Prachi’s Doll Episode 7
I can’t thank you enough for your unwavering love. Have been tied up a lot with some commitments and hence was not able to write the next episode of Prachi’s Doll. But, I am so thankful and grateful for your support and love. Readers liked you inspire me to write. I love you all❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Prachi’s Doll Episode 7
Older episodes:
#PrachisDollEpisode1 #PrachisDollEpisode2 #PrachisDollEpisode3
#PrachisDollEpisode4 #PrachisDollEpisode5 #PrachisDollEpisode6
Disclaimer: This is an original piece of work by Rhituparna Chakraborty. This work is not intended to hurt or rebuke anyone or any profession. This story is not connected/related to anyone or any organism alive or dead. This is a work of fiction. This work cannot be copied, published, or reproduced elsewhere without the consent of the author, Rhituparna Chakraborty.
Mushtaque looked at Archit curiously and asked ‘ Do you know what you are talking about?’ Archit said assertively ‘Ofcourse I know what I am talking about. Peehu is not a doll.’ Mushtaque asked, ‘And how can you be so sure!’ Archit said blankly ‘Because she was my girl friend.’ Sofia and Mushtaque looked at each other. Mushtaque told Archit, ‘I think Archit, we have more questions for you. ‘ Archit replied, ‘Yes, sure. But, how is Prachi?’ Mushtaque said, ‘ Prachi is fine but she is behaving very weird. She was in a bad shape. Her land lady said apparently Prachi kept on saying that her doll, whom she had bought recently and had named ‘Peehu’ was the one who beat her, hit her and when she tried to show evidence to the world, the doll would be seated quietly where it was kept. Now Prachi’s parents arrived and when we asked Prachi about Peehu, Prachi asks ‘Who is Peehu?’ We don’t understand what is happening. And you just said Peehu was your girl friend?’
Archit listened to every word that Mushtaque said stunned. Mushtaque asked Archit, ‘You said Peehu was your girl friend. Did you guys break up?’ Archit said with his eyes moist, ‘Well, one fine day, she just called me sobbing that she hates me and after that, till date, I haven’t heard from her.’ Mushtaque asked, ‘And you did not even try to find out why?’ Archit replied, ‘I did. I had gone to the rented home where her mom and she stayed then. But the landlord said, both mom and daughter left and after that I tried looking for her everywhere, but could not find her.’
Sofia asked Archit, ‘Do you have any picture of Peehu and her mother?’ Archit smiled and said ‘How can I not have my Peehu’s pic?’ Archit took out his phone and showed Peehu’s pic to Mushtaque and sofia. Long silky hair, bright eyes, peach and cream complexion, Peehu looked like an angel.
Mushtaque asked Archit, ‘Could you please send this picture to my phone?’ Archit sent the picture to Mushtaque. Sofia then asked Archit, ‘And how is your relationship with Prachi?’ Archit replied nonchalantly, ‘Prachi is a good friend. That’s all.’
Mushtaque then told Archit, ‘You may need to come and meet us whenever we call you.’ Archit nodded and said, ‘Sure I will.’
Mushtaque and Sofia then left the campus and Mushtaque told Sofia, ‘Find out where Peehu is and who is her mother…’ Sofia affirmed ‘Yes Sir!’
Just then Mushtaque’s phone rang. It was from Saanchi.
Mushtaque: Hey
Saanchi: Just wanted to check on you. All good?
Mushtaque: Yes baby. All good.
Saanchi: You can tell me..
Mushtaque(smiling): How did you know I was worried?
Saanchi: That’s not the point. The question is, what is troubling you?
Mushtaque: Well, sweetheart, this case…Archit says Peehu was his girlfriend. Prachi’s landlady said Peehu was a doll, now Prachi, after regaining consciousness, says, she does not know who Peehu is and Peehu is certainly not a doll. Where is this case going, I have no clue. And who hit Prachi so bad? Dolls can’t do this.
Saanchi: Well, Mushtaque, this is your case. Ofcourse, it can’t be easy. First you need to find who all are saying the truth and who are fibbing through out.
