Chaahat Episode 3

Rhituparna Chakraborty
9 min readJun 15, 2021




A sequel to ‘Dosh’






For those who have not read ‘Dosh’, here are the links:

Link for previous chapter/chapters: #doshepisode1 , #DoshEpisode1, #DoshEpisode2, #DoshEpisode2, #DoshEpisode3, #doshepisode3, #DoshEpisode4, #doshepisode4, #DoshEpisode5, #doshepisode5, #DoshEpisode6, #doshepisode6, #DoshEpisode7, #doshepisode7, #DoshEpisode8, #doshepisode8, #DoshEpisodeBonus, #doshepisodebonus, #DoshEpisode9, #doshepisodebonus9, #DoshEpisode9, #DoshEpisode10

Link for previous chapter/chapters of ‘Chaahat’: #ChaahatEpisode1, #chaahatepisode1, #ChaahatEpisode2, #chaahatepisode2

#Author: #RhituparnaChakraborty

#Disclaimer: This is an original work of fiction with no relation to any person/organism living or dead. Every episode, every character is a work of imagination. Any resemblance to any person, organism, place or character is purely coincidental. There is no intention to hurt or rebuke anyone through this work. This story/episode cannot be copied, published or reproduced without the permission of the author RhituparnaChakraborty.


  1. Hiren Kothari, Lata Kothari (Hiren Kothari passed away. Lata Kothari (Passed away)
  2. Sumedh Kothari (55 years old), Sumitra Kothari(53 years old)(Eldest son and daughter in law of Hiren and Lata)
  3. Anurag(30), Aavish (27), Aanya(24) ( Children of Sumedh and Sumitra)
  4. Subhash Kothari(52) and Naina Kothari(50) (Second son and daughter in law of Hiren and Lata)
  5. Saanya(22) and Sanmit(25) (Subhash and Naina’s children)
  6. Sumit Kothari(49) and Tripti Kothari(46) ( 3rd son and daughter in law of Hiren and Lata)
  7. Vedant(20), Vishaka(17) and Varun(14) ( Sumit and Tripti’s children)
  8. Som Kothari(46) and Urmi Kothari(40) (Youngest son and daughter in law of Lata and Hiren)
  9. Dviti(15) (Som and Urmi’s only child)
  10. Kashish (21) (Gardener Sanjay’s daughter. Sanjay and his wife are no more in this world. Kashish is an orphan)
  11. Kaamini (50) (Distant aunt of Kashish who lives with Kashish in the outhouse of Kothari Mansion)
  12. Rajesh Verma (54) (Business Partner and friend of Sumedh Kothari)
  13. Tanaya Verma (27) (Rajesh Verma’s daughter)
  14. Chaitanya Guruji (Passed away)(He was the family’s Guruji)
  15. Lakshya Guruji (53)(Chaitanya Guruji’s son who is now the family’s Guruji).
  16. Mushtaque Khan: Cop and Anurag’s friend.
  17. Saanchi: Mushtaque’s wife
  18. Mehek: Mushtaque’s daughter
  19. Abhay: Mushtaque’s team member
  20. Sofia: Mushtaque’s team member
  21. Latika: Househelp
  22. Sara Khanna: Employee at Kothari Industries/Enterprise
  23. Nihaar Jagtap: Employee at Kothari Industries/Enterprise
  24. Akshit Puri: Friend of Kashish/Classmate
  25. Nishi Sharma: Friend of Kashish/Classmate


Anurag woke up with a start. He looked at his watch. It was 6:30 a.m. ‘Damn’, he thought. ‘How worried everyone would be at home! Kashish must be trying my phone number and I did not even bother to charge it. I have to leave now’, saying this to himself, Anurag quickly got off the bed and was about to leave when Sara came out of the kitchen with a cup of tea. Sara looked at Anurag and said, ‘Hope you slept well. How is your headache now?’ Anurag brushed his hair with his fingers and said, ‘I am fine Sara. Thank you! I need to leave now.’ Sara said, ‘Sure Anurag. But, have some tea and go.’ Anurag said, ‘No, thank you. I really need to rush.’ Sara smiled and said, ‘Okay! Drive safe. See you in the office.’

