Chaahat Episode 7
A sequel to ‘Dosh’
For those who have not read ‘Dosh’, here are the links:
Link for previous chapter/chapters: #doshepisode1 , #DoshEpisode1, #DoshEpisode2, #DoshEpisode2, #DoshEpisode3, #doshepisode3, #DoshEpisode4, #doshepisode4, #DoshEpisode5, #doshepisode5, #DoshEpisode6, #doshepisode6, #DoshEpisode7, #doshepisode7, #DoshEpisode8, #doshepisode8, #DoshEpisodeBonus, #doshepisodebonus, #DoshEpisode9, #doshepisodebonus9, #DoshEpisode9, #DoshEpisode10
Link for previous chapter/chapters of ‘Chaahat’: #ChaahatEpisode1, #chaahatepisode1, #ChaahatEpisode2, #chaahatepisode2, #ChaahatEpisode3, #chaahatepisode3, #ChaahatEpisode4, #chaahatepisode4, #ChaahatEpisode5, #chaahatepisode5, #ChaahatEpisode6, #chaahatepisode6, #ChaahatEpisodeBonus, #chaahatepisodeBonus
#Author: #RhituparnaChakraborty
#Disclaimer: This is an original work of fiction with no relation to any person/organism living or dead. Every episode, every character is a work of imagination. Any resemblance to any person, organism, place or character is purely coincidental. There is no intention to hurt or rebuke anyone through this work. This story/episode cannot be copied, published or reproduced without the permission of the author RhituparnaChakraborty.
- Hiren Kothari, Lata Kothari (Hiren Kothari passed away. Lata Kothari (Passed away)
- Sumedh Kothari (55 years old), Sumitra Kothari(53 years old)(Eldest son and daughter in law of Hiren and Lata)
- Anurag(30), Aavish (27), Aanya(24) ( Children of Sumedh and Sumitra)
- Subhash Kothari(52) and Naina Kothari(50) (Second son and daughter in law of Hiren and Lata)
- Saanya(22) and Sanmit(25) (Subhash and Naina’s children)
- Sumit Kothari(49) and Tripti Kothari(46) ( 3rd son and daughter in law of Hiren and Lata)
- Vedant(20), Vishaka(17) and Varun(14) ( Sumit and Tripti’s children)
- Som Kothari(46) and Urmi Kothari(40) (Youngest son and daughter in law of Lata and Hiren)
- Dviti(15) (Som and Urmi’s only child)
- Kashish (21) (Gardener Sanjay’s daughter. Sanjay and his wife are no more in this world. Kashish is an orphan)
- Kaamini (50) (Distant aunt of Kashish who lives with Kashish in the outhouse of Kothari Mansion)
- Rajesh Verma (54) (Business Partner and friend of Sumedh Kothari)
- Tanaya Verma (27) (Rajesh Verma’s daughter)
- Chaitanya Guruji (Passed away)(He was the family’s Guruji)
- Lakshya Guruji (53)(Chaitanya Guruji’s son who is now the family’s Guruji).
- Mushtaque Khan: Cop and Anurag’s friend.
- Saanchi: Mushtaque’s wife
- Mehek: Mushtaque’s daughter
- Abhay: Mushtaque’s team member
- Sofia: Mushtaque’s team member
- Latika: Househelp
- Sara Khanna: Employee at Kothari Industries/Enterprise
- Nihaar Jagtap: Employee at Kothari Industries/Enterprise
- Akshit Puri: Friend of Kashish/Classmate
- Nishi Sharma: Friend of Kashish/Classmate
- Santosh: Househelp at Kotharis
- Namit : Cook at the guesthouse
- Inspector Sohum : Mushtaque’s team member in Shankarnagar
Mushtaque reached Shankarnagar. The guesthouse he was staying in was a huge one. The cook Namit came out to greet him. Mushtaque had a backpack, and a bottle of water. That’s all the luggage he had. Namit showed Mushtaque the most comfortable room in the house. The room had a king size bed with cozy blankets and cushy pillows. The beige curtains adorning the windows gave the room a plush look. The paintings on the wall enhanced the artistry of the room further. Mushtaque kept his bag and went out to the verandah to make a call to the head office. He called up Inspector Sohum. Inspector Sohum received the call.
