Chaahat Episode 16

Rhituparna Chakraborty
7 min readJul 16, 2021




A sequel to ‘Dosh’






For those who have not read ‘Dosh’, here are the links:

Link for previous chapter/chapters: #doshepisode1 , #DoshEpisode1, #DoshEpisode2, #DoshEpisode2, #DoshEpisode3, #doshepisode3, #DoshEpisode4, #doshepisode4, #DoshEpisode5, #doshepisode5, #DoshEpisode6, #doshepisode6, #DoshEpisode7, #doshepisode7, #DoshEpisode8, #doshepisode8, #DoshEpisodeBonus, #doshepisodebonus, #DoshEpisode9, #doshepisodebonus9, #DoshEpisode9, #DoshEpisode10

Link for previous chapter/chapters of ‘Chaahat’: #ChaahatEpisode1, #chaahatepisode1, #ChaahatEpisode2, #chaahatepisode2, #ChaahatEpisode3, #chaahatepisode3, #ChaahatEpisode4, #chaahatepisode4, #ChaahatEpisode5, #chaahatepisode5, #ChaahatEpisode6, #chaahatepisode6, #ChaahatEpisodeBonus, #chaahatepisodeBonus, #ChaahatEpisode7, #chaahatepisode7, #ChaahatEpisode8, #chaahatepisode8, #ChaahatEpisode9,#chaahatepisode9, #ChaahatEpisode10,#chaahatepisode10, #ChaahatEpisode11, #chaahatepisode11, #ChaahatEpisode12, #chaahatepisode12, #ChaahatEpisode13, #chaahatepisode13, #ChaahatEpisode14, #chaahatepisode14, #ChaahatEpisode15, #chaahatepisode15

#Author: #RhituparnaChakraborty

#Disclaimer: This is an original work of fiction with no relation to any person/organism living or dead. Every episode, every character is a work of imagination. Any resemblance to any person, organism, place or character is purely coincidental. There is no intention to hurt or rebuke anyone through this work. This story/episode cannot be copied, published or reproduced without the permission of the author RhituparnaChakraborty.

Anurag looked at the clock beside his bed. It was 5:00 a.m. He had not slept a wink. He rubbed his eyes and sat up on his bed. Earlier, waking up early in the morning meant seeing Kashish downstairs, either studying for her exams, or, if there were no exams, she would be in the kitchen. Sometimes when Anurag would go for his run early in the morning, Kashish would be fast asleep in her room. Anurag would open the door of her room gently and look at her. She would look like an angel sleeping peacefully lost in the world of her dreams. Anurag would put the blanket properly on her and would tip toe out of her room without disturbing her. He loved it when she got some sleep. He could see her working and studying round the clock. She slept barely for 5 hours a day. Anurag would always tell her to get at least 8 hours of sleep, maybe sleep a little early or else take a nap after coming from college. But Kashish would not listen. A nap after college means delaying her assignments and sleeping early means Anurag would have to serve dinner on his own because he usually came home late from work. Anurag did not want Kashish to wait for him. But Kashish loved to wait for Anurag. That was the only time she got to spend some quality time with him. Anurag knew this was all a dream now. Kashish was not there in this home now. He knew Kashish very well. Her self respect meant everything for her. He knew she still loved him but once she decides something she would stick to it. Anurag got off his bed, freshened up, donned his pair of jogging track pants, trousers and shoes, put on his head phones and went for his run. His eyes depicted his pain and told a story of moments spent with Kashish.


Mushtaque woke up. He looked at his phone. It was 5:30 a.m. Time for his work out. He might as well go for his run. Saanchi was coming today. He would be done with his workout by 7 and then after freshening up, he would ask his cook in the guesthouse to make Saanchi’s favourite breakfast. Well, had it been home, Mushtaque would have made breakfast for Saanchi. Well, he could think of Saanchi forever. One mission had brought her close to him. He could still remember what condition she was in. Her frail vulnerable self and how he had brought her safe and sound out of that mess and how love bloomed. He missed Saanchi. He could not wait for her to be with him. Mushtaque quickly got ready and went to the gym in the guesthouse. He wore a pair of black baggy work out trousers and a sleeveless gym t shirt. His biceps were as strong and prominent as ever. His flat abdomen, broad chest, long sturdy legs, made him look as handsome as ever. Mushtaque started with basic stretching and then went ahead with cardio exercises followed by weight training.


After coming back from his run, Anurag went for shower and got ready for office. He wore a plain light purple shirt and a pair of grey formal trousers. He combed his hair, wore his favourite Armani perfume, well that’s the fragrance Kashish loved and then went ahead to wear his pair of derbies. Fit as ever, Anurag looked dapper, but his eyes narrated a different story. Well, his sunglasses will hide that.


Kashish made breakfast and then got the lunch boxes ready for Nishi and herself. While making breakfast she missed Anurag all the more, because that was the time when he would sneak into the kitchen just to see her, sometimes grab her waist and kiss her. It was not going to be easy. Forgetting Anurag was impossible but moving on without him was something she had to make possible. This is what she had decided and now she was not going to change it.

Nishi cleaned the house and was about to go for shower when she received a message. It was from Aavish. The chat that followed:

Aavish: Hi! Good Morning!

Nishi: Good Morning!

Aavish: So, what’s the plan? When can we meet?