Kashish was making breakfast in the kitchen. Her mind was racing. Anurag had not come home the entire night. Aavish had also not come. Maybe both the brothers were in office working. Kashish had tried calling Anurag in the morning too but his phone was not reachable. As she was consumed in her own thoughts, suddenly someone came and kissed her neck. The vessel of milk she was holding almost fell. She gasped and turned around. It was Anurag. He smiled and said, ‘Easy! It’s me.’ Kashish breathed a sigh of relief. Anurag looked at Kashish and said, ‘You won’t ask me where was I last night.’ Kashish moved her head from left to right and said softly, ‘No.’ Anurag wrapped his arms around Kashish’s shoulder, looked at her eyes and said, ‘Why not?’ Kashish blushed and said, ‘Because that is not important. You are home, safe, that is important.’ Anurag looked at Kashish, pulled her closer and kissed her forehead and said, ‘I love you.’ Kashish blushed. Anurag whispered, ‘You keep on blushing and smiling, but will never kiss me back. Right?’. Kashish smiled again. Anurag held Kashish’s face cupping his hands and said, ‘I will be back after a shower. I am starving.’ Kashish replied, ‘Breakfast is ready. Come soon.’

Anurag took a quick shower and came downstairs in a pair of faded denim trousers, a collared t shirt. He had to rush to office as well. Aavish just arrived from office. Seeing him, Anurag said, ‘Aavish, you get some sleep today. Come to office by evening. Meanwhile, I will manage things at office.’ Aavish gestured with a thumbs up and said, ‘Okay Bhai. Anyway I am exhausted to the core. Need some sleep.’

One by one everyone came to the dining table for breakfast. At the dining table, Sumedh asked Anurag, ‘Son, where were you last night?’. Before Anurag could say something Subhash interrupted and said, ‘Sumedh Bhai, did I tell you, we are on with the new project and our boys are really working hard. Anurag, Aavish, Sara and Nihaar are leading the project. Yesterday was very busy. I came home early, but these four stayed back.’ Sumedh replied ecstatically, ‘Bravo! Proud of you all. I am sure this project will create wonders in the digital market.’ Naina growled and said bitterly, ‘Oh yes, everyone in the Kothari family will make merry while one kid from the family is in jail.’ Subhash looked at Naina and whispered to her, ‘Mind your language lady.’ Naina snarled, clenched her teeth and said, ‘To hell with you and to hell with everyone.’

Sumitra had not come downstairs for any meal since she came home. She did not have the heart to face anyone. Whatever she did in the past, she did all of it for her family, for her son and she came in the bad books of everyone. Everyone hated her, or so she felt. While she was lost in these thoughts, Kashish came to her room with breakfast. Sumitra said, ‘Don’t you have to go to college? You could have asked Latika or some other househelp to bring the food.’ Kashish said, ‘It’s okay Ma’am. Doesn’t matter who brought the food. What matters is you should eat on time and eat well.’ After putting the tray of food on the table, Kashish went ahead to make the bed. While eating, Sumitra said affectionately, ‘The parathas are super soft. Anurag and Aavish have always loved parathas since childhood. Aanya was always a fussy eater…..’ While listening to Sumitra, Kashish smiled and continued making the bed. Chewing some morsels from the plate, Sumitra asked Kashish nonchalantly, ‘Did Anurag have dinner last night? Aavish told me that he could not have proper dinner last night because he was at office. However, though it was late, Anurag was home at least, he shouldn’t have skipped dinner.’ Kashish looked at Sumitra confused. Anurag was not home last night and he was probably in office. Then what is Sumitra talking about?

After cleaning Sumitra’s room, Kashish went to her room. She picked her bag and went to the bus stop. She knew Anurag was tired and she did not want him to drop her to college today. She did not think much about what Sumitra said in the room. She prayed that the bus arrived early today so that she could leave before Anurag came to pick her. Thankfully, the moment she reached the bus stop, the bus arrived. She quickly boarded the bus and left for her college.

Anurag hastily had his breakfast and looked for Kashish. He knew she did not like troubling him to drop her to college. He looked at his watch. ‘She must have already left the bus stop by now’, he told himself. He thought, ‘When will Kashish ever be comfortable asking me to fulfil her needs, her dreams. Why is she so shy, so nice and so kind.’ Smiling to himself, Anurag thought, ‘I must have done something nice to get someone like her in my life.’