Mushtaque: I am here in Shankarnagar. I will be there at the police station by 7:00 a.m.
Sohum: We have the things ready.
Mushtaque: Good. Get the team ready. We will discuss rest of the things tomorrow.
After talking to his team member, Mushtaque called Anurag. Anurag’s phone was unreachable. Mushtaque told himself, ‘Maybe he is still driving.’ Mushtaque then called Saanchi.
Saanchi: Reached safely?
Mushtaque: Yes baby. All good there?
Saanchi: Yes sweetheart.
Mushtaque: I miss you girls.
Saanchi: We know that.
Mushtaque: Then why didn’t you girls join me?
Saanchi(giggling): Because your work trips are super boring.
Mushtaque: Aha? Really?
Saanchi(laughing): Yes really.
Mushtaque: Alright, we will see about that once I am home. Now give me my kiss before I hang up.
Saanchi(giggling): Mehek is here.
Mushtaque: I am not going to hang up till I get that.
Saanchi: Muaahhhh.
Mushtaque: Good girl. Thank you. I love you.
Saanchi (Blushing): I love you too.
Anurag and Sara reached a huge mansion. Sara said, ‘You can park the car at the garage over there. Meanwhile I will call someone to get the luggage.’ Anurag nodded, ‘Okay!’ As Sara left, Anurag drove the car to the garage. He parked the car and then came to the mansion. Sara had gone inside to get someone. Anurag dialed Kashish’s number. Her phone was switched off. Anurag was worried. Had Kashish deliberately switched off her phone? Why was she avoiding him? Was she safe? As he was about to call her again, his phone rang. It was from Mushtaque. Anurag smiled on seeing the number. He received the call.
Anurag: Hey buddy, I was just thinking about you.
Mushtaque: See, think of the devil and the devil is here.
Anurag(laughing): You? Devil? Naah. You are messiah.
Mushtaque: He he. By the way where are you?
Anurag: I reached Shankarnagar few minutes ago.
Mushtaque: Cool. Where in Shankarnagar?
Anurag(Looking around): There is this place called Sagar Villa. Ummm….there is nothing much around the villa except for a huge field and some huts little away.
Mushtaque: Hmm. Can we meet now?
Anurag: Yes. Why not?
Mushtaque: Cool! You want to come to my place or shall I come there and pick you up?
Anurag: Well, actually this my friend’s place. I might as well come to your place. Send me your location pin. I will come.
Mushtaque: Cool. However, Anurag, please, don’t tell anyone that you are coming to meet me. I am here for some official stuff and people should not know that I am here. You can tell them that you are coming to meet a friend. Just, don’t mention my name.
Anurag: Sure champ. See you.
Just then Sara came out. A house help accompanied her. Sara told Anurag, ‘Welcome to my parents home Anurag. Please come in.’ Anurag said, ‘Sara, ….you know what…..I need to step out to get some medicines. I have not been feeling well because of this long drive. Is there any medical store near by?’ Sara replied with concern, ‘Oh dear! What medicines do you need? I will send someone to get those. You won’t find any pharmacy close by. You have to go to the city.’ Anurag replied, ‘That’s okay Sara. I will manage. Just let me know where can I find a pharmacy.’ Sara said, ‘Oh okay! On the maps option, just put city centre Shankarnagar. You will get a pharmacy there. But be here before dinner time.’ Anurag said, ‘Sure Sara! I will be back soon.’
Anurag drove to the location Mushtaque gave. Seeing Anurag’s car Mushtaque came to welcome him. Anurag hugged Mushtaque and said, ‘So nice to see you Mushtaque.’ Mushtaque replied elated, ‘Same here dude. Come, let’s sit comfortably inside and talk.’