Nishi: One of our teachers won’t be taking the last class today. So after 4 pm, we can meet anytime.

Aavish: 6 pm works?

Nishi: Yes.

Aavish: Okay, is Cafe Romz convenient for you?

Nishi: Yes.

Aavish: Cool then. See you at 6 pm.

Nishi: But then Kashish will be all by herself at home. She is already disturbed. I don’t feel like leaving her alone.

Aavish: She won’t be alone.

Nishi: I did not understand.

Aavish: Will tell you everything once we meet. Please send your address.

Nishi: My address? Please don’t come to pick me up. If Kashish sees you she might think we are planning something.

Aavish: Don’t worry. The address is for some other reason. Please text me.

Nishi: Okay.


After his shower Mushtaque wore a pair of black denim trousers and a white v-necked tshirt. He then wore his all time favorite cologne. Just then the door bell rang. He knew it was Saanchi. The caretaker was about to go out and check, but Mushtaque said, ‘I will go and see, it’s okay.’ Mushtaque went out and yes it was Saanchi. She stood there bag and baggage and the moment she saw Mushtaque, she ran to hug him. Mushtaque could not stop smiling. He grabbed her and hugged her tight, lifting her and then moving her around. Oh yes Mushtaque was strong and Saanchi was a little girl in front of him. Saanchi wrapped her arms around Mushtaque’s shoulders and laughed like a little girl. She said, ‘Now now, get me off here. I will fall down.’ Mushtaque gently carried her and made her sit on the couch. Saanchi whispered, ‘The caretaker, the cook, all of them were shocked for some moments when they saw us. I am so embarrassed.’ Mushtaque went closer to her and said softly, ‘Well, I was just being happy with my wife. What’s there to be embarrassed about there?’ Saanchi replied, ‘Shhh….someone is coming.’ Mushtaque turned around. It was the cook. The cook asked, ‘Sir, should I serve breakfast?’ Saanchi replied, ‘In another 15 minutes. I will quickly freshen up and come.’ The cook left. Mushtaque looked at Saanchi with naughty eyes and whispered, ‘Come, I will give you a bath today.’ Saanchi blushed, pushed Mushtaque gently and said, ‘No chance’. Mushtaque said looking at her eyes, ‘And you think I will listen to you?’ Saanchi wanted to walk past Mushtaque with her shy eyes but Mushtaque blocked her way like a huge wall and gently held her hand and took her to his room.


Aavish kept on checking the time every 10 minutes. Anurag noticed that several times however he did not say anything. Some hours passed by and during lunch, when Aavish checked the time again, Anurag asked, ‘All okay? Do you have to go somewhere?’ Aavish replied, ‘N…no….I mean yes…..a friend of mine has called me over for coffee.’ Anurag asked, ‘What time?’ Aavish replied, ‘ 6 p.m.?’ Anurag said, ‘It’s just 1:30 p.m. now.’ Aavish was jittery. He replied, ‘Y…yes.’ Aavish then said, ‘Bhai?’ Anurag replied nonchalantly, ‘ Yes?’ Aavish hesitated and said, ‘Ummm, Kashish did not take her books and clothes with her. I had asked Latika to pack some clothes of Kashish and her books. I could have delivered those to Nishi’s home, but I have to meet a friend today. So….’ Anurag replied without looking at Aavish, ‘Kashish would need the books and clothes.’ He then looked at Aavish and said, ‘Mushtaque would have Nishi’s address. I will get it from him and will go and deliver the stuff at Nishi’s place.’ Aavish said, ‘I have the address too. I will text you.’ Anurag looked at Aavish puzzled and said, ‘How did you get Nishi’s address.’ Groping for words, Aavish said, ‘Uh..huh….well, Mushtaque, Mushtaque had given me the address.’ Anurag did not say anything. Aavish told himself, ‘Pheww, that was close. But this is what I wanted. While I met Nishi, Bhai would be meeting Kashish with no one to disturb them.’


Saanchi fixed her messy hair and cleaned the lipstick stain on Mushtaque’s cheeks and then put her head on Mushtaque’s chest and said, ‘It’s lunch time now. Thanks to you, we missed breakfast.’ Mushtaque brushed Saanchi’s silky hair and said, ‘Well, didn’t you like this breakfast date with me cozy in our room?’ Saanchi laughed, looked at Mushtaque and said, ‘Who wouldn’t love such romantic breakfast dates with such a handsome husband. But I am ravenously hungry now.’ Mushtaque sat up on the bed and said, ‘Well, at your service ma’am. I will ask the cook to serve lunch. You get ready. I can’t let my love starve. Saying that Mushtaque kissed Saanchi’s forehead and took his phone and called the cook. Saanchi went ahead to get ready. While getting ready, she asked, ‘So, when am I meeting Kashish and Anurag?’ Mushtaque replied with a note of disappointment, ‘Well, things are not great between Kashish and Anurag.’ Saanchi asked concerned, ‘Why? What happened?’ Mushtaque told Saanchi everything. Saanchi sighed and said, ‘This is not right. They should be together.’ Mushtaque replied, ‘Yes sweets. But, how?’ Saanchi went near Mushtaque and said, ‘My husband will find a way.’ Mushtaque laughed. Saanchi looked at Mushtaque with love in her eyes and said, ‘I love you.’


To be continued……………………



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