Chaahat Episode 6

Rhituparna Chakraborty
7 min readJun 20, 2021




A sequel to ‘Dosh’






For those who have not read ‘Dosh’, here are the links:

Link for previous chapter/chapters: #doshepisode1 , #DoshEpisode1, #DoshEpisode2, #DoshEpisode2, #DoshEpisode3, #doshepisode3, #DoshEpisode4, #doshepisode4, #DoshEpisode5, #doshepisode5, #DoshEpisode6, #doshepisode6, #DoshEpisode7, #doshepisode7, #DoshEpisode8, #doshepisode8, #DoshEpisodeBonus, #doshepisodebonus, #DoshEpisode9, #doshepisodebonus9, #DoshEpisode9, #DoshEpisode10

Link for previous chapter/chapters of ‘Chaahat’: #ChaahatEpisode1, #chaahatepisode1, #ChaahatEpisode2, #chaahatepisode2, #ChaahatEpisode3, #chaahatepisode3, #ChaahatEpisode4, #chaahatepisode4, #ChaahatEpisode5, #chaahatepisode5

#Author: #RhituparnaChakraborty

#Disclaimer: This is an original work of fiction with no relation to any person/organism living or dead. Every episode, every character is a work of imagination. Any resemblance to any person, organism, place or character is purely coincidental. There is no intention to hurt or rebuke anyone through this work. This story/episode cannot be copied, published or reproduced without the permission of the author RhituparnaChakraborty.


  1. Hiren Kothari, Lata Kothari (Hiren Kothari passed away. Lata Kothari (Passed away)
  2. Sumedh Kothari (55 years old), Sumitra Kothari(53 years old)(Eldest son and daughter in law of Hiren and Lata)
  3. Anurag(30), Aavish (27), Aanya(24) ( Children of Sumedh and Sumitra)
  4. Subhash Kothari(52) and Naina Kothari(50) (Second son and daughter in law of Hiren and Lata)
  5. Saanya(22) and Sanmit(25) (Subhash and Naina’s children)
  6. Sumit Kothari(49) and Tripti Kothari(46) ( 3rd son and daughter in law of Hiren and Lata)
  7. Vedant(20), Vishaka(17) and Varun(14) ( Sumit and Tripti’s children)
  8. Som Kothari(46) and Urmi Kothari(40) (Youngest son and daughter in law of Lata and Hiren)
  9. Dviti(15) (Som and Urmi’s only child)
  10. Kashish (21) (Gardener Sanjay’s daughter. Sanjay and his wife are no more in this world. Kashish is an orphan)
  11. Kaamini (50) (Distant aunt of Kashish who lives with Kashish in the outhouse of Kothari Mansion)
  12. Rajesh Verma (54) (Business Partner and friend of Sumedh Kothari)
  13. Tanaya Verma (27) (Rajesh Verma’s daughter)
  14. Chaitanya Guruji (Passed away)(He was the family’s Guruji)
  15. Lakshya Guruji (53)(Chaitanya Guruji’s son who is now the family’s Guruji).
  16. Mushtaque Khan: Cop and Anurag’s friend.
  17. Saanchi: Mushtaque’s wife
  18. Mehek: Mushtaque’s daughter
  19. Abhay: Mushtaque’s team member
  20. Sofia: Mushtaque’s team member
  21. Latika: Househelp
  22. Sara Khanna: Employee at Kothari Industries/Enterprise
  23. Nihaar Jagtap: Employee at Kothari Industries/Enterprise
  24. Akshit Puri: Friend of Kashish/Classmate
  25. Nishi Sharma: Friend of Kashish/Classmate
  26. Santosh: Househelp at Kotharis

Kashish did not want to come out of her room. She was afraid, Anurag and rest of the family would figure out that something was wrong if they saw her swollen, moist eyes, red nose and tired face. They would all know that she was trying to hide something. What would she tell them? And Anurag? What would she tell him? That he cheated on her? And that if she told him any of this someone will leak his pictures and video? Anurag knocked at Kashish’s door. Kashish knew if she kept on avoiding Anurag this way, Anurag will certainly confront her and then she would have no way but to tell him the truth. And if the person who was sending her all the texts come to know about it, he/she will harm Anurag. Quickly wiping her tears, Kashish washed her face, patted it dry and opened the door. Anurag said, ‘All okay Kashish? I have been trying to reach you, talk to you……’ Trying to hide all her feelings, she said, ‘I….I am sorry Anurag Sir! Actually…..I did not do well in the exams and I am shattered……….’, saying that she almost broke down. Anurag hugged her and said, ‘Oh come on Kashish! Exams don’t define life. Here I was hell worried what had happened.’ Kashish quickly pulled herself away from Anurag and said, ‘Sir…. for me these exams are very important……’, saying that, before her emotions came back to stifle her, she said, ‘I will get tea for you.’ Anurag said with love in his eyes, ‘I don’t need tea now. You go and get some rest. I will ask Latika to make tea for you.’ Kashish interrupted, ‘No Sir, I will make….’ Anurag said, ‘Go and get some rest.’

