….Bhaabhi?’ Mushtaque smiled and said, ‘Yes Sakina.’ Sakina was super happy and excited and said, ‘Namaste Bhaabhi.’. Saanchi said, ‘Namaste Sakina.’ Mushtaque then said, ‘ Mehek, show Saanchi around the house, while I make pasta and chocolate milk for all of us.’ Mehek held Saanchi’s hand gently pulled her and took Saanchi to her room. Mehek’s room was loaded with toys, books and dolls. There was a super comfortable pink bed and the room had everything a little girl needs. Her study table was messy with colour pencils, art work and comic books. She then took Saanchi to Mushtaque’s room. Mushtaque’s room was neat and tidy with a closet, study table, book shelf with books, a tv and a king size bed. The living room had comfortable sofas, a sophisticated centre table with a classy flower vase and soothing art work on the walls. Mushtaque was a highly organized guy. After sometime Sakina came and said ‘Bhaabhi, Mehek, come, food is ready.’ They all came to the dining table. First thing Mushtaque did was, arrange a plate for Sakina, with a generous amount Pasta and said, ‘Eat properly and then go home. Yes, there is a cup of chocolate milk in the kitchen. Finish it off. You girls don’t drink milk. You know how important calcium is for your body?’ Sakina grinned, looked at Saanchi and said, ‘I want to diet. Bhaiiyya does not let me.’ Saanchi smiled. She did not know what she should feel for Mushtaque. Love, respect, devotion? What a man this guy is? Mehek took the spoon and started fiddling with the pasta. Saanchi realised this little girl was a fussy eater. She had to be fed. She understood Mushtaque surely took efforts to feed her otherwise she wouldn’t eat. So, Saanchi gently pulled her chair near Mehek’s chair and took Mehek’s spoon and fed her while telling her a story. Mushtaque came from the kitchen, took off his apron and saw that sight. He wished time would freeze there. Mehek loved Saanchi.
Mushtaque dropped Saanchi home. When Saanchi disembarked from the car, Mushtaque too got off the car. None of them wanted to leave. Saanchi said softly, ‘Bye’. For the first time, Mushtaque went closer to Saanchi, held her waist, brought her close to him, looked into her eyes, whispered, ‘I love you Saanchi’ and kissed her on her soft lips. Saanchi closed her eyes and let herself soak in all the bliss, all the love, this universe had showered on her…..
In some days, the families met. Parvati was right. Purshottam Pandit was more than happy to accept Mushtaque as his son in law. When Purshottam Pandit had asked Fahaad and Noor about their expectations in the wedding, Noor had said, ‘Your daughter is priceless. How can we ask for anything more? We assure you, our son will take good care of her.’ The wedding was a simple affair. A court marriage with a small party. Mushtaque did not believe in lavish affairs. Priyanshu was invited for the party and he did come. Saanchi never knew that Mushtaque had met Priyanshu and had treated him with cold coffee.
On the second day of honeymoon at Shimla…..
Wrapped under cozy blankets, Saanchi was fast asleep in Mushtaque’s arms when Mushtaque’s phone rang. Mushtaque received it and all Saanchi could hear was Mushtaque saying, ‘Yes boss. Will be there tomorrow.’ Saanchi sat up on the bed fixing her blanket with her red bangles jingling. She said, ‘Don’t tell me you have to report to work?’. Mushtaque laughed and said, ‘Consequences of marrying a cop.’ He kissed Saanchi’s forehead and said, ‘ We will have to leave.’ Parvati had called Mushtaque for an urgent mission. Saanchi never knew that. She was happy and she knew, with Mushtaque and Mehek she will always be a happy soul………………………..