Dosh Episode 10

Rhituparna Chakraborty
10 min readMay 4, 2021







Link for previous chapter/chapters: #doshepisode1 , #DoshEpisode1, #DoshEpisode2, #DoshEpisode2, #DoshEpisode3, #doshepisode3, #DoshEpisode4, #doshepisode4, #DoshEpisode5, #doshepisode5, #DoshEpisode6, #doshepisode6, #DoshEpisode7, #doshepisode7, #DoshEpisode8, #doshepisode8, #DoshEpisodeBonus, #doshepisodebonus, #DoshEpisode9, #doshepisodebonus9, #DoshEpisode9

#Author: #RhituparnaChakraborty

#Disclaimer: This is an original work of fiction with no relation to any person/organism living or dead. Every episode, every character is a work of imagination. Any resemblance to any person, organism, place or character is purely coincidental. There is no intention to hurt or rebuke anyone through this work. This story/episode cannot be copied, published or reproduced without the permission of the author RhituparnaChakraborty.


  1. Hiren Kothari, Lata Kothari (Hiren Kothari passed away. Lata Kothari is his wife who is 75 years old now)
  2. Sumedh Kothari (55 years old), Sumitra Kothari(53 years old)(Eldest son and daughter in law of Hiren and Lata)
  3. Anurag(30), Aavish (27), Aanya(24) ( Children of Sumedh and Sumitra)
  4. Subhash Kothari(52) and Naina Kothari(50) (Second son and daughter in law of Hiren and Lata)
  5. Saanya(22) and Sanmit(25) (Subhash and Naina’s children)
  6. Sumit Kothari(49) and Tripti Kothari(46) ( 3rd son and daughter in law of Hiren and Lata)
  7. Vedant(20), Vishaka(17) and Varun(14) ( Sumit and Tripti’s children)
  8. Som Kothari(46) and Urmi Kothari(40) (Youngest son and daughter in law of Lata and Hiren)
  9. Dviti(15) (Som and Urmi’s only child)
  10. Kashish (21) (Gardener Sanjay’s daughter. Sanjay and his wife are no more in this world. Kashish is an orphan)
  11. Kaamini (50) (Distant aunt of Kashish who lives with Kashish in the outhouse of Kothari Mansion)
  12. Rajesh Verma (54) (Business Partner and friend of Sumedh Kothari)
  13. Tanaya Verma (27) (Rajesh Verma’s daughter)
  14. Chaitanya Guruji (Passed away)(He was the family’s Guruji)
  15. Lakshya Guruji (53)(Chaitanya Guruji’s son who is now the family’s Guruji).
  16. Mushtaque Khan: Cop and Anurag’s friend.
  17. Saanchi: Mushtaque’s wife
  18. Mehek: Mushtaque’s daughter
  19. Abhay: Mushtaque’s team member
  20. Sofia: Mushtaque’s team member

Link for previous chapter/chapters: #doshepisode1 , #DoshEpisode1, #DoshEpisode2, #DoshEpisode2, #DoshEpisode3, #DoshEpisode3, #DoshEpisode4, #doshepisode4, #DoshEpisode5, #doshepisode5, #DoshEpisode6, #doshepisode6, #DoshEpisode7, #doshepisode7, #DoshEpisode8, #doshepisode8, #DoshEpisodeBonus, #doshepisodebonus, #DoshEpisode9, #doshepisodebonus9, #DoshEpisode9