Mushtaque: Hmm… anyway, I won’t be having dinner at home. You and Mehek, please have dinner on time and get some sleep. Bye and I love you.
Saanchi: Ok. Take care and stay safe. I love you too.
Mushtaque smiled at the phone said ‘Gosh, I love this woman.’
Just then Mushtaque’s phone rang. It was from Sofia.
Mushtaque: Yes Sofia..
Sofia: Sir….. I found a file for Peehu..
Mushtaque: And?
Sofia: Weird case Sir…. She was reported missing a year ago and then the case was closed.
Mushtaque: Is she found then?
Sofia: No, but the case was closed.
Mushtaque: And who lodged the missing complaint and all?
Sofia: Some Mrs. Sunita Bhatnagar. Must be Peehu’s mom. I will find out about her.
Mushtaque: Also search Prachi’s apartment and the landlady Sonam’s apartment as well.
Sofia: Yes Sir
Prachi’s parents went to Prachi’s apartment to pack Prachi’s stuff so that they can take Prachi home, next morning. Sonam took Prachi’s parents to the apartment. Before Sonam could open the door, the door of the apartment swung open and a shrill voice said ‘Leave Prachi here and go home..’ And suddenly the doll Peehu flew like a bat and pounced on Prachi’s mom’s hand.
Prachi sat up on the hospital bed drenched in cold sweat. She looked at the window. A fragile delicate girl stared at her and smiled and said, ‘Hope you are fine Prachi…..’ Prachi froze. She tried to scream but her voice was choked. The girl climbed into the room from the window and as she climbed, the girls bones made some creaking sound. Prachi screamed….. The girl gently put her delicate pale cold finger in Prachi’s lips and said ‘Shhhhhh’
To be continued…….
Older Episodes
Dear Readers,
I can’t thank you enough for your unwavering love. Have been tied up a lot with some commitments and hence was not able to write the next episode of Prachi’s Doll. But, I am so thankful and grateful for your support and love. Readers liked you inspire me to write. I love you all❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Prachi’s Doll Episode 6
Older episodes:
#PrachisDollEpisode1 #PrachisDollEpisode2 #PrachisDollEpisode3
#PrachisDollEpisode4 #PrachisDollEpisode5
Disclaimer: This is an original piece of work by Rhituparna Chakraborty. This work is not intended to hurt or rebuke anyone or any profession. This story is not connected/related to anyone or any organism alive or dead. This is a work of fiction. This work cannot be copied, published, or reproduced elsewhere without the consent of the author, Rhituparna Chakraborty.
Mushtaque looked at Sonam suspiciously. Sonam was flabbergasted. She repeated, ‘I…. I really don’t know what Prachi is saying…. All the information I shared with you is true.’ Mushtaque, in his usual professional stern demeanour, looked at Sonam and said, ‘I am not sure if this case should be taken lightly. I would need to follow up on this. If you could share Prachi’s parents’ contact details.’
Sonam immediately shared all the details with Mushtaque and said , ‘Sir, trust me I am no where involved in anything. I have no clue what is happening.’
Mushtaque said, ‘Ma’am let’s talk later. Please inform me immediately whenever Prachi’s parents reach the hospital. Also I need all the contact details of Prachi’s friends.’
Sonam said, ‘I know the names of few of her friends but I don’t have their numbers.’
Mushtaque replied, ‘A colleague of mine will come here in some time. Share the details with her. Her name is Sofia. Please check her id card before sharing anything.’
Saying that Mushtaque left and called for his office vehicle.
After that, Mushtaque called Sofia:
Sofia: Jai Hind Sir
Mushtaque: Jai Hind. Sharing a hospital location. Come here as soon as possible. There is a patient here named Prachi. You need to talk to her attendant Sonam and get all the details. If Prachi’s parents arrive by then, talk to them as well. If Prachi regains her consciousness and doctors allow you to talk to her, then talk to her and collate all the data and send them to me as soon as possible.
Sofia: Will be done Sir. Anything else?
Mushtaque: No, Jai Hind!