Anurag however was not convinced with the reasons Kashish gave for her behaviour. There was something else. He went to his room trying to figure out what was happening. As he walked towards his room, Sumitra saw him. She called out, ‘Son!’ Anurag had been talking in monosyllables with Sumitra. But today he wanted to spend time with her. He wanted to talk to her. Anurag went to Sumitra’s room. Sumitra was sitting on her bed. Anurag knelt beside Sumitra and put his head on her lap. Tears welled up in Sumitra’s eyes. She brushed Anurag’s head and said, ‘Is everything okay?’ Anurag said somberly, ‘Yes Maa. Just that I hadn’t talked to you in ages. I am…..I am sorry……’ Sumitra smiled and said, ‘Why are you sorry? I was never upset with you.’ Anurag sat up, held his mom’s hands and said, ‘I never meant to hurt you Maa but…..’ Sumitra held Anurag’s face with her hands and said, ‘You never hurt me son. No son can ever hurt his mom.’

Akshit had always liked Kashish. Since the day he saw her in college. He had fallen in love with her. But Kashish never had any inclination towards him or any one else in college. College life for her was all about her books and her dream of getting a secured job. Akshit did all he could for Kashish. Be it getting photocopies of notes or good food. He knew that Kashish was an ordinary house help in the Kothari mansion. But she deserved more. He wanted to give her a life she deserves with all the love and respect under the sun. Akshit lived with his grandparents. His parents lived in village. They had huge fertile fields where they grew rice, wheat. They had orchards of fruits and flourishing farms of vegetables. Akshit was the only child of his parents. Akshit knew if Kashish came to his life, he would give her the life of a queen.

Akshit was extremely disturbed when he had a premonition of Kashish being in a relationship with her ‘Anurag Sir!’ However, today he was immensely happy. Kashish agreed to let him drop her home and she had ignored Anurag’s calls. Just then Akshit’s phone rang. It was from an unknown number. The conversation after that:

Akshit: Hello!

Unknown person: You love Kashish. Don’t you?

Akshit(surprised): Who are you?

Unknown person: Yes or No?

Akshit: What do you want?

Unknown person: Yes or No?

Akshit: Yes

Unknown person: Also, do you know she loves someone else?

Akshit: What are you talking about?

Unknown person: I am sure you know that. Okay, let me come to the point. If you want her to be with you all your life, do as I say or she will get married to someone else.

Akshit(Perplexed): What on earth are you talking about?

Unknown person: Either you trust me or you lose Kashish. If you don’t trust me, ask Kashish if she loves someone else. You will get your answer.

Akshit can never bear it if he came to know that Kashish loved someone else. Akshit already had a hunch that there was someone else in Kashish’s life. He was feeling insecure since long. He can’t let this feeling devour him further. He thought he should listen to what this person says.

Akshit: What do I have to do?

Unknown person: I will give you an address. Take Kashish there. That’s all.

Akshit: But how will that help me?

Unknown person: I will ensure you and Kashish have some intimate pictures and then Kashish will be all yours.

Akshit(drooling with the offer): Okay! But why are you helping me?

Unknown person: Focus on what you want not what I want. Bring her tomorrow. You will receive the address in couple of minutes.

Akshit had no clue what he was getting into.

Anurag knew Kashish will not tell him what was exactly troubling her. He thought of asking Saanya to help him. He went to Saanya’s room. Saanya was busy applying nail paint on her toe nails. Anurag knocked at her door. Seeing him, Saanya said, ‘Anurag Bhaiiyya! Please come.’ Anurag went near her and said, ‘That’s a lovely shade Saanya.’ Saanya smiled and said, ‘Yes. I loved it.’ Anurag said, ‘You had tea?’ Saanya replied, ‘Yes I had. Kashish gave me.’ Anurag said, ‘Hmm. You girls talked?’ Saanya replied nonchalantly, ‘No, not at all. Kashish was so quiet today.’ Anurag said, ‘Maybe her exams are troubling her.’ Saanya said, ‘Oh come on Bhaiyya! Kashish aced the exams. Can’t be anything related to exams. God knows what’s troubling her.’ Anurag told himself, ‘I was right. It was not exams.’ Just then Anurag’s phone rang. It was from Sara. Anurag stepped out to the living room to receive the call.

Anurag: Hi!

Sara: Can we please meet my parents tomorrow?

Anurag: But, tomorrow…….

Sara: Anurag, please don’t refuse. Matter of a day. We can go early in the morning and be back by evening

Anurag: Your parents are in Shankarnagar. We can’t come back by evening. We will have to stay back.

Sara: It’s okay Anurag. Help me this once.

Anurag: Oh, okay!

Kashish never eavesdropped any conversation. Today she heard Anurag’s conversation. He was going somewhere with someone. After all those pictures and videos might not be fake.

Anurag went back to his room after talking to Sara when his phone rang again. Anurag beamed looking at the number. ‘What’s up buddy?’ Anurag said receiving the call. ‘All good champ. How are you? How are things there?’, Mushtaque replied. Anurag hesitated and said, ‘Well….all good…..’ Mushtaque said, ‘Your voice says otherwise.’ Anurag replied, ‘Wish I could meet you.’ Mushtaque said, ‘ I am going to Shankarnagar for some official work. I will come to your town after I finish my work.’ Anurag replied ecstatically, ‘Shankarnagar? Dude I will be there tomorrow.’ Mushtaque laughed and said, ‘See, we have to meet and that’s how things work. I will text you my address. See you tomorrow.’

Anurag was elated. He was going to meet Mushtaque. Kashish was heartbroken. Her ‘Anurag Sir’ was cheating on her. Akshit was excited. He was going to feel Kashish for the first time in his life. Sara was in seventh heaven. She was going to get all the money she had ever dreamt off. It’s just that Sara did not know that Mushtaque Khan will be there in Shankarnagar.

To be continued…………………….



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