At the Police station Kaamini sat in one corner of the bench while Tanaya sat at the other corner. Tanaya was fuming with rage. She yelled, ‘How dare you arrest me without evidence? I will talk to this miserable officer’s boss. Moron!’ Mushtaque came just then with Anurag and said pleasantly, ‘You want to talk to my boss? Sure! But first let us all talk to each other.’ Tanaya was about to swear at Mushtaque, but seeing Anurag, she forced a smile and trying to be naive, said, ‘Anurag……Anurag, I can explain everything. Trust me, whatever I did, it was for us. For you and me and….’ Anurag looked coldheartedly at Tanaya and said, ‘ Really Tanaya? You went to the extent of killing Grandma for “us”?’ Tanaya smiled wickedly and said, ‘What choice did I have Anurag? I had convinced Sumitra aunty to make Kashish the scapegoat to eradicate the fault in your horoscope. Poor Sumitra aunty, just for the sake of your happy life and for the happy future of your company, fell for my plan. She did not even know that she was just a pawn. But your grandma tried to act smart. So, I had to exchange her medicines with something she was severely allergic to. I had to kill her. What to do?’ Anurag looked at Tanaya with enraged eyes. Mushtaque got a glass of water for Anurag and offered it to him. Anurag was not in a position to talk. He might hit Tanaya in fury. Hence it was important to cool him down. Mushtaque then pulled a chair, sat in front of Tanaya and said, ‘ Tanaya…. why Kashish? What did she do?’ Tanaya smirked and said, ‘What did she do? Wow! As if no one knows anything. She….that ugly servant girl, knew everything about MY ANURAG. She would cook whatever he liked, she would iron his clothes, she would arrange his closet and….’ Anurag interrupted and said bitterly, ‘Tanaya, she did all of this for everyone in the house. She is someone who is always on her toes doing chores for the house. And arranging closets, ironing clothes, she never did that only for me. She used to do it for everyone. And you planned on killing her for this?’ While Anurag said this, his eyes welled up. Tanaya looked at his eyes and said savagely, ‘It’s not her. It’s “you”. You cared for her more than anyone else. When Sanmit tries to be with her, why the hell do you care? When she misses her bus to college, why do you have to drop her? If she does not get her share of food sometimes because she eats last, why do you spare some for her? WHY? ANSWER ME ANURAG! ANSWER ME!’ Saying that Tanaya said with hatred in her eyes, ‘You fell in love with her and you did not even know that. She had to get out of the Kothari Mansion and this was the only way I could get her out of your life and that house. Thanks to Sumitra Aunty, this greedy Kaamini…..’, Mushtaque interrupted and said, ‘And Sanmit?’ Tanaya gasped. Mushtaque smiled and said, ‘Sanmit was also hand in gloves with you.’ Just then Abhay and a female cop named Dhara came to the police station with Sanmit and Sumitra. Mushtaque looked at Dhara, smiled and said, ‘Thank you Dhara, my superb assistant, for providing me all the details of Sanmit’s call logs.’ Dhara smiled and said, ‘Glad to work with you.’

Anurag looked at Sanmit bewildered. Sanmit sneered and said, ‘Oh come on Anurag Bhaiyya. For the sake of a servant girl, don’t look at me like this.’ Anurag went ahead and slapped Sanmit tight. Sanmit was about to hit Anurag back when Mushtaque punched Sanmit and said, ‘Criminals should behave as criminals. Well, I have all the evidence and details about you and Guruji’s talks along with Tanaya’s details. So, now we will record your statement.’ Saying that Mushtaque asked Abhay to take Sanmit away.

Tanaya looked at Sumitra and said, ‘So Sumitra Kothari, you were also a part of this game. Though unknowingly, it’s better, you help me out of this mess or my dad will cancel the deal with your family.’ Sumitra said with remorse, ‘I never realised what I was doing. I am willing to surrender to the police and the law will take its course.’ Mushtaque looked at Sumitra and said, ‘ Well, we will have to adhere to the law.’

Kashish had regained consciousness but she was very weak. The doctor said that only one person could go and meet her. Anurag went to see Kashish. Seeing Kashish in that frail state his heart went out to her. Seeing Anurag, Kashish tried to sit, but Anurag went closer to her, patted her head and said, ‘No no, lie down. Don’t stress yourself.’ Kashish said in a feeble voice, ‘Anurag Sir….. I….. who brought me to the hospital?’ Anurag said gently, ‘That is not important now. You need to get well soon, that is what is important now.’ Tears streamed down Kashish’s eyes drenching the pillow. Kashish said gulping her tears with a choking voice, ‘I wish I had died. They…..they…..abducted me, got me into a fake marriage and…..and…..’ saying that she howled and cried, ‘they tried to touch my body…..’ Anurag tried to control his tears but he could not. With tears dripping from his eyes, he brushed Kashish’s head and said, ‘ Shhh…. now quiet. Henceforth, I won’t let any ill befall on you. That’s my promise. You have to complete your education, you have to get a job. Don’t you want to fulfill Grandma’s dream?’ Kashish cried liked a baby and said, ‘Grandma……. she is no more……. Kaamini aunty sold me……I don’t want to live anymore……’ Anurag said, ‘ Kashish, listen to me now. This is not the right time to talk. We will go home soon. In some days you will be discharged from the hospital and then we can go home and talk.’ Kashish looked at a blank spot and said, ‘ Home? I don’t have a home.’ Anurag said softly, ‘Do you trust me Kashish?’ Kashish looked at Anurag and said, ‘Apart from Grandma, you are the only person I trust Anurag Sir.’ Anurag smiled and said, ‘So, listen to me now. Get some rest. I will get you something to eat.’ Saying that Anurag left the room.

Everyone in the Kothari house were stunned when they learnt all about the mess. Sumedh and Rajesh Verma were also called for inquiry. However, they were neither involved in Lata’s murder nor Kashish’s abduction, nor did they know anything about Tanaya’s conspiracy. Rajesh Verma was shocked to know about Tanaya’s mad behavior and actions. He was shattered. He asked for forgiveness from Anurag and did not cancel any business deal with the Kotharis. However, he tried to get Tanaya out of the police station so that he could take her away from this place.