Anurag boarded his car and drove to work. He knew once he reached work, he might get way too busy and he would not get time to talk to Kashish. Hence he thought of calling her at lunch time.

At office, everyone was busy. Sara was already working with Nihaar. Seeing Anurag, Nihaar said, ‘Hey, Good Morning!’ Sara too said, ‘Heya Anurag.’ Anurag waved at both and came and sat beside them. He took out his laptop and settled down to work. Dressed in a body hugging pink knee length skirt and a plain white formal top Sara looked gorgeous today. A pair of beige stilettos embraced her feet making her look stunning. Although Nihaar was trying to focus in his work, he kept on stealing glances at Sara. He always had a soft corner for Sara. However Sara somehow never showed any inclination towards him. Sara had dusky skin texture. She was tall, around 5 feet 11 inches tall. She had wavy burgundy hair. She could turn heads. She really cuts a dash in her demeanor.

At around 1:30 p.m., Anurag was thoroughly engrossed in his work when Sara said, ‘Lunch?’ Without looking at Sara, Anurag said, ‘You guys go ahead. I will join in sometime. I need to make a call.’ Sara said, ‘Sure!’ Sara then told Nihaar, ‘Come on Nihaar. How much will you work?’ Nihaar laughed and said, ‘Oh dear! I am always free for you.’ All of them laughed. Nihaar and Sara then went for lunch.

Kashish, Nishi and Akshit went to the cafeteria in college during the lunch break. Kashish and Nishi went to wash their hands while Akshit stayed back. Kashish had kept her phone on the table. That’s when Anurag called Kashish. Kashish’s phone rang. Akshit saw the name flashing on the screen. ‘Anurag Sir’. Akshit felt something was brewing between Anurag and Kashish. His blood boiled with envy and rage. He immediately disconnected the phone. Anurag was taken aback. Kashish never disconnected the phone. Was she upset with him? But, she was fine in the morning. Maybe she was with her friends. Nonetheless, Anurag thought, he could always talk to her once he was home. At this point, he had to get back to work.

Kashish came to the cafeteria table. She saw a missed call from Anurag. She was about to call him back when Akshit said, ‘Kashish, we are late for the next class. Please make your calls later. Let’s eat lunch fast. We have to take a test as well today.’ Kashish thought Akshit was right. The test was important and she was hungry. Moreover, Anurag must be working now. She can always talk to him once she was home.

Tonight too there were back to back meetings in office. The clients were from abroad and hence Anurag and his team had to stay back till 12:00 a.m. Kashish, as always, finished her household chores and was back in her room finishing her assignments. She was worried Anurag was late today as well. She hesitated, but then dialed his number. Anurag and Nihaar were in a different room attending a client call. The phone was in the room where Sara was working. As Anurag’s phone rang, Sara saw the name ‘Kashish’ flashing on the screen. Sara deliberately received the call and said in a sexy voice, ‘Hello!’. Kashish was confused. Did she dial a wrong number? Perplexed, Kashish disconnected the call. Sara smiled to herself.

Kashish checked the number again. Yes, she had dialed Anurag’s number. Who had received the call then? Where is Anurag? Why is he so late from work nowadays? Who is that girl?’ As Kashish was absorbed in these thoughts, her phone rang. She looked at it excitedly hoping it was from Anurag. But no. It was from Akshit. Kashish reluctantly received the call and said, ‘Why do you call me so late at night Akshit?’ Akshit smirked and said, ‘Why? You are anyway awake? Or were you waiting for someone else to call you?’ Kashish said sharply, ‘Why did you call me? Anything important?’

While Kashish was talking to Akshit, Anurag saw Kashish’s call log on his phone. He was surprised why was it not a missed call? Did someone receive the call? No one was in the room. As he tried calling back, he found Kashish’s phone busy. He wondered who would she be talking to at this hour? Kashish saw Anurag’s incoming call on her phone. She immediately disconnected Akshit’s call and tried calling Anurag back but Anurag had one more client call so he missed Kashish’s call again.

Dejected Kashish tried to sleep when she heard a beep on her phone. It was from an unknown number. There was a message. The message said, ‘Anurag will be in trouble soon if you don’t leave him. Stay away from him. Will send you evidence that can put him in trouble. ’

To be continued……………………………….



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