Sofia: Jai Hind Sir!
Mushtaque reache home. Mehek heard the honk of Mushtaque’s vehicle and came rushing to the gate. ‘My daddy is here, my daddy is here’, she screamed and rushed to Mushtaque. Saanchi came and told Mehek, ‘Sweetu, let daddy freshen up. He came from a long day at work. Then you can hug him, okay?’ Mehek said in her adorable voice, ‘Oh okay mommy. Let me finish my pancakes first then.’ Saanchi smiled and said, ‘Yes please. Also do you need more syrup?’ Mehek replied, ‘Daddy says too much sweet is not good. I want to be strong like him. So I don’t need more syrup.’ Mushtaque and Saanchi burst out laughing. Saanchi bent and put a tight peck on Mehek’s right cheek and said ‘My beta, my little girl.’ Mushtaque could not help falling in love with Saanchi all over again. He smiled to himself and said ‘How much I love you Saanchi. I and Mehek are blessed to have you in our lives.’
As Saanchi carried Mehek to the dining table, Mushtaque could not take his eyes of Saanchi. Saanchi was wearing a sleeveless cotton light pink kurti knee length, paired with a pair of matching loose salwar. Her hair tied into a messy bun and her face radiating positivity and love. Saanchi caught Mushtaque staring at her. She cleared her throat and said ‘Excuse me, could you please hurry up and take a shower or this daddy’s girl is not going to wait for eternity to hug her daddy.’ Mushtaque looked at Saanchi and smiled and said ‘How about this daddy wanting to hug the lil girl’s mommy right now….’ Saanchi blushed and said ‘Sir, your daughter understands things, alright. Keep a tab on your words.’ Mushtaque laughed and said ‘ Will be back soon to hug mommy and lil daughter soon.’
Prachi’s parents arrived at the hospital. Sofia was already there by then. Sonam gave the names of Prachi’s friends. Prachi had regained consciousness and doctors had allowed Prachi’s parents to meet Prachi.
As they came out from Prachi’s room, Sofia, gently spoke with them and asked about Prachi’s well being. They said Prachi was fine but they never thought that Prachi would go through such a condition. Sonam had told Sofia about Peehu. Sofia asked Prachi’s mom, ‘ Did Prachi say anything about “Peehu”? ‘ Prachi’s mom replied, ‘Peehu?’ Sofia said, ‘Well as per the spate of incidents described by Ms. Sonam, Prachi has a doll named Peehu and Ms. Sonam said that as per Prachi all the incidents are associated with the Doll Peehu.’ Prachi’s father looked stunned and said ‘No, Prachi did not say anything about Peehu. In fact, she said that she had met with an accident and hence all of this happened. Now she does not remember anything.’
Sofia asked perplexed, ‘Does not remember anything as in? Does she remember you?’ Sofia’s father said ‘Yes, she does remember us. But she does not remember the spate of incidents that brought her to the hospital.’ Sofia took a deep breath and said, ‘Alright’. She then went to the doctor taking care of Prachi, and asked, ‘ Can I meet Prachi?’ The doctor said, ‘Yes you can, but please not more than 10 mins. She needs rest.’
Sofia nodded, thanked the doctor and went to meet Prachi.
Prachi was awake.
Sofia smiled at Prachi and asked, ‘How are you?’
Prachi replied, ‘I am fine.’
Sofia asked, ‘So do you recall what had happened to you?’
Prachi said, ‘All I remember is I fell from the stairs. That’s all. ‘
Sofia: And what about Peehu?’
Prachi: Peehu?
Sofia: Your doll?
Prachi said: I don’t know..
Sofia: Are you sure Prachi?
Prachi: Yes I am..
Sofia said, Okay Prachi…. take care
Sofia left the room and that’s when Prachi’s mom came. As Sofia left, she overheard Prachi asking her mom, ‘Did Archit call?’
Sofia went outside the hospital, dialed Mushtaque’s number and said:
Jai Hind Sir!
Mushtaque: Jai Hind Sofia. What’s the update?