Kashish stayed in the hospital for four more days. Anurag visited her everyday and took very good care of her. He ensured she ate on time and took her medicines well. He got her new clothes. Saanya helped him in shopping clothes for Kashish. Kashish recovered well. She was so used to seeing Anurag everyday that today when he had not arrived as yet, she was worried. In fact she missed him. When the nurse came, the nurse asked casually, ‘Your husband has not come as yet?’ Kashish was baffled. She replied hesitatingly, ‘Husband? N…no, he is not my husband.’ While fixing the bottle of medicine, the nurse said nonchalantly, ‘Oh ok. Actually in “relationship with patient” column, he had filled up that column as “wife”.’ Kashish listened to the nurse astounded. The nurse then said, ‘You will be discharged today. Once your husband comes, ask him to complete the formalities at the reception.’ Kashish did not correct her.

Sumitra, Kaamini, Tanaya and Sanmit continued to be in police custody. Although they tried for bail, they did not get it as yet. Kashish will be discharged from hospital today. Anurag first went to meet Sumitra at the police station. Seeing Anurag, Sumitra was elated. She said, ‘Am I going to get bail today?’ Anurag said nonchalantly, ‘I don’t know. Dad is trying. You can be out of his mess only if Kashish forgives you. Other than that, there is no way out.’ Sumitra said with grief, ‘Yes. I deserve it.’ Anurag then said, ‘I came here to tell you something.’ Sumitra looked at him puzzled. Anurag said, ‘You got Kashish into a fake marriage with me.’ Sumitra did not know what to say. She was repenting. Anurag then said. ‘I am going to change it to real marriage, of course only if Kashish agrees.’ Sumitra said, ‘B…but…. son, Kashish is….’ Anurag said coldly, ‘ Yes, Kashish is a gardener’s daughter. But I don’t care. I love her. Moreover, you yourself faked her marriage with me. So, I accept that marriage. Only difference here is, I will make it official.’ Saying that Anurag stormed out of the police station.

Anurag knocked at Kashish’s room and when Kashish asked him to come in, Anurag went inside. Kashish was wearing the light pink Kurta and white leggings that Anurag had bought for her. She had tied her hair into a neat plait and wore a light pink lipstick on her lips. Saanya had got that shade for her. When Anurag saw her, he could not take his eyes off her. Seeing Anurag, Kashish was overjoyed, but she tried to hide her excitement. She tried to act calm, but she could not. Anurag realised that and found it funny. He tried to make her comfortable. He smiled and said, ‘So, all set?’ Kashish groped for words and said, ‘Y…yes. I am ready.’ Anurag then said, ‘Okay, I will go and complete the formalities.’ Kashish nodded. Anurag then said, ‘By the way, I had to tell you something.’ Kashish looked at Anurag with jittery eyes and said, ‘Yes Sir?’ Anurag smiled and said, ‘Ummm.. in the hospital form, I filled up the form as Kashish Kothari, Wife of Anurag Kothari.’ Kashish was startled. She moved back and hit the wall with a soft thud. Anurag went closer to her, held her shoulder softly and said, ‘Be careful. You will hurt yourself.’ Kashish was surprised, shy and was at a loss of words. She was so nervous that she did not know what to do or say. Anurag gently took Kashish’s hand and whispered, ‘Sweetheart, you suffered a lot in your life. I am sorry, I could not do much for you. But, I promise, I will make up for everything. I never realised when I fell in love with you. When I did not see you around me, that’s when I realised that I love you so much Kashish. Will you marry me? I promise I will keep you very happy.’ Kashish listened to every word of Anurag. Every word of his was music to her ears. He was such a nice person. Any girl would be lucky to have him in her life. Anurag then said, ‘Kashish, you are free to take your decision. Even if you say no, I will accept your decision happily. You will still remain my love and I will ensure, till you are financially independent, I will take care of all your needs.’ Saying that, Anurag went down on his knees and took out a ring from his pocket. Kashish was in tears. She sobbed like a baby. Anurag held the ring and said, ‘Will you become Mrs. Anurag Kothari?’ Kashish extended her hand and said, ‘Yes….. Anurag Sir..’ Anurag laughed and said, ‘Sir?’ Kashish smiled with tears in her eyes and whispered, ‘Anurag...’ Anurag slipped the ring in Kashish’s finger, stood up and hugged her tight. Her fragile body hid itself in Anurag’s strong arms. Her tears drenched Anurag’s shirt. Anurag kissed her forehead and said, ‘Sorry for all that you had to go through.’ Saying that he hugged her again.

From the hospital, Anurag and Kashish went to meet Mushtaque. Mushtaque was to leave the town at night. He would have to come back for court proceedings but then at this point he had to leave because he was missing Saanchi and Mehek a lot. Mushtaque wished Anurag and Kashish all the best for a happy married life. Well, Mushtaque was happy that he was able to help Anurag. But, now Mushtaque had to ensure that he makes Saanchi and Mehek happy by reaching home soon. After all, staying away from Saanchi and Mehek was not easy. But then, that’s what the life of a cop was. Well, more adventures and new cases on the way for Mushtaque………….




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