Anurag and Mushtaque sat comfortably in the living room. The cook brought some snacks and tea. Mushtaque then asked Anurag, ‘So, how come you are here in Shankarnagar?’ Munching onto some snacks Anurag said, ‘Well, I am not supposed to say this but then with you secrets are safe. I guess I can tell you this.’ Mushtaque looking at Anurag perplexed, ‘Secret?’ Anurag smiled and said, ‘Not really a secret. Actually a colleague of mine named Sara needed my help. She is a single mother and apparently her child is with her parents and they are not willing to let Sara take care of the child because they feel she is not financially stable and responsible. Hence she wanted me to come and talk to her parents as I am her employer.’ Sipping tea, Mushtaque said, ‘That’s interesting. And why would they listen to you?’ Anurag replied nonchalantly, ‘I don’t know. Maybe Sara feels that I can assure her parents that her job is secured.’ Mushtaque smiled and said, ‘Really?’ Anurag said, ‘Why? You don’t think so?’ Mushtaque laughed and said, ‘Anurag, the child is with Sara’s parents and why would her own parents not let her take the child? I don’t know I find this little weird.’ Anurag nodded and said, ‘Even I am confused but she requested so much that I could not say no.’ Mushtaque said, ‘ It’s okay. Atleast that way we could meet. By the way, how is Kashish?’ Anurag’s expressions changed suddenly. He became sad. Mushtaque asked, ‘All okay Anurag?’. Anurag shook his head gently and said, ‘No. Something is wrong. Kashish and I have not been talking since the last few days.’ Mushtaque asked concerned, ‘But why?’ Anurag got up from the couch and said, ‘I don’t know. Lately, she has been avoiding me. She tries to escape meeting me. She does not want to talk to me, she does not receive my calls and today her phone has been unreachable through out. Maybe she has switched off her phone.’ Mushtaque nodded, ‘Hmm. And you don’t know why?’ Anurag replied, ‘No. She never answered my questions. Something was troubling her.’ Mushtaque thought for a while and said, ‘Think Anurag, think. Is there some other woman in your life whom Kashish is somewhat insecure about? Can it be some colleague? For example this lady with whom you have come to Shankarnagar?’ Anurag looked at Mushtaque surprised, ‘Sara? Sara is just a team member. How could she be the reason for Kashish not talking to me?’ Mushtaque patted Anurag’s shoulder and said, ‘Well, “you” know that Sara is a colleague and nothing else. But does Kashish know that? Moreover you came all the way to Shankarnagar to help her. Kashish might have questions on this. Did you even tell Kashish about Sara? ’ Anurag replied, ‘But I know Kashish. She knows me well. She knows if I had to have any relation with anyone, I would have done it. I wouldn’t have chosen her. She knows I love her.’ Mushtaque thought for a while and said, ‘Well, Kashish knows that but you know there could be some questions in her mind…’ Anurag interrupted, ‘I felt so and hence I tried asking. But she evaded my questions.’ Mushtaque said thoughtfully, ‘Anurag, Kashish is way younger to you. She is not as mature as you. If she was avoiding you, you should have asked her assertively. Nonetheless, it’s not late now. Try calling her again.’ Anurag called Kashish’s number, ‘It was unreachable.’ Anurag told Mushtaque, ‘Her phone is switched off.’ Mushtaque said, ‘Try calling her at the landline number of your home.’ Anurag called the landline number. Someone answered the call. Anurag asked, ‘Is Kashish home as yet?’ The person replied, ‘Yes she is. She is in her room …..’ Anurag said, ‘Can you call……’ Before Anurag could talk further, the line went dead. Anurag told Mushtaque, ‘Poor connection. Kashish is in her room.’ Mushtaque said, ‘Hmm. But why is her phone switched off? I mean she could just not receive your call. She does not have to switch off her phone.’ Anurag replied worried, ‘That’s what. Why is she doing that?’
Sara told the people in the house, ‘Anurag will be here any moment. The whole idea is to make him stay in Shankarnagar for some days till the major task is done. I will pay you well.’ Just then Sara’s phone rang. The person at the other end said, ‘Where is Anurag?’ Sara said, ‘He….he was with me. He just went out to get medicines…’ The person said, ‘He tried reaching Kashish. Did you know that? You are not getting a single penny if he gets in touch with Kashish…..’
Kashish felt a pounding pain on her head. She opened her eyes and looked around. It was dark. She tried to get up. Her whole body was aching. She pushed herself and stood up. She was scared. It was pitch dark. She called out Akshit, ‘Akshit! Akshit! Where are you?’ Trying to find her way in the dark, she walked slowly. Suddenly she stumbled upon something, tripped and fell down. She touched it. It was a gun. She threw it aside and walked ahead. She again tripped on something and fell down. She went closer to see. It was a dead body with blood oozing from the head. She screamed. It was Akshit.
To be continued………………