Sofia: Someone is lying here Sir. Sonam’s version of the story and Prachi’s version of the story don’t match. Moreoever if Prachi says it is an accident, and they don’t want to file any case, I don’t think we can proceed ahead.
Just then Sonam came to Sofia and said, ‘Ma’am I don’t know whether Prachi is lying or she does not remember anything, but, she has been telling stories of Peehu the doll. If they are not filing any case, let me file a case. I don’t know on what grounds it can be, but I have not told any lie. I need to know what’s going on. Can I file a case and can you investigate the matter for me?’
Mushtaque had overheard everything. As Sofia was about to say Mushtaque whatever Sonam said, Mushtaque told Sofia, ‘File a case as per Sonam wants.’
Sofia took Sonam to the police station and filed a case as per Sonam’s information. After Sonam left the police station, Sofia recalled the name Archit and went on to find Archit’s contact details.
Next day Morning
Mushtaque got ready for work. With his uniform flawlessly ironed , fitting his toned muscular body perfectly, the sleeves of his shirt hugging his biceps, his impeccably polished shoes, his aviator glares adding to his charm and the fragrance of cologne, Mushtaque could turn heads anytime. Mushtaque would drop Saanchi at her college, Mehek at her school and then would go ahead with the proceedings of the case. Saanchi was almost ready. She had draped a light blue cotton saree, neatly pleated. She had tied her hair into a neat pony tail. Her tiny little red bindi on her forhead added to her cuteness and not to forget the light pink lipcolour on her soft lips and the floral fragrance of her perfume adding to her grace. Mehek was already in the car and Saanchi was rushing to the car, when Mushtaque wrapped his arm around her waist, pulled her towards him and planted a kiss on the soft skin of her neck. Saanchi blushed, gently pushed Mushtaque and said, ‘We are getting late , can we please rush!’ Mushtaque laughed and said, ‘Alright my lady! ‘
Mushtaque and Sofia reached Prachi’s college. They began looking for Archit. As Mushtaque went ahead to ask about the whereabouts of Archit, Sofia was amused by the fact that the girls in the college kept on staring at Mushtaque. As Mushtaque approached a group a students, Sofia overheard one of the girls saying, ‘Goshh, who is this officer! He is so handsome!’ Sofia could not help laughing. Mushtaque, as always was engrossed in his work and he found Archit.
Archit was in the cafeteria. Mushtaque found him sitting alone in one of the benches. Seeing a police officer approaching him, Archit was somewhat perplexed. Mushtaque showed Archit his identity card and extending his hand, said:
‘I am DCP Mushtaque Khan. You must be Archit.’
Archit(Standing up and shaking hands with Mushtaque): Yes Sir
Mushtaque: Don’t worry Archit. I am here just to ask a few questions about Prachi, your class mate.
Archit: Prachi? Yes she is my classmate…. but I don’t understand. What questions? Is everything okay?
Mushtaque: Yes, all okay. Just that we wanted to know if Prachi has ever spoken to you about Peehu!
Archit : Peehu!!!
Archit looked at Mushtaque dumbfounded.
Mushtaque asked again: Do you know know Peehu?
Archit replied: Ofcourse I know.
Mushtaque asked: So Prachi did tell you about Peehu?
Archit: Why would Prachi or anyone tell me about Peehu? I know Peehu very well anyway.
Mushtaque: Because Peehu is Prachi’s doll
Archit: Peehu is not a doll……
To be continued
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Earlier episode
Prachi’s Doll Episode 5
Older episodes:
#PrachisDollEpisode1 #PrachisDollEpisode2 #PrachisDollEpisode3
Disclaimer: This is an original piece of work by Rhituparna Chakraborty. This work is not intended to hurt or rebuke anyone or any profession. This story is not connected/related to anyone or any organism alive or dead. This is a work of fiction. This work cannot be copied, published, or reproduced elsewhere without the consent of the author, Rhituparna Chakraborty.
The Ambulance reached the hospital. Prachi was immediately rushed. to the emergency room. Sonam did the admission formalities while Mushtaque waited and watched around.
After Sonam completed the formalities, she went to Mushtaque and thanked him profusely. Mushtaque said ‘Please, it’s my duty. Umm… is the patient your daughter?’ Sonam replied, ‘No, she is my tenant….’ Mushtaque replied , ‘Oh ok! Has her family been informed?’ Sonam nodded ‘Yes… but things are so strange…. I don’t even know what would I tell her parents. I am worried, what if they think she was not safe at my home….I don’t know…..’ saying that Sonam almost broke down.
Mushtaque made her sit on a chair and said ‘Ma’am, please have a seat. I will get some water for you.’ Mushtaque quickly got water for Sonam. After Sonam drank the water, Mushtaque asked, ‘Shall I get something for you to eat?’ Sonam said , ‘No, thank you!’ Mushtaque then said, ‘May I know what happened to the patient, rather, I would say, may I know the patient’s name and what happened to her?’
Sonam said, ‘Her name is Prachi. And even I have no clue what’s happening to her. I had put up an advertisement in the newspaper for renting out one of my flats. She had come to me after reading that. I enquired about her and found out that she comes from a good family and she was an academically inclined student, so I gave my flat on rent to her. Since past few days she has been constantly talking about a doll she had bought. She named the doll Peehu and since she got the doll home she has been saying strange things about the doll…. like the doll is playing music, and the doll is moving from one place to another and then yesterday she got some doll dresses and hair styling kit for doll and….’ ‘And?’ Mushtaque asked . Sonam replied, ‘And then there was a tornado kinda situation after that. Prachi would say Peehu was moving around, Peehu tried to hurt her and so I brought her to my home. And then at my home I see her in a shape I cannot even imagine in my wildest dreams. Her hair was cut into bits and pieces, and she says, Peehu did that. I cannot figure what is happening because Peehu is just a doll. Also I fail to understand why Prachi is so obsessed with Peehu. I mean, getting dresses for her, hair styling kit, doll scissors and what not. And Prachi is not a toddler or a kid. I mean, yes, adults can like dolls, but, such obsession?? And then I saw the doll scissors in Prachi’s hands and Prachi says that the Doll Peehu cut her hair and I really don’t know….’
Mushtaque listened carefully and said ‘Let’s wait what the doctor says and then perhaps if the doctors permit, we can talk to Prachi.’ Sonam nodded.
The doctor attending to Prachi came to meet Sonam and Mushtaque and said ‘The patient is stable now. But she seems to be in some deep trauma and fear. I think some psychologist can help her. I would request one attendant to stay with the patient tonight. Tomorrow we will release her.’
Mushtaque asked the doctor, ‘Can we meet Prachi?’ The doctor replied, ‘Yes, you can. But she needs rest. So would request you to keep the meeting for maximum 15 minutes.’
Mushtaque and Sonam went to meet Prachi. Prachi had regained consciousness. As soon she saw Sonam, Prachi asked, ‘Aunty, did Archit call?’ Sonam was perplexed, she thought perhaps Prachi will ask about her parents, but Archit? ‘ Mushtaque asked Sonam, ‘Who is Archit?’ Sonam said ‘Perhaps her class mate….’ Prachi added, ‘Yes my class friend, we are a close knit group of few friends.’ Mushtaque replied, ‘Aha, yes, friends make our lives beautiful. By the way, I am DCP, Mushtaque Khan, how are you feeling Prachi?’ Prachi was perplexed, ‘DCP? Is there any police incident or case happening here??’ Mushtaque smiled and said ‘No! I just helped you reach hospital faster as there were some traffic issues. So, don’t worry.’ Prachi said weakly, ‘Hmm’. Sonam then said ‘Prachi, can we talk about Peehu to DCP Mushtaque?’ Prachi replied ‘Peehu??? Who Peehu?’ Sonam said ‘Your doll Peehu?’ Prachi said in a feeble voice, ‘Doll?’ Saying that Prachi fell asleep.
Mushtaque looked at Sonam and. Sonam looked back at Mushtaque and said ‘I….. I don’t know…..’
To be